British General Election Results

They have links to several loyalist paramilitary organisations. Cant see a reference to that in this piece of fake news.

Keep straining yourself.

It's this bigoted and vile mentality that kept The Troubles going for 30 years, thankfully the majority buried those ghosts 19 years ago, but a small minority of vile bigots who are Sore Losers and cannot emotionally handle that the Leftists LOST the General Election are digging those old ghosts up again in order to play the filthiest game of politics.

Disgusting creatures, thankfully by 2020 the Left in the West will be dead and buried.


Tommy plays a dirty game.

All of that crowd do, no wonder they cheerleaded for the IRA and cheerlead for Hamas and take to the Internets to deflect and post pro-Islamic Propaganda every time one of their Kebab pets blows people up or mows people down with a vehicle or grooms and rapes young girls in their Paki Rape Gangs.

Leftists support terrorists whether they are IRA or Islamic, just as long as they are murdering the very people that Leftists hate with almost demonic intensity be they European Christians or Jews.
They have links to several loyalist paramilitary organisations. Cant see a reference to that in this piece of fake news.

Keep straining yourself.

It's this bigoted and vile mentality that kept The Troubles going for 30 years, thankfully the majority buried those ghosts 19 years ago, but a small minority of vile bigots who are Sore Losers and cannot emotionally handle that the Leftists LOST the General Election are digging those old ghosts up again in order to play the filthiest game of politics.

Disgusting creatures, thankfully by 2020 the Left in the West will be dead and buried.


Tommy plays a dirty game.
DUP man faces 23 charges over claims for heating oil -

There is shedloads of this. How can you turn your back to this whilst calling Corbyn a terrorist sympathiser ?
They have links to several loyalist paramilitary organisations. Cant see a reference to that in this piece of fake news.

Keep straining yourself.

It's this bigoted and vile mentality that kept The Troubles going for 30 years, thankfully the majority buried those ghosts 19 years ago, but a small minority of vile bigots who are Sore Losers and cannot emotionally handle that the Leftists LOST the General Election are digging those old ghosts up again in order to play the filthiest game of politics.

Disgusting creatures, thankfully by 2020 the Left in the West will be dead and buried.


Tommy plays a dirty game.
DUP man faces 23 charges over claims for heating oil -

There is shedloads of this. How can you turn your back to this whilst calling Corbyn a terrorist sympathiser ?

Still not interested.
They have links to several loyalist paramilitary organisations. Cant see a reference to that in this piece of fake news.

Keep straining yourself.

It's this bigoted and vile mentality that kept The Troubles going for 30 years, thankfully the majority buried those ghosts 19 years ago, but a small minority of vile bigots who are Sore Losers and cannot emotionally handle that the Leftists LOST the General Election are digging those old ghosts up again in order to play the filthiest game of politics.

Disgusting creatures, thankfully by 2020 the Left in the West will be dead and buried.


Tommy plays a dirty game.
DUP man faces 23 charges over claims for heating oil -

There is shedloads of this. How can you turn your back to this whilst calling Corbyn a terrorist sympathiser ?

Still not interested.
I knew that you would run away from discussing this. You have no moral or ethical standards.
DUP representative pleads guilty on electoral fraud charges
They have links to several loyalist paramilitary organisations. Cant see a reference to that in this piece of fake news.

Keep straining yourself.

What the Leftists and Corbynistas do not realise is that even if Theresa May is thrown overboard by the Conservatives within the next six months, she'll be replaced by another Tory, this one almost certainly will have campaigned for pro-Brexit - May herself was on Team Remain - the idiotic Left think that if May is dumped then Jeremy Corbyn will become Prime Minister at the next General Election.

He won't, Theresa May ran possibly the worst campaign imaginable, who knows perhaps the Tories will replace her with Zak Goldsmith who's a long standing Eurosceptic or someone like Liam Fox, I don't think it will be Boris Johnson.

Zak Goldsmith also is a beautiful man and is very charming and charismatic.


Liam Fox.

Keep straining yourself.

It's this bigoted and vile mentality that kept The Troubles going for 30 years, thankfully the majority buried those ghosts 19 years ago, but a small minority of vile bigots who are Sore Losers and cannot emotionally handle that the Leftists LOST the General Election are digging those old ghosts up again in order to play the filthiest game of politics.

Disgusting creatures, thankfully by 2020 the Left in the West will be dead and buried.


Tommy plays a dirty game.
DUP man faces 23 charges over claims for heating oil -

There is shedloads of this. How can you turn your back to this whilst calling Corbyn a terrorist sympathiser ?

Still not interested.
I knew that you would run away from discussing this. You have no moral or ethical standards.
DUP representative pleads guilty on electoral fraud charges

Your trolling tactics don't work on me. I've seen it all before.

Twisting the narrative, by accusing posters of saying Corbyn was a terrorist. When no such claims were made.

It's you who have no moral or ethical standards.
It's this bigoted and vile mentality that kept The Troubles going for 30 years, thankfully the majority buried those ghosts 19 years ago, but a small minority of vile bigots who are Sore Losers and cannot emotionally handle that the Leftists LOST the General Election are digging those old ghosts up again in order to play the filthiest game of politics.

Disgusting creatures, thankfully by 2020 the Left in the West will be dead and buried.


Tommy plays a dirty game.
DUP man faces 23 charges over claims for heating oil -

There is shedloads of this. How can you turn your back to this whilst calling Corbyn a terrorist sympathiser ?

Still not interested.
I knew that you would run away from discussing this. You have no moral or ethical standards.
DUP representative pleads guilty on electoral fraud charges

Your trolling tactics don't work on me. I've seen it all before.

Twisting the narrative, by accusing posters of saying Corbyn was a terrorist. When no such claims were made.

It's you who have no moral or ethical standards.
I said "sympathiser", you must have misread what I stated.

Tommy plays a dirty game.
DUP man faces 23 charges over claims for heating oil -

There is shedloads of this. How can you turn your back to this whilst calling Corbyn a terrorist sympathiser ?

Still not interested.
I knew that you would run away from discussing this. You have no moral or ethical standards.
DUP representative pleads guilty on electoral fraud charges

Your trolling tactics don't work on me. I've seen it all before.

Twisting the narrative, by accusing posters of saying Corbyn was a terrorist. When no such claims were made.

It's you who have no moral or ethical standards.
I said "sympathiser", you must have misread what I stated.

Don't bother.

You're tiresome and tedious.
They have links to several loyalist paramilitary organisations. Cant see a reference to that in this piece of fake news.

Keep straining yourself.

What the Leftists and Corbynistas do not realise is that even if Theresa May is thrown overboard by the Conservatives within the next six months, she'll be replaced by another Tory, this one almost certainly will have campaigned for pro-Brexit - May herself was on Team Remain - the idiotic Left think that if May is dumped then Jeremy Corbyn will become Prime Minister at the next General Election.

He won't, Theresa May ran possibly the worst campaign imaginable, who knows perhaps the Tories will replace her with Zak Goldsmith who's a long standing Eurosceptic or someone like Liam Fox, I don't think it will be Boris Johnson.

Zak Goldsmith also is a beautiful man and is very charming and charismatic.


Liam Fox.

Goldsmith was rejected by Londoners after running a racist campaign. Fox was sacked for taking his boyfriend on official government trips. There are probably better tories out there.
Who are the DUP, and what does a deal to prop up the Tories mean for the UK?

The Democratic Unionist Party was founded by the leader of the evangelical Free Presbyterian Church, the Rev Iain Paisley, in 1971, three years after the outbreak of “The Troubles” in Northern Ireland.

A leading member of the Orange Order, Paisley was best known for his cry of “No Surrender” to any concessions to the minority Catholic or pro-Nationalist population. Paisley later softened his stance and went into power with Sinn Fein in the devolved Stormont Assembly which followed the Good Friday Agreement.

Who are the DUP, and what does a deal to prop up the Tories mean for the UK?
They have links to several loyalist paramilitary organisations. Cant see a reference to that in this piece of fake news.
And Comrade Corbyn names Hamas among his 'friends', has supported the IRA all his adult life, and has actually shared platforms with filthy terrorist scum who have MURDERED his fellow countrymen and women.
The DUP aren't being invited to form a coalition, yet you want a TERRORIST SYMPATHISER AND A TERRORIST SUPPORTER to run this country? You really are a big fat hypocritical joke. Lol.
Keep straining yourself.

It's this bigoted and vile mentality that kept The Troubles going for 30 years, thankfully the majority buried those ghosts 19 years ago, but a small minority of vile bigots who are Sore Losers and cannot emotionally handle that the Leftists LOST the General Election are digging those old ghosts up again in order to play the filthiest game of politics.

Disgusting creatures, thankfully by 2020 the Left in the West will be dead and buried.


Tommy plays a dirty game.
DUP man faces 23 charges over claims for heating oil -

There is shedloads of this. How can you turn your back to this whilst calling Corbyn a terrorist sympathiser ?

Still not interested.
I knew that you would run away from discussing this. You have no moral or ethical standards.
DUP representative pleads guilty on electoral fraud charges
Then neither do you, since you seem to think a Hamas and IRA supporter should actually be running this country rather than simply having the DUP offering support when needed.
Btw, to make matters worse, even his own party have said Comrade Corbyn couldn't run a piss up in a brewery! He's only good at supporting England's enemies and screaming his little commie head off on the hustings. And what's more, HE LOST.
Yay :)
They have links to several loyalist paramilitary organisations. Cant see a reference to that in this piece of fake news.

Keep straining yourself.

What the Leftists and Corbynistas do not realise is that even if Theresa May is thrown overboard by the Conservatives within the next six months, she'll be replaced by another Tory, this one almost certainly will have campaigned for pro-Brexit - May herself was on Team Remain - the idiotic Left think that if May is dumped then Jeremy Corbyn will become Prime Minister at the next General Election.

He won't, Theresa May ran possibly the worst campaign imaginable, who knows perhaps the Tories will replace her with Zak Goldsmith who's a long standing Eurosceptic or someone like Liam Fox, I don't think it will be Boris Johnson.

Zak Goldsmith also is a beautiful man and is very charming and charismatic.


Liam Fox.

Goldsmith was rejected by Londoners after running a racist campaign. Fox was sacked for taking his boyfriend on official government trips. There are probably better tories out there.
Only to rabid leftards does questioning Khans extremist ties constitute racism. But of course you love extremists and terrorist supporters, so no surprise there.
Vote tory and get paramilitary trash who terrorise children who go to school in the wrong post code.
All in a days work for the tories.

They have links to several loyalist paramilitary organisations. Cant see a reference to that in this piece of fake news.

Keep straining yourself.

What the Leftists and Corbynistas do not realise is that even if Theresa May is thrown overboard by the Conservatives within the next six months, she'll be replaced by another Tory, this one almost certainly will have campaigned for pro-Brexit - May herself was on Team Remain - the idiotic Left think that if May is dumped then Jeremy Corbyn will become Prime Minister at the next General Election.

He won't, Theresa May ran possibly the worst campaign imaginable, who knows perhaps the Tories will replace her with Zak Goldsmith who's a long standing Eurosceptic or someone like Liam Fox, I don't think it will be Boris Johnson.

Zak Goldsmith also is a beautiful man and is very charming and charismatic.


Liam Fox.

Goldsmith was rejected by Londoners after running a racist campaign. Fox was sacked for taking his boyfriend on official government trips. There are probably better tories out there.
Only to rabid leftards does questioning Khans extremist ties constitute racism. But of course you love extremists and terrorist supporters, so no surprise there.
Slag Khan off all you like. But dont pretend he is some sort of extremist.
They have links to several loyalist paramilitary organisations. Cant see a reference to that in this piece of fake news.

Keep straining yourself.

What the Leftists and Corbynistas do not realise is that even if Theresa May is thrown overboard by the Conservatives within the next six months, she'll be replaced by another Tory, this one almost certainly will have campaigned for pro-Brexit - May herself was on Team Remain - the idiotic Left think that if May is dumped then Jeremy Corbyn will become Prime Minister at the next General Election.

He won't, Theresa May ran possibly the worst campaign imaginable, who knows perhaps the Tories will replace her with Zak Goldsmith who's a long standing Eurosceptic or someone like Liam Fox, I don't think it will be Boris Johnson.

Zak Goldsmith also is a beautiful man and is very charming and charismatic.


Liam Fox.

Goldsmith was rejected by Londoners after running a racist campaign. Fox was sacked for taking his boyfriend on official government trips. There are probably better tories out there.
Only to rabid leftards does questioning Khans extremist ties constitute racism. But of course you love extremists and terrorist supporters, so no surprise there.
Slag Khan off all you like. But dont pretend he is some sort of extremist.
Discussing his extremist links is not slagging him off, nor is it racism. Someone who shares platforms with extremists - who also segregate the women attendees - I view as extreme. But again, you leftards love yourself some Islamic extremism and terrorism from whatever source. You really are quite sick :cuckoo:
Keep straining yourself.

What the Leftists and Corbynistas do not realise is that even if Theresa May is thrown overboard by the Conservatives within the next six months, she'll be replaced by another Tory, this one almost certainly will have campaigned for pro-Brexit - May herself was on Team Remain - the idiotic Left think that if May is dumped then Jeremy Corbyn will become Prime Minister at the next General Election.

He won't, Theresa May ran possibly the worst campaign imaginable, who knows perhaps the Tories will replace her with Zak Goldsmith who's a long standing Eurosceptic or someone like Liam Fox, I don't think it will be Boris Johnson.

Zak Goldsmith also is a beautiful man and is very charming and charismatic.


Liam Fox.

Goldsmith was rejected by Londoners after running a racist campaign. Fox was sacked for taking his boyfriend on official government trips. There are probably better tories out there.
Only to rabid leftards does questioning Khans extremist ties constitute racism. But of course you love extremists and terrorist supporters, so no surprise there.
Slag Khan off all you like. But dont pretend he is some sort of extremist.
Discussing his extremist links is not slagging him off, nor is it racism. Someone who shares platforms with extremists - who also segregate the women attendees - I view as extreme. But again, you leftards love yourself some Islamic extremism and terrorism from whatever source. You really are quite sick :cuckoo:
Khan is a moderate on the right wing of the labour party. Too far right for my taste.Having said that there isnt a major issue that he is on the wrong side of and he will win again with a bigger majority. Your islamophobia blinds you to that reality. Suck it up babe.
Keep straining yourself.

What the Leftists and Corbynistas do not realise is that even if Theresa May is thrown overboard by the Conservatives within the next six months, she'll be replaced by another Tory, this one almost certainly will have campaigned for pro-Brexit - May herself was on Team Remain - the idiotic Left think that if May is dumped then Jeremy Corbyn will become Prime Minister at the next General Election.

He won't, Theresa May ran possibly the worst campaign imaginable, who knows perhaps the Tories will replace her with Zak Goldsmith who's a long standing Eurosceptic or someone like Liam Fox, I don't think it will be Boris Johnson.

Zak Goldsmith also is a beautiful man and is very charming and charismatic.


Liam Fox.

Goldsmith was rejected by Londoners after running a racist campaign. Fox was sacked for taking his boyfriend on official government trips. There are probably better tories out there.
Only to rabid leftards does questioning Khans extremist ties constitute racism. But of course you love extremists and terrorist supporters, so no surprise there.
Slag Khan off all you like. But dont pretend he is some sort of extremist.
Discussing his extremist links is not slagging him off, nor is it racism. Someone who shares platforms with extremists - who also segregate the women attendees - I view as extreme. But again, you leftards love yourself some Islamic extremism and terrorism from whatever source. You really are quite sick :cuckoo:

So sorry about the results.

I fear we're in for much of the same.

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

T.S. Eliot
It's this bigoted and vile mentality that kept The Troubles going for 30 years, thankfully the majority buried those ghosts 19 years ago, but a small minority of vile bigots who are Sore Losers and cannot emotionally handle that the Leftists LOST the General Election are digging those old ghosts up again in order to play the filthiest game of politics.

Disgusting creatures, thankfully by 2020 the Left in the West will be dead and buried.


Tommy plays a dirty game.
DUP man faces 23 charges over claims for heating oil -

There is shedloads of this. How can you turn your back to this whilst calling Corbyn a terrorist sympathiser ?

Still not interested.
I knew that you would run away from discussing this. You have no moral or ethical standards.
DUP representative pleads guilty on electoral fraud charges

Your trolling tactics don't work on me. I've seen it all before.

Twisting the narrative, by accusing posters of saying Corbyn was a terrorist. When no such claims were made.

It's you who have no moral or ethical standards.

Quit twisting the facts. There have multiple claims of Corbyn being a terrorist supporter. What's the difference between that and calling him a terrorist. You are a troll. I have seen your type before.

Tommy plays a dirty game.
DUP man faces 23 charges over claims for heating oil -

There is shedloads of this. How can you turn your back to this whilst calling Corbyn a terrorist sympathiser ?

Still not interested.
I knew that you would run away from discussing this. You have no moral or ethical standards.
DUP representative pleads guilty on electoral fraud charges

Your trolling tactics don't work on me. I've seen it all before.

Twisting the narrative, by accusing posters of saying Corbyn was a terrorist. When no such claims were made.

It's you who have no moral or ethical standards.

Quit twisting the facts. There have multiple claims of Corbyn being a terrorist supporter. What's the difference between that and calling him a terrorist. You are a troll. I have seen your type before.

You're another one who has nothing to say, as far as I'm concerned.

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