Brink of Revolution

Revolution? By whom? Unstable, drunk, old, fat pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

300 million guns :muahaha:
So, when can we count on you showing-up with your pea-shooter and threatening the governor and state legislature?

I want to be sure that I'm tuned-in to the news channels when it happens... I'll be sure to bring a bag of popcorn.
Do you have that sign on your front lawn yet? You know? The one telling everybody in the world that you don't need guns and your house is not protected by them?

Where's your sign?

Here's my sign. It's posted right at the top of my driveway and can't be missed.
...You seem to be one of their pawns.
I'm nobody's pawn...

I'm merely a law-abiding American citizen who believes in the Republic and who knows that the 'revolution' pundits are just a$$holes blowing smoke.

They are not to be respected... they are to be laughed at, and ridiculed for the idiots that they are.
So what happened in California, Virginia, and Michigan this week?
Revolution? By whom? Unstable, drunk, old, fat pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

300 million guns :muahaha:
So, when can we count on you showing-up with your pea-shooter and threatening the governor and state legislature?

I want to be sure that I'm tuned-in to the news channels when it happens... I'll be sure to bring a bag of popcorn.
Do you have that sign on your front lawn yet? You know? The one telling everybody in the world that you don't need guns and your house is not protected by them?

Where's your sign?

Here's my sign. It's posted right at the top of my driveway and can't be missed.
And I’ve got 5 acres.
Revolution? By whom? Unstable, drunk, old, fat pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

300 million guns :muahaha:
So, when can we count on you showing-up with your pea-shooter and threatening the governor and state legislature?

I want to be sure that I'm tuned-in to the news channels when it happens... I'll be sure to bring a bag of popcorn.

We see that you'll acquiesce to however the govt wants to manhandle you.
...You seem to be one of their pawns.
I'm nobody's pawn...

I'm merely a law-abiding American citizen who believes in the Republic and who knows that the 'revolution' pundits are just a$$holes blowing smoke.

They are not to be respected... they are to be laughed at, and ridiculed for the idiots that they are.
Well traitor he who laughs last laughs best. Be sure and stock on on vaseline.

By whom?

Unstable, drunk, old, fat pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D
Unstable, drunk, old, fat pu$$ie$ with guns can't shoot you? Tell you what scum, I used to shoot a lot, and I got to thinking what if someone tried to break in my house while I was drinking. So I started testing myself. For a long time after drinking 7 or 8 beers I'd grab a handgun or a shotgun and go out on the porch and shoot it. No problems. You see, you liars just got ta know that YOU can't do a goddam thing to us, drunk, old, fat, or not!
You won't be shooting ME... you're talking about 'revolution'... that means revolt against the government... wake me up when ya'll actually TRY it...

Until then, it's "all talk and no action", which is about what most Americans expect from right-wing conspiracy-revolution nut-jobs...
Kondor....what the hell was the Declaration of Independence? I get it. It is the 21st Century. We do not even like the breakers in the constitution as we have enacted the 17th amendment to remove one breaker, created a Fiat Currency owned by mostly foreigners to remove another and want to get rid of the Electoral College. Other nations do not have breakers. We added amendments along with the federal income tax which removed another breaker and turned a Republic into a Democracy. We have appointed extremists as judges and they make law with no one questioning them or removing them one way or the other. The judicial branch has people who make law and we fall for it. If it was not for the never ending lies by our leadership men and women for so many years and questionable ways of their lives, we would be a much more harmonious nation then today.
...You seem to be one of their pawns.
I'm nobody's pawn...

I'm merely a law-abiding American citizen who believes in the Republic and who knows that the 'revolution' pundits are just a$$holes blowing smoke.

They are not to be respected... they are to be laughed at, and ridiculed for the idiots that they are.
Well traitor he who laughs last laughs best. Be sure and stock on on vaseline.
I am on the side of the Republic, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law... so that rules me out as a traitor... pi$$ant.
...Kondor....what the hell was the Declaration of Independence? I get it. It is the 21st Century. We do not even like the breakers in the constitution as we have enacted the 17th amendment to remove one breaker, created a Fiat Currency owned by mostly foreigners to remove another and want to get rid of the Electoral College. Other nations do not have breakers. We added amendments along with the federal income tax which removed another breaker and turned a Republic into a Democracy. We have appointed extremists as judges and they make law with no one questioning them or removing them one way or the other. The judicial branch has people who make law and we fall for it. If it was not for the never ending lies by our leadership men and women for so many years and questionable ways of their lives, we would be a much more harmonious nation then today.
Then revolt, if you believe so strongly that the Republic is beyond repair and has outlived its usefulness.

You must, however, expect to find me, and vast legions of millions of other loyal Americans, who will be manning the opposing barricades.
Soon violence will start if the Royals don’t stop their nonsense.

This is why the Leftists are so FANATICAL about taking the guns off the peoples, the Leftists want the peoples to have NO way of defending themselves against Tyranny and Tyranny IS what the Leftists want, they want the peoples to be nothing but slaves and cattle to be told what to do and when they have finished that to go back into their prisons (formerly known as personal houses)

How long will it be now before one of these Democrat Communist POS Governors actually give the order to start shooting to kill. the order to law enforcement to begin shooting anyone who DARES to think they can go to the beach or for a walk in a park?

Under this horrific scenario what could the Federal Government do? What Federal Law does the American Government, the WH and The Senate have to bring an END to these Democrat Communist POS criminals who are showing their TOTAL CONTEMPT for the peoples of their States.
...You seem to be one of their pawns.
I'm nobody's pawn...

I'm merely a law-abiding American citizen who believes in the Republic and who knows that the 'revolution' pundits are just a$$holes blowing smoke.

They are not to be respected... they are to be laughed at, and ridiculed for the idiots that they are.
Well traitor he who laughs last laughs best. Be sure and stock on on vaseline.
I am on the side of the Republic, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law... so that rules me out as a traitor... pi$$ant.
You're on the side of tyrants...You are the very definition and essence of a cuck.
Soon violence will start if the Royals don’t stop their nonsense.

^^^^ Insane and outrageous.

Someone stole their drugs and turned in an they gotta riot........

But I like that they are telling the Gov't that they will not accept tyranny........

This virus will take it's course whether you like it or not.......slowing it doesn't end it.........And a War is not won in one battle.....................

We only delay what's coming.
Revolution? By whom? Unstable, drunk, old, fat pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

300 million guns :muahaha:
So, when can we count on you showing-up with your pea-shooter and threatening the governor and state legislature?

I want to be sure that I'm tuned-in to the news channels when it happens... I'll be sure to bring a bag of popcorn.
Do you have that sign on your front lawn yet? You know? The one telling everybody in the world that you don't need guns and your house is not protected by them?

Where's your sign?

Here's my sign. It's posted right at the top of my driveway and can't be missed.
I can't figure how to get a link to an image to display on this board. I use the tool on the editor tool bar but it just shows the link not the image. I'm using a tablet so this board is a PITA anyway.
Revolution? By whom? Unstable, drunk, old, fat pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

300 million guns :muahaha:
1) quite a few of those are owned by lefties...2) guns don't shoot themselves...3) only the tinfoil hat folks like the idea..mnst people would cheer as they were gunned down by the Govt.

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