Brink of Revolution

Blob supporters crave violence.

Progressive scum, like you, incite violence.

Yah, us just breathing incites the rtwingnujob violence. Makes sense to me.

Right wing thugs bring rifles into the Capitol to try to exert some manhood, weekly pining for a civil war here, and dipshits issuing threats they know they can’t deliver. Blob supporters should think twice about their violent tendencies
Kill some more babies, monster.
Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Does a national emergency dismiss the 1st amendment right to assemble Kondor?


Absolutely yes.

When 'constitutionality' and 'safety' are at sword's point, safety wins almost every time, even in the US, when the situation is serious enough.

There are dozens of examples of this throughout American history.

Republican President Abraham Lincoln suspended Habeus Corpus during the early days of the Civil War.

Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt incarcerated thousands of Japanese-Americans during the early days of WWII.

Republican President George W. Bush suspended all air travel in the wake of 9-11.

And on and on and on.

Suck it up, obey such interim directives, and contribute to lower infection and mortality rates attributable to COVID-19 in your area, and avoid your hospital getting overwhelmed.

Disobey such interim directives and risk the full force of the law coming down on your rebel-without-a-cause heads.

The choice is yours.
There really was a civil war. There really was a World War II. There really was an attack on the World Trade Center. This virus is hyped up to hysteria and people are not buying it anymore.
This virus is hyped-up hysteria?

You really ARE a fool.

And a misbehaving whiny little brat, banging on your door for Mommy or Daddy to let you out of your room again.
Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Does a national emergency dismiss the 1st amendment right to assemble Kondor?


Absolutely yes.

When 'constitutionality' and 'safety' are at sword's point, safety wins almost every time, even in the US, when the situation is serious enough.

There are dozens of examples of this throughout American history.

Republican President Abraham Lincoln suspended Habeus Corpus during the early days of the Civil War.

Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt incarcerated thousands of Japanese-Americans during the early days of WWII.

Republican President George W. Bush suspended all air travel in the wake of 9-11.

And on and on and on.

Suck it up, obey such interim directives, and contribute to lower infection and mortality rates attributable to COVID-19 in your area, and avoid your hospital getting overwhelmed.

Disobey such interim directives and risk the full force of the law coming down on your rebel-without-a-cause heads.

The choice is yours.
There really was a civil war. There really was a World War II. There really was an attack on the World Trade Center. This virus is hyped up to hysteria and people are not buying it anymore.
This virus is hyped-up hysteria?

You really ARE a fool.

And a misbehaving whiny little brat, banging on your door for Mommy or Daddy to let you out of your room again.
You’re confused

By whom?

Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D

I think you already saw how we handle that in Colorado. Show up unarmed and behave yourself (screaming at the top of your lungs while waving signs is okay) but bring one firearm and you are going to go to the ground while crying "I have a permit".
This was inside the capital building of Michigan two days ago. . .

No one went to the ground. . . folks showed up to warn legislators EXACTLY how they felt about them taking freedom away.


...You seem to be one of their pawns.
I'm nobody's pawn...

I'm merely a law-abiding American citizen who believes in the Republic and who knows that the 'revolution' pundits are just a$$holes blowing smoke.

They are not to be respected... they are to be laughed at, and ridiculed for the idiots that they are.
Well traitor he who laughs last laughs best. Be sure and stock on on vaseline.
I am on the side of the Republic, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law... so that rules me out as a traitor... pi$$ant.
The Constitution has been suspended ASSHOLE.

They are not respecting it or even following it.

There is no rule of law anymore.

There is one law for the elites, and another for the peasants.

The Republic has become a joke to the elites.

THAT is the whole reason people are angry.

You are lying.
Soon violence will start if the Royals don’t stop their nonsense.

So now a million people are going to get sick in LA?

What are the authorities going to claim if thousands line the streets and they DON'T all get sick?

Will the bluff have been called?

They have been manipulating the statistics from the beginning, they can manipulate them after this to say what ever they want.

On top of this, folks have not been going to the hospital for other medical needs.

And when they die of other complications? It is always attributed now to the "dreaded disease."
...You seem to be one of their pawns.
I'm nobody's pawn...

I'm merely a law-abiding American citizen who believes in the Republic and who knows that the 'revolution' pundits are just a$$holes blowing smoke.

They are not to be respected... they are to be laughed at, and ridiculed for the idiots that they are.
Well traitor he who laughs last laughs best. Be sure and stock on on vaseline.
I am on the side of the Republic, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law... so that rules me out as a traitor... pi$$ant.
The Constitution has been suspended ASSHOLE.

They are not respecting it or even following it.

There is no rule of law anymore.

There is one law for the elites, and another for the peasants.

The Republic has become a joke to the elites.

THAT is the whole reason people are angry.

You are lying.

and that is the 'woke' of 2020....

You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to free the world
You tell me we’ve a constitution
Well, you know
We all want to see it’s le—e--d

But when we talk about armed conflict
Don't you know they’ve got the bigger stick
Don't you know it's makin’ me uptight

You say we need a social solution
Well, you know
We'd all love to see the plan
You ask me for my contribution
Well, you know
The Fed is printing what they caa---annn

But when the doctrine hails from people on the take
All I can tell you is brother you're the bait
Don't you know it's makin me uptight

ah, ah, ah, ah, ah... doobie do wah doobie do wha…

~S~w/apologies to the fab4
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...You seem to be one of their pawns.
I'm nobody's pawn...

I'm merely a law-abiding American citizen who believes in the Republic and who knows that the 'revolution' pundits are just a$$holes blowing smoke.

They are not to be respected... they are to be laughed at, and ridiculed for the idiots that they are.
Well traitor he who laughs last laughs best. Be sure and stock on on vaseline.
I am on the side of the Republic, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law... so that rules me out as a traitor... pi$$ant.
The Constitution has been suspended ASSHOLE.

They are not respecting it or even following it.

There is no rule of law anymore.

There is one law for the elites, and another for the peasants.

The Republic has become a joke to the elites.

THAT is the whole reason people are angry.

You are lying.
Blah, blah, blah... endless phukking blah.

The Constitution has NOT been suspended.

Mind you, it is presently in jeopardy from the Orange Creature and his minions, but it is still operative.

Don't like the leadership?

Then stop electing rich bastard and bitches, and elect Persons of Good Character and Competency --- Men and Women of the People.

Take up the rifle, though, and attack the Republic, and I'll see you in my crosshairs; alongside the forces of the Republic.
...You seem to be one of their pawns.
I'm nobody's pawn...

I'm merely a law-abiding American citizen who believes in the Republic and who knows that the 'revolution' pundits are just a$$holes blowing smoke.

They are not to be respected... they are to be laughed at, and ridiculed for the idiots that they are.
Well traitor he who laughs last laughs best. Be sure and stock on on vaseline.
I am on the side of the Republic, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law... so that rules me out as a traitor... pi$$ant.
The Constitution has been suspended ASSHOLE.

They are not respecting it or even following it.

There is no rule of law anymore.

There is one law for the elites, and another for the peasants.

The Republic has become a joke to the elites.

THAT is the whole reason people are angry.

You are lying.
Blah, blah, blah... endless phukking blah.

The Constitution has NOT been suspended.

Mind you, it is presently in jeopardy from the Orange Creature and his minions, but it is still operative.

Don't like the leadership?

Then stop electing rich bastard and bitches, and elect Persons of Good Character and Competency --- Men and Women of the People.

Take up the rifle, though, and attack the Republic, and I'll see you in my crosshairs; alongside the forces of the Republic.
First amendment supersedes any of their takeover. Read it
Soon violence will start if the Royals don’t stop their nonsense.

So now a million people are going to get sick in LA?

What are the authorities going to claim if thousands line the streets and they DON'T all get sick?

Will the bluff have been called?

They have been manipulating the statistics from the beginning, they can manipulate them after this to say what ever they want.

On top of this, folks have not been going to the hospital for other medical needs.

And when they die of other complications? It is always attributed now to the "dreaded disease."

You may not have seen this posted elsewhere, but I'll re-copy what a doctor friend of mine just sent me the other day-- --

Why are hospitals empty and some are at risk for failing? Hospitals generally make their money from procedures. That means that their Surgeons are their most valuable assets. The surgeons also tend to make more money for themselves. . .

Because caring for Covid-19 patients is very PPE-intensive they have had to shut down all but emergency procedures

That means that if you have a horrible hip which keeps you from walking or sleeping due to the pain you are just going to have to suffer and your cardiovascular health will suffer for a long time. And by a long time I don't just mean that you have to wait until the Covid-19 scare is over
but even after that because now there is a months-long virtual queue of people who need to have their surgeries done. It literally may take more than a year to get back down to our normal wait times and that means a lot of suffering and general health deterioration.

And very few people are in the hospital recovering from procedures so your surgical wards are relatively empty.

You also have people who are not getting their non-surgical procedures done.
Things like colonoscopies, upper endoscopies, bronchoscopies, etc. done. So diagnoses of cancer are being delayed which means early detection and treatment is being messed over - and the backlog will take a very long time to clear out.

There are very few people out riding dirt bikes and such so the emergency surgeries are way down as well.

Sick people who may need to be in the hospital won't go to the hospital due to the fear of Covid-19. I know this is true because I've urged a number of people to go because they had clearly had a stroke or might be having a heart attack
and they wouldn't go to the hospital to get proper care. They may never be as healthy as a result of not getting proper and timely care.

As to how many people have died due to Covid-19? No one actually knows. I think that overall the reporting of Covid-19 deaths is over-reported (and I saw one note/article that reported deaths due to CVA and MI are way down which would tend to support that) but there are almost certainly some deaths due to Covid-19 which are not recognized as such.

It's a mess and the government is (possibly unwittingly) working to destroy the systems and activities which are essential to health. Our state government appears to be trying to time it so that this winter we'll have a Covid-19 peak at about the time we have a Flu peak and that is the way to really generate a disaster.

By whom?

Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Nothing that your average Girl Scout troop can't handle. :D

I think you already saw how we handle that in Colorado. Show up unarmed and behave yourself (screaming at the top of your lungs while waving signs is okay) but bring one firearm and you are going to go to the ground while crying "I have a permit".
This was inside the capital building of Michigan two days ago. . .

No one went to the ground. . . folks showed up to warn legislators EXACTLY how they felt about them taking freedom away.



It's called armed intimidation. And it's wrong. Do it without the firearms and they might get my support. But showing up with firearms is sending the wrong message.
Soon violence will start if the Royals don’t stop their nonsense.

So now a million people are going to get sick in LA?

What are the authorities going to claim if thousands line the streets and they DON'T all get sick?

Will the bluff have been called?

They have been manipulating the statistics from the beginning, they can manipulate them after this to say what ever they want.

On top of this, folks have not been going to the hospital for other medical needs.

And when they die of other complications? It is always attributed now to the "dreaded disease."

You may not have seen this posted elsewhere, but I'll re-copy what a doctor friend of mine just sent me the other day-- --

Why are hospitals empty and some are at risk for failing? Hospitals generally make their money from procedures. That means that their Surgeons are their most valuable assets. The surgeons also tend to make more money for themselves. . .

Because caring for Covid-19 patients is very PPE-intensive they have had to shut down all but emergency procedures

That means that if you have a horrible hip which keeps you from walking or sleeping due to the pain you are just going to have to suffer and your cardiovascular health will suffer for a long time. And by a long time I don't just mean that you have to wait until the Covid-19 scare is over
but even after that because now there is a months-long virtual queue of people who need to have their surgeries done. It literally may take more than a year to get back down to our normal wait times and that means a lot of suffering and general health deterioration.

And very few people are in the hospital recovering from procedures so your surgical wards are relatively empty.

You also have people who are not getting their non-surgical procedures done.
Things like colonoscopies, upper endoscopies, bronchoscopies, etc. done. So diagnoses of cancer are being delayed which means early detection and treatment is being messed over - and the backlog will take a very long time to clear out.

There are very few people out riding dirt bikes and such so the emergency surgeries are way down as well.

Sick people who may need to be in the hospital won't go to the hospital due to the fear of Covid-19. I know this is true because I've urged a number of people to go because they had clearly had a stroke or might be having a heart attack
and they wouldn't go to the hospital to get proper care. They may never be as healthy as a result of not getting proper and timely care.

As to how many people have died due to Covid-19? No one actually knows. I think that overall the reporting of Covid-19 deaths is over-reported (and I saw one note/article that reported deaths due to CVA and MI are way down which would tend to support that) but there are almost certainly some deaths due to Covid-19 which are not recognized as such.

It's a mess and the government is (possibly unwittingly) working to destroy the systems and activities which are essential to health. Our state government appears to be trying to time it so that this winter we'll have a Covid-19 peak at about the time we have a Flu peak and that is the way to really generate a disaster.

I'm aware.

There is a very good interview VICE did with Edward Snowden, which poses the extremely important question; WHY?!?

They have been running these pandemic scenario's since at least 2000. None of this came as any surprise to the folks in FEMA or anyone in charge.
They all knew this was coming.

All of the billionaires and the top 1% have earned more wealth in the last few months then they have in the past few decades.

There should have been no shortage of PPE at all. SO why?
Unstable, bigoted, drunk, old, fat right-wing pu$$ie$ with guns, rambling-on about conspiracies to keep them locked-up forevermore?

Does a national emergency dismiss the 1st amendment right to assemble Kondor?


Absolutely yes.

When 'constitutionality' and 'safety' are at sword's point, safety wins almost every time, even in the US, when the situation is serious enough.

There are dozens of examples of this throughout American history.

Republican President Abraham Lincoln suspended Habeus Corpus during the early days of the Civil War.

Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt incarcerated thousands of Japanese-Americans during the early days of WWII.

Republican President George W. Bush suspended all air travel in the wake of 9-11.

And on and on and on.

Suck it up, obey such interim directives, and contribute to lower infection and mortality rates attributable to COVID-19 in your area, and avoid your hospital getting overwhelmed.

Disobey such interim directives and risk the full force of the law coming down on your rebel-without-a-cause heads.

The choice is yours.
There really was a civil war. There really was a World War II. There really was an attack on the World Trade Center. This virus is hyped up to hysteria and people are not buying it anymore.
This virus is hyped-up hysteria?

You really ARE a fool.

And a misbehaving whiny little brat, banging on your door for Mommy or Daddy to let you out of your room again.
It's what they're told in their universe, so it's what they believe. Period.

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