British General Election Results

But Corbyn was trying to find a solution to the Troubles. He is an honourable man. The current terrorist trash are now in government because May has no morals.

Much like when he takes all those trips to meet with Hamas looking for a Solution* to the Arab's little Jewish problem.

* and a final one at that.

This Labour Party is infested with anti semitism.
So true. Thank God we kept the antisemitic Jewophobes OUT.

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DUP manifesto items:

The DUP states that it “does not believe that the present defence arrangements for the UK are adequate enough to cope with the emerging threats in the 21st Century”, and calls for a new national security and strategic defence review.

It stands for maintaining the UK’s independent nuclear deterrent and supports participation in NATO, but “shares the American concerns that other members are consistently failing to fulfil the minimum spending target.”

The manifesto also states that there should be a review of current terrorism legislation and an expansion of cybersecurity research in Northern Ireland.
DUP on

The DUP is staunchly pro-Leave, being the only mainstream party in Northern Ireland to have backed Brexit, despite the region voting to remain.

The DUP's manifesto states that the party will work "to get the best deal for Northern Ireland", stating: "In the new Parliament, Northern Ireland needs to have a strong, united DUP team arguing the case for our people."

Brexit is also seen as favourable to the DUP due to its commitment to Unionism, although leader Arlene Foster having spoken against it and expressed her hopes of avoiding a hard border with Ireland, in order to "respect the specific circumstances of Northern Ireland, and, of course, our shared history and geography with the Republic of Ireland."

Like many Brexiteers, the party wants to end the supremacy of the EU’s highest court and argues that Britain should regain the freedom to make global trade deals, which would require leaving the EU’s single market — something Ms May also hopes to do.
Because the general election uses a first-past-the-post system, there is no hope for multiple parties. Small parties cannot grow and governments will always gain power with a minority of votes. This type of voting will put pressure to form two parties; right and left and as close to the center as possible to get votes.

The BBC World Service say that Theresa May going to Buckingham Palace at 12.30PM to tell Queen she can form a Government with the DUP (Democratic Unionist Party)

As it stands the Conservatives have 318 seats, this will be 319 seat soon as Kensington and Chelsea are still counting and it's a safe Tory seat.

Therefore the Conservatives 319 + DUP 10 = 329 = The Conservatives will be able to get through the Queen's Speech and also pass a Budget etc.

Sinn Fein have 7 seats but won't take their seats as they have an Abstentionist Policy because they won't swear allegiance to the British Queen.
The ordinary English people have no concept of the trouble they are in if the Tories can form a government only with the help of a Protestant, anti-Catholic, homophobic bigots such as are members of the DUP. How that government can be balanced and objective about N. Ireland and relations with the Republic of Ireland while it depends on the DUP defies belief.

Well this is what the British are getting the Conservatives with the DUP, so they'll just have to get used to that because that's the Government they are getting.

Well there are certain issues around this. What have the DUP offered? They were certainly quick to come to an agreement. Which means the DUP didn't really want much other than agreement on how they can fuck over catholics in Northern Ireland. They probably both have agreements on most things anyway, so what did the DUP ask for? That's the main thing. Will it be that they don't screw over the NHS, no chance. So five years of the Tories destroying institutions and Labour spending the next five years being useless. Better not move to the UK any time soon.
The Dup will do all they can not to have to deal with Jeremy Corbyn as PM.

Well they don't have to do anything, Corbyn couldn't form a govt unless he got the Tories on his side, in which case the DUP would be ignored anyway.
Because the general election uses a first-past-the-post system, there is no hope for multiple parties. Small parties cannot grow and governments will always gain power with a minority of votes. This type of voting will put pressure to form two parties; right and left and as close to the center as possible to get votes.

The BBC World Service say that Theresa May going to Buckingham Palace at 12.30PM to tell Queen she can form a Government with the DUP (Democratic Unionist Party)

As it stands the Conservatives have 318 seats, this will be 319 seat soon as Kensington and Chelsea are still counting and it's a safe Tory seat.

Therefore the Conservatives 319 + DUP 10 = 329 = The Conservatives will be able to get through the Queen's Speech and also pass a Budget etc.

Sinn Fein have 7 seats but won't take their seats as they have an Abstentionist Policy because they won't swear allegiance to the British Queen.

Which is bad news. It means the DUP will just ask for stuff to screw the catholics and the Tories will screw everyone else.

Well quite a lot of Socially Conservative Catholics vote for and support the DUP, their former leader and First Minister Peter Robinson made a point to reach out to Socially Conservative Catholics, Sinn Fein being Left-Wing and very Socially Liberal.

I think in Northern Ireland it's for some time been less about hardcore religion as a reason to support a party and more about actual policies in supporting a party, which is how it should be, people have moved on from supporting a party simply based upon their religion, you know Roman Catholics MUST support either Sinn Fein or the SDLP and Protestants MUST support the DUP or the UUP regardless of whether they agree with the party policies.

Socially Conservative Catholics for example are anti-Abortion, the DUP are anti-Abortion, Sinn Fein and the SDLP are pro-Abortion, so it's logical on just that one issue that Socially Conservative Catholics would vote for the DUP.

The results in Northern Ireland now show there are only two parties there the DUP and Sinn Fein, the SDLP have lost all their seats and the UUP have lost all their seats and the Alliance Party (Northern Ireland party affiliated with UK Liberal Democrat Party) have been annihilated.

The DUP won the South Belfast seat off the SDLP and won back the South Antrim seat from the UUP.

The Independent is Lady Sylvia Hermon who used to be in the UUP from 1998-2010 and then she left the party in 2010 and has sat as an Independent since.

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Well, there are still hard core supporters on both sides. I knew a protestant who voted for Sinn Fein. Northern Ireland is changing, but it's still a pain in the ass full of problems. I think there was a big protest because people played football on a Sunday, I mean, they're kind of backwards over there.

"I think there was a big protest because people played football on a Sunday,"

Well for whatever reason, at least just protests are better than how they were during what they call The Troubles beginning in 1968 and ending in 1998, where almost on a daily basis for 30 years they were randomly shooting each other, I mean they even had chaos when burying their dead with random masked men turning up and shooting into crowds of mourners etc.

3,600 approx were killed on both sides, mainly retaliation killings, the * IRA or the INLA would kill a Protestant and in retaliation the ** UDA or the UVF would kill a Catholic, rinse and repeat.

* IRA = Provisional Irish Republican Army, INLA = Irish National Liberation Army, both Catholic, Irish Republican Paramilitary groups..

** UDA = Ulster Defence Association, UVF = Ulster Volunteer Force, both Protestant, Ulster Loyalist Paramilitary groups.

I think for some time the Falls Road in Belfast was the most dangerous street in the world.

Both the UDA and the UVF and the IRA and the INLA are completely disarmed.

However still in existence are The Real IRA who formed in 1997, those members of the IRA who refused to accept any Peace Deal and instead went rogue and have committed random atrocities since 1998, beginning with the Omagh Bombing which killed 29 people and injured 220 others.

Real Irish Republican Army - Wikipedia

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Omagh bombing - Wikipedia

Yes, of course. And it was the left, the left that you hate, that sorted this out. The Tories don't "deal with terrorists" and were perfectly happy to see the bombings continue.

The problem is that on the other hand Blair then opened up the killings by Islamic extremists...
The BBC World Service say that Theresa May going to Buckingham Palace at 12.30PM to tell Queen she can form a Government with the DUP (Democratic Unionist Party)

As it stands the Conservatives have 318 seats, this will be 319 seat soon as Kensington and Chelsea are still counting and it's a safe Tory seat.

Therefore the Conservatives 319 + DUP 10 = 329 = The Conservatives will be able to get through the Queen's Speech and also pass a Budget etc.

Sinn Fein have 7 seats but won't take their seats as they have an Abstentionist Policy because they won't swear allegiance to the British Queen.

Which is bad news. It means the DUP will just ask for stuff to screw the catholics and the Tories will screw everyone else.

Well quite a lot of Socially Conservative Catholics vote for and support the DUP, their former leader and First Minister Peter Robinson made a point to reach out to Socially Conservative Catholics, Sinn Fein being Left-Wing and very Socially Liberal.

I think in Northern Ireland it's for some time been less about hardcore religion as a reason to support a party and more about actual policies in supporting a party, which is how it should be, people have moved on from supporting a party simply based upon their religion, you know Roman Catholics MUST support either Sinn Fein or the SDLP and Protestants MUST support the DUP or the UUP regardless of whether they agree with the party policies.

Socially Conservative Catholics for example are anti-Abortion, the DUP are anti-Abortion, Sinn Fein and the SDLP are pro-Abortion, so it's logical on just that one issue that Socially Conservative Catholics would vote for the DUP.

The results in Northern Ireland now show there are only two parties there the DUP and Sinn Fein, the SDLP have lost all their seats and the UUP have lost all their seats and the Alliance Party (Northern Ireland party affiliated with UK Liberal Democrat Party) have been annihilated.

The DUP won the South Belfast seat off the SDLP and won back the South Antrim seat from the UUP.

The Independent is Lady Sylvia Hermon who used to be in the UUP from 1998-2010 and then she left the party in 2010 and has sat as an Independent since.

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Well, there are still hard core supporters on both sides. I knew a protestant who voted for Sinn Fein. Northern Ireland is changing, but it's still a pain in the ass full of problems. I think there was a big protest because people played football on a Sunday, I mean, they're kind of backwards over there.
How about Medieval?

You really are a vile bigot aren't you? Trashing the people of Northern Ireland, just because some people might want to keep Sunday as a day of rest and reflection doesn't make them "Medieval" you little bigot you.

Did you support ETA?

Well, they were imposing their religion on others, and demanding that everyone respect their day.
Despite the loss of seats, the Conservatives polled 13.7 million votes this time, better than Cameron's 11.3 million votes two years ago and way better than their 10.7 million votes in 2010, so May and the Conservative party actually achieved a very significant increase in votes.

‘Deluded!’ Jeremy Corbyn mocked for claiming election victory – ‘He thinks he’s WON’

JEREMY Corbyn has been mocked for claiming victory in the General Election - despite the Tories winning 55 seats more than his party.

PUBLISHED: 08:59, Fri, Jun 9, 2017 | UPDATED: 11:01, Fri, Jun 9, 201

The Labour leader shocked many by starting an interview with Sky News by saying: “We have been elected to…”

He continued by outlining his plans for a Labour government and admitted he was ready to form a coalition with fellow Westminster parties.

He then reiterated “it’s pretty clear” Labour won the election.


‘Deluded!’ Jeremy Corbyn mocked for claiming election victory – ‘He thinks he’s WON’
Despite the loss of seats, the Conservatives polled 13.7 million votes this time, better than Cameron's 11.3 million votes two years ago and way better than their 10.7 million votes in 2010, so May and the Conservative party actually achieved a very significant increase in votes.

Your system is bizarro and basically very unfair.


UKIP last night received 593,852 votes = 0 seats.

The DUP last night received 293,316 votes (300,536 less votes than UKIP) = 10 seats.

The Green Party last night received 524,604 votes (69,000 less votes than UKIP, but 231,288 more votes than the DUP) = 1 seat.

‘Deluded!’ Jeremy Corbyn mocked for claiming election victory – ‘He thinks he’s WON’

JEREMY Corbyn has been mocked for claiming victory in the General Election - despite the Tories winning 55 seats more than his party.

PUBLISHED: 08:59, Fri, Jun 9, 2017 | UPDATED: 11:01, Fri, Jun 9, 201

The Labour leader shocked many by starting an interview with Sky News by saying: “We have been elected to…”

He continued by outlining his plans for a Labour government and admitted he was ready to form a coalition with fellow Westminster parties.

He then reiterated “it’s pretty clear” Labour won the election.


‘Deluded!’ Jeremy Corbyn mocked for claiming election victory – ‘He thinks he’s WON’

Jeremy Corbyn is mentally ill, like that moronic Diane Abbot woman and also last night interview with some equally mad woman named Emily Thornberry who also said that Jeremy Corbyn was going to form a Government :cuckoo:

Is it any wonder Labour have now lost three General Elections in a row.
Labour is like the today's Democrats who celebrate when they don't lose too badly.

Perhaps like the Leftist mental illness dictates they want a Winner Trophy for just participating :rolleyes-41: :uhoh3:

Labour got 262 seats, they came a distant second, in Leftist LaLaLand that means they won :rolleyes-41: :cuckoo:

Labour is like the today's Democrats who celebrate when they don't lose too badly.

Perhaps like the Leftist mental illness dictates they want a Winner Trophy for just participating :rolleyes-41: :uhoh3:

Labour got 262 seats, they came a distant second, in Leftist LaLaLand that means they won :rolleyes-41: :cuckoo:

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Jeremy Corbyn offered sunshine, lollipops, rainbows and a free unicorn for everyone!
This is the only reason Labour got half the votes they did. Imagine if they'd actually won and tried to implement it!
Labour is like the today's Democrats who celebrate when they don't lose too badly.
How insulting; Labour has no connections to the Banking, Financial Services, and Corporations in the City of London. Labour does not support Israel against the Palestinians as the Democrats do. Labour would not approve of murdering families and children by drones as Obama did. Shame on you for sullying Labour by comparing them to right-wing American Democrats.
Labour is like the today's Democrats who celebrate when they don't lose too badly.

Perhaps like the Leftist mental illness dictates they want a Winner Trophy for just participating :rolleyes-41: :uhoh3:

Labour got 262 seats, they came a distant second, in Leftist LaLaLand that means they won :rolleyes-41: :cuckoo:

View attachment 132063

Jeremy Corbyn offered sunshine, lollipops, rainbows and a free unicorn for everyone!
This is the only reason Labour got half the votes they did. Imagine if they'd actually won and tried to implement it!
The English people are not so shallow. You should talk to them sometime.
Labour is like the today's Democrats who celebrate when they don't lose too badly.

Perhaps like the Leftist mental illness dictates they want a Winner Trophy for just participating :rolleyes-41: :uhoh3:

Labour got 262 seats, they came a distant second, in Leftist LaLaLand that means they won :rolleyes-41: :cuckoo:

View attachment 132063

Jeremy Corbyn offered sunshine, lollipops, rainbows and a free unicorn for everyone!
This is the only reason Labour got half the votes they did. Imagine if they'd actually won and tried to implement it!
The English people are not so shallow. You should talk to them sometime.

You want me to talk to myself?

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