bripat9643: Dumbest liberal statements in USMB "Demand creates jobs"

No claim was made that the broken window was good for the economy. The argument has been about demand creating jobs. You are simply using a deflection to change the topic of discussion because you can not support or defend the OP and original challenge of the OP.

You got suckered into a classic economic principle.

Let's say you were bitch slapped by the invisible hand..
No claim was made that the broken window was good for the economy. The argument has been about demand creating jobs. You are simply using a deflection to change the topic of discussion because you can not support or defend the OP and original challenge of the OP.

You got suckered into a classic economic principle.

Let's say you were bitch slapped by the invisible hand..

Only in your mind. You have failed to answer the OP or my question. No matter how much you deflect, demand for services or products is what creates jobs in any economy.
There are two answers I can think of. The first is that the demand was perceived by investors but did not actually exist. The second is that the perception that the demand was real was accurate, but the execution of developing a product to meet the demand failed. In either case, demand or the belief of demand was the causation of production of the game. The production of the game created jobs.

I can provide hundreds of examples of people imagining demand and being wrong, history is, literally, filled to overflowing with them. I can also provide examples of demand that is 100% real that has not resulted in the creation of jobs. The OP is s simpleton that insist that demand, and demand alone, creates jobs. Are you as stupid as he is?

Name a job that exist that does not have demand for the specific service or product in the equation for the jobs existence.

I bet you thought that would be a challenge, didn't you?

Whistleblower: ACA contractor in Wentzville pays employees to do nothing | St. Louis
Explain ET the Extraterrestrial video game for Atari under that theory. Those people had a job making that game, but there was no demand for it, so they ended up burying it in the desert.

There are two answers I can think of. The first is that the demand was perceived by investors but did not actually exist. The second is that the perception that the demand was real was accurate, but the execution of developing a product to meet the demand failed. In either case, demand or the belief of demand was the causation of production of the game. The production of the game created jobs.

Sigh...the production of the game isn't what created was the anticipation of profit that created those jobs and it was the realization that profits would not be forthcoming that made those jobs disappear. Do you really not grasp this?

I grasp it quite fine. I also grasp the fact that you didn't once mention demand in your argument, which sort of backs up my point that demand had nothing to do with those jobs.
Only in your mind. You have failed to answer the OP or my question. No matter how much you deflect, demand for services or products is what creates jobs in any economy.


Yup, azrite

There is only one difference between a bad economist and a good one: the bad economist confines himself to the visible effect; the good economist takes in account both the effect that can be seen and those effects that must be foreseen.

Demand is the foreseen key in the equation.
No claim was made that the broken window was good for the economy. The argument has been about demand creating jobs. You are simply using a deflection to change the topic of discussion because you can not support or defend the OP and original challenge of the OP.

You got suckered into a classic economic principle.

Let's say you were bitch slapped by the invisible hand..

Only in your mind. You have failed to answer the OP or my question. No matter how much you deflect, demand for services or products is what creates jobs in any economy.

So Liberia and the Congo have almost ZERO demand for services?
Still, the question is "do Republicans see any connection between 'demand' and 'job creation'?"

Obviously demand is for a product is necessary for a business to make money off it.

So you are conceding that demand for a product or service is part of the equation that creates jobs and in fact the key factor. Is someone claiming that demand is the one and only factor that creates jobs? Who are you debating with?

Did you read the OP?

I didn't see any Republicans who told this person they were wrong.

So the question is, "Do Republicans see any connection between "demand" and "jobs"?

My personal opinion is that demand if the foundation of every single job ever created in the entire 6,000 year history of the world.
I didn't see any Republicans who told this person they were wrong.

So the question is, "Do Republicans see any connection between "demand" and "jobs"?

My personal opinion is that demand if the foundation of every single job ever created in the entire 6,000 year history of the world.

If "demand" creates jobs, then rain creates umbrellas.

Rain creates a demand for umbrellas; demand for umbrellas creates jobs producing umbrellas.

Demand creates jobs.

Yet people survived for thousands of years before the first umbrella was invented. In fact, there was absolutely no demand for umbrellas until someone invented one. So, even though you are right to say that demand is a factor, you have to have a supply element before you can have the demand element actually work. I can prove that quite simply, people have been demanding flying cars for decades, yet no one has one.
I can provide hundreds of examples of people imagining demand and being wrong, history is, literally, filled to overflowing with them. I can also provide examples of demand that is 100% real that has not resulted in the creation of jobs. The OP is s simpleton that insist that demand, and demand alone, creates jobs. Are you as stupid as he is?

Name a job that exist that does not have demand for the specific service or product in the equation for the jobs existence.

I bet you thought that would be a challenge, didn't you?

Whistleblower: ACA contractor in Wentzville pays employees to do nothing | St. Louis

Lame fail. Fraud and mismanagement does not negate the presentation or anticipation of demand. Without the anticipation of demand for service, the contract would not have been awarded.
If "demand" creates jobs, then rain creates umbrellas.

Rain creates a demand for umbrellas; demand for umbrellas creates jobs producing umbrellas.

Demand creates jobs.

Yet people survived for thousands of years before the first umbrella was invented. In fact, there was absolutely no demand for umbrellas until someone invented one. So, even though you are right to say that demand is a factor, you have to have a supply element before you can have the demand element actually work. I can prove that quite simply, people have been demanding flying cars for decades, yet no one has one.

[ame=]Terrafugia - Flying Car - YouTube[/ame]

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Name a job that exist that does not have demand for the specific service or product in the equation for the jobs existence.

I bet you thought that would be a challenge, didn't you?

Whistleblower: ACA contractor in Wentzville pays employees to do nothing | St. Louis

Lame fail. Fraud and mismanagement does not negate the presentation or anticipation of demand. Without the anticipation of demand for service, the contract would not have been awarded.

Fraud has nothing to do with it, the government is paying them to do something nobody wants. That is a job that exist even though there is no demand for it, and is far from the only example I can come up with once we factor in the government.
Rain creates a demand for umbrellas; demand for umbrellas creates jobs producing umbrellas.

Demand creates jobs.

Yet people survived for thousands of years before the first umbrella was invented. In fact, there was absolutely no demand for umbrellas until someone invented one. So, even though you are right to say that demand is a factor, you have to have a supply element before you can have the demand element actually work. I can prove that quite simply, people have been demanding flying cars for decades, yet no one has one.

[ame=""]Terrafugia - Flying Car - YouTube[/ame]

Yes, one of hundreds of prototypes that never reach the market, what's your point?
Now you COULD make the point that perhaps EVERYTHING should be run by the government or by non-profits but when it's free market capitalism that created most of the world's wealth why would you want to go down that road? Free market capitalism works because it takes human nature into account...having everything run by a central government never seems to work. So why do we keep shifting more and more of our economy into the public sector?

What is being shifted more and more into the public sector? 700,000 government jobs have disappeared since the recession.

Seriously? Did you miss the whole Affordable Care Act thing? That's moving 1/6th of our economy one step closer to government run health care. I say that because the ACA as it is presently structured cannot work and I fully expect that the next call from the Left will be for the implementation of a single payer system like they desired but couldn't push through Congress.
Labor is antecedent to capital.

Demand creates jobs.

All the bankers can die and farmers will be fine.

Farmers die and so do the bankers.

. . . they provide a service almost as vital at the farmers who grow your food. No bankers? Nobody to loan money for seeds and new equipment. No crops.

Sigh. Grow the fuck up. Yes, bankers, as you think, are almost as vital as farmers. Actually they are far less.

Labor always comes before capital.

When you can think, unlike most of the Neanderthal 19th century far right brains on this Board, come back and talk to us.

Labor always comes before capital? What does that statement mean? If I'm a laborer and I've been hired to dig ditches to install an irrigation system for a new housing you really think that I get hired BEFORE the financing for that new development has been nailed down? What are they telling me...that I should start working and cross my fingers that they can work out the financials? I'm sorry but that's simply not the way things work. Capital comes first and is used to hire labor. If you have no investor...then you have no jobs.
That's the fallacy of so called "trickle down economics", which is a concept that only exists in the heads of progressives that didn't include economics in their college course load.

Profits trickle up...not down. If I start a business I'm paying out money to purveyors and to labor BEFORE I ever make a profit. In reality I'm doing that whether or not I ever DO make a profit!
. . . they provide a service almost as vital at the farmers who grow your food. No bankers? Nobody to loan money for seeds and new equipment. No crops.

Sigh. Grow the fuck up. Yes, bankers, as you think, are almost as vital as farmers. Actually they are far less.

Labor always comes before capital.

When you can think, unlike most of the Neanderthal 19th century far right brains on this Board, come back and talk to us.

Labor always comes before capital? What does that statement mean? If I'm a laborer and I've been hired to dig ditches to install an irrigation system for a new housing you really think that I get hired BEFORE the financing for that new development has been nailed down? What are they telling me...that I should start working and cross my fingers that they can work out the financials? I'm sorry but that's simply not the way things work. Capital comes first and is used to hire labor. If you have no investor...then you have no jobs.

Guess you never worked in housing construction with contractors. Hell, all kinds of business deals get put together that have no actual exchanges of funds, but rather on the expectation on the promises of funds. The funds are assumed because a prediction is made of a demand that will occur when and if a service or product is provided.
Good luck getting spec work done by subcontractors if you have no history of paying those who work for you! That work is done on the reputation of those involved and the funds to pay subs are assumed because both the contractor and the subcontractor anticipate selling of the finished product for a profit. If there is no expectation of profit...then there is NOT going to be spec work done.
Which brings us right back to the driver of job creation...the anticipation of profits!!!

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