British General Election Results

Your trolling tactics don't work on me. I've seen it all before.

Twisting the narrative, by accusing posters of saying Corbyn was a terrorist. When no such claims were made.

It's you who have no moral or ethical standards.

Quit twisting the facts. There have multiple claims of Corbyn being a terrorist supporter. What's the difference between that and calling him a terrorist. You are a troll. I have seen your type before.

You want to explain his associations with factual data and not mere assertion? You must have the evidence/proof, no? Links that explain those would be just fine!


Theresa May. Dead woman walking.

I can't support her. I just can't. I wish she would go.

Should never have been PM in the first place.

Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn.

Yet she's still more popular than Corbyn. I see she lost a couple of Senior advisers. Not a good sign for HER longevity in the PM role.


Yes. She was very lucky; considering.........

"Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn."

You are now a Leftist? :confused-84:
Your trolling tactics don't work on me. I've seen it all before.

Twisting the narrative, by accusing posters of saying Corbyn was a terrorist. When no such claims were made.

It's you who have no moral or ethical standards.

Quit twisting the facts. There have multiple claims of Corbyn being a terrorist supporter. What's the difference between that and calling him a terrorist. You are a troll. I have seen your type before.

You want to explain his associations with factual data and not mere assertion? You must have the evidence/proof, no? Links that explain those would be just fine!


Theresa May. Dead woman walking.

I can't support her. I just can't. I wish she would go.

Should never have been PM in the first place.

Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn.

Yet she's still more popular than Corbyn. I see she lost a couple of Senior advisers. Not a good sign for HER longevity in the PM role.


Those Senior advisers had to be thrown overboard, their advice has been wrong, Theresa May isolated herself within Downing Street by having this tiny group of advisers, she must open the door wider now.

The Conservatives will not have a leadership election within the next six months, May will keep hold, they will probably have another General Election within the next two years, they'll have a new leader and they'll come from the Leave side and not the Remain side like May did, the next Conservative leader will have campaigned for Brexit.

They also shouldn't be listening to ANYTHING the MSM are saying the MSM have never been appointed or elected to anything.

Yes, maybe, yes.

No election for the full term I think. With the DUP in place and quite a few on the crossbench not totally daft then I can't see a need. But hey; I thought May would do better. I should have followed more closely. I've been watching the Wonderful President Trump and what's happening in the States. That bloke is amazing. Heard that Bagdadi may have gone to meet his Virginians. Big MAYBE on that one.

Quit twisting the facts. There have multiple claims of Corbyn being a terrorist supporter. What's the difference between that and calling him a terrorist. You are a troll. I have seen your type before.

You want to explain his associations with factual data and not mere assertion? You must have the evidence/proof, no? Links that explain those would be just fine!


Theresa May. Dead woman walking.

I can't support her. I just can't. I wish she would go.

Should never have been PM in the first place.

Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn.

Yet she's still more popular than Corbyn. I see she lost a couple of Senior advisers. Not a good sign for HER longevity in the PM role.


Yes. She was very lucky; considering.........

"Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn."

You are now a Leftist? :confused-84:

I don't think so, but Corbyn needs to be GONE!! he's a threat to security. Benn is merely an incompetent fool. Quite harmless; unelectable.

Quit twisting the facts. There have multiple claims of Corbyn being a terrorist supporter. What's the difference between that and calling him a terrorist. You are a troll. I have seen your type before.

You want to explain his associations with factual data and not mere assertion? You must have the evidence/proof, no? Links that explain those would be just fine!


Theresa May. Dead woman walking.

I can't support her. I just can't. I wish she would go.

Should never have been PM in the first place.

Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn.

Yet she's still more popular than Corbyn. I see she lost a couple of Senior advisers. Not a good sign for HER longevity in the PM role.


Yes. She was very lucky; considering.........

"Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn."

You are now a Leftist? :confused-84:

Absolutely not. But I have the guts to criticise my own. Unlike the Tainant crowd.

I also believe in strong opposition. And Hilary Benn displayed some integrity in resigning on principle. In the House of Commons.

Jeremy Corbyn is all smoke and mirrors. Preying on bitterness and grievance. And people fall for that bullshit.
You want to explain his associations with factual data and not mere assertion? You must have the evidence/proof, no? Links that explain those would be just fine!


Theresa May. Dead woman walking.

I can't support her. I just can't. I wish she would go.

Should never have been PM in the first place.

Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn.

Yet she's still more popular than Corbyn. I see she lost a couple of Senior advisers. Not a good sign for HER longevity in the PM role.


Yes. She was very lucky; considering.........

"Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn."

You are now a Leftist? :confused-84:

Absolutely not. But I have the guts to criticise my own. Unlike the Tainant crowd.

I also believe in strong opposition. And Hilary Benn displayed some integrity in resigning on principle. In the House of Commons.

Jeremy Corbyn is all smoke and mirrors. Preying on bitterness and grievance. And people fall for that bullshit.

That's right; he did too. Hmmm. Nah; I think Labour will do like the DemoKKKrats and go for bitterness and grievance. It's in their DNA.

I knew that you would run away from discussing this. You have no moral or ethical standards.
DUP representative pleads guilty on electoral fraud charges

Your trolling tactics don't work on me. I've seen it all before.

Twisting the narrative, by accusing posters of saying Corbyn was a terrorist. When no such claims were made.

It's you who have no moral or ethical standards.

Quit twisting the facts. There have multiple claims of Corbyn being a terrorist supporter. What's the difference between that and calling him a terrorist. You are a troll. I have seen your type before.

You want to explain his associations with factual data and not mere assertion? You must have the evidence/proof, no? Links that explain those would be just fine!


Theresa May. Dead woman walking.

I can't support her. I just can't. I wish she would go.

Should never have been PM in the first place.

Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn.

Yet she's still more popular than Corbyn. I see she lost a couple of Senior advisers. Not a good sign for HER longevity in the PM role.


Labour are not going to remove Jeremy Corbyn and replace him, he also isn't going to be given the opportunity to attempt to form a Government as the mathematics do not add up.

The situation is to avoid another General Election immediately.

The Conservatives if they can do a deal with the DUP have the mathematics, they need 326.

Conservatives 318 + DUP 10 = 328 and they can continue with that for several years, although they'll have behind doors arguments.

The Labour Party + SNP + Liberal Democrats + Plaid Cymru + Green = 315

The Labour supporters are in LaLaLand, that voting Coalition would collapse within weeks, Corbyn would not even be able to get a Queen's Speech through:

The Conservatives + DUP = 328 votes would vote it down and the strange Labour Coalition = 315 would collapse.

If it was said "can Labour form a Government?" then the Civil Servants would tell Queen Elizabeth II "no they can't they don't have the mathematics"
You want to explain his associations with factual data and not mere assertion? You must have the evidence/proof, no? Links that explain those would be just fine!


Theresa May. Dead woman walking.

I can't support her. I just can't. I wish she would go.

Should never have been PM in the first place.

Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn.

Yet she's still more popular than Corbyn. I see she lost a couple of Senior advisers. Not a good sign for HER longevity in the PM role.


Yes. She was very lucky; considering.........

"Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn."

You are now a Leftist? :confused-84:

I don't think so, but Corbyn needs to be GONE!! he's a threat to security. Benn is merely an incompetent fool. Quite harmless; unelectable.


Corbyn's foreign policy opinions are quite worrying. His views on Trident for example. Then he says he wants a nuclear free world. Tell that to Kim Jong-un. Does Corbyn want to rule the world? With delusions of globalist policy grandeur?

Then he flip flops, and pussyfoots around the issues. And they have the nerve to accuse Theresa May of doing the same.
Your trolling tactics don't work on me. I've seen it all before.

Twisting the narrative, by accusing posters of saying Corbyn was a terrorist. When no such claims were made.

It's you who have no moral or ethical standards.

Quit twisting the facts. There have multiple claims of Corbyn being a terrorist supporter. What's the difference between that and calling him a terrorist. You are a troll. I have seen your type before.

You want to explain his associations with factual data and not mere assertion? You must have the evidence/proof, no? Links that explain those would be just fine!


Theresa May. Dead woman walking.

I can't support her. I just can't. I wish she would go.

Should never have been PM in the first place.

Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn.

Yet she's still more popular than Corbyn. I see she lost a couple of Senior advisers. Not a good sign for HER longevity in the PM role.


Labour are not going to remove Jeremy Corbyn and replace him, he also isn't going to be given the opportunity to attempt to form a Government as the mathematics do not add up.

The situation is to avoid another General Election immediately.

The Conservatives if they can do a deal with the DUP have the mathematics, they need 326.

Conservatives 318 + DUP 10 = 328 and they can continue with that for several years, although they'll have behind doors arguments.

The Labour Party + SNP + Liberal Democrats + Plaid Cymru + Green = 315

The Labour supporters are in LaLaLand, that voting Coalition would collapse within weeks, Corbyn would not even be able to get a Queen's Speech through:

The Conservatives + DUP = 328 votes would vote it down and the strange Labour Coalition = 315 would collapse.

If it was said "can Labour form a Government?" then the Civil Servants would tell Queen Elizabeth II "no they can't they don't have the mathematics"

Yet they seem to think they can :spinner:

Such delusory intentions are not good for Britain.
You want to explain his associations with factual data and not mere assertion? You must have the evidence/proof, no? Links that explain those would be just fine!


Theresa May. Dead woman walking.

I can't support her. I just can't. I wish she would go.

Should never have been PM in the first place.

Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn.

Yet she's still more popular than Corbyn. I see she lost a couple of Senior advisers. Not a good sign for HER longevity in the PM role.


Yes. She was very lucky; considering.........

"Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn."

You are now a Leftist? :confused-84:

I don't think so, but Corbyn needs to be GONE!! he's a threat to security. Benn is merely an incompetent fool. Quite harmless; unelectable.


I think from a Conservative perspective Jeremy Corbyn is a gift, it's because he's a threat to British National Security that means he'll NEVER be British Prime Minister, Hillary Benn isn't the same sort of threat.

They have a Far Left Marxist-Leninist who's a friend of the IRA, Hamas and Hezbollah, why would you NOT want that gift to be leader of the Opposition.

Crawling back to Corbyn: The Labour rebels eating their words after benefiting from Jeremy Corbyn's popularity

Crawling back to Corbyn: The Labour rebels eating their words after benefiting from Jeremy Corbyn's popularity

Nope; Hilary is OUT in the cold. Corbyn is riding high on a wave of "I didn't f*** up s badly as you thought I would". When Labour realise that he's an unelectable loser then will they dump him?? Dunno. TOMMY; what do YOU say?


Labour won't remove Corbyn, trust me.
Theresa May. Dead woman walking.

I can't support her. I just can't. I wish she would go.

Should never have been PM in the first place.

Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn.

Yet she's still more popular than Corbyn. I see she lost a couple of Senior advisers. Not a good sign for HER longevity in the PM role.


Yes. She was very lucky; considering.........

"Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn."

You are now a Leftist? :confused-84:

I don't think so, but Corbyn needs to be GONE!! he's a threat to security. Benn is merely an incompetent fool. Quite harmless; unelectable.


Corbyn's foreign policy opinions are quite worrying. His views on Trident for example. Then he says he wants a nuclear free world. Tell that to Kim Jong-un. Does Corbyn want to rule the world? With delusions of globalist policy grandeur?

Then he flip flops, and pussyfoots around the issues. And they have the nerve to accuse Theresa May of doing the same.

I filter the MSM with a lot of care. Most of their news is opinion and frankly quite stupid. But they're trying to sell papers as distinct from wanting good Government.

Theresa May. Dead woman walking.

I can't support her. I just can't. I wish she would go.

Should never have been PM in the first place.

Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn.

Yet she's still more popular than Corbyn. I see she lost a couple of Senior advisers. Not a good sign for HER longevity in the PM role.


Yes. She was very lucky; considering.........

"Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn."

You are now a Leftist? :confused-84:

I don't think so, but Corbyn needs to be GONE!! he's a threat to security. Benn is merely an incompetent fool. Quite harmless; unelectable.


I think from a Conservative perspective Jeremy Corbyn is a gift, it's because he's a threat to British National Security that means he'll NEVER be British Prime Minister, Hillary Benn isn't the same sort of threat.

They have a Far Left Marxist-Leninist who's a friend of the IRA, Hamas and Hezbollah, why would you NOT want that gift to be leader of the Opposition.

I'd like to trust the electorate. In the end, it comes down to them.

And it seemed they, mostly the young, were willing to forgo the Corbyn past transgressions for this election.

Most of them are too young or were not alive, to have experienced Corbyn's resistance and revolution antics from years ago.
Theresa May. Dead woman walking.

I can't support her. I just can't. I wish she would go.

Should never have been PM in the first place.

Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn.

Yet she's still more popular than Corbyn. I see she lost a couple of Senior advisers. Not a good sign for HER longevity in the PM role.


Yes. She was very lucky; considering.........

"Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn."

You are now a Leftist? :confused-84:

I don't think so, but Corbyn needs to be GONE!! he's a threat to security. Benn is merely an incompetent fool. Quite harmless; unelectable.


I think from a Conservative perspective Jeremy Corbyn is a gift, it's because he's a threat to British National Security that means he'll NEVER be British Prime Minister, Hillary Benn isn't the same sort of threat.

They have a Far Left Marxist-Leninist who's a friend of the IRA, Hamas and Hezbollah, why would you NOT want that gift to be leader of the Opposition.
In case by some freak chance the media highlights the supposed failures of the Conservatives and don't cover the facts about Corbyn. The Brits have a lot more faith in their media than the yanks I think; I don't. Mindful would be better placed to say whether I'm right or wrong about that.

Yet she's still more popular than Corbyn. I see she lost a couple of Senior advisers. Not a good sign for HER longevity in the PM role.


Yes. She was very lucky; considering.........

"Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn."

You are now a Leftist? :confused-84:

I don't think so, but Corbyn needs to be GONE!! he's a threat to security. Benn is merely an incompetent fool. Quite harmless; unelectable.


I think from a Conservative perspective Jeremy Corbyn is a gift, it's because he's a threat to British National Security that means he'll NEVER be British Prime Minister, Hillary Benn isn't the same sort of threat.

They have a Far Left Marxist-Leninist who's a friend of the IRA, Hamas and Hezbollah, why would you NOT want that gift to be leader of the Opposition.

I'd like to trust the electorate. In the end, it comes down to them.

And it seemed they, mostly the young, were willing to forgo the Corbyn past transgressions for this election.

Most of them are too young or were not alive, to have experienced Corbyn's resistance and revolution antics from years ago.

I agree, and that makes him more dangerous should the media whitewash him, or should the young voters not read through him. On a what's good for the Country basis I'd like to see Corbyn go, but I think Labour are rusted on to him. The Conservatives need to Govern well and do a Cameron after his dealings with the Lib Dems; win in their own right next time.


Crawling back to Corbyn: The Labour rebels eating their words after benefiting from Jeremy Corbyn's popularity

Crawling back to Corbyn: The Labour rebels eating their words after benefiting from Jeremy Corbyn's popularity

Nope; Hilary is OUT in the cold. Corbyn is riding high on a wave of "I didn't f*** up s badly as you thought I would". When Labour realise that he's an unelectable loser then will they dump him?? Dunno. TOMMY; what do YOU say?

He is in a stronger position since the election. If these clowns had backed him from the off then it might have been different. The focus now will be on Tory factions. Most Tory MPs are remainders and they will guide the discussions. This will enrage their opponents and the ship is heading to the rocks.
Lots of Tories have marginals and they won't back idiocy.

I can't think of a single manifesto pledge that they can get through.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
Yet she's still more popular than Corbyn. I see she lost a couple of Senior advisers. Not a good sign for HER longevity in the PM role.


Yes. She was very lucky; considering.........

"Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn."

You are now a Leftist? :confused-84:

I don't think so, but Corbyn needs to be GONE!! he's a threat to security. Benn is merely an incompetent fool. Quite harmless; unelectable.


I think from a Conservative perspective Jeremy Corbyn is a gift, it's because he's a threat to British National Security that means he'll NEVER be British Prime Minister, Hillary Benn isn't the same sort of threat.

They have a Far Left Marxist-Leninist who's a friend of the IRA, Hamas and Hezbollah, why would you NOT want that gift to be leader of the Opposition.
In case by some freak chance the media highlights the supposed failures of the Conservatives and don't cover the facts about Corbyn. The Brits have a lot more faith in their media than the yanks I think; I don't. Mindful would be better placed to say whether I'm right or wrong about that.

The media is almost totally Tory. They threw everything at Corbyn and made up stuff when they could.

They are owned by billionaire tax Dodgers so it is to be expected.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

Crawling back to Corbyn: The Labour rebels eating their words after benefiting from Jeremy Corbyn's popularity

Crawling back to Corbyn: The Labour rebels eating their words after benefiting from Jeremy Corbyn's popularity

Nope; Hilary is OUT in the cold. Corbyn is riding high on a wave of "I didn't f*** up s badly as you thought I would". When Labour realise that he's an unelectable loser then will they dump him?? Dunno. TOMMY; what do YOU say?

He is in a stronger position since the election. If these clowns had backed him from the off then it might have been different. The focus now will be on Tory factions. Most Tory MPs are remainders and they will guide the discussions. This will enrage their opponents and the ship is heading to the rocks.
Lots of Tories have marginals and they won't back idiocy.

I can't think of a single manifesto pledge that they can get through.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
He's in opposition and if he rode a wave then I doubt it'll last five years. The only thing to be concerned about now is how long May will be PM. If she Governs well then it'll be a Conservative Victory in five years. If not then a new PM in a year or two. But Labour has those defectors to clean out. Once the Press sees the Conservatives have cleaned up their act then it'll be Labours turn, and there is no worse hatred than the left for their internal opponents. lmao.

The Conservatives now have time on their side. Not Labour. Corbyn's going to welcome the defectors back with open alms?? There is that thing about keeping your enemies closer I suppose.

Last edited:
Yes. She was very lucky; considering.........

"Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn."

You are now a Leftist? :confused-84:

I don't think so, but Corbyn needs to be GONE!! he's a threat to security. Benn is merely an incompetent fool. Quite harmless; unelectable.


I think from a Conservative perspective Jeremy Corbyn is a gift, it's because he's a threat to British National Security that means he'll NEVER be British Prime Minister, Hillary Benn isn't the same sort of threat.

They have a Far Left Marxist-Leninist who's a friend of the IRA, Hamas and Hezbollah, why would you NOT want that gift to be leader of the Opposition.
In case by some freak chance the media highlights the supposed failures of the Conservatives and don't cover the facts about Corbyn. The Brits have a lot more faith in their media than the yanks I think; I don't. Mindful would be better placed to say whether I'm right or wrong about that.

The media is almost totally Tory. They threw everything at Corbyn and made up stuff when they could.

They are owned by billionaire tax Dodgers so it is to be expected.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

That's a joke. The Guardian, The Independent, The New Statesman for starters.

Even the so called rightist Daily Mail lays into conservative politicians when necessary. And permits opposing viewpoints to be aired.
Yes. She was very lucky; considering.........

"Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn."

You are now a Leftist? :confused-84:

I don't think so, but Corbyn needs to be GONE!! he's a threat to security. Benn is merely an incompetent fool. Quite harmless; unelectable.


I think from a Conservative perspective Jeremy Corbyn is a gift, it's because he's a threat to British National Security that means he'll NEVER be British Prime Minister, Hillary Benn isn't the same sort of threat.

They have a Far Left Marxist-Leninist who's a friend of the IRA, Hamas and Hezbollah, why would you NOT want that gift to be leader of the Opposition.
In case by some freak chance the media highlights the supposed failures of the Conservatives and don't cover the facts about Corbyn. The Brits have a lot more faith in their media than the yanks I think; I don't. Mindful would be better placed to say whether I'm right or wrong about that.

The media is almost totally Tory. They threw everything at Corbyn and made up stuff when they could.

They are owned by billionaire tax Dodgers so it is to be expected.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
The BBC is Tory? Dunno really how it'll pan out. May could be gone tomorrow but remember that no one expected Corbyn to win. He didn't, but if there is a possibility that he is in a winning position then the media will indeed be on his case. And the only scenario for that to happen is if the Conservatives implode. There may be some blood on the floor but they have Government AND they have shown that they can work WITH a junior partner. I think the next twelve months will be more interesting than the following four years.


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