Brink of Revolution

Past time. Police need to choose whose side their on. Sadly I think I know...
Like 160 years ago, sides will go 50/50.
The 1991 riots showed that it will take far lower than that number.....Imagine how few it would take for an organized effort, instead of a random chaotic rabble.
And the 91 riots were just hooligans looking for trouble. Today there’s a mission for a lot of well armed people that half the police will side with.

Just like the Military will side with your fruitcake bunch as well. Get a grip. You are all show and no go. But if you are going to go for it, hurry up so you can all be taken out in various ways and the trouble will just go away.
Past time. Police need to choose whose side their on. Sadly I think I know...
Like 160 years ago, sides will go 50/50.
The 1991 riots showed that it will take far lower than that number.....Imagine how few it would take for an organized effort, instead of a random chaotic rabble.
And the 91 riots were just hooligans looking for trouble. Today there’s a mission for a lot of well armed people that half the police will side with.

Just like the Military will side with your fruitcake bunch as well. Get a grip. You are all show and no go. But if you are going to go for it, hurry up so you can all be taken out in various ways and the trouble will just go away.
Keep pushing faggot.
Past time. Police need to choose whose side their on. Sadly I think I know...
Like 160 years ago, sides will go 50/50.
The 1991 riots showed that it will take far lower than that number.....Imagine how few it would take for an organized effort, instead of a random chaotic rabble.
And the 91 riots were just hooligans looking for trouble. Today there’s a mission for a lot of well armed people that half the police will side with.

Just like the Military will side with your fruitcake bunch as well. Get a grip. You are all show and no go. But if you are going to go for it, hurry up so you can all be taken out in various ways and the trouble will just go away.
Keep pushing faggot.

And you are going to do what if I keep pushing, wimpy?
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Past time. Police need to choose whose side their on. Sadly I think I know...
Like 160 years ago, sides will go 50/50.
The 1991 riots showed that it will take far lower than that number.....Imagine how few it would take for an organized effort, instead of a random chaotic rabble.
And the 91 riots were just hooligans looking for trouble. Today there’s a mission for a lot of well armed people that half the police will side with.

Just like the Military will side with your fruitcake bunch as well. Get a grip. You are all show and no go. But if you are going to go for it, hurry up so you can all be taken out in various ways and the trouble will just go away.
Keep pushing faggot.

And you are going to do what if I keep pushing, wimpy?
Wipe my ass of you.
The illusion of authority and safety is cracking. It won't be long until it breaks entirely.

These so-called experts who are actually idiots who do not even know what they are talking about, they are saying that you have to remain effectively under House Arrest for approx another 12-18 months until that sinister vaccine can be put into you and until they zap you with it you all have to stay prisoners and not visit friends or family or have any social life.
What country are you guys talking about? None of this is occurring where i live. People are visiting..with care. social lives are continuing..albeit muted. i can fish all day...or nap under a tree. I walk 5 miles a day....the stores are full of goods. restaurants are we, as a community, have taken to using the delivery option at least once a support them..and the ad hoc delivery culture that has sprung up. Our republican Gov. has extended the restrictions for another 2 weeks..most agree with him. Common sense and civility is often in evidence.

Sorry for your luck..if that is not your situation.

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There is a video contained within the link, this maniac wants to crash the American Economy and have all the Americans under House Arrest for another 12-18 months until there is a vaccine for something that so far has killed LESS peoples than the normal seasonal flu has. WHY? Because obviously there IS an ulterior Agenda at work that has ZERO to do with COVID-19:

Somebody get a rope.
The nightly news had the Huntington Beach protest. One liberal fool got out there with a bullhorn calling the protesters murderers. About five guys jumped him, beat the crap out of him and took his pants off.

The sheriffs just watched. Gruesome Newsom sent the state police in.

The rebellion at least in California is growing. Businesses are opening, restaurants are doing business. The Gruesome looked like he was going to cry.
Huntington beach California lol

Keep screaming leftards how we all need to follow orders and stay home due to da big scawy chi com virus ..

Meanwhile from Michigan lol
...You're on the side of tyrants...You are the very definition and essence of a cuck.
Rubbish... as I stated, I am on the side of the Republic, the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and, most importantly, The People.

Your teenage angst in denouncing anyone who won't join your pi$$ant make-believe malcontent's revolution is laughable.
...Kondor....what the hell was the Declaration of Independence? I get it. It is the 21st Century. We do not even like the breakers in the constitution as we have enacted the 17th amendment to remove one breaker, created a Fiat Currency owned by mostly foreigners to remove another and want to get rid of the Electoral College. Other nations do not have breakers. We added amendments along with the federal income tax which removed another breaker and turned a Republic into a Democracy. We have appointed extremists as judges and they make law with no one questioning them or removing them one way or the other. The judicial branch has people who make law and we fall for it. If it was not for the never ending lies by our leadership men and women for so many years and questionable ways of their lives, we would be a much more harmonious nation then today.
Then revolt, if you believe so strongly that the Republic is beyond repair and has outlived its usefulness.

You must, however, expect to find me, and vast legions of millions of other loyal Americans, who will be manning the opposing barricades.
This is not the Civil War. This is Urban versus Rural. Figure it out. Cities are at a massive disadvantage. We live in a completely different age. The nation through the 19th century was rural centric. The nation became urban centric in the 20th century. Rural areas have most of the staples of life and living. Cities need rural areas. Rural areas not so much of cities. Technology has boosted communication to near immediate in most parts of the nation. I am from the city originally. You have treated those people nasty. The media, politicians, entertainers have showed disdain for a good portion land wise of this nation. you blew the 2016 election. All you had to do was lie low and be humble. But you didn't. Hillary didn't. The media/entertainers and politicians didn't. But in many way we are still moving left. Companies that at one time showed wholesomeness in their products now show a total left wing ways in their commercials. Boy did they sell out fast. Maybe the seven levels of hell is real and they will meet their fate as we all will. To me there is a balance of the virus. the economy and the potential for an international war more then an internal one. But I believe the cities would not fare well in one.
Personally, I couldn't care less what happens to urban $hitholes like NY, Philly, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, LA, San Fran, etc.
...I'm curious, what is it you want out of radical fascism, what is it you are willing to tolerate being done to you in the name of public health??? Seriously, explain how radical ultra totalitarian fascism gets its done for you, while freedom and individuality do not? I really mean it, sell me on fascism?
Your first mistake is labeling Emergency Public Health directives as 'radical fascism' - sorry, bunky, but that's pure hor$e$hit.

We enjoy life in a Constitutional Representative Republic, temporarily under duress, invoking Emergency Powers, to ensure adequate healthcare and maximum survival.

Your position is financially motivated and scientifically and medically unsound.

You have the right to advance and defend your position.

Your fellow countrymen have the right to denounce your opinion as selfish and irresponsible.

By whom?

Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D

I think you already saw how we handle that in Colorado. Show up unarmed and behave yourself (screaming at the top of your lungs while waving signs is okay) but bring one firearm and you are going to go to the ground while crying "I have a permit".
Are you trying to imply people have never been arrested at a protest before? Hahaha hahaha
...I'm curious, what is it you want out of radical fascism, what is it you are willing to tolerate being done to you in the name of public health??? Seriously, explain how radical ultra totalitarian fascism gets its done for you, while freedom and individuality do not? I really mean it, sell me on fascism?
Your first mistake is labeling Emergency Public Health directives as 'radical fascism' - sorry, bunky, but that's pure hor$e$hit.

We enjoy life in a Constitutional Representative Republic, temporarily under duress, invoking Emergency Powers, to ensure adequate healthcare and maximum survival.

Your position is financially motivated and scientifically and medically unsound.

You have the right to advance and defend your position.

Your fellow countrymen have the right to denounce your opinion as selfish and irresponsible.
I believe you to be totally ignorant of science, and you certainly are completely ignorant on the subject of a constitutional republic. In truth, and this is now proven irrefutably via mathematics, the near total lockdown has served no medical purposes whatsoever, success being measured via the abject failures in NYC and Jersey, where despite everyone being locked down under house arrest, they still are seeing 1000 people per day show up at hospitals.

We know via antibody testing that the true infections ratios are massively larger than previously estimated, or reported to have been! And by massive, I mean massive, with the true figures in the tens of millions, again irrefutably proven via antibody testing! As example for you, Los Alamos original antibody study in southern California, concluded the rate of exposures was in the millions, and that the virus had been onshore much much longer then previously believed! Do you know what that implies?

It implies that to the vast majority, just as with seasonal flu, the virus is a non-starter, its harmless to them! Do you know what else we have learned? We learned that the reason for the grotesque disparity in deaths between NYC, and whole states with vastly greater populations, such as California, and Florida, is very likely due to an early edict of the states democratic(fascist)governor, Andrew Cuomo!

He issued an early executive order in NY-state forcing the states nursing/long term care facilities to accept wuhan flu patients as long as they were presumed stable! This order was/is tantamount to murder, as it forced the truly vulnerable, those right at the absolute top of the risk population, to breathe in wuhan flu diseased air in those care facilities literally unchecked!

The results of that are what democrats(fascists)are using to drive the narrative of fear and hysteria infecting weaker American minds such as your own! California has over 40 million people, yet its death tally from wuhan flu is a tiny fraction that of NYC, actually less than 2,000 deaths, ditto for Florida, yet NY has well over 24,000 dead! Last I heard, the fatality ratios in those NY care facilities was north of 65%!

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