Brink of Revolution

...I'm curious, what is it you want out of radical fascism, what is it you are willing to tolerate being done to you in the name of public health??? Seriously, explain how radical ultra totalitarian fascism gets its done for you, while freedom and individuality do not? I really mean it, sell me on fascism?
Your first mistake is labeling Emergency Public Health directives as 'radical fascism' - sorry, bunky, but that's pure hor$e$hit.

We enjoy life in a Constitutional Representative Republic, temporarily under duress, invoking Emergency Powers, to ensure adequate healthcare and maximum survival.

Your position is financially motivated and scientifically and medically unsound.

You have the right to advance and defend your position.

Your fellow countrymen have the right to denounce your opinion as selfish and irresponsible.
And we yours. The state emergency act is only valid thirty days. Funny how you tagged trump a king and then bow to a governor.

let us see the data that suggests carrying on!
...I'm curious, what is it you want out of radical fascism, what is it you are willing to tolerate being done to you in the name of public health??? Seriously, explain how radical ultra totalitarian fascism gets its done for you, while freedom and individuality do not? I really mean it, sell me on fascism?
Your first mistake is labeling Emergency Public Health directives as 'radical fascism' - sorry, bunky, but that's pure hor$e$hit.

We enjoy life in a Constitutional Representative Republic, temporarily under duress, invoking Emergency Powers, to ensure adequate healthcare and maximum survival.

Your position is financially motivated and scientifically and medically unsound.

You have the right to advance and defend your position.

Your fellow countrymen have the right to denounce your opinion as selfish and irresponsible.
I believe you to be totally ignorant of science, and you certainly are completely ignorant on the subject of a constitutional republic. In truth, and this is now proven irrefutably via mathematics, the near total lockdown has served no medical purposes whatsoever, success being measured via the abject failures in NYC and Jersey, where despite everyone being locked down under house arrest, they still are seeing 1000 people per day show up at hospitals.

We know via antibody testing that the true infections ratios are massively larger than previously estimated, or reported to have been! And by massive, I mean massive, with the true figures in the tens of millions, again irrefutably proven via antibody testing! As example for you, Los Alamos original antibody study in southern California, concluded the rate of exposures was in the millions, and that the virus had been onshore much much longer then previously believed! Do you know what that implies?

It implies that to the vast majority, just as with seasonal flu, the virus is a non-starter, its harmless to them! Do you know what else we have learned? We learned that the reason for the grotesque disparity in deaths between NYC, and whole states with vastly greater populations, such as California, and Florida, is very likely due to an early edict of the states democratic(fascist)governor, Andrew Cuomo!

He issued an early executive order in NY-state forcing the states nursing/long term care facilities to accept wuhan flu patients as long as they were presumed stable! This order was/is tantamount to murder, as it forced the truly vulnerable, those right at the absolute top of the risk population, to breathe in wuhan flu diseased air in those care facilities literally unchecked!

The results of that are what democrats(fascists)are using to drive the narrative of fear and hysteria infecting weaker American minds such as your own! California has over 40 million people, yet its death tally from wuhan flu is a tiny fraction that of NYC, actually less than 2,000 deaths, ditto for Florida, yet NY has well over 24,000 dead! Last I heard, the fatality ratios in those NY care facilities was north of 65%!
Correct, and, scientists are now concluding this went back to September 2019. Many friends and family have stated their illness back in that time frame, all of them. Meaning, we survived almost six months without a lockdown, and since the lockdown, deaths spiked greatly by their numbers
...I'm curious, what is it you want out of radical fascism, what is it you are willing to tolerate being done to you in the name of public health??? Seriously, explain how radical ultra totalitarian fascism gets its done for you, while freedom and individuality do not? I really mean it, sell me on fascism?
Your first mistake is labeling Emergency Public Health directives as 'radical fascism' - sorry, bunky, but that's pure hor$e$hit.

We enjoy life in a Constitutional Representative Republic, temporarily under duress, invoking Emergency Powers, to ensure adequate healthcare and maximum survival.

Your position is financially motivated and scientifically and medically unsound.

You have the right to advance and defend your position.

Your fellow countrymen have the right to denounce your opinion as selfish and irresponsible.
I believe you to be totally ignorant of science, and you certainly are completely ignorant on the subject of a constitutional republic. In truth, and this is now proven irrefutably via mathematics, the near total lockdown has served no medical purposes whatsoever, success being measured via the abject failures in NYC and Jersey, where despite everyone being locked down under house arrest, they still are seeing 1000 people per day show up at hospitals.

We know via antibody testing that the true infections ratios are massively larger than previously estimated, or reported to have been! And by massive, I mean massive, with the true figures in the tens of millions, again irrefutably proven via antibody testing! As example for you, Los Alamos original antibody study in southern California, concluded the rate of exposures was in the millions, and that the virus had been onshore much much longer then previously believed! Do you know what that implies?

It implies that to the vast majority, just as with seasonal flu, the virus is a non-starter, its harmless to them! Do you know what else we have learned? We learned that the reason for the grotesque disparity in deaths between NYC, and whole states with vastly greater populations, such as California, and Florida, is very likely due to an early edict of the states democratic(fascist)governor, Andrew Cuomo!

He issued an early executive order in NY-state forcing the states nursing/long term care facilities to accept wuhan flu patients as long as they were presumed stable! This order was/is tantamount to murder, as it forced the truly vulnerable, those right at the absolute top of the risk population, to breathe in wuhan flu diseased air in those care facilities literally unchecked!

The results of that are what democrats(fascists)are using to drive the narrative of fear and hysteria infecting weaker American minds such as your own! California has over 40 million people, yet its death tally from wuhan flu is a tiny fraction that of NYC, actually less than 2,000 deaths, ditto for Florida, yet NY has well over 24,000 dead! Last I heard, the fatality ratios in those NY care facilities was north of 65%!
Correct, and, scientists are now concluding this went back to September 2019. Many friends and family have stated their illness back in that time frame, all of them. Meaning, we survived almost six months without a lockdown, and since the lockdown, deaths spiked greatly by their numbers
That spike in deaths corresponds quite nicely with Cuomo's executive order forcing NY-state nursing facilities to accept wuhan flu patients just because they were presumed stable, and the mysterious decision to suddenly stop testing for seasonal flu, and lump all together as wuhan! My understanding is this is the worst flu season in a decade....
Past time. Police need to choose whose side their on. Sadly I think I know...
Like 160 years ago, sides will go 50/50.
The 1991 riots showed that it will take far lower than that number.....Imagine how few it would take for an organized effort, instead of a random chaotic rabble.
And the 91 riots were just hooligans looking for trouble. Today there’s a mission for a lot of well armed people that half the police will side with.

Just like the Military will side with your fruitcake bunch as well. Get a grip. You are all show and no go. But if you are going to go for it, hurry up so you can all be taken out in various ways and the trouble will just go away.
Keep pushing faggot.

And you are going to do what if I keep pushing, wimpy?
Wipe my ass of you.

Is that it? You can't even make a decent threat. I don't have a thing to worry about from a wimp like you. Go back to kissing and fondling your guns and leave the proper use and storage of weapons to the rest of us.
The nightly news had the Huntington Beach protest. One liberal fool got out there with a bullhorn calling the protesters murderers. About five guys jumped him, beat the crap out of him and took his pants off.

The sheriffs just watched. Gruesome Newsom sent the state police in.

The rebellion at least in California is growing. Businesses are opening, restaurants are doing business. The Gruesome looked like he was going to cry.
Past time. Police need to choose whose side their on. Sadly I think I know...
Like 160 years ago, sides will go 50/50.
The 1991 riots showed that it will take far lower than that number.....Imagine how few it would take for an organized effort, instead of a random chaotic rabble.
Yeah but that was against blacks. Pretty sure the cops were told to let 'em alone.
How many armed Koreans did it take to hold them off and run them out of Koreatown?
The Koreans were a template. But if someone or some people do shoot an authoritarian figure or more with a weapon he must be voted innocent by jurors. The trial must be in friendlier enviros. And the judges must be taken to task.

Best of luck with that.
...The state emergency act is only valid thirty days...
Which 'state of emergency' are you referring to? The Federally-declared one, or the State one?

...Funny how you tagged trump a king and then bow to a governor...
The difference between an ignorant Orange Baboon-God who lies and refuses to accept responsibility, vs. a governor who listens to his scientists and medical clinicians, who takes responsibility for undertaking economically painful interim safety measures, and who has sufficient empathy and common sense to put the Baboon-God to shame.

...let us see the data that suggests carrying on!
The rationale for continued closures and social distancing may be found on most Federal agency websites and those of most State -level Departments of Public Health.

If you haven't encountered such rationale over the past few weeks then you simply haven't been paying attention.
...I believe you to be totally ignorant of science...
You have the right to believe whatever you like... doesn't mean you're right, though.

...and you certainly are completely ignorant on the subject of a constitutional republic...
I would not dream of trying to convince you otherwise, given your obvious superiority :auiqs.jpg:

...In truth, and this is now proven irrefutably via mathematics...

...the near total lockdown has served no medical purposes whatsoever, success being measured via the abject failures in NYC and Jersey, where despite everyone being locked down under house arrest, they still are seeing 1000 people per day show up at hospitals...
The object of the exercise was to avoid seeing 2000, 3000, 5000, or 10,000 per day showing-up at hospitals; avoiding a Saturation Point where hospitals could admit no more.

...We know via antibody testing that the true infections ratios are massively larger than previously estimated, or reported to have been! And by massive, I mean massive, with the true figures in the tens of millions, again irrefutably proven via antibody testing! As example for you, Los Alamos original antibody study in southern California, concluded the rate of exposures was in the millions, and that the virus had been onshore much much longer then previously believed!...
I can easily believe that this is, indeed, true.

...Do you know what that implies? It implies that to the vast majority, just as with seasonal flu, the virus is a non-starter, its harmless to them! ...
Yep. Again, entirely believable. But you overlook the Mortality Rate for COVID-19 when comparing it with seasonal flu.

...Do you know what else we have learned? We learned that the reason for the grotesque disparity in deaths between NYC, and whole states with vastly greater populations, such as California, and Florida, is very likely due to an early edict of the states democratic(fascist)governor, Andrew Cuomo!...
I was not aware of that, and am grateful for the information. But I'll bet that Cuomo did not weasel-out and try to avoid taking responsibility for the decision.

...He issued an early executive order in NY-state forcing the states nursing/long term care facilities to accept wuhan flu patients as long as they were presumed stable! This order was/is tantamount to murder, as it forced the truly vulnerable, those right at the absolute top of the risk population, to breathe in wuhan flu diseased air in those care facilities literally unchecked!...
Hindsight is wonderful, isn't it?

You're right; he may very well have taken steps early-on that actually made the problem an order of magnitude worse than it otherwise might have been.

And, if that proves to be the case, chances are good that he'll Man-Up and admit such a catastrophic mistake; very unlike the Orange Baboon-God.

...The results of that are what democrats(fascists)...
Democrats are not fascists. They are your fellow countrymen, in good standing, whom merely hold differing opinions on economics and a variety of social policies.

...are using to drive the narrative of fear and hysteria infecting weaker American minds...
Strong American minds listen to qualified competent medical clinicians and scientists with regard to the spread and containment and remediation of COVID-19.

Weak American minds selfishly blather-on about the unfairness of these temporary stay-at-home directives and don't believe the science not the rationale of sane clinicians.

...such as your own!...
I'll stack my mind and experience up against yours any day of the week, and twice on Sundays, Sparky.

...California has over 40 million people, yet its death tally from wuhan flu is a tiny fraction that of NYC, actually less than 2,000 deaths, ditto for Florida, yet NY has well over 24,000 dead! Last I heard, the fatality ratios in those NY care facilities was north of 65%!

Something went dreadfully wrong in NYC and NY State, didn't it? Nolo contendre. No contest.

But that's not the whole picture, is it?

There exists a sizable list of COVID-19 "hot spots" that did not experience the same sort of Catastrophic Governor's Preliminary Decisions that you have outlined for us here.


None of this negates the need for Social Distancing and non-essential business closures, designed to avoid hospitals reaching the Saturation Point for new patient intakes.

And, frankly, none of these measures constitute a sane justification for insurrection or revolution against the Republic.

Hindsight is wonderful, isn't it?

Hindsight? There you go with that ignorance of yours.... We've known since first alerted to the reality of human to human transmission, all the way back to January 14th, that the virus was observably more savage on the elderly, and infirm, than on the rest of the population, combined! Cuomo knew this, he knew the elderly were the most vulnerable demographic of all, and it is going to merit a serious fucking criminal inquiry into his bizarre, and murderous executive order!

Its not for nothing that I point out that Cuomo is right at the very top of the DNC list to replace dirty old Joe Biden, and that he, and the DNC itself, both had ample motivations to hope for an upward spike in NY deaths, including the using of them to shake down the rest of the states for a fiscal bailout of a democratic party accomplished bankruptcy of NY-state! Now I'm not exactly saying that was his mindset, but its an argument which can, due the depraved nature of that executive order, be made! That executive order is why there are over 24,000 dead New York residents, he did that!
Not only was there no saturation point. The hospitals were empty. They stayed empty until they were faced with mass medical layoffs and closing.

The entire hoax panic was created to blame Trump. States played hide the salami with ventilators sending excess from state to state all claiming shortage angst. Poor New York. They needed hospitals because of the thousands of sick. They got a hospital at Javitts Field, a tent hospital in Central Park and the USS Comfort. All closed after being empty.

In order to really accuse Trump of ineptitude, Democrats needed to up the number of dead. Put seriously ill patients into nursing homes without an infectious disease protocol. Bingo. In a very few days 70 died in ONE veteran's home. You can't buy better numbers than that.

There never was a saturation point. Nor will there be.
...The state emergency act is only valid thirty days...
Which 'state of emergency' are you referring to? The Federally-declared one, or the State one?

...Funny how you tagged trump a king and then bow to a governor...
The difference between an ignorant Orange Baboon-God who lies and refuses to accept responsibility, vs. a governor who listens to his scientists and medical clinicians, who takes responsibility for undertaking economically painful interim safety measures, and who has sufficient empathy and common sense to put the Baboon-God to shame.

...let us see the data that suggests carrying on!
The rationale for continued closures and social distancing may be found on most Federal agency websites and those of most State -level Departments of Public Health.

If you haven't encountered such rationale over the past few weeks then you simply haven't been paying attention.
State governors. It’s who I said.

prickster already lost in court.

precedence is set
It implies that to the vast majority, just as with seasonal flu, the virus is a non-starter, its harmless to them!

:auiqs.jpg: The stupid things you say are hilarious, ^^ But this is the part where I easily pegged you as winger idiot devoid of critical thought. Try to be a little more subtle next time.
Not only was there no saturation point. The hospitals were empty. They stayed empty until they were faced with mass medical layoffs and closing.

The entire hoax panic was created to blame Trump. States played hide the salami with ventilators sending excess from state to state all claiming shortage angst. Poor New York. They needed hospitals because of the thousands of sick. They got a hospital at Javitts Field, a tent hospital in Central Park and the USS Comfort. All closed after being empty.

In order to really accuse Trump of ineptitude, Democrats needed to up the number of dead. Put seriously ill patients into nursing homes without an infectious disease protocol. Bingo. In a very few days 70 died in ONE veteran's home. You can't buy better numbers than that.

There never was a saturation point. Nor will there be.
You have the right to believe whatever you like... doesn't mean you're right, though.
Breakin' detention and on the run
I fought the law and the law won
I fought the law and the law won

I needed TP 'cause I had none
I fought the law and the law won
I fought the law and the law won

I miss the life that we once had
I guess my countries done
Cuz it was the best we ever had
I fought the law and the law won
I fought the law and the law won

My Congresscritters took my six-gun
They made the law and the law won
They made the law and the law won
Quarantines not much fun
I fought the law and the law won
I fought the law and the law won

I miss the life that we once ha
I guess my countries done
Our liberties have all been had
I fought the law and the law won

I fought the law and the law won

~S~ w/apologies to Mr Fuller

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