British General Election Results

You miss a few points Greg. Firstly her own MPs are not happy with the pact. They will not support the more horrific clauses in the queens speech.
And even if they do then the lord's will kick it back.

Secondly May can't guarantee a soft border because she won't pay that price. It would upset the nutters in her own party. Freedom of movement is not negotiable.

Thirdly the bribes she will have to give the proddys will enrage the Scots and Welsh. She has MPs in both countries and they will be facing extermination if she does this.

And finally they all despise her. Remain is going to shape brexit from now on.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
They have links to several loyalist paramilitary organisations. Cant see a reference to that in this piece of fake news.
And Comrade Corbyn names Hamas among his 'friends', has supported the IRA all his adult life, and has actually shared platforms with filthy terrorist scum who have MURDERED his fellow countrymen and women.
The DUP aren't being invited to form a coalition, yet you want a TERRORIST SYMPATHISER AND A TERRORIST SUPPORTER to run this country? You really are a big fat hypocritical joke. Lol.

Mentally deranged Leftists cannot do simple mathematics, just like the Terrorist Supporter and Terrorist Sympathiser Jeremy Corbyn.

They think that Jeremy Corbyn can still form a Government, lets do the mathematics.

Even if Labour have a Labour + SNP + Liberal Democrat + Plaid Cymru + Green Coalition that = 315 seats.

EVEN if Sinn Fein took their 7 seats that = 322 seats.

Conservatives 318 seats + DUP 10 seats = 328 seats.

322 seats is less than 328 seats, therefore Jeremy Corbyn's bizarro Coalition would collapse within WEEKS as they'd be voted down, Corbyn probably wouldn't even get a Queen's Speech through Parliament.

Corbyn's a loser. Pathetically so. "He won because he didn't lose as badly as we thought he would"?? Just how low were your expectations?? lmao

FIVE YEARS OF Conservative rule with a bit of "move to the right" starch added by the DUP. Not an altogether poor result imo.

Now Corbyn; OPPOSITION!! Please rehash him in FIVE MORE YEARS!!

Do you expect this deal to last till Xmas ?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

When the alternative is Corbyn it'll last till 2099!! lmao

No worries there, Tommy. When they replace Farron even the Lib Dems will want to be a part of it. Nothing begets good government like a narrow majority in the House of Commons. The DUP will be very solid contributors. I like their stance on keeping a soft border with Eire. Who knows; it may even assist with eventual Unification but that's not on the radar yet of course.


MI5 have a file on Jeremy Corbyn and also John McConnell his Shadow Chancellor opened because of their extensive links to terrorist groups like the IRA.

Yes MI5 are TOTALLY going to allow Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party to get anywhere NEAR 10 Downing Street lol.

Jeremy Corbyn BEWARE the Spooks, if need be they'll make sure you no longer have the ability to breathe :eusa_whistle:

This sack of human filth is going to be taken down within the next six months.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

19 MAY 2017 • 9:00PM

"MI5 opened a file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his links to the IRA, The Telegraph has discovered.

The Labour leader was investigated over fears that he could have been a threat to national security at a time when he was supporting convicted terrorists and campaigning for a unified Ireland.

The revelations come as a Telegraph investigation reveals Mr Corbyn’s full links to the IRA, including his support for one of the Balcombe Street gang who waged a 14-month bombing campaign across south-east England, and his links to the bomb maker believed to have been behind the Hyde Park and Regent's Park devices.

Mr Corbyn also shared a platform with a wanted IRA killer and John McDonnell, his shadow Chancellor, claimed that the pair of them used to “pin people against the wall” in the House of Commons to lobby them on behalf of Ireland.

- Snip -

The Balcombe Street Gang and Corbyn's long association with the IRA

It was one of the IRA’s most notorious units whose bloody bombing campaign was only brought to an end during a five-day siege that was broadcast live on television and was watched by millions.

But until now it was not known that a member of the Balcombe Street Gang found support from Jeremy Corbyn, who campaigned on his behalf as he was serving 11 life sentences for his part in the killing of 16 people.

The revelation is part of a series of links between the Labour leader and the IRA during a long association uncovered by a Telegraph investigation."

Here's the full article.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

And Comrade Corbyn names Hamas among his 'friends', has supported the IRA all his adult life, and has actually shared platforms with filthy terrorist scum who have MURDERED his fellow countrymen and women.
The DUP aren't being invited to form a coalition, yet you want a TERRORIST SYMPATHISER AND A TERRORIST SUPPORTER to run this country? You really are a big fat hypocritical joke. Lol.

Mentally deranged Leftists cannot do simple mathematics, just like the Terrorist Supporter and Terrorist Sympathiser Jeremy Corbyn.

They think that Jeremy Corbyn can still form a Government, lets do the mathematics.

Even if Labour have a Labour + SNP + Liberal Democrat + Plaid Cymru + Green Coalition that = 315 seats.

EVEN if Sinn Fein took their 7 seats that = 322 seats.

Conservatives 318 seats + DUP 10 seats = 328 seats.

322 seats is less than 328 seats, therefore Jeremy Corbyn's bizarro Coalition would collapse within WEEKS as they'd be voted down, Corbyn probably wouldn't even get a Queen's Speech through Parliament.

Corbyn's a loser. Pathetically so. "He won because he didn't lose as badly as we thought he would"?? Just how low were your expectations?? lmao

FIVE YEARS OF Conservative rule with a bit of "move to the right" starch added by the DUP. Not an altogether poor result imo.

Now Corbyn; OPPOSITION!! Please rehash him in FIVE MORE YEARS!!

Do you expect this deal to last till Xmas ?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

When the alternative is Corbyn it'll last till 2099!! lmao

No worries there, Tommy. When they replace Farron even the Lib Dems will want to be a part of it. Nothing begets good government like a narrow majority in the House of Commons. The DUP will be very solid contributors. I like their stance on keeping a soft border with Eire. Who knows; it may even assist with eventual Unification but that's not on the radar yet of course.


MI5 have a file on Jeremy Corbyn and also John McConnell his Shadow Chancellor opened because of their extensive links to terrorist groups like the IRA.

Yes MI5 are TOTALLY going to allow Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party to get anywhere NEAR 10 Downing Street lol.

Jeremy Corbyn BEWARE the Spooks, if need be they'll make sure you no longer have the ability to breathe :eusa_whistle:

This sack of human filth is going to be taken down within the next six months.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

19 MAY 2017 • 9:00PM

"MI5 opened a file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his links to the IRA, The Telegraph has discovered.

The Labour leader was investigated over fears that he could have been a threat to national security at a time when he was supporting convicted terrorists and campaigning for a unified Ireland.

The revelations come as a Telegraph investigation reveals Mr Corbyn’s full links to the IRA, including his support for one of the Balcombe Street gang who waged a 14-month bombing campaign across south-east England, and his links to the bomb maker believed to have been behind the Hyde Park and Regent's Park devices.

Mr Corbyn also shared a platform with a wanted IRA killer and John McDonnell, his shadow Chancellor, claimed that the pair of them used to “pin people against the wall” in the House of Commons to lobby them on behalf of Ireland.

- Snip -

The Balcombe Street Gang and Corbyn's long association with the IRA

It was one of the IRA’s most notorious units whose bloody bombing campaign was only brought to an end during a five-day siege that was broadcast live on television and was watched by millions.

But until now it was not known that a member of the Balcombe Street Gang found support from Jeremy Corbyn, who campaigned on his behalf as he was serving 11 life sentences for his part in the killing of 16 people.

The revelation is part of a series of links between the Labour leader and the IRA during a long association uncovered by a Telegraph investigation."

Here's the full article.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

And yet despite these Tory smears he is wildly popular.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
And yet he is hugely popular.He will win the next election later this year.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

lol. You really are a comic. FIVE YEARS, Tommy. The Conservatives have learned their lesson. Put your feet up old son; you'll be back in a job in no time. Pension cuts are in order methinks!!

Oh; and I have a new hero.


Mentally deranged Leftists cannot do simple mathematics, just like the Terrorist Supporter and Terrorist Sympathiser Jeremy Corbyn.

They think that Jeremy Corbyn can still form a Government, lets do the mathematics.

Even if Labour have a Labour + SNP + Liberal Democrat + Plaid Cymru + Green Coalition that = 315 seats.

EVEN if Sinn Fein took their 7 seats that = 322 seats.

Conservatives 318 seats + DUP 10 seats = 328 seats.

322 seats is less than 328 seats, therefore Jeremy Corbyn's bizarro Coalition would collapse within WEEKS as they'd be voted down, Corbyn probably wouldn't even get a Queen's Speech through Parliament.

Corbyn's a loser. Pathetically so. "He won because he didn't lose as badly as we thought he would"?? Just how low were your expectations?? lmao

FIVE YEARS OF Conservative rule with a bit of "move to the right" starch added by the DUP. Not an altogether poor result imo.

Now Corbyn; OPPOSITION!! Please rehash him in FIVE MORE YEARS!!

Do you expect this deal to last till Xmas ?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

When the alternative is Corbyn it'll last till 2099!! lmao

No worries there, Tommy. When they replace Farron even the Lib Dems will want to be a part of it. Nothing begets good government like a narrow majority in the House of Commons. The DUP will be very solid contributors. I like their stance on keeping a soft border with Eire. Who knows; it may even assist with eventual Unification but that's not on the radar yet of course.


MI5 have a file on Jeremy Corbyn and also John McConnell his Shadow Chancellor opened because of their extensive links to terrorist groups like the IRA.

Yes MI5 are TOTALLY going to allow Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party to get anywhere NEAR 10 Downing Street lol.

Jeremy Corbyn BEWARE the Spooks, if need be they'll make sure you no longer have the ability to breathe :eusa_whistle:

This sack of human filth is going to be taken down within the next six months.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

19 MAY 2017 • 9:00PM

"MI5 opened a file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his links to the IRA, The Telegraph has discovered.

The Labour leader was investigated over fears that he could have been a threat to national security at a time when he was supporting convicted terrorists and campaigning for a unified Ireland.

The revelations come as a Telegraph investigation reveals Mr Corbyn’s full links to the IRA, including his support for one of the Balcombe Street gang who waged a 14-month bombing campaign across south-east England, and his links to the bomb maker believed to have been behind the Hyde Park and Regent's Park devices.

Mr Corbyn also shared a platform with a wanted IRA killer and John McDonnell, his shadow Chancellor, claimed that the pair of them used to “pin people against the wall” in the House of Commons to lobby them on behalf of Ireland.

- Snip -

The Balcombe Street Gang and Corbyn's long association with the IRA

It was one of the IRA’s most notorious units whose bloody bombing campaign was only brought to an end during a five-day siege that was broadcast live on television and was watched by millions.

But until now it was not known that a member of the Balcombe Street Gang found support from Jeremy Corbyn, who campaigned on his behalf as he was serving 11 life sentences for his part in the killing of 16 people.

The revelation is part of a series of links between the Labour leader and the IRA during a long association uncovered by a Telegraph investigation."

Here's the full article.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

And yet despite these Tory smears he is wildly popular.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

He's not wildly popular with the general British population, if he was then he'd have won a landslide election, but he didn't he lost, he's a loser, the majority of British didn't support him and they will never support him and MI5 will never let him get anywhere near Downing Street.
And yet he is hugely popular.He will win the next election later this year.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

lol. You really are a comic. FIVE YEARS, Tommy. The Conservatives have learned their lesson. Put your feet up old son; you'll be back in a job in no time. Pension cuts are in order methinks!!

Oh; and I have a new hero.



I heard about that Millwall football supporter, what a hero he should be given a medal.
Mentally deranged Leftists cannot do simple mathematics, just like the Terrorist Supporter and Terrorist Sympathiser Jeremy Corbyn.

They think that Jeremy Corbyn can still form a Government, lets do the mathematics.

Even if Labour have a Labour + SNP + Liberal Democrat + Plaid Cymru + Green Coalition that = 315 seats.

EVEN if Sinn Fein took their 7 seats that = 322 seats.

Conservatives 318 seats + DUP 10 seats = 328 seats.

322 seats is less than 328 seats, therefore Jeremy Corbyn's bizarro Coalition would collapse within WEEKS as they'd be voted down, Corbyn probably wouldn't even get a Queen's Speech through Parliament.

Corbyn's a loser. Pathetically so. "He won because he didn't lose as badly as we thought he would"?? Just how low were your expectations?? lmao

FIVE YEARS OF Conservative rule with a bit of "move to the right" starch added by the DUP. Not an altogether poor result imo.

Now Corbyn; OPPOSITION!! Please rehash him in FIVE MORE YEARS!!

Do you expect this deal to last till Xmas ?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

When the alternative is Corbyn it'll last till 2099!! lmao

No worries there, Tommy. When they replace Farron even the Lib Dems will want to be a part of it. Nothing begets good government like a narrow majority in the House of Commons. The DUP will be very solid contributors. I like their stance on keeping a soft border with Eire. Who knows; it may even assist with eventual Unification but that's not on the radar yet of course.


MI5 have a file on Jeremy Corbyn and also John McConnell his Shadow Chancellor opened because of their extensive links to terrorist groups like the IRA.

Yes MI5 are TOTALLY going to allow Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party to get anywhere NEAR 10 Downing Street lol.

Jeremy Corbyn BEWARE the Spooks, if need be they'll make sure you no longer have the ability to breathe :eusa_whistle:

This sack of human filth is going to be taken down within the next six months.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

19 MAY 2017 • 9:00PM

"MI5 opened a file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his links to the IRA, The Telegraph has discovered.

The Labour leader was investigated over fears that he could have been a threat to national security at a time when he was supporting convicted terrorists and campaigning for a unified Ireland.

The revelations come as a Telegraph investigation reveals Mr Corbyn’s full links to the IRA, including his support for one of the Balcombe Street gang who waged a 14-month bombing campaign across south-east England, and his links to the bomb maker believed to have been behind the Hyde Park and Regent's Park devices.

Mr Corbyn also shared a platform with a wanted IRA killer and John McDonnell, his shadow Chancellor, claimed that the pair of them used to “pin people against the wall” in the House of Commons to lobby them on behalf of Ireland.

- Snip -

The Balcombe Street Gang and Corbyn's long association with the IRA

It was one of the IRA’s most notorious units whose bloody bombing campaign was only brought to an end during a five-day siege that was broadcast live on television and was watched by millions.

But until now it was not known that a member of the Balcombe Street Gang found support from Jeremy Corbyn, who campaigned on his behalf as he was serving 11 life sentences for his part in the killing of 16 people.

The revelation is part of a series of links between the Labour leader and the IRA during a long association uncovered by a Telegraph investigation."

Here's the full article.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

And yet despite these Tory smears he is wildly popular.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Amongst the young, who have not yet lived real life!

Making promises he can't keep.
Mentally deranged Leftists cannot do simple mathematics, just like the Terrorist Supporter and Terrorist Sympathiser Jeremy Corbyn.

They think that Jeremy Corbyn can still form a Government, lets do the mathematics.

Even if Labour have a Labour + SNP + Liberal Democrat + Plaid Cymru + Green Coalition that = 315 seats.

EVEN if Sinn Fein took their 7 seats that = 322 seats.

Conservatives 318 seats + DUP 10 seats = 328 seats.

322 seats is less than 328 seats, therefore Jeremy Corbyn's bizarro Coalition would collapse within WEEKS as they'd be voted down, Corbyn probably wouldn't even get a Queen's Speech through Parliament.

Corbyn's a loser. Pathetically so. "He won because he didn't lose as badly as we thought he would"?? Just how low were your expectations?? lmao

FIVE YEARS OF Conservative rule with a bit of "move to the right" starch added by the DUP. Not an altogether poor result imo.

Now Corbyn; OPPOSITION!! Please rehash him in FIVE MORE YEARS!!

Do you expect this deal to last till Xmas ?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

When the alternative is Corbyn it'll last till 2099!! lmao

No worries there, Tommy. When they replace Farron even the Lib Dems will want to be a part of it. Nothing begets good government like a narrow majority in the House of Commons. The DUP will be very solid contributors. I like their stance on keeping a soft border with Eire. Who knows; it may even assist with eventual Unification but that's not on the radar yet of course.


MI5 have a file on Jeremy Corbyn and also John McConnell his Shadow Chancellor opened because of their extensive links to terrorist groups like the IRA.

Yes MI5 are TOTALLY going to allow Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party to get anywhere NEAR 10 Downing Street lol.

Jeremy Corbyn BEWARE the Spooks, if need be they'll make sure you no longer have the ability to breathe :eusa_whistle:

This sack of human filth is going to be taken down within the next six months.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

19 MAY 2017 • 9:00PM

"MI5 opened a file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his links to the IRA, The Telegraph has discovered.

The Labour leader was investigated over fears that he could have been a threat to national security at a time when he was supporting convicted terrorists and campaigning for a unified Ireland.

The revelations come as a Telegraph investigation reveals Mr Corbyn’s full links to the IRA, including his support for one of the Balcombe Street gang who waged a 14-month bombing campaign across south-east England, and his links to the bomb maker believed to have been behind the Hyde Park and Regent's Park devices.

Mr Corbyn also shared a platform with a wanted IRA killer and John McDonnell, his shadow Chancellor, claimed that the pair of them used to “pin people against the wall” in the House of Commons to lobby them on behalf of Ireland.

- Snip -

The Balcombe Street Gang and Corbyn's long association with the IRA

It was one of the IRA’s most notorious units whose bloody bombing campaign was only brought to an end during a five-day siege that was broadcast live on television and was watched by millions.

But until now it was not known that a member of the Balcombe Street Gang found support from Jeremy Corbyn, who campaigned on his behalf as he was serving 11 life sentences for his part in the killing of 16 people.

The revelation is part of a series of links between the Labour leader and the IRA during a long association uncovered by a Telegraph investigation."

Here's the full article.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

And yet despite these Tory smears he is wildly popular.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

He got fewer votes than May!!! She must be AWESOMELY POPULAR!!! lmao. You LOST, Tommy. Corbyn is to the opposition. May beat him by over fifty seats. AND HE DID BETTER THAN EXPECTED!!

Loser is still loser, Tommy!!

DUP man faces 23 charges over claims for heating oil -

There is shedloads of this. How can you turn your back to this whilst calling Corbyn a terrorist sympathiser ?

Still not interested.
I knew that you would run away from discussing this. You have no moral or ethical standards.
DUP representative pleads guilty on electoral fraud charges

Your trolling tactics don't work on me. I've seen it all before.

Twisting the narrative, by accusing posters of saying Corbyn was a terrorist. When no such claims were made.

It's you who have no moral or ethical standards.

Quit twisting the facts. There have multiple claims of Corbyn being a terrorist supporter. What's the difference between that and calling him a terrorist. You are a troll. I have seen your type before.

You want to explain his associations with factual data and not mere assertion? You must have the evidence/proof, no? Links that explain those would be just fine!


Theresa May. Dead woman walking.

I can't support her. I just can't. I wish she would go.

Should never have been PM in the first place.

Hilary Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn.
Corbyn's a loser. Pathetically so. "He won because he didn't lose as badly as we thought he would"?? Just how low were your expectations?? lmao

FIVE YEARS OF Conservative rule with a bit of "move to the right" starch added by the DUP. Not an altogether poor result imo.

Now Corbyn; OPPOSITION!! Please rehash him in FIVE MORE YEARS!!

Do you expect this deal to last till Xmas ?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

When the alternative is Corbyn it'll last till 2099!! lmao

No worries there, Tommy. When they replace Farron even the Lib Dems will want to be a part of it. Nothing begets good government like a narrow majority in the House of Commons. The DUP will be very solid contributors. I like their stance on keeping a soft border with Eire. Who knows; it may even assist with eventual Unification but that's not on the radar yet of course.


MI5 have a file on Jeremy Corbyn and also John McConnell his Shadow Chancellor opened because of their extensive links to terrorist groups like the IRA.

Yes MI5 are TOTALLY going to allow Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party to get anywhere NEAR 10 Downing Street lol.

Jeremy Corbyn BEWARE the Spooks, if need be they'll make sure you no longer have the ability to breathe :eusa_whistle:

This sack of human filth is going to be taken down within the next six months.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

19 MAY 2017 • 9:00PM

"MI5 opened a file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his links to the IRA, The Telegraph has discovered.

The Labour leader was investigated over fears that he could have been a threat to national security at a time when he was supporting convicted terrorists and campaigning for a unified Ireland.

The revelations come as a Telegraph investigation reveals Mr Corbyn’s full links to the IRA, including his support for one of the Balcombe Street gang who waged a 14-month bombing campaign across south-east England, and his links to the bomb maker believed to have been behind the Hyde Park and Regent's Park devices.

Mr Corbyn also shared a platform with a wanted IRA killer and John McDonnell, his shadow Chancellor, claimed that the pair of them used to “pin people against the wall” in the House of Commons to lobby them on behalf of Ireland.

- Snip -

The Balcombe Street Gang and Corbyn's long association with the IRA

It was one of the IRA’s most notorious units whose bloody bombing campaign was only brought to an end during a five-day siege that was broadcast live on television and was watched by millions.

But until now it was not known that a member of the Balcombe Street Gang found support from Jeremy Corbyn, who campaigned on his behalf as he was serving 11 life sentences for his part in the killing of 16 people.

The revelation is part of a series of links between the Labour leader and the IRA during a long association uncovered by a Telegraph investigation."

Here's the full article.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

And yet despite these Tory smears he is wildly popular.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

He got fewer votes than May!!! She must be AWESOMELY POPULAR!!! lmao. You LOST, Tommy. Corbyn is to the opposition. May beat him by over fifty seats. AND HE DID BETTER THAN EXPECTED!!

Loser is still loser, Tommy!!


Leftists think if you get less votes that means you have won.
Corbyn's a loser. Pathetically so. "He won because he didn't lose as badly as we thought he would"?? Just how low were your expectations?? lmao

FIVE YEARS OF Conservative rule with a bit of "move to the right" starch added by the DUP. Not an altogether poor result imo.

Now Corbyn; OPPOSITION!! Please rehash him in FIVE MORE YEARS!!

Do you expect this deal to last till Xmas ?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

When the alternative is Corbyn it'll last till 2099!! lmao

No worries there, Tommy. When they replace Farron even the Lib Dems will want to be a part of it. Nothing begets good government like a narrow majority in the House of Commons. The DUP will be very solid contributors. I like their stance on keeping a soft border with Eire. Who knows; it may even assist with eventual Unification but that's not on the radar yet of course.


MI5 have a file on Jeremy Corbyn and also John McConnell his Shadow Chancellor opened because of their extensive links to terrorist groups like the IRA.

Yes MI5 are TOTALLY going to allow Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party to get anywhere NEAR 10 Downing Street lol.

Jeremy Corbyn BEWARE the Spooks, if need be they'll make sure you no longer have the ability to breathe :eusa_whistle:

This sack of human filth is going to be taken down within the next six months.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

19 MAY 2017 • 9:00PM

"MI5 opened a file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his links to the IRA, The Telegraph has discovered.

The Labour leader was investigated over fears that he could have been a threat to national security at a time when he was supporting convicted terrorists and campaigning for a unified Ireland.

The revelations come as a Telegraph investigation reveals Mr Corbyn’s full links to the IRA, including his support for one of the Balcombe Street gang who waged a 14-month bombing campaign across south-east England, and his links to the bomb maker believed to have been behind the Hyde Park and Regent's Park devices.

Mr Corbyn also shared a platform with a wanted IRA killer and John McDonnell, his shadow Chancellor, claimed that the pair of them used to “pin people against the wall” in the House of Commons to lobby them on behalf of Ireland.

- Snip -

The Balcombe Street Gang and Corbyn's long association with the IRA

It was one of the IRA’s most notorious units whose bloody bombing campaign was only brought to an end during a five-day siege that was broadcast live on television and was watched by millions.

But until now it was not known that a member of the Balcombe Street Gang found support from Jeremy Corbyn, who campaigned on his behalf as he was serving 11 life sentences for his part in the killing of 16 people.

The revelation is part of a series of links between the Labour leader and the IRA during a long association uncovered by a Telegraph investigation."

Here's the full article.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

And yet despite these Tory smears he is wildly popular.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Amongst the young, who have not yet lived real life!

Making promises he can't keep.

Funny how the LOSER is sorta a winner even though they lost and are wildly popular when the winner isn't!! Libtard logic!! Corbyn is a LOSER. He is not as popular as May. Crikey that lot make me laugh.

Still not interested.
I knew that you would run away from discussing this. You have no moral or ethical standards.
DUP representative pleads guilty on electoral fraud charges

Your trolling tactics don't work on me. I've seen it all before.

Twisting the narrative, by accusing posters of saying Corbyn was a terrorist. When no such claims were made.

It's you who have no moral or ethical standards.

Quit twisting the facts. There have multiple claims of Corbyn being a terrorist supporter. What's the difference between that and calling him a terrorist. You are a troll. I have seen your type before.

You want to explain his associations with factual data and not mere assertion? You must have the evidence/proof, no? Links that explain those would be just fine!


Theresa May. Dead woman walking.

I can't support her. I just can't. I wish she would go.

Should never have been PM in the first place.

Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn.

Yet she's still more popular than Corbyn. I see she lost a couple of Senior advisers. Not a good sign for HER longevity in the PM role.

Do you expect this deal to last till Xmas ?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

When the alternative is Corbyn it'll last till 2099!! lmao

No worries there, Tommy. When they replace Farron even the Lib Dems will want to be a part of it. Nothing begets good government like a narrow majority in the House of Commons. The DUP will be very solid contributors. I like their stance on keeping a soft border with Eire. Who knows; it may even assist with eventual Unification but that's not on the radar yet of course.


MI5 have a file on Jeremy Corbyn and also John McConnell his Shadow Chancellor opened because of their extensive links to terrorist groups like the IRA.

Yes MI5 are TOTALLY going to allow Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party to get anywhere NEAR 10 Downing Street lol.

Jeremy Corbyn BEWARE the Spooks, if need be they'll make sure you no longer have the ability to breathe :eusa_whistle:

This sack of human filth is going to be taken down within the next six months.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

19 MAY 2017 • 9:00PM

"MI5 opened a file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his links to the IRA, The Telegraph has discovered.

The Labour leader was investigated over fears that he could have been a threat to national security at a time when he was supporting convicted terrorists and campaigning for a unified Ireland.

The revelations come as a Telegraph investigation reveals Mr Corbyn’s full links to the IRA, including his support for one of the Balcombe Street gang who waged a 14-month bombing campaign across south-east England, and his links to the bomb maker believed to have been behind the Hyde Park and Regent's Park devices.

Mr Corbyn also shared a platform with a wanted IRA killer and John McDonnell, his shadow Chancellor, claimed that the pair of them used to “pin people against the wall” in the House of Commons to lobby them on behalf of Ireland.

- Snip -

The Balcombe Street Gang and Corbyn's long association with the IRA

It was one of the IRA’s most notorious units whose bloody bombing campaign was only brought to an end during a five-day siege that was broadcast live on television and was watched by millions.

But until now it was not known that a member of the Balcombe Street Gang found support from Jeremy Corbyn, who campaigned on his behalf as he was serving 11 life sentences for his part in the killing of 16 people.

The revelation is part of a series of links between the Labour leader and the IRA during a long association uncovered by a Telegraph investigation."

Here's the full article.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

And yet despite these Tory smears he is wildly popular.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Amongst the young, who have not yet lived real life!

Making promises he can't keep.

Funny how the LOSER is sorta a winner even though they lost and are wildly popular when the winner isn't!! Libtard logic!! Corbyn is a LOSER. He is not as popular as May. Crikey that lot make me laugh.


You should have seen his Icarus act on Andrew Marr today. Something not entirely genuine about that man.
Do you expect this deal to last till Xmas ?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

When the alternative is Corbyn it'll last till 2099!! lmao

No worries there, Tommy. When they replace Farron even the Lib Dems will want to be a part of it. Nothing begets good government like a narrow majority in the House of Commons. The DUP will be very solid contributors. I like their stance on keeping a soft border with Eire. Who knows; it may even assist with eventual Unification but that's not on the radar yet of course.


MI5 have a file on Jeremy Corbyn and also John McConnell his Shadow Chancellor opened because of their extensive links to terrorist groups like the IRA.

Yes MI5 are TOTALLY going to allow Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party to get anywhere NEAR 10 Downing Street lol.

Jeremy Corbyn BEWARE the Spooks, if need be they'll make sure you no longer have the ability to breathe :eusa_whistle:

This sack of human filth is going to be taken down within the next six months.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

19 MAY 2017 • 9:00PM

"MI5 opened a file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his links to the IRA, The Telegraph has discovered.

The Labour leader was investigated over fears that he could have been a threat to national security at a time when he was supporting convicted terrorists and campaigning for a unified Ireland.

The revelations come as a Telegraph investigation reveals Mr Corbyn’s full links to the IRA, including his support for one of the Balcombe Street gang who waged a 14-month bombing campaign across south-east England, and his links to the bomb maker believed to have been behind the Hyde Park and Regent's Park devices.

Mr Corbyn also shared a platform with a wanted IRA killer and John McDonnell, his shadow Chancellor, claimed that the pair of them used to “pin people against the wall” in the House of Commons to lobby them on behalf of Ireland.

- Snip -

The Balcombe Street Gang and Corbyn's long association with the IRA

It was one of the IRA’s most notorious units whose bloody bombing campaign was only brought to an end during a five-day siege that was broadcast live on television and was watched by millions.

But until now it was not known that a member of the Balcombe Street Gang found support from Jeremy Corbyn, who campaigned on his behalf as he was serving 11 life sentences for his part in the killing of 16 people.

The revelation is part of a series of links between the Labour leader and the IRA during a long association uncovered by a Telegraph investigation."

Here's the full article.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

And yet despite these Tory smears he is wildly popular.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

He got fewer votes than May!!! She must be AWESOMELY POPULAR!!! lmao. You LOST, Tommy. Corbyn is to the opposition. May beat him by over fifty seats. AND HE DID BETTER THAN EXPECTED!!

Loser is still loser, Tommy!!


Leftists think if you get less votes that means you have won.

And they're "wildly POPULAR" when they lose!!! lmao

When the alternative is Corbyn it'll last till 2099!! lmao

No worries there, Tommy. When they replace Farron even the Lib Dems will want to be a part of it. Nothing begets good government like a narrow majority in the House of Commons. The DUP will be very solid contributors. I like their stance on keeping a soft border with Eire. Who knows; it may even assist with eventual Unification but that's not on the radar yet of course.


MI5 have a file on Jeremy Corbyn and also John McConnell his Shadow Chancellor opened because of their extensive links to terrorist groups like the IRA.

Yes MI5 are TOTALLY going to allow Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party to get anywhere NEAR 10 Downing Street lol.

Jeremy Corbyn BEWARE the Spooks, if need be they'll make sure you no longer have the ability to breathe :eusa_whistle:

This sack of human filth is going to be taken down within the next six months.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

19 MAY 2017 • 9:00PM

"MI5 opened a file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his links to the IRA, The Telegraph has discovered.

The Labour leader was investigated over fears that he could have been a threat to national security at a time when he was supporting convicted terrorists and campaigning for a unified Ireland.

The revelations come as a Telegraph investigation reveals Mr Corbyn’s full links to the IRA, including his support for one of the Balcombe Street gang who waged a 14-month bombing campaign across south-east England, and his links to the bomb maker believed to have been behind the Hyde Park and Regent's Park devices.

Mr Corbyn also shared a platform with a wanted IRA killer and John McDonnell, his shadow Chancellor, claimed that the pair of them used to “pin people against the wall” in the House of Commons to lobby them on behalf of Ireland.

- Snip -

The Balcombe Street Gang and Corbyn's long association with the IRA

It was one of the IRA’s most notorious units whose bloody bombing campaign was only brought to an end during a five-day siege that was broadcast live on television and was watched by millions.

But until now it was not known that a member of the Balcombe Street Gang found support from Jeremy Corbyn, who campaigned on his behalf as he was serving 11 life sentences for his part in the killing of 16 people.

The revelation is part of a series of links between the Labour leader and the IRA during a long association uncovered by a Telegraph investigation."

Here's the full article.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

And yet despite these Tory smears he is wildly popular.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Amongst the young, who have not yet lived real life!

Making promises he can't keep.

Funny how the LOSER is sorta a winner even though they lost and are wildly popular when the winner isn't!! Libtard logic!! Corbyn is a LOSER. He is not as popular as May. Crikey that lot make me laugh.


You should have seen his Icarus act on Andrew Marr today. Something not entirely genuine about that man.
I watched something where he said he was a winner? Confused the hell out of the interviewer. In the SOBER light of a few days after; HE LOST!!

I knew that you would run away from discussing this. You have no moral or ethical standards.
DUP representative pleads guilty on electoral fraud charges

Your trolling tactics don't work on me. I've seen it all before.

Twisting the narrative, by accusing posters of saying Corbyn was a terrorist. When no such claims were made.

It's you who have no moral or ethical standards.

Quit twisting the facts. There have multiple claims of Corbyn being a terrorist supporter. What's the difference between that and calling him a terrorist. You are a troll. I have seen your type before.

You want to explain his associations with factual data and not mere assertion? You must have the evidence/proof, no? Links that explain those would be just fine!


Theresa May. Dead woman walking.

I can't support her. I just can't. I wish she would go.

Should never have been PM in the first place.

Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn.

Yet she's still more popular than Corbyn. I see she lost a couple of Senior advisers. Not a good sign for HER longevity in the PM role.


Yes. She was very lucky; considering.........
I knew that you would run away from discussing this. You have no moral or ethical standards.
DUP representative pleads guilty on electoral fraud charges

Your trolling tactics don't work on me. I've seen it all before.

Twisting the narrative, by accusing posters of saying Corbyn was a terrorist. When no such claims were made.

It's you who have no moral or ethical standards.

Quit twisting the facts. There have multiple claims of Corbyn being a terrorist supporter. What's the difference between that and calling him a terrorist. You are a troll. I have seen your type before.

You want to explain his associations with factual data and not mere assertion? You must have the evidence/proof, no? Links that explain those would be just fine!


Theresa May. Dead woman walking.

I can't support her. I just can't. I wish she would go.

Should never have been PM in the first place.

Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn.

Yet she's still more popular than Corbyn. I see she lost a couple of Senior advisers. Not a good sign for HER longevity in the PM role.


Those Senior advisers had to be thrown overboard, their advice has been wrong, Theresa May isolated herself within Downing Street by having this tiny group of advisers, she must open the door wider now.

The Conservatives will not have a leadership election within the next six months, May will keep hold, they will probably have another General Election within the next two years, they'll have a new leader and they'll come from the Leave side and not the Remain side like May did, the next Conservative leader will have campaigned for Brexit.

They also shouldn't be listening to ANYTHING the MSM are saying the MSM have never been appointed or elected to anything.
Still not interested.
I knew that you would run away from discussing this. You have no moral or ethical standards.
DUP representative pleads guilty on electoral fraud charges

Your trolling tactics don't work on me. I've seen it all before.

Twisting the narrative, by accusing posters of saying Corbyn was a terrorist. When no such claims were made.

It's you who have no moral or ethical standards.

Quit twisting the facts. There have multiple claims of Corbyn being a terrorist supporter. What's the difference between that and calling him a terrorist. You are a troll. I have seen your type before.

You want to explain his associations with factual data and not mere assertion? You must have the evidence/proof, no? Links that explain those would be just fine!


Theresa May. Dead woman walking.

I can't support her. I just can't. I wish she would go.

Should never have been PM in the first place.

Hilary Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn.

Who's you local member? Tell you what; Boris would be a lot of fun. Could you imagine him and President Trump in full tweet?? It would be hilarious!! PLEASE CAN WE HAVE BORIS??? PRETTY PLEASE??


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