Brink of Revolution


By whom?

Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D
With all due respect, Kondor...I've seen a lot of confrontations between progressives and conservatives on the street and unless it's an Antifa mob attacking one conservative...your side almost ALWAYS get's it's ass handed to it! Just saying...
It won't be the Right against the Left.

It will be the foolhardy Hyper-Right against Law Enforcement, the National Guard, and, if necessary, Regulars.

And, at that point, the Hyper-Right clowns will run like jackrabbits; hell, most will slink off the field before the fun even starts.
At this point, it has become glaringly obvious that you have no idea about the military, LE, people who value freedom, guerilla warfare, asymmetric warfare, lawfare in the courts, constitutional remedies to official oppression, etc.

You are making a fool of yourself and showcasing your complete ignorance....... please carry on.

And you seem to believe that some foolish bunch of gunnutters firing on civilians will get them support from LE and the Military. Newsflash: It's called Mass Murder and will be dealt with harshly.
Yeah just like that.... keep doing that.
It lets everyone know you're a retard and not to be taken seriously.

I can always tell when I hit it right on the head. You Rumpsters resort to insults and name calling and nothing else.
you're very confused. the fact is you can't justify what the government is doing. we have the first amendment. until you can post the part of the constitution in the first amendment that says we need to listen to health departments and governors, post it. I know you can't. I don't need to waste an insult on you. I prefer to argue with facts and no you can't.

By whom?

Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D

I think you already saw how we handle that in Colorado. Show up unarmed and behave yourself (screaming at the top of your lungs while waving signs is okay) but bring one firearm and you are going to go to the ground while crying "I have a permit".
This was inside the capital building of Michigan two days ago. . .

No one went to the ground. . . folks showed up to warn legislators EXACTLY how they felt about them taking freedom away.



It's called armed intimidation. And it's wrong. Do it without the firearms and they might get my support. But showing up with firearms is sending the wrong message.
View attachment 331724

You seem to forget that we have the Constitution of the United States. Something they didn't have and you and yours overlook when it's convenient.

Yep, we sure do. And part of that Constitution is the 2nd Amendment, written intrinsically as a last line of defense against government tyranny. "Armed intimidation" of government is LITERALLY THE FUCKING POINT.

There you go again. Ignoring the Constitution for your purposes. Read the rest of it and follow it not just one very narrow interpretation of a single line of one Amendment. Your Armed Statement stomps all over the 1st Amendment harshly and a few others as well. Like I said, I don't take your right to protest, just leave the guns at home and do it peacefully without intimidation of others.

How about... no, bootlicker.

Government is derived from the CONSENT of the governed. The guns were there to remind TPTB that consent can be revoked.

Wrong. They were there to intimate everyone around them. They knew that they didn't intimidate the Government. It was a bunch of small tooled people carrying their Phallic Symbols. Nothing more. The message could have been louder and more to the point with a bunch of signs stating their disapproval. If you want a slaughter, use those guns. It's called Mass Murder and Mass suicide.

Get your Revolution done at the voting booth.

Yeah, they were totally there to intimidate all the other people who agreed with them.

What a fucking clown you are.

So everyone that was there agreed with them. Right, cupcake. You can't wait until the first volley if fired, can you. It's called Mass Murder and Mass Suicide.

If they didn't agree with the protest what the fuck were they doing there then, brainlet? Counter-protesting in defiance of the stay at home orders they supposedly support?

Just shut up, idiot.

If you build a Burger Joint in the Desert and bury it in the sand, why have it in the first place. Obviously, there was a group that they were protesting to. Your logic is flawed.

They were protesting their government you fantastically retarded motherfucker. Jesus Christ are you illiterate?

They were on Government Facilities opening carrying firearms. And it doesn't matter if you have a permit to carry. And don't expect the LE to give you a verbal warning before they detain you. You are armed and they won't take any chances. It's a felony and you are going to go to jail and probably lose your right to own weapons forever.

Who do you think owns government property dumbass?

We the people do.

And WE THE PEOPLE have decided that it's a felony to possess a firearm on those premises. And the Courts agreed.


I don't remember being asked and neither does anyone I know.

I was asked in a ballot. And so was every other voter in Colorado. And it was done where you live as well. You don't like it, change it at the ballot box. If you can't live with it and can't get it changed at the ballot box, go somewhere where you do like it. I hear Yemen is taking refugees these days and they are the only place on the face of the Earth with zero gun laws.

No, I wasn't.

You really are a statist though.... and that's not something to be proud of.

Then you didn't vote therefore you have no say in any of this.

You can't vote away people's rights.

If you don't vote, you only have the rights the majority "Gives" you. You don't have any skin in the game.


If you don't have the authority to do something, like violating someone's rights, then you can't "vote" yourself into having it.
That's gang rapist logic.

Your "Right" to swing that punch stops at the tip of my nose. So you have the right to throw that punch and we make a law that says that if you do and don't connect it's called assault. Do you still have the right to throw that punch? Nope. When we are dealing with "Public Safety" what you demand as your "Rights" aren't rights at all. And the Majority decides what is Public Safety. If you want to change the laws, get your own law makers into office. But you can't do that just by sitting bitching about things. You have to get involved and, above all else, vote. You have done neither. Therefore, you only have the "Rights" that "They" "Give" you.

Wrong..... again.
Your right to vote some people into some imaginary authority to initiate force against people for doing no wrong, doesn't exist.
It never has.

Those guys were responding to illegitmate government aggression, and they have every right to do so.

By whom?

Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D
they look like patriots to me, and far from lazy, old or unstable. It takes guts to go against what we have been taught from day one to OBEY ON COMMAND. Unlike some, who sit in their trailer and claim those who fight for their rights as drunk, bigoted (how are they bigoted??).
Stay a sheep. the rest of us will be wolves.

They look like delusional morons to me with dangerous habits. Watch for Michigan to pass a law to prevent that from ever happening again. The Governor is not impressed.
Unconstitutional laws are not valid.
Keep it up and next time they might bring rope and start decorating light poles.

By whom?

Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D
they look like patriots to me, and far from lazy, old or unstable. It takes guts to go against what we have been taught from day one to OBEY ON COMMAND. Unlike some, who sit in their trailer and claim those who fight for their rights as drunk, bigoted (how are they bigoted??).
Stay a sheep. the rest of us will be wolves.

They look like delusional morons to me with dangerous habits. Watch for Michigan to pass a law to prevent that from ever happening again. The Governor is not impressed.

2nd Amendment. Deal with it, snowflake.

They were asked to leave by the duly authorized authorities and refused. This wasn't any form or 2nd amendment issue. It was trespassing plain and simple by an armed mob. There is more than an even chance that the Michigan State Government is going to pass a law to prevent that from happening again. Bank on it and YOU deal with it. They will just adopt what we have in Colorado where they start arresting the ones with firearms and carting them off, convicting them of a felony which removes their right to possess firearms of any sort for the rest of the lives. With that law in place, just how many would have shown up on the Govenors Lawn armed like that?

The police have no right to ask me to leave public property when I'm engaging in perfectly legal conduct. Fail 1.
The Michigan state legislature is Republican controlled in both chambers. Good luck passing your phantom law. Fail 2.
They weren't on the "Governor's Lawn". They were in a PUBLIC BUILDING. Fail 3.

You should just stop talking, you're continuously making an ass of yourself.

That public Building was a State owned Building. Yes, the Public Owns it but it's a Government Controlled Property. Look for a change in the laws in Michigan. You can't get that stupid without expecting some kind of fallout.
You get awful strident when the peons won't do as you tell them, don't you?
202-514-2000 DOJ office, leave a message to AG Barr. Option 4. Time to take it to the law. the Real law, time to teach Governor's like JB Prickster that they overstepped their authority and it's time to tell them to stop with the justice system. Time is now people

By whom?

Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D
they look like patriots to me, and far from lazy, old or unstable. It takes guts to go against what we have been taught from day one to OBEY ON COMMAND. Unlike some, who sit in their trailer and claim those who fight for their rights as drunk, bigoted (how are they bigoted??).
Stay a sheep. the rest of us will be wolves.

They look like delusional morons to me with dangerous habits. Watch for Michigan to pass a law to prevent that from ever happening again. The Governor is not impressed.

2nd Amendment. Deal with it, snowflake.

They were asked to leave by the duly authorized authorities and refused. This wasn't any form or 2nd amendment issue. It was trespassing plain and simple by an armed mob. There is more than an even chance that the Michigan State Government is going to pass a law to prevent that from happening again. Bank on it and YOU deal with it. They will just adopt what we have in Colorado where they start arresting the ones with firearms and carting them off, convicting them of a felony which removes their right to possess firearms of any sort for the rest of the lives. With that law in place, just how many would have shown up on the Govenors Lawn armed like that?

The police have no right to ask me to leave public property when I'm engaging in perfectly legal conduct. Fail 1.
The Michigan state legislature is Republican controlled in both chambers. Good luck passing your phantom law. Fail 2.
They weren't on the "Governor's Lawn". They were in a PUBLIC BUILDING. Fail 3.

You should just stop talking, you're continuously making an ass of yourself.

That public Building was a State owned Building. Yes, the Public Owns it but it's a Government Controlled Property. Look for a change in the laws in Michigan. You can't get that stupid without expecting some kind of fallout.
You get awful strident when the peons won't do as you tell them, don't you?
they all do. they are like, how dare you ignore the power of that man. While spitting in the direction of Trump. it's hilarious and sad the double standard monkeys in here.

By whom?

Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D

I think you already saw how we handle that in Colorado. Show up unarmed and behave yourself (screaming at the top of your lungs while waving signs is okay) but bring one firearm and you are going to go to the ground while crying "I have a permit".
This was inside the capital building of Michigan two days ago. . .

No one went to the ground. . . folks showed up to warn legislators EXACTLY how they felt about them taking freedom away.



It's called armed intimidation. And it's wrong. Do it without the firearms and they might get my support. But showing up with firearms is sending the wrong message.
View attachment 331724

You seem to forget that we have the Constitution of the United States. Something they didn't have and you and yours overlook when it's convenient.

Yep, we sure do. And part of that Constitution is the 2nd Amendment, written intrinsically as a last line of defense against government tyranny. "Armed intimidation" of government is LITERALLY THE FUCKING POINT.

There you go again. Ignoring the Constitution for your purposes. Read the rest of it and follow it not just one very narrow interpretation of a single line of one Amendment. Your Armed Statement stomps all over the 1st Amendment harshly and a few others as well. Like I said, I don't take your right to protest, just leave the guns at home and do it peacefully without intimidation of others.

How about... no, bootlicker.

Government is derived from the CONSENT of the governed. The guns were there to remind TPTB that consent can be revoked.

Wrong. They were there to intimate everyone around them. They knew that they didn't intimidate the Government. It was a bunch of small tooled people carrying their Phallic Symbols. Nothing more. The message could have been louder and more to the point with a bunch of signs stating their disapproval. If you want a slaughter, use those guns. It's called Mass Murder and Mass suicide.

Get your Revolution done at the voting booth.

Yeah, they were totally there to intimidate all the other people who agreed with them.

What a fucking clown you are.

So everyone that was there agreed with them. Right, cupcake. You can't wait until the first volley if fired, can you. It's called Mass Murder and Mass Suicide.

If they didn't agree with the protest what the fuck were they doing there then, brainlet? Counter-protesting in defiance of the stay at home orders they supposedly support?

Just shut up, idiot.

If you build a Burger Joint in the Desert and bury it in the sand, why have it in the first place. Obviously, there was a group that they were protesting to. Your logic is flawed.

They were protesting their government you fantastically retarded motherfucker. Jesus Christ are you illiterate?

They were on Government Facilities opening carrying firearms. And it doesn't matter if you have a permit to carry. And don't expect the LE to give you a verbal warning before they detain you. You are armed and they won't take any chances. It's a felony and you are going to go to jail and probably lose your right to own weapons forever.

Who do you think owns government property dumbass?

We the people do.

And WE THE PEOPLE have decided that it's a felony to possess a firearm on those premises. And the Courts agreed.


I don't remember being asked and neither does anyone I know.

I was asked in a ballot. And so was every other voter in Colorado. And it was done where you live as well. You don't like it, change it at the ballot box. If you can't live with it and can't get it changed at the ballot box, go somewhere where you do like it. I hear Yemen is taking refugees these days and they are the only place on the face of the Earth with zero gun laws.

No, I wasn't.

You really are a statist though.... and that's not something to be proud of.

Then you didn't vote therefore you have no say in any of this.

Slaves didn't vote either..... guess they had no right to be free?

And they ended up getting those "Rights" anyway by VOTING after a lot of hardships. The real freedoms for the "Slaves" was accomplished without firing a single shot but through peaceful demonstrations. You Rumpsters are scared to death of the "Slaves" voting.

meanwhile u trust losers who think we're idiots anyway like zuckenberg now this pos
Admits company rigs its algorithm to favor mainstream media.

and you lick the shit off the boots of your own gov. --- Who used you for your service and see you as nothing but a dumb fkn animal and they still keep that democratic c..t noose arouund your neck pathetic.

& youu still donn't get it


By whom?

Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D
they look like patriots to me, and far from lazy, old or unstable. It takes guts to go against what we have been taught from day one to OBEY ON COMMAND. Unlike some, who sit in their trailer and claim those who fight for their rights as drunk, bigoted (how are they bigoted??).
Stay a sheep. the rest of us will be wolves.

They look like delusional morons to me with dangerous habits. Watch for Michigan to pass a law to prevent that from ever happening again. The Governor is not impressed.

2nd Amendment. Deal with it, snowflake.

They were asked to leave by the duly authorized authorities and refused. This wasn't any form or 2nd amendment issue. It was trespassing plain and simple by an armed mob. There is more than an even chance that the Michigan State Government is going to pass a law to prevent that from happening again. Bank on it and YOU deal with it. They will just adopt what we have in Colorado where they start arresting the ones with firearms and carting them off, convicting them of a felony which removes their right to possess firearms of any sort for the rest of the lives. With that law in place, just how many would have shown up on the Govenors Lawn armed like that?

The police have no right to ask me to leave public property when I'm engaging in perfectly legal conduct. Fail 1.
The Michigan state legislature is Republican controlled in both chambers. Good luck passing your phantom law. Fail 2.
They weren't on the "Governor's Lawn". They were in a PUBLIC BUILDING. Fail 3.

You should just stop talking, you're continuously making an ass of yourself.

That public Building was a State owned Building. Yes, the Public Owns it but it's a Government Controlled Property. Look for a change in the laws in Michigan. You can't get that stupid without expecting some kind of fallout.
You get awful strident when the peons won't do as you tell them, don't you?

There is a right way and many wrong ways. And you are one stray shot away from doing the worst wrong thing you have ever done in your life.

By whom?

Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D
they look like patriots to me, and far from lazy, old or unstable. It takes guts to go against what we have been taught from day one to OBEY ON COMMAND. Unlike some, who sit in their trailer and claim those who fight for their rights as drunk, bigoted (how are they bigoted??).
Stay a sheep. the rest of us will be wolves.

They look like delusional morons to me with dangerous habits. Watch for Michigan to pass a law to prevent that from ever happening again. The Governor is not impressed.
Stay inside then. You don't seem to mind. You gonna be first in line when the government demands you to have a covid vaccination made by Bill Gates OR ELSE? Probably.

I come from a time when the Polio Vaccination was first administrated. It wasn't an option, it was mandantory. EVERYONE received it. At that time, there were two vacs given at the same time. One for Polio and the other for smallpox. Everyone made it as a day of fun and visiting with the community. My Parents (equal to your Grand Parents) were one hell of a lot smarter than you are.
Hey dumbass....I remember that time too. As a child, I had no choice to be poked. But I damn sure do now.

Then you are still dumber than your parents by a long shot. Polio was all but wiped out world wide and completely wiped out in the US in less than a year. Before the cure for Polio, Polio costs fewer lives than Covid 19 is right now. You don't want to be vaccinated, fine. We just lock you up in a ward where they shove your food through a long tube for you to eat. Meanwhile, the rest of us will be just fine. Before the Polio Cure, they isolated Polio infected people with or without their permission to keep it from spreading. Do you volunteer to be isolated? I know the answer. We just can't fix stupid.
And thats the plan, isn't it? To lock up old people, people with immune disorders, people handicapped. Yer an old fogey yourself. You gonna go quietly when they come for you? From reading your posts...yes. You would.
Covid is not polio try another strawman argument cuz this one doesn't float. Yer a coward and a wuss.

No, I would take the Cure no matter who puts it out as long as it works. YOU, on the other hand, will refuse it. You will get locked up with all those that definitely have Covid 19. Just how long will you last then? If you are as old as you say you are then I won't give you more than 3 weeks. We just can't fix stupid.

Nobody is sticking a needle in me without my permission, and they damn sure aren't gonna lock me up over it either.

Try me.

Oh, I won't be the one but I am sure that the Public Health Officials will. We just can't fix stupid but we can isolate it.

What part of "Nobody is sticking a needle in me without my permission, and they damn sure aren't gonna lock me up over it either." did you not understand?

I will not be stuck and I will not be isolated. Anyone who tries will get a dose of lead poisoning delivered at high speed. I decide what goes into my body, NOT the state.

It's your choice to not get the shot. It's Societies choice to isolate you where you can't spread your stupidity to anyone else. We can't fix stupid but we can isolate it.
Speaking of wolves...a lady in Venice Beach today walked past the police barrier with her USA flag. Cops went after her to arrest her. Meanwhile, the other wolves behind that same barrier marched out to the beach too, which made it extremely difficult for the cops to arrest them ALL. beach. :D

You just can't fix stupid.
Which is why you will be forever broken.

WE have a nice comfortable shelter waiting on you in the near future. We can't fix stupid but we can certainly isolate it.
...STFU you leftist shill putz!
Wassamadda, Princess? Outflanked in that last exchange? Nothing left inside you but recess-yard insults? Grow up.

I'm about as much of a leftist shill as you are; I vote Republican damned-near as often as I vote Democrat.

And a number of my positions ( immigration, for example ) are to the right of Atilla the Hun, as well as a lot of Centrist positions.

But when it comes to conspiracy/revolution wing-nut a$$wipe$, well... they exist for the rest of us to poke fun at... all talk, no action... losers... jokes.

If you count yourself among them, then that goes for you as well.

If not, well... learn how to interact with others online, without reverting back to fifth-grade recess-yard taunts, whenever you lose a point in an exchange.

If, that is, you have that in you... I have my doubts.
I got more in my pinky than you could ever muster on the best day of your life in your prime, boy.
You flail like a paraplegic. (I'm sorry, paraplegics, for comparing you to this turd)

Spoken like a true Rump believer.

By whom?

Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D

I think you already saw how we handle that in Colorado. Show up unarmed and behave yourself (screaming at the top of your lungs while waving signs is okay) but bring one firearm and you are going to go to the ground while crying "I have a permit".
This was inside the capital building of Michigan two days ago. . .

No one went to the ground. . . folks showed up to warn legislators EXACTLY how they felt about them taking freedom away.



It's called armed intimidation. And it's wrong. Do it without the firearms and they might get my support. But showing up with firearms is sending the wrong message.
View attachment 331724

You seem to forget that we have the Constitution of the United States. Something they didn't have and you and yours overlook when it's convenient.

Yep, we sure do. And part of that Constitution is the 2nd Amendment, written intrinsically as a last line of defense against government tyranny. "Armed intimidation" of government is LITERALLY THE FUCKING POINT.

There you go again. Ignoring the Constitution for your purposes. Read the rest of it and follow it not just one very narrow interpretation of a single line of one Amendment. Your Armed Statement stomps all over the 1st Amendment harshly and a few others as well. Like I said, I don't take your right to protest, just leave the guns at home and do it peacefully without intimidation of others.
You don't get to dictate to people how they are allowed to respond to assaults on their freedom.
If you have a problem with armed men coming after you, don't do shit that makes the most well behaved and least violent group in the country want to shoot you.

Newsflash: Here, they would be breaking the law. It's a felony to have firearms in the places they were at and it would have been handled with more than a few SWAT teams who would be better armed and larger in number to do arrests. If needed, the State Police would join in, and about 5 surrounding Counties Police Forces. Those were government facilities in that picture. If any City, County or State doesn't enforce that law then they need to be voted out of office post haste. Yes, cupcake, it's all done at the voting booth.
Apparently, you can't do basic math either.
How many LEOs in your area? Spread out over how many shifts? How many are admin and how many are patrol?
What's the chain of command for inter-agency operations?

How many gun owners in your area? How many are veterans? How many are pissed off? How many are boogaloo boys? (And if you don't know the answers, then you're too ignorant to be talking about this..... but that fact won't stop you will it?)

Chris Dorner tied up all of LE in SoCal for a week and he was one guy.

MOST Gun Owners obey the law. That means that MOST Gun Owners would never be in this situation. MOST Veterans obey the law and would never be in this situation. In Colorado, it's a felony to possess a firearm on certain property and the State Capital is one of those. Parks, Schools, Bars, etc. are others. I am a gun owner. Does that mean the I would be stupid enough to open carry a sidearm onto a restricted area? No, because it's against the law and like most others that own guns, I am a law abiding citizen.

Are you telling us that we all should break the law at all times? Maybe a candy store doesn't need all that money they have in the Register then.
So you're a a statist, and a pussy?

Yeah I already figured that out.

Wow, you lost that one really, really fast. Thanks for the profanity and insults so fast since you have nothing else.
Damn you're weak.

You little wannabes always get so offended by free people behaving like free people.... I never can understand it. It's like you're a different species or something, you just don't value liberty or self-determination.
It's weak and it's sad, and it depresses me to know that so many people are simply worthless like you.

More profanity and insults from a loser. I can live with that.
I'm a free man: you're a slave to some imaginary "authority".
One of us is a loser but it ain't me.

Is your chair crooked or is everyone else's chair crooked and yours is straight. In order to live by your creed you need to find a deserted island where you can live all by yourself and make all the laws. And you get to reign over all the voices in your head.

By whom?

Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D

I think you already saw how we handle that in Colorado. Show up unarmed and behave yourself (screaming at the top of your lungs while waving signs is okay) but bring one firearm and you are going to go to the ground while crying "I have a permit".
This was inside the capital building of Michigan two days ago. . .

No one went to the ground. . . folks showed up to warn legislators EXACTLY how they felt about them taking freedom away.



It's called armed intimidation. And it's wrong. Do it without the firearms and they might get my support. But showing up with firearms is sending the wrong message.
View attachment 331724

You seem to forget that we have the Constitution of the United States. Something they didn't have and you and yours overlook when it's convenient.

Yep, we sure do. And part of that Constitution is the 2nd Amendment, written intrinsically as a last line of defense against government tyranny. "Armed intimidation" of government is LITERALLY THE FUCKING POINT.

There you go again. Ignoring the Constitution for your purposes. Read the rest of it and follow it not just one very narrow interpretation of a single line of one Amendment. Your Armed Statement stomps all over the 1st Amendment harshly and a few others as well. Like I said, I don't take your right to protest, just leave the guns at home and do it peacefully without intimidation of others.

How about... no, bootlicker.

Government is derived from the CONSENT of the governed. The guns were there to remind TPTB that consent can be revoked.

Wrong. They were there to intimate everyone around them. They knew that they didn't intimidate the Government. It was a bunch of small tooled people carrying their Phallic Symbols. Nothing more. The message could have been louder and more to the point with a bunch of signs stating their disapproval. If you want a slaughter, use those guns. It's called Mass Murder and Mass suicide.

Get your Revolution done at the voting booth.

Yeah, they were totally there to intimidate all the other people who agreed with them.

What a fucking clown you are.

So everyone that was there agreed with them. Right, cupcake. You can't wait until the first volley if fired, can you. It's called Mass Murder and Mass Suicide.

If they didn't agree with the protest what the fuck were they doing there then, brainlet? Counter-protesting in defiance of the stay at home orders they supposedly support?

Just shut up, idiot.

If you build a Burger Joint in the Desert and bury it in the sand, why have it in the first place. Obviously, there was a group that they were protesting to. Your logic is flawed.

They were protesting their government you fantastically retarded motherfucker. Jesus Christ are you illiterate?

They were on Government Facilities opening carrying firearms. And it doesn't matter if you have a permit to carry. And don't expect the LE to give you a verbal warning before they detain you. You are armed and they won't take any chances. It's a felony and you are going to go to jail and probably lose your right to own weapons forever.

Who do you think owns government property dumbass?

We the people do.

And WE THE PEOPLE have decided that it's a felony to possess a firearm on those premises. And the Courts agreed.


I don't remember being asked and neither does anyone I know.

I was asked in a ballot. And so was every other voter in Colorado. And it was done where you live as well. You don't like it, change it at the ballot box. If you can't live with it and can't get it changed at the ballot box, go somewhere where you do like it. I hear Yemen is taking refugees these days and they are the only place on the face of the Earth with zero gun laws.

No, I wasn't.

You really are a statist though.... and that's not something to be proud of.

Then you didn't vote therefore you have no say in any of this.

Slaves didn't vote either..... guess they had no right to be free?

And they ended up getting those "Rights" anyway by VOTING after a lot of hardships. The real freedoms for the "Slaves" was accomplished without firing a single shot but through peaceful demonstrations. You Rumpsters are scared to death of the "Slaves" voting.

Except not really.

Is that your response? It certain is short. Not really to the point but short.

By whom?

Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D

I think you already saw how we handle that in Colorado. Show up unarmed and behave yourself (screaming at the top of your lungs while waving signs is okay) but bring one firearm and you are going to go to the ground while crying "I have a permit".
This was inside the capital building of Michigan two days ago. . .

No one went to the ground. . . folks showed up to warn legislators EXACTLY how they felt about them taking freedom away.



It's called armed intimidation. And it's wrong. Do it without the firearms and they might get my support. But showing up with firearms is sending the wrong message.
View attachment 331724

You seem to forget that we have the Constitution of the United States. Something they didn't have and you and yours overlook when it's convenient.

Yep, we sure do. And part of that Constitution is the 2nd Amendment, written intrinsically as a last line of defense against government tyranny. "Armed intimidation" of government is LITERALLY THE FUCKING POINT.

There you go again. Ignoring the Constitution for your purposes. Read the rest of it and follow it not just one very narrow interpretation of a single line of one Amendment. Your Armed Statement stomps all over the 1st Amendment harshly and a few others as well. Like I said, I don't take your right to protest, just leave the guns at home and do it peacefully without intimidation of others.

How about... no, bootlicker.

Government is derived from the CONSENT of the governed. The guns were there to remind TPTB that consent can be revoked.

Wrong. They were there to intimate everyone around them. They knew that they didn't intimidate the Government. It was a bunch of small tooled people carrying their Phallic Symbols. Nothing more. The message could have been louder and more to the point with a bunch of signs stating their disapproval. If you want a slaughter, use those guns. It's called Mass Murder and Mass suicide.

Get your Revolution done at the voting booth.

Yeah, they were totally there to intimidate all the other people who agreed with them.

What a fucking clown you are.

So everyone that was there agreed with them. Right, cupcake. You can't wait until the first volley if fired, can you. It's called Mass Murder and Mass Suicide.

If they didn't agree with the protest what the fuck were they doing there then, brainlet? Counter-protesting in defiance of the stay at home orders they supposedly support?

Just shut up, idiot.

If you build a Burger Joint in the Desert and bury it in the sand, why have it in the first place. Obviously, there was a group that they were protesting to. Your logic is flawed.

They were protesting their government you fantastically retarded motherfucker. Jesus Christ are you illiterate?

They were on Government Facilities opening carrying firearms. And it doesn't matter if you have a permit to carry. And don't expect the LE to give you a verbal warning before they detain you. You are armed and they won't take any chances. It's a felony and you are going to go to jail and probably lose your right to own weapons forever.

Who do you think owns government property dumbass?

We the people do.

And WE THE PEOPLE have decided that it's a felony to possess a firearm on those premises. And the Courts agreed.


I don't remember being asked and neither does anyone I know.

I was asked in a ballot. And so was every other voter in Colorado. And it was done where you live as well. You don't like it, change it at the ballot box. If you can't live with it and can't get it changed at the ballot box, go somewhere where you do like it. I hear Yemen is taking refugees these days and they are the only place on the face of the Earth with zero gun laws.

No, I wasn't.

You really are a statist though.... and that's not something to be proud of.

Then you didn't vote therefore you have no say in any of this.

You can't vote away people's rights.

If you don't vote, you only have the rights the majority "Gives" you. You don't have any skin in the game.


If you don't have the authority to do something, like violating someone's rights, then you can't "vote" yourself into having it.
That's gang rapist logic.

Your "Right" to swing that punch stops at the tip of my nose. So you have the right to throw that punch and we make a law that says that if you do and don't connect it's called assault. Do you still have the right to throw that punch? Nope. When we are dealing with "Public Safety" what you demand as your "Rights" aren't rights at all. And the Majority decides what is Public Safety. If you want to change the laws, get your own law makers into office. But you can't do that just by sitting bitching about things. You have to get involved and, above all else, vote. You have done neither. Therefore, you only have the "Rights" that "They" "Give" you.

Wrong..... again.
Your right to vote some people into some imaginary authority to initiate force against people for doing no wrong, doesn't exist.
It never has.

Those guys were responding to illegitmate government aggression, and they have every right to do so.

The second after a reasonable amount of time, they became an armed mob of trespassers.

By whom?

Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D
they look like patriots to me, and far from lazy, old or unstable. It takes guts to go against what we have been taught from day one to OBEY ON COMMAND. Unlike some, who sit in their trailer and claim those who fight for their rights as drunk, bigoted (how are they bigoted??).
Stay a sheep. the rest of us will be wolves.

They look like delusional morons to me with dangerous habits. Watch for Michigan to pass a law to prevent that from ever happening again. The Governor is not impressed.
Unconstitutional laws are not valid.
Keep it up and next time they might bring rope and start decorating light poles.

Ah, I see you support Mass Murders and then Mass Suicide by Cop.

By whom?

Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D

I think you already saw how we handle that in Colorado. Show up unarmed and behave yourself (screaming at the top of your lungs while waving signs is okay) but bring one firearm and you are going to go to the ground while crying "I have a permit".
This was inside the capital building of Michigan two days ago. . .

No one went to the ground. . . folks showed up to warn legislators EXACTLY how they felt about them taking freedom away.



It's called armed intimidation. And it's wrong. Do it without the firearms and they might get my support. But showing up with firearms is sending the wrong message.
View attachment 331724

You seem to forget that we have the Constitution of the United States. Something they didn't have and you and yours overlook when it's convenient.

Yep, we sure do. And part of that Constitution is the 2nd Amendment, written intrinsically as a last line of defense against government tyranny. "Armed intimidation" of government is LITERALLY THE FUCKING POINT.

There you go again. Ignoring the Constitution for your purposes. Read the rest of it and follow it not just one very narrow interpretation of a single line of one Amendment. Your Armed Statement stomps all over the 1st Amendment harshly and a few others as well. Like I said, I don't take your right to protest, just leave the guns at home and do it peacefully without intimidation of others.

How about... no, bootlicker.

Government is derived from the CONSENT of the governed. The guns were there to remind TPTB that consent can be revoked.

Wrong. They were there to intimate everyone around them. They knew that they didn't intimidate the Government. It was a bunch of small tooled people carrying their Phallic Symbols. Nothing more. The message could have been louder and more to the point with a bunch of signs stating their disapproval. If you want a slaughter, use those guns. It's called Mass Murder and Mass suicide.

Get your Revolution done at the voting booth.

Yeah, they were totally there to intimidate all the other people who agreed with them.

What a fucking clown you are.

So everyone that was there agreed with them. Right, cupcake. You can't wait until the first volley if fired, can you. It's called Mass Murder and Mass Suicide.

If they didn't agree with the protest what the fuck were they doing there then, brainlet? Counter-protesting in defiance of the stay at home orders they supposedly support?

Just shut up, idiot.

If you build a Burger Joint in the Desert and bury it in the sand, why have it in the first place. Obviously, there was a group that they were protesting to. Your logic is flawed.

They were protesting their government you fantastically retarded motherfucker. Jesus Christ are you illiterate?

They were on Government Facilities opening carrying firearms. And it doesn't matter if you have a permit to carry. And don't expect the LE to give you a verbal warning before they detain you. You are armed and they won't take any chances. It's a felony and you are going to go to jail and probably lose your right to own weapons forever.

Who do you think owns government property dumbass?

We the people do.

And WE THE PEOPLE have decided that it's a felony to possess a firearm on those premises. And the Courts agreed.


I don't remember being asked and neither does anyone I know.

I was asked in a ballot. And so was every other voter in Colorado. And it was done where you live as well. You don't like it, change it at the ballot box. If you can't live with it and can't get it changed at the ballot box, go somewhere where you do like it. I hear Yemen is taking refugees these days and they are the only place on the face of the Earth with zero gun laws.

No, I wasn't.

You really are a statist though.... and that's not something to be proud of.

Then you didn't vote therefore you have no say in any of this.

Slaves didn't vote either..... guess they had no right to be free?

And they ended up getting those "Rights" anyway by VOTING after a lot of hardships. The real freedoms for the "Slaves" was accomplished without firing a single shot but through peaceful demonstrations. You Rumpsters are scared to death of the "Slaves" voting.

meanwhile u trust losers who think we're idiots anyway like zuckenberg now this pos
Admits company rigs its algorithm to favor mainstream media.

and you lick the shit off the boots of your own gov. --- Who used you for your service and see you as nothing but a dumb fkn animal and they still keep that democratic c..t noose arouund your neck pathetic.

& youu still donn't get it

View attachment 332277

Giving a writeup from some rtwing conspiracy site and not even bothering to say which one doesn't hold much trust. Hey, I can make shit up too.


By whom?

Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D
they look like patriots to me, and far from lazy, old or unstable. It takes guts to go against what we have been taught from day one to OBEY ON COMMAND. Unlike some, who sit in their trailer and claim those who fight for their rights as drunk, bigoted (how are they bigoted??).
Stay a sheep. the rest of us will be wolves.

They look like delusional morons to me with dangerous habits. Watch for Michigan to pass a law to prevent that from ever happening again. The Governor is not impressed.
Stay inside then. You don't seem to mind. You gonna be first in line when the government demands you to have a covid vaccination made by Bill Gates OR ELSE? Probably.

I come from a time when the Polio Vaccination was first administrated. It wasn't an option, it was mandantory. EVERYONE received it. At that time, there were two vacs given at the same time. One for Polio and the other for smallpox. Everyone made it as a day of fun and visiting with the community. My Parents (equal to your Grand Parents) were one hell of a lot smarter than you are.
Hey dumbass....I remember that time too. As a child, I had no choice to be poked. But I damn sure do now.

Then you are still dumber than your parents by a long shot. Polio was all but wiped out world wide and completely wiped out in the US in less than a year. Before the cure for Polio, Polio costs fewer lives than Covid 19 is right now. You don't want to be vaccinated, fine. We just lock you up in a ward where they shove your food through a long tube for you to eat. Meanwhile, the rest of us will be just fine. Before the Polio Cure, they isolated Polio infected people with or without their permission to keep it from spreading. Do you volunteer to be isolated? I know the answer. We just can't fix stupid.
And thats the plan, isn't it? To lock up old people, people with immune disorders, people handicapped. Yer an old fogey yourself. You gonna go quietly when they come for you? From reading your posts...yes. You would.
Covid is not polio try another strawman argument cuz this one doesn't float. Yer a coward and a wuss.

No, I would take the Cure no matter who puts it out as long as it works. YOU, on the other hand, will refuse it. You will get locked up with all those that definitely have Covid 19. Just how long will you last then? If you are as old as you say you are then I won't give you more than 3 weeks. We just can't fix stupid.

Nobody is sticking a needle in me without my permission, and they damn sure aren't gonna lock me up over it either.

Try me.

Oh, I won't be the one but I am sure that the Public Health Officials will. We just can't fix stupid but we can isolate it.

What part of "Nobody is sticking a needle in me without my permission, and they damn sure aren't gonna lock me up over it either." did you not understand?

I will not be stuck and I will not be isolated. Anyone who tries will get a dose of lead poisoning delivered at high speed. I decide what goes into my body, NOT the state.

It's your choice to not get the shot. It's Societies choice to isolate you where you can't spread your stupidity to anyone else. We can't fix stupid but we can isolate it.

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By whom?

Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D
they look like patriots to me, and far from lazy, old or unstable. It takes guts to go against what we have been taught from day one to OBEY ON COMMAND. Unlike some, who sit in their trailer and claim those who fight for their rights as drunk, bigoted (how are they bigoted??).
Stay a sheep. the rest of us will be wolves.

They look like delusional morons to me with dangerous habits. Watch for Michigan to pass a law to prevent that from ever happening again. The Governor is not impressed.

2nd Amendment. Deal with it, snowflake.

They were asked to leave by the duly authorized authorities and refused. This wasn't any form or 2nd amendment issue. It was trespassing plain and simple by an armed mob. There is more than an even chance that the Michigan State Government is going to pass a law to prevent that from happening again. Bank on it and YOU deal with it. They will just adopt what we have in Colorado where they start arresting the ones with firearms and carting them off, convicting them of a felony which removes their right to possess firearms of any sort for the rest of the lives. With that law in place, just how many would have shown up on the Govenors Lawn armed like that?

The police have no right to ask me to leave public property when I'm engaging in perfectly legal conduct. Fail 1.
The Michigan state legislature is Republican controlled in both chambers. Good luck passing your phantom law. Fail 2.
They weren't on the "Governor's Lawn". They were in a PUBLIC BUILDING. Fail 3.

You should just stop talking, you're continuously making an ass of yourself.

That public Building was a State owned Building. Yes, the Public Owns it but it's a Government Controlled Property. Look for a change in the laws in Michigan. You can't get that stupid without expecting some kind of fallout.
You get awful strident when the peons won't do as you tell them, don't you?

There is a right way and many wrong ways. And you are one stray shot away from doing the worst wrong thing you have ever done in your life.
Why are you telling me?
Why aren't you telling these authoritarian public officials who are power-tripping, to knock it off before they get themselves and more than a few cops killed?

That's who is starting shit, go and tell them.

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