Brink of Revolution

Your juvenile pre-orgasmic fantasizing about revolution by brain-dead gun-nuts is not convincing anyone on the sane side of the fence.
We know you’ll stay inside cause commie man said so
Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Does a national emergency dismiss the 1st amendment right to assemble Kondor?


Absolutely yes.

When 'constitutionality' and 'safety' are at sword's point, safety wins almost every time, even in the US, when the situation is serious enough.

There are dozens of examples of this throughout American history.

Republican President Abraham Lincoln suspended Habeus Corpus during the early days of the Civil War.

Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt incarcerated thousands of Japanese-Americans during the early days of WWII.

Republican President George W. Bush suspended all air travel in the wake of 9-11.

And on and on and on.

Suck it up, obey such interim directives, and contribute to lower infection and mortality rates attributable to COVID-19 in your area, and avoid your hospital getting overwhelmed.

Disobey such interim directives and risk the full force of the law coming down on your rebel-without-a-cause heads.

The choice is yours.
There is no right to fly. There is no authority to take away the first amendment. Fking read it. You sir are fking wrong leftist fk
You tell 'em, Princess.

While you're at it, please explain the vast tonnage of public-gathering regulatory law that exists on the books, nationwide.
Your juvenile pre-orgasmic fantasizing about revolution by brain-dead gun-nuts is not convincing anyone on the sane side of the fence.
We know you’ll stay inside cause commie man said so
Sit down, child.
Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Does a national emergency dismiss the 1st amendment right to assemble Kondor?


Absolutely yes.

When 'constitutionality' and 'safety' are at sword's point, safety wins almost every time, even in the US, when the situation is serious enough.

There are dozens of examples of this throughout American history.

Republican President Abraham Lincoln suspended Habeus Corpus during the early days of the Civil War.

Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt incarcerated thousands of Japanese-Americans during the early days of WWII.

Republican President George W. Bush suspended all air travel in the wake of 9-11.

And on and on and on.

Suck it up, obey such interim directives, and contribute to lower infection and mortality rates attributable to COVID-19 in your area, and avoid your hospital getting overwhelmed.

Disobey such interim directives and risk the full force of the law coming down on your rebel-without-a-cause heads.

The choice is yours.
There is no right to fly. There is no authority to take away the first amendment. Fking read it. You sir are fking wrong leftist fk
You tell 'em, Princess.

While you're at it, please explain the vast tonnage of public-gathering regulatory law that exists on the books, nationwide.
Really? Can you cite them? Church attendance, walking on beaches, standing on street corners for starters.
a constitutional conundrum? my....maybe a few of you are waking up?

let me pose it this way........does the public inherently employ personal responsibility in a national crisis?

or does big brother need to do it for them?

oh and, to feather that thought further, this old ex emt 'opposed to gubmit on every level' donned a mask and gloves working today

because i was in the presence of a young expectant working woman

Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Does a national emergency dismiss the 1st amendment right to assemble Kondor?


Absolutely yes.

When 'constitutionality' and 'safety' are at sword's point, safety wins almost every time, even in the US, when the situation is serious enough.

There are dozens of examples of this throughout American history.

Republican President Abraham Lincoln suspended Habeus Corpus during the early days of the Civil War.

Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt incarcerated thousands of Japanese-Americans during the early days of WWII.

Republican President George W. Bush suspended all air travel in the wake of 9-11.

And on and on and on.

Suck it up, obey such interim directives, and contribute to lower infection and mortality rates attributable to COVID-19 in your area, and avoid your hospital getting overwhelmed.

Disobey such interim directives and risk the full force of the law coming down on your rebel-without-a-cause heads.

The choice is yours.
There really was a civil war. There really was a World War II. There really was an attack on the World Trade Center. This virus is hyped up to hysteria and people are not buying it anymore.

By whom?

Unstable, drunk, old, fat pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D
Unstable, drunk, old, fat pu$$ie$ with guns can't shoot you? Tell you what scum, I used to shoot a lot, and I got to thinking what if someone tried to break in my house while I was drinking. So I started testing myself. For a long time after drinking 7 or 8 beers I'd grab a handgun or a shotgun and go out on the porch and shoot it. No problems. You see, you liars just got ta know that YOU can't do a goddam thing to us, drunk, old, fat, or not!
You won't be shooting ME... you're talking about 'revolution'... that means revolt against the government... wake me up when ya'll actually TRY it...

Until then, it's "all talk and no action", which is about what most Americans expect from right-wing conspiracy-revolution nut-jobs...
Nice deflection, traitor. However, if it comes down to that, I won't be able to wake your stupid lying ass up because I have no idea where you are, and, after engaging armed tyrants I'll likely be dead. Don't really care anymore.

Are you showing insanity or are you just trying to make my day a little better? :woohoo:

So a group of 20 rtwingnutjobs decide to use your favorite Phalic Symbols and you don't make it because the Cops have more and you die. Problem solved.
Problem wont be solved until the phallic symbols ejaculate. Wait for it traitor.

So a group of 20 rtwingnutjobs decide to use your favorite Phalic Symbols and you don't make it because the Cops have more and you die. Problem solved.
Problem wont be solved until the phallic symbols ejaculate. Wait for it traitor.

You have been promising for the last 10 years or better. Show some guts and get with it. We'll wait, we always have.
Past time. Police need to choose whose side their on. Sadly I think I know...
Like 160 years ago, sides will go 50/50.
The 1991 riots showed that it will take far lower than that number.....Imagine how few it would take for an organized effort, instead of a random chaotic rabble.
And the 91 riots were just hooligans looking for trouble. Today there’s a mission for a lot of well armed people that half the police will side with.

Just like the Military will side with your fruitcake bunch as well. Get a grip. You are all show and no go. But if you are going to go for it, hurry up so you can all be taken out in various ways and the trouble will just go away.

The National Guard is made up by those same people holding the protests.
Blob supporters crave violence.

Progressive scum, like you, incite violence.

Yah, us just breathing incites the rtwingnujob violence. Makes sense to me.

Right wing thugs bring rifles into the Capitol to try to exert some manhood, weekly pining for a civil war here, and dipshits issuing threats they know they can’t deliver. Blob supporters should think twice about their violent tendencies
Past time. Police need to choose whose side their on. Sadly I think I know...
Like 160 years ago, sides will go 50/50.
The 1991 riots showed that it will take far lower than that number.....Imagine how few it would take for an organized effort, instead of a random chaotic rabble.
And the 91 riots were just hooligans looking for trouble. Today there’s a mission for a lot of well armed people that half the police will side with.

Just like the Military will side with your fruitcake bunch as well. Get a grip. You are all show and no go. But if you are going to go for it, hurry up so you can all be taken out in various ways and the trouble will just go away.

The National Guard is made up by those same people holding the protests.

Oh really, now. So the National Guard is involved. Well, get out of hand and they will be and they won't be on any violent protesters side. They took the same oath I did. It's like your screwballs saying the Cops will also side with the Rtwingnutjob protesters if they get violent. They won't either. I have no idea what reality world you fruitcakes live in but it's not of this Earth.
Past time. Police need to choose whose side their on. Sadly I think I know...
Like 160 years ago, sides will go 50/50.
The 1991 riots showed that it will take far lower than that number.....Imagine how few it would take for an organized effort, instead of a random chaotic rabble.
And the 91 riots were just hooligans looking for trouble. Today there’s a mission for a lot of well armed people that half the police will side with.

Just like the Military will side with your fruitcake bunch as well. Get a grip. You are all show and no go. But if you are going to go for it, hurry up so you can all be taken out in various ways and the trouble will just go away.

The National Guard is made up by those same people holding the protests.

Oh really, now. So the National Guard is involved. Well, get out of hand and they will be and they won't be on any violent protesters side. They took the same oath I did. It's like your screwballs saying the Cops will also side with the Rtwingnutjob protesters if they get violent. They won't either. I have no idea what reality world you fruitcakes live in but it's not of this Earth.

The protestors will not be the first to get violent. That is just your fantasy!

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