British General Election Results

"Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn."

You are now a Leftist? :confused-84:

I don't think so, but Corbyn needs to be GONE!! he's a threat to security. Benn is merely an incompetent fool. Quite harmless; unelectable.


I think from a Conservative perspective Jeremy Corbyn is a gift, it's because he's a threat to British National Security that means he'll NEVER be British Prime Minister, Hillary Benn isn't the same sort of threat.

They have a Far Left Marxist-Leninist who's a friend of the IRA, Hamas and Hezbollah, why would you NOT want that gift to be leader of the Opposition.
In case by some freak chance the media highlights the supposed failures of the Conservatives and don't cover the facts about Corbyn. The Brits have a lot more faith in their media than the yanks I think; I don't. Mindful would be better placed to say whether I'm right or wrong about that.

The media is almost totally Tory. They threw everything at Corbyn and made up stuff when they could.

They are owned by billionaire tax Dodgers so it is to be expected.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
The BBC is Tory? Dunno really how it'll pan out. May could be gone tomorrow but remember that no one expected Corbyn to win. He didn't, but if there is a possibility that he is in a winning position then the media will indeed be on his case. And the only scenario for that to happen is if the Conservatives implode. There may be some blood on the floor but they have Government AND they have shown that they can work WITH a junior partner. I think the next twelve months will be more interesting than the following four years.


The BBC is biased to the left. I've watched David Dimbleby give those on the right a hard time of it.

Jacob Rees Mogg gave him his come uppance. It was sheer comedy gold.
bbl. ZZZZZZzzzzzz time here. The only way Corbyn can go really is DOWN!!!

"Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn."

You are now a Leftist? :confused-84:

I don't think so, but Corbyn needs to be GONE!! he's a threat to security. Benn is merely an incompetent fool. Quite harmless; unelectable.


I think from a Conservative perspective Jeremy Corbyn is a gift, it's because he's a threat to British National Security that means he'll NEVER be British Prime Minister, Hillary Benn isn't the same sort of threat.

They have a Far Left Marxist-Leninist who's a friend of the IRA, Hamas and Hezbollah, why would you NOT want that gift to be leader of the Opposition.
In case by some freak chance the media highlights the supposed failures of the Conservatives and don't cover the facts about Corbyn. The Brits have a lot more faith in their media than the yanks I think; I don't. Mindful would be better placed to say whether I'm right or wrong about that.

The media is almost totally Tory. They threw everything at Corbyn and made up stuff when they could.

They are owned by billionaire tax Dodgers so it is to be expected.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
The BBC is Tory? Dunno really how it'll pan out. May could be gone tomorrow but remember that no one expected Corbyn to win. He didn't, but if there is a possibility that he is in a winning position then the media will indeed be on his case. And the only scenario for that to happen is if the Conservatives implode. There may be some blood on the floor but they have Government AND they have shown that they can work WITH a junior partner. I think the next twelve months will be more interesting than the following four years.


I think if the British did have another General Election in the next say two months then the Conservatives would receive a healthy majority.

Why I think this?

Too many Conservative voters didn't go and vote last Thursday, they didn't because they thought that Theresa May was going to win, they were complacent and stayed at home, they also thought that ALL the UKIP vote would probably vote Conservative, when they didn't the collapsed UKIP vote split between Conservatives and Labour but in key areas they went more to Labour. This was always going to happen as many disaffected Working Class Labour supporters were already voting UKIP, especially in the British North West and North East.

Jeremy Corbyn is a longstanding Eurosceptic himself, he was very unenthusiastic during the Brexit Campaign and that made many think he was supporting Leave and he probably was, in 1974 he voted No to joining the EEC.

Labour could get late boost from former Ukip voters, research finds

"Pollsters had previously predicted an overwhelming majority of Nigel Farage's former fan base would back Theresa May - but two focus groups suggest many may opt for Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn’s election campaign could be given a late boost by former Ukip voters deciding to give their vote to Labour rather than to the Conservatives, according to two focus groups.

Experts had previously predicted that most of those who have recently voted for Ukip would now back Theresa May because of her apparent commitment to Brexit and her pledge to reduce immigration, but in a surprising shift, half of one group said they would now consider voting Labour.

Over the course of the campaign, Mr Corbyn has repeatedly clarified that his party would not seek a second referendum, which may have gone some way to appeasing pro-Leave former Labour voters who had defected to Ukip under the leadership of Nigel Farage."

Jeremy Corbyn gaining ground thanks to former Ukip voters

Labour registered a lot of first time voters, students primarily and they did go out and vote. The first time voters going to vote in numbers combined with complacent Conservative voters staying at home resulted in the Conservatives losing at least 8 seats that they had previously held, below I have chosen just two Canterbury and Kensington.

So if they did have another General Election in say August or something, the Conservative voters who stayed at home last Thursday would now almost certainly go out and vote and the Conservatives would get a healthy majority.

I make this decision from looking at the Internals in a number of safe Conservative seats that narrowly went to the Labour Party.


Canterbury a very safe Conservative seat they have held since 1918.


UKIP vote had a 100% collapse, the UKIP vote split between Labour and Conservative with slightly higher to Labour, what further boosted the Labour vote up from 2015 was the first time voters, combined this gave Labour their majority of 187 to take the seat.

An election in August or soon after would certainly regain Canterbury for the Conservatives.




The Kensington Constituency had less to do with a collapsed UKIP vote and more to do with first time voters in the poorer areas of North Kensington such as Earls Court and Ladbroke Grove and the Conservative voters thinking that Kensington always stays Tory.

Canterbury and Kensington illustrate that you should never be complacent and that no matter what you should always go and vote.

If a General Election was again held in a few months then the Conservatives would regain Kensington from the below Labour 20 vote win.

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I don't think so, but Corbyn needs to be GONE!! he's a threat to security. Benn is merely an incompetent fool. Quite harmless; unelectable.


I think from a Conservative perspective Jeremy Corbyn is a gift, it's because he's a threat to British National Security that means he'll NEVER be British Prime Minister, Hillary Benn isn't the same sort of threat.

They have a Far Left Marxist-Leninist who's a friend of the IRA, Hamas and Hezbollah, why would you NOT want that gift to be leader of the Opposition.
In case by some freak chance the media highlights the supposed failures of the Conservatives and don't cover the facts about Corbyn. The Brits have a lot more faith in their media than the yanks I think; I don't. Mindful would be better placed to say whether I'm right or wrong about that.

The media is almost totally Tory. They threw everything at Corbyn and made up stuff when they could.

They are owned by billionaire tax Dodgers so it is to be expected.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
The BBC is Tory? Dunno really how it'll pan out. May could be gone tomorrow but remember that no one expected Corbyn to win. He didn't, but if there is a possibility that he is in a winning position then the media will indeed be on his case. And the only scenario for that to happen is if the Conservatives implode. There may be some blood on the floor but they have Government AND they have shown that they can work WITH a junior partner. I think the next twelve months will be more interesting than the following four years.


I think if the British did have another General Election in the next say two months then the Conservatives would receive a healthy majority.

Why I think this?

Too many Conservative voters didn't go and vote last Thursday, they didn't because they thought that Theresa May was going to win, they were complacent and stayed at home, they also thought that ALL the UKIP vote would probably vote Conservative, when they didn't the collapsed UKIP vote split between Conservatives and Labour but in key areas they went more to Labour. This was always going to happen as many disaffected Working Class Labour supporters were already voting UKIP, especially in the British North West and North East.

Jeremy Corbyn is a longstanding Eurosceptic himself, he was very unenthusiastic during the Brexit Campaign and that made many think he was supporting Leave and he probably was, in 1974 he voted No to joining the EEC.

Labour could get late boost from former Ukip voters, research finds

"Pollsters had previously predicted an overwhelming majority of Nigel Farage's former fan base would back Theresa May - but two focus groups suggest many may opt for Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn’s election campaign could be given a late boost by former Ukip voters deciding to give their vote to Labour rather than to the Conservatives, according to two focus groups.

Experts had previously predicted that most of those who have recently voted for Ukip would now back Theresa May because of her apparent commitment to Brexit and her pledge to reduce immigration, but in a surprising shift, half of one group said they would now consider voting Labour.

Over the course of the campaign, Mr Corbyn has repeatedly clarified that his party would not seek a second referendum, which may have gone some way to appeasing pro-Leave former Labour voters who had defected to Ukip under the leadership of Nigel Farage."

Jeremy Corbyn gaining ground thanks to former Ukip voters

Labour registered a lot of first time voters, students primarily and they did go out and vote. The first time voters going to vote in numbers combined with complacent Conservative voters staying at home resulted in the Conservatives losing at least 8 seats that they had previously held, below I have chosen just two Canterbury and Kensington.

So if they did have another General Election in say August or something, the Conservative voters who stayed at home last Thursday would now almost certainly go out and vote and the Conservatives would get a healthy majority.

I make this decision from looking at the Internals in a number of safe Conservative seats that narrowly went to the Labour Party.


Canterbury a very safe Conservative seat they have held since 1918.

View attachment 132245

UKIP vote had a 100% collapse, the UKIP vote split between Labour and Conservative with slightly higher to Labour, what further boosted the Labour vote up from 2015 was the first time voters, combined this gave Labour their majority of 187 to take the seat.

An election in August or soon after would certainly regain Canterbury for the Conservatives.

View attachment 132246


View attachment 132250

The Kensington Constituency had less to do with a collapsed UKIP vote and more to do with first time voters in the poorer areas of North Kensington such as Earls Court and Ladbroke Grove and the Conservative voters thinking that Kensington always stays Tory.

Canterbury and Kensington illustrate that you should never be complacent and that no matter what you should always go and vote.

If a General Election was again held in a few months then the Conservatives would regain Kensington from the below Labour 20 vote win.

View attachment 132252
I don't think so, but Corbyn needs to be GONE!! he's a threat to security. Benn is merely an incompetent fool. Quite harmless; unelectable.


I think from a Conservative perspective Jeremy Corbyn is a gift, it's because he's a threat to British National Security that means he'll NEVER be British Prime Minister, Hillary Benn isn't the same sort of threat.

They have a Far Left Marxist-Leninist who's a friend of the IRA, Hamas and Hezbollah, why would you NOT want that gift to be leader of the Opposition.
In case by some freak chance the media highlights the supposed failures of the Conservatives and don't cover the facts about Corbyn. The Brits have a lot more faith in their media than the yanks I think; I don't. Mindful would be better placed to say whether I'm right or wrong about that.

The media is almost totally Tory. They threw everything at Corbyn and made up stuff when they could.

They are owned by billionaire tax Dodgers so it is to be expected.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
The BBC is Tory? Dunno really how it'll pan out. May could be gone tomorrow but remember that no one expected Corbyn to win. He didn't, but if there is a possibility that he is in a winning position then the media will indeed be on his case. And the only scenario for that to happen is if the Conservatives implode. There may be some blood on the floor but they have Government AND they have shown that they can work WITH a junior partner. I think the next twelve months will be more interesting than the following four years.


I think if the British did have another General Election in the next say two months then the Conservatives would receive a healthy majority.

Why I think this?

Too many Conservative voters didn't go and vote last Thursday, they didn't because they thought that Theresa May was going to win, they were complacent and stayed at home, they also thought that ALL the UKIP vote would probably vote Conservative, when they didn't the collapsed UKIP vote split between Conservatives and Labour but in key areas they went more to Labour. This was always going to happen as many disaffected Working Class Labour supporters were already voting UKIP, especially in the British North West and North East.

Jeremy Corbyn is a longstanding Eurosceptic himself, he was very unenthusiastic during the Brexit Campaign and that made many think he was supporting Leave and he probably was, in 1974 he voted No to joining the EEC.

Labour could get late boost from former Ukip voters, research finds

"Pollsters had previously predicted an overwhelming majority of Nigel Farage's former fan base would back Theresa May - but two focus groups suggest many may opt for Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn’s election campaign could be given a late boost by former Ukip voters deciding to give their vote to Labour rather than to the Conservatives, according to two focus groups.

Experts had previously predicted that most of those who have recently voted for Ukip would now back Theresa May because of her apparent commitment to Brexit and her pledge to reduce immigration, but in a surprising shift, half of one group said they would now consider voting Labour.

Over the course of the campaign, Mr Corbyn has repeatedly clarified that his party would not seek a second referendum, which may have gone some way to appeasing pro-Leave former Labour voters who had defected to Ukip under the leadership of Nigel Farage."

Jeremy Corbyn gaining ground thanks to former Ukip voters

Labour registered a lot of first time voters, students primarily and they did go out and vote. The first time voters going to vote in numbers combined with complacent Conservative voters staying at home resulted in the Conservatives losing at least 8 seats that they had previously held, below I have chosen just two Canterbury and Kensington.

So if they did have another General Election in say August or something, the Conservative voters who stayed at home last Thursday would now almost certainly go out and vote and the Conservatives would get a healthy majority.

I make this decision from looking at the Internals in a number of safe Conservative seats that narrowly went to the Labour Party.


Canterbury a very safe Conservative seat they have held since 1918.

View attachment 132245

UKIP vote had a 100% collapse, the UKIP vote split between Labour and Conservative with slightly higher to Labour, what further boosted the Labour vote up from 2015 was the first time voters, combined this gave Labour their majority of 187 to take the seat.

An election in August or soon after would certainly regain Canterbury for the Conservatives.

View attachment 132246


View attachment 132250

The Kensington Constituency had less to do with a collapsed UKIP vote and more to do with first time voters in the poorer areas of North Kensington such as Earls Court and Ladbroke Grove and the Conservative voters thinking that Kensington always stays Tory.

Canterbury and Kensington illustrate that you should never be complacent and that no matter what you should always go and vote.

If a General Election was again held in a few months then the Conservatives would regain Kensington from the below Labour 20 vote win.

View attachment 132252


Jeremy Corbyn gaining ground thanks to former Ukip voters

This is another thing that Leftists are in denial about that many UKIP voters have always been Working Class Left Wing Labour supporters, now with the Brexit vote Leave, there is no need for UKIP anymore and so on Thursday those Working Class Left Wing Labour supporters who had previously voted UKIP went and voted Labour again.

I commented on Friday from studying the Internal raw votes from a number of UK Constituencies that the collapsed UKIP vote was going more to Labour than to the Conservatives.

"Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn."

You are now a Leftist? :confused-84:

I don't think so, but Corbyn needs to be GONE!! he's a threat to security. Benn is merely an incompetent fool. Quite harmless; unelectable.


I think from a Conservative perspective Jeremy Corbyn is a gift, it's because he's a threat to British National Security that means he'll NEVER be British Prime Minister, Hillary Benn isn't the same sort of threat.

They have a Far Left Marxist-Leninist who's a friend of the IRA, Hamas and Hezbollah, why would you NOT want that gift to be leader of the Opposition.
In case by some freak chance the media highlights the supposed failures of the Conservatives and don't cover the facts about Corbyn. The Brits have a lot more faith in their media than the yanks I think; I don't. Mindful would be better placed to say whether I'm right or wrong about that.

The media is almost totally Tory. They threw everything at Corbyn and made up stuff when they could.

They are owned by billionaire tax Dodgers so it is to be expected.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
The BBC is Tory? Dunno really how it'll pan out. May could be gone tomorrow but remember that no one expected Corbyn to win. He didn't, but if there is a possibility that he is in a winning position then the media will indeed be on his case. And the only scenario for that to happen is if the Conservatives implode. There may be some blood on the floor but they have Government AND they have shown that they can work WITH a junior partner. I think the next twelve months will be more interesting than the following four years.

At the moment the bbc is tory controlled with the majority of their main people having tory sympathies. Kunsberg,Robinson,Dimbleby and Neil being the main offenders.
Mentally deranged Leftists cannot do simple mathematics, just like the Terrorist Supporter and Terrorist Sympathiser Jeremy Corbyn.

They think that Jeremy Corbyn can still form a Government, lets do the mathematics.

Even if Labour have a Labour + SNP + Liberal Democrat + Plaid Cymru + Green Coalition that = 315 seats.

EVEN if Sinn Fein took their 7 seats that = 322 seats.

Conservatives 318 seats + DUP 10 seats = 328 seats.

322 seats is less than 328 seats, therefore Jeremy Corbyn's bizarro Coalition would collapse within WEEKS as they'd be voted down, Corbyn probably wouldn't even get a Queen's Speech through Parliament.

Corbyn's a loser. Pathetically so. "He won because he didn't lose as badly as we thought he would"?? Just how low were your expectations?? lmao

FIVE YEARS OF Conservative rule with a bit of "move to the right" starch added by the DUP. Not an altogether poor result imo.

Now Corbyn; OPPOSITION!! Please rehash him in FIVE MORE YEARS!!

Do you expect this deal to last till Xmas ?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

When the alternative is Corbyn it'll last till 2099!! lmao

No worries there, Tommy. When they replace Farron even the Lib Dems will want to be a part of it. Nothing begets good government like a narrow majority in the House of Commons. The DUP will be very solid contributors. I like their stance on keeping a soft border with Eire. Who knows; it may even assist with eventual Unification but that's not on the radar yet of course.


MI5 have a file on Jeremy Corbyn and also John McConnell his Shadow Chancellor opened because of their extensive links to terrorist groups like the IRA.

Yes MI5 are TOTALLY going to allow Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party to get anywhere NEAR 10 Downing Street lol.

Jeremy Corbyn BEWARE the Spooks, if need be they'll make sure you no longer have the ability to breathe :eusa_whistle:

This sack of human filth is going to be taken down within the next six months.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

19 MAY 2017 • 9:00PM

"MI5 opened a file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his links to the IRA, The Telegraph has discovered.

The Labour leader was investigated over fears that he could have been a threat to national security at a time when he was supporting convicted terrorists and campaigning for a unified Ireland.

The revelations come as a Telegraph investigation reveals Mr Corbyn’s full links to the IRA, including his support for one of the Balcombe Street gang who waged a 14-month bombing campaign across south-east England, and his links to the bomb maker believed to have been behind the Hyde Park and Regent's Park devices.

Mr Corbyn also shared a platform with a wanted IRA killer and John McDonnell, his shadow Chancellor, claimed that the pair of them used to “pin people against the wall” in the House of Commons to lobby them on behalf of Ireland.

- Snip -

The Balcombe Street Gang and Corbyn's long association with the IRA

It was one of the IRA’s most notorious units whose bloody bombing campaign was only brought to an end during a five-day siege that was broadcast live on television and was watched by millions.

But until now it was not known that a member of the Balcombe Street Gang found support from Jeremy Corbyn, who campaigned on his behalf as he was serving 11 life sentences for his part in the killing of 16 people.

The revelation is part of a series of links between the Labour leader and the IRA during a long association uncovered by a Telegraph investigation."

Here's the full article.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

And yet despite these Tory smears he is wildly popular.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
But not popular enough to win an election even when pitted against one of the worst Conservative campaigns EVER.
MI5 have a file on Jeremy Corbyn and also John McConnell his Shadow Chancellor opened because of their extensive links to terrorist groups like the IRA.

Yes MI5 are TOTALLY going to allow Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party to get anywhere NEAR 10 Downing Street lol.

Jeremy Corbyn BEWARE the Spooks, if need be they'll make sure you no longer have the ability to breathe :eusa_whistle:

This sack of human filth is going to be taken down within the next six months.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

19 MAY 2017 • 9:00PM

"MI5 opened a file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his links to the IRA, The Telegraph has discovered.

The Labour leader was investigated over fears that he could have been a threat to national security at a time when he was supporting convicted terrorists and campaigning for a unified Ireland.

The revelations come as a Telegraph investigation reveals Mr Corbyn’s full links to the IRA, including his support for one of the Balcombe Street gang who waged a 14-month bombing campaign across south-east England, and his links to the bomb maker believed to have been behind the Hyde Park and Regent's Park devices.

Mr Corbyn also shared a platform with a wanted IRA killer and John McDonnell, his shadow Chancellor, claimed that the pair of them used to “pin people against the wall” in the House of Commons to lobby them on behalf of Ireland.

- Snip -

The Balcombe Street Gang and Corbyn's long association with the IRA

It was one of the IRA’s most notorious units whose bloody bombing campaign was only brought to an end during a five-day siege that was broadcast live on television and was watched by millions.

But until now it was not known that a member of the Balcombe Street Gang found support from Jeremy Corbyn, who campaigned on his behalf as he was serving 11 life sentences for his part in the killing of 16 people.

The revelation is part of a series of links between the Labour leader and the IRA during a long association uncovered by a Telegraph investigation."

Here's the full article.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

And yet despite these Tory smears he is wildly popular.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Amongst the young, who have not yet lived real life!

Making promises he can't keep.

Funny how the LOSER is sorta a winner even though they lost and are wildly popular when the winner isn't!! Libtard logic!! Corbyn is a LOSER. He is not as popular as May. Crikey that lot make me laugh.


You should have seen his Icarus act on Andrew Marr today. Something not entirely genuine about that man.
I watched something where he said he was a winner? Confused the hell out of the interviewer. In the SOBER light of a few days after; HE LOST!!

Poor old commie is STILL saying it!
And yet despite these Tory smears he is wildly popular.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Amongst the young, who have not yet lived real life!

Making promises he can't keep.

Funny how the LOSER is sorta a winner even though they lost and are wildly popular when the winner isn't!! Libtard logic!! Corbyn is a LOSER. He is not as popular as May. Crikey that lot make me laugh.


You should have seen his Icarus act on Andrew Marr today. Something not entirely genuine about that man.
I watched something where he said he was a winner? Confused the hell out of the interviewer. In the SOBER light of a few days after; HE LOST!!

Poor old commie is STILL saying it!

I wish he'd stop it. It's embarrassing.
Mentally deranged Leftists cannot do simple mathematics, just like the Terrorist Supporter and Terrorist Sympathiser Jeremy Corbyn.

They think that Jeremy Corbyn can still form a Government, lets do the mathematics.

Even if Labour have a Labour + SNP + Liberal Democrat + Plaid Cymru + Green Coalition that = 315 seats.

EVEN if Sinn Fein took their 7 seats that = 322 seats.

Conservatives 318 seats + DUP 10 seats = 328 seats.

322 seats is less than 328 seats, therefore Jeremy Corbyn's bizarro Coalition would collapse within WEEKS as they'd be voted down, Corbyn probably wouldn't even get a Queen's Speech through Parliament.

Corbyn's a loser. Pathetically so. "He won because he didn't lose as badly as we thought he would"?? Just how low were your expectations?? lmao

FIVE YEARS OF Conservative rule with a bit of "move to the right" starch added by the DUP. Not an altogether poor result imo.

Now Corbyn; OPPOSITION!! Please rehash him in FIVE MORE YEARS!!

Do you expect this deal to last till Xmas ?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

When the alternative is Corbyn it'll last till 2099!! lmao

No worries there, Tommy. When they replace Farron even the Lib Dems will want to be a part of it. Nothing begets good government like a narrow majority in the House of Commons. The DUP will be very solid contributors. I like their stance on keeping a soft border with Eire. Who knows; it may even assist with eventual Unification but that's not on the radar yet of course.


MI5 have a file on Jeremy Corbyn and also John McConnell his Shadow Chancellor opened because of their extensive links to terrorist groups like the IRA.

Yes MI5 are TOTALLY going to allow Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party to get anywhere NEAR 10 Downing Street lol.

Jeremy Corbyn BEWARE the Spooks, if need be they'll make sure you no longer have the ability to breathe :eusa_whistle:

This sack of human filth is going to be taken down within the next six months.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

19 MAY 2017 • 9:00PM

"MI5 opened a file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his links to the IRA, The Telegraph has discovered.

The Labour leader was investigated over fears that he could have been a threat to national security at a time when he was supporting convicted terrorists and campaigning for a unified Ireland.

The revelations come as a Telegraph investigation reveals Mr Corbyn’s full links to the IRA, including his support for one of the Balcombe Street gang who waged a 14-month bombing campaign across south-east England, and his links to the bomb maker believed to have been behind the Hyde Park and Regent's Park devices.

Mr Corbyn also shared a platform with a wanted IRA killer and John McDonnell, his shadow Chancellor, claimed that the pair of them used to “pin people against the wall” in the House of Commons to lobby them on behalf of Ireland.

- Snip -

The Balcombe Street Gang and Corbyn's long association with the IRA

It was one of the IRA’s most notorious units whose bloody bombing campaign was only brought to an end during a five-day siege that was broadcast live on television and was watched by millions.

But until now it was not known that a member of the Balcombe Street Gang found support from Jeremy Corbyn, who campaigned on his behalf as he was serving 11 life sentences for his part in the killing of 16 people.

The revelation is part of a series of links between the Labour leader and the IRA during a long association uncovered by a Telegraph investigation."

Here's the full article.

Exclusive: MI5 opened file on Jeremy Corbyn amid concerns over his IRA links

And yet despite these Tory smears he is wildly popular.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
But he didn't even win the POPULAR VOTE, Tammy. Ya know, the POPULAR VOTE that you said should have seen Hillary installed over Trump. You were all against stupid electoral systems where not winning the popular vote still makes you the winner! Hellooooo :wink_2:
I'm guessing that, early in 2018, Britain will have a new Prime Minister- one whose name most Americans have never heard. Perhaps even a German. The British have a history of bringing in foreign leadership (kings) when they dither too long about who to choose.
Comrade Corbyn said he will vote down the Queens speech.
What a total ahole.

"Comrade Corbyn said he will vote down the Queens speech."

Mentally unhinged, delusional and crap at mathematics.

Conservatives + DUP = 328 votes

Labour + SNP + Liberal Democrats + Plaid Cymru + Green = 315 votes

Jeremy Corbyn Logic:

315 votes can vote down the 328 votes for The Queen's Speech :uhoh3:

Labour MP Emily Thornberry mentally unhinged, delusional, crap at mathematics and says that "Labour Cabinet is preparing for Government" :cuckoo:

Ridge questions Thornberry's grasp of maths after she claims Labour DID NOT lose election

EMILY Thornberry left Sophy Ridge speechless this morning after insisting that Labour had
not lost the election – despite the mathematical impossibility to govern.

"Emily Thornberry was ridiculed for living "in denial" when she rejected the fact that Labour had lost the election on Sky News this morning.

Jeremy Corbyn's party won 262 seats and – even with the help of the SNP and Liberal Democrats – could not form a majority government.

Ridge looked dumbfounded when the shadow foreign secretary revealed that the Labour cabinet was preparing for government.

The Sky News host took the left-wing MP to task over her "grasp of maths" to explain how exactly the party could gain power without enough seats.

When Ridge quizzed the Corbyn ally on whether she accepted that Labour lost the election, Mrs Thornberry said: "Well no, I don't think that we did."

Ridge questions Thornberry's grasp of maths after she claims Labour DID NOT lose election

Crawling back to Corbyn: The Labour rebels eating their words after benefiting from Jeremy Corbyn's popularity

Crawling back to Corbyn: The Labour rebels eating their words after benefiting from Jeremy Corbyn's popularity

Nope; Hilary is OUT in the cold. Corbyn is riding high on a wave of "I didn't f*** up s badly as you thought I would". When Labour realise that he's an unelectable loser then will they dump him?? Dunno. TOMMY; what do YOU say?

Only last year he lost almost his entire shadow cabinet of experienced politicians because they KNEW he was not leadership material and they said so over and over and over again.

He then proceeded to cobble together a rogues gallery of untested - and often uneducated - commies. Comrade Corbyn himself has no education to speak of, and neither does his shadow EDUCATION minister!

All comrade Corbyn is good for is whipping up resentment and promising the young endless freebies that they are too slow witted to realise aren't economically viable.

He is good on the hustings - because he's been a protestor and demonstrator his entire adult life. This does not make him a leader, and his minions and the detractors in his party STILL know this.
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