British General Election Results

"Hillery Benn in place of Jeremy Corbyn."

You are now a Leftist? :confused-84:

I don't think so, but Corbyn needs to be GONE!! he's a threat to security. Benn is merely an incompetent fool. Quite harmless; unelectable.


I think from a Conservative perspective Jeremy Corbyn is a gift, it's because he's a threat to British National Security that means he'll NEVER be British Prime Minister, Hillary Benn isn't the same sort of threat.

They have a Far Left Marxist-Leninist who's a friend of the IRA, Hamas and Hezbollah, why would you NOT want that gift to be leader of the Opposition.
In case by some freak chance the media highlights the supposed failures of the Conservatives and don't cover the facts about Corbyn. The Brits have a lot more faith in their media than the yanks I think; I don't. Mindful would be better placed to say whether I'm right or wrong about that.

The media is almost totally Tory. They threw everything at Corbyn and made up stuff when they could.

They are owned by billionaire tax Dodgers so it is to be expected.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
The BBC is Tory? Dunno really how it'll pan out. May could be gone tomorrow but remember that no one expected Corbyn to win. He didn't, but if there is a possibility that he is in a winning position then the media will indeed be on his case. And the only scenario for that to happen is if the Conservatives implode. There may be some blood on the floor but they have Government AND they have shown that they can work WITH a junior partner. I think the next twelve months will be more interesting than the following four years.


This crowd should be doing stand up comedy, this is funny stuff, they are all mentally deranged it's hilarious.

Labour's Emily Thornberry: 'I've been a gay icon'


"Labour’s shadow foreign secretary has revealed she believes she is a gay icon.

Frontbencher Emily Thornberry, who is standing for re-election in Islington, said she has a “big lesbian following too” when compared to Ruth Davidson, the openly gay leader of the Scottish Tories.

After the Evening Standard’s election hustings on Tuesday, she told the Londoner’s Diary: “I was told by my brother, who has a large restaurant, that a big group of lesbians were sitting at a big table and they said to him ‘Oh, so you’re gay: is Emily?’”

Ms Thornberry, who has three children and is married to barrister Sir Christopher Nugee, said: “I’ve been a gay icon a number of times, especially when I spun the decks at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern.”

She then added that she believed to become a gay icon “you’ve got to be bolshie”.

Labour's Emily Thornberry reveals 'I've been a gay icon'
I don't think so, but Corbyn needs to be GONE!! he's a threat to security. Benn is merely an incompetent fool. Quite harmless; unelectable.


I think from a Conservative perspective Jeremy Corbyn is a gift, it's because he's a threat to British National Security that means he'll NEVER be British Prime Minister, Hillary Benn isn't the same sort of threat.

They have a Far Left Marxist-Leninist who's a friend of the IRA, Hamas and Hezbollah, why would you NOT want that gift to be leader of the Opposition.
In case by some freak chance the media highlights the supposed failures of the Conservatives and don't cover the facts about Corbyn. The Brits have a lot more faith in their media than the yanks I think; I don't. Mindful would be better placed to say whether I'm right or wrong about that.

The media is almost totally Tory. They threw everything at Corbyn and made up stuff when they could.

They are owned by billionaire tax Dodgers so it is to be expected.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
The BBC is Tory? Dunno really how it'll pan out. May could be gone tomorrow but remember that no one expected Corbyn to win. He didn't, but if there is a possibility that he is in a winning position then the media will indeed be on his case. And the only scenario for that to happen is if the Conservatives implode. There may be some blood on the floor but they have Government AND they have shown that they can work WITH a junior partner. I think the next twelve months will be more interesting than the following four years.


The BBC is biased to the left. I've watched David Dimbleby give those on the right a hard time of it.

Jacob Rees Mogg gave him his come uppance. It was sheer comedy gold.
The BBC have been heavily criticised for their left leaning and anti Brexit stance during their coverage on election night. The BBC has been infested with leftards for years now. Tommy is wilfully blind.
I think from a Conservative perspective Jeremy Corbyn is a gift, it's because he's a threat to British National Security that means he'll NEVER be British Prime Minister, Hillary Benn isn't the same sort of threat.

They have a Far Left Marxist-Leninist who's a friend of the IRA, Hamas and Hezbollah, why would you NOT want that gift to be leader of the Opposition.
In case by some freak chance the media highlights the supposed failures of the Conservatives and don't cover the facts about Corbyn. The Brits have a lot more faith in their media than the yanks I think; I don't. Mindful would be better placed to say whether I'm right or wrong about that.

The media is almost totally Tory. They threw everything at Corbyn and made up stuff when they could.

They are owned by billionaire tax Dodgers so it is to be expected.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
The BBC is Tory? Dunno really how it'll pan out. May could be gone tomorrow but remember that no one expected Corbyn to win. He didn't, but if there is a possibility that he is in a winning position then the media will indeed be on his case. And the only scenario for that to happen is if the Conservatives implode. There may be some blood on the floor but they have Government AND they have shown that they can work WITH a junior partner. I think the next twelve months will be more interesting than the following four years.


The BBC is biased to the left. I've watched David Dimbleby give those on the right a hard time of it.

Jacob Rees Mogg gave him his come uppance. It was sheer comedy gold.
The BBC have been heavily criticised for their left leaning and anti Brexit stance during their coverage on election night. The BBC has been infested with leftards for years now. Tommy is wilfully blind.

He twists reality.
I don't think so, but Corbyn needs to be GONE!! he's a threat to security. Benn is merely an incompetent fool. Quite harmless; unelectable.


I think from a Conservative perspective Jeremy Corbyn is a gift, it's because he's a threat to British National Security that means he'll NEVER be British Prime Minister, Hillary Benn isn't the same sort of threat.

They have a Far Left Marxist-Leninist who's a friend of the IRA, Hamas and Hezbollah, why would you NOT want that gift to be leader of the Opposition.
In case by some freak chance the media highlights the supposed failures of the Conservatives and don't cover the facts about Corbyn. The Brits have a lot more faith in their media than the yanks I think; I don't. Mindful would be better placed to say whether I'm right or wrong about that.

The media is almost totally Tory. They threw everything at Corbyn and made up stuff when they could.

They are owned by billionaire tax Dodgers so it is to be expected.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
The BBC is Tory? Dunno really how it'll pan out. May could be gone tomorrow but remember that no one expected Corbyn to win. He didn't, but if there is a possibility that he is in a winning position then the media will indeed be on his case. And the only scenario for that to happen is if the Conservatives implode. There may be some blood on the floor but they have Government AND they have shown that they can work WITH a junior partner. I think the next twelve months will be more interesting than the following four years.

At the moment the bbc is tory controlled with the majority of their main people having tory sympathies. Kunsberg,Robinson,Dimbleby and Neil being the main offenders.

Is it difficult being so very wrong so very much of the time or does it just come naturally to you? :cuckoo:
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Oh dear. None of the tory manifesto will be implemented. Not one thing. And the remainers in the tory camp, that is most of them, will water down brexit till the point it becomes meaningless.
You lose girls !!
Oh dear. None of the tory manifesto will be implemented. Not one thing. And the remainers in the tory camp, that is most of them, will water down brexit till the point it becomes meaningless.
You lose girls !!
Such a terrible manifesto AND a dismal campaign, yet the 'wildly popular" Comrade Corbyn still lost (and didn't even win the popular vote). How did that happen, Tommy. How???
Tommy, don't you think Labour are being huuuuuuge hypocrites considering they were so keen to do a deal with the DUP themselves?

Labour tried to do deals with the DUP last time there was a hung parliament

....However, the DUP have now pointed out that under Gordon Brown, Labour had tried to strike a similar deal when there was a hung parliament in 2010.

Yvette Cooper, Shaun Woodward, Ed Miliband and Alistair Campbell were just a few of the Labour supporters or MPs to have recently criticised Theresa May for dealing with the extremely conservative, anti-abortion, anti-LGBT rights party from Northern Ireland.

However, when Brown failed to get a majority he wrote letters to the DUP asking to do a deal.

...However, the difference between 2010 and now is that Gordon Brown ended up being outfoxed by the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives, and the DUP did not end up having to prop up the Government.

Read more: Labour tried to do deals with the DUP last time there was a hung parliament
Oh dear. None of the tory manifesto will be implemented. Not one thing. And the remainers in the tory camp, that is most of them, will water down brexit till the point it becomes meaningless.
You lose girls !!
Such a terrible manifesto AND a dismal campaign, yet the 'wildly popular" Comrade Corbyn still lost (and didn't even win the popular vote). How did that happen, Tommy. How???

This below is how Britain voted last Thursday, doesn't look so good for Labour from the below map, it looks like Britain is pretty Conservative voting.

Oh dear. None of the tory manifesto will be implemented. Not one thing. And the remainers in the tory camp, that is most of them, will water down brexit till the point it becomes meaningless.
You lose girls !!
Such a terrible manifesto AND a dismal campaign, yet the 'wildly popular" Comrade Corbyn still lost (and didn't even win the popular vote). How did that happen, Tommy. How???
He was coming from a long way back. His MPs were not supporting him and he was being pilloried by the press.

Yet despite that May lost a 20% lead in 3 weeks.

Its over for the tories. They will limp on for a few weeks with their terrorist friends and the next election will see them dumped.

Here is a video of your new friends terrorising little catholic schoolgirls. Enjoy !
Tommy, don't you think Labour are being huuuuuuge hypocrites considering they were so keen to do a deal with the DUP themselves?

Labour tried to do deals with the DUP last time there was a hung parliament

....However, the DUP have now pointed out that under Gordon Brown, Labour had tried to strike a similar deal when there was a hung parliament in 2010.

Yvette Cooper, Shaun Woodward, Ed Miliband and Alistair Campbell were just a few of the Labour supporters or MPs to have recently criticised Theresa May for dealing with the extremely conservative, anti-abortion, anti-LGBT rights party from Northern Ireland.

However, when Brown failed to get a majority he wrote letters to the DUP asking to do a deal.

...However, the difference between 2010 and now is that Gordon Brown ended up being outfoxed by the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives, and the DUP did not end up having to prop up the Government.

Read more: Labour tried to do deals with the DUP last time there was a hung parliament

Typical Leftist hypocrites then.
I don't think so, but Corbyn needs to be GONE!! he's a threat to security. Benn is merely an incompetent fool. Quite harmless; unelectable.


I think from a Conservative perspective Jeremy Corbyn is a gift, it's because he's a threat to British National Security that means he'll NEVER be British Prime Minister, Hillary Benn isn't the same sort of threat.

They have a Far Left Marxist-Leninist who's a friend of the IRA, Hamas and Hezbollah, why would you NOT want that gift to be leader of the Opposition.
In case by some freak chance the media highlights the supposed failures of the Conservatives and don't cover the facts about Corbyn. The Brits have a lot more faith in their media than the yanks I think; I don't. Mindful would be better placed to say whether I'm right or wrong about that.

The media is almost totally Tory. They threw everything at Corbyn and made up stuff when they could.

They are owned by billionaire tax Dodgers so it is to be expected.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
The BBC is Tory? Dunno really how it'll pan out. May could be gone tomorrow but remember that no one expected Corbyn to win. He didn't, but if there is a possibility that he is in a winning position then the media will indeed be on his case. And the only scenario for that to happen is if the Conservatives implode. There may be some blood on the floor but they have Government AND they have shown that they can work WITH a junior partner. I think the next twelve months will be more interesting than the following four years.


This crowd should be doing stand up comedy, this is funny stuff, they are all mentally deranged it's hilarious.

Labour's Emily Thornberry: 'I've been a gay icon'


"Labour’s shadow foreign secretary has revealed she believes she is a gay icon.

Frontbencher Emily Thornberry, who is standing for re-election in Islington, said she has a “big lesbian following too” when compared to Ruth Davidson, the openly gay leader of the Scottish Tories.

After the Evening Standard’s election hustings on Tuesday, she told the Londoner’s Diary: “I was told by my brother, who has a large restaurant, that a big group of lesbians were sitting at a big table and they said to him ‘Oh, so you’re gay: is Emily?’”

Ms Thornberry, who has three children and is married to barrister Sir Christopher Nugee, said: “I’ve been a gay icon a number of times, especially when I spun the decks at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern.”

She then added that she believed to become a gay icon “you’ve got to be bolshie”.

Labour's Emily Thornberry reveals 'I've been a gay icon'
Lol. Not only have they never met a terrorist they don't support, but so many of them are really genuinely unhinged.

Their Dear Leader :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Diane Abott :cuckoo: :scared1:
John McDonnall :cuckoo: :eusa_shifty:
Emily 'Gay Icon' Thornburyb:cuckoo::wtf:

To name but a few :)
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Oh dear. None of the tory manifesto will be implemented. Not one thing. And the remainers in the tory camp, that is most of them, will water down brexit till the point it becomes meaningless.
You lose girls !!
Such a terrible manifesto AND a dismal campaign, yet the 'wildly popular" Comrade Corbyn still lost (and didn't even win the popular vote). How did that happen, Tommy. How???
He was coming from a long way back. His MPs were not supporting him and he was being pilloried by the press.

Yet despite that May lost a 20% lead in 3 weeks.

Its over for the tories. They will limp on for a few weeks with their terrorist friends and the next election will see them dumped.

Here is a video of your new friends terrorising little catholic schoolgirls. Enjoy !

And yet Gordon Brown tried to a deal with them!
The ONLY reason they aren't doing so now is that the DUP don't have enough seats to be of any use to them, considering Labour are nearly 60 SEATS BEHIND. LOL.
Hypocrisy noted!

And yet Gordon Brown tried to cut a deal with them!
The ONLY reason they aren't doing so now is that the DUP don't have enough seats to be of any use to them, considering Labour are nearly 60 SEATS BEHIND. LOL.
Hypocrisy noted!
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Oh dear. None of the tory manifesto will be implemented. Not one thing. And the remainers in the tory camp, that is most of them, will water down brexit till the point it becomes meaningless.
You lose girls !!
Such a terrible manifesto AND a dismal campaign, yet the 'wildly popular" Comrade Corbyn still lost (and didn't even win the popular vote). How did that happen, Tommy. How???
He was coming from a long way back. His MPs were not supporting him and he was being pilloried by the press.

Yet despite that May lost a 20% lead in 3 weeks.

Its over for the tories. They will limp on for a few weeks with their terrorist friends and the next election will see them dumped.

Here is a video of your new friends terrorising little catholic schoolgirls. Enjoy !

He absolutley ought to be exposed by the press for his terrorist support. And its interesting that you call disseminating the FACTS about his sordid treasonous views - being 'pilloried'. Lol.

The media have a responsibility to ensure his disgusting views get regular front and centre exposure for as long as he indulges in his delusion that he should or will run this country :thup:
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I think from a Conservative perspective Jeremy Corbyn is a gift, it's because he's a threat to British National Security that means he'll NEVER be British Prime Minister, Hillary Benn isn't the same sort of threat.

They have a Far Left Marxist-Leninist who's a friend of the IRA, Hamas and Hezbollah, why would you NOT want that gift to be leader of the Opposition.
In case by some freak chance the media highlights the supposed failures of the Conservatives and don't cover the facts about Corbyn. The Brits have a lot more faith in their media than the yanks I think; I don't. Mindful would be better placed to say whether I'm right or wrong about that.

The media is almost totally Tory. They threw everything at Corbyn and made up stuff when they could.

They are owned by billionaire tax Dodgers so it is to be expected.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
The BBC is Tory? Dunno really how it'll pan out. May could be gone tomorrow but remember that no one expected Corbyn to win. He didn't, but if there is a possibility that he is in a winning position then the media will indeed be on his case. And the only scenario for that to happen is if the Conservatives implode. There may be some blood on the floor but they have Government AND they have shown that they can work WITH a junior partner. I think the next twelve months will be more interesting than the following four years.


This crowd should be doing stand up comedy, this is funny stuff, they are all mentally deranged it's hilarious.

Labour's Emily Thornberry: 'I've been a gay icon'


"Labour’s shadow foreign secretary has revealed she believes she is a gay icon.

Frontbencher Emily Thornberry, who is standing for re-election in Islington, said she has a “big lesbian following too” when compared to Ruth Davidson, the openly gay leader of the Scottish Tories.

After the Evening Standard’s election hustings on Tuesday, she told the Londoner’s Diary: “I was told by my brother, who has a large restaurant, that a big group of lesbians were sitting at a big table and they said to him ‘Oh, so you’re gay: is Emily?’”

Ms Thornberry, who has three children and is married to barrister Sir Christopher Nugee, said: “I’ve been a gay icon a number of times, especially when I spun the decks at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern.”

She then added that she believed to become a gay icon “you’ve got to be bolshie”.

Labour's Emily Thornberry reveals 'I've been a gay icon'
Lol. Not only have they never met a terrorist they don't support, but so many of them are really genuinely unhinged.

Their Dear Leader :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Diane Abott :cuckoo: :scared1:
John McDonnall :cuckoo: :eusa_shifty:
Emily 'Gay Icon' Thornburyb:cuckoo::wtf:

To name but a few :)

All of this demented behaviour from Labour is going to help the Conservatives, so it's good if the delusional Labour MPs publicly keep saying that they "won" an election that sane and normal people know they lost and lost badly. People who are this mentally deranged and delusional are NOT FIT to lead ANY nation, especially during these ominous times that all Western nations face from Islamic Terrorism.

This to the mental Leftists means they won, 262 seats is MORE than 318 seats in Leftist LaLaLand :rolleyes-41:


Here's another mentally deranged weirdo saying that Jeremy Corbyn won and she's booed by a very angry audience for saying it.

Let these crazed people keep digging, they have lost three British elections in a row and they'll lose a fourth, people in Western nations know that Leftists are mentally ill, the British Leftists are the latest to illustrate this.

Shami Chakrabarti booed by Question Time audience after claiming Corbyn won the election

"THE QUESTION TIME quickly audience turned on Shami Chakrabarti after she suggested that Labour were the winners of the election.

The Labour politician suggested that Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party were winners in the election.

Theresa May failed to win a majority after calling a snap election in an attempt to strengthen her hand before key Brexit negotiations with Brussels.

Speaking on BBC’s Question Time, Baroness Chakrabarti faced an angry backlash from the audience after she suggested Labour were the winners of the election.

The Shadow Attorney General said: “We are quite clear on the constitutional position which is that Theresa May has the most seats and she is the incumbent Prime Minister.

“It is up to her to have the first attempt at forming this government.

“But [Mr Corbyn] is also right as the leader of the opposition on the ascendance, who effectively won.

“If anybody won that election it was him.”

The Labour politician was quickly met with groans and boo’s from the angry BBC audience.

Conservative MP Chris Grayling quickly criticised Baroness Chakrabarti for her point as he demanded to know how Mr Corbyn won.

“He gained 29 seats,” he raged.

The audience laughed and then applauded at the remark from the Transport Secretary before Baroness Chakrabarti conceded defeat by saying: “fine”.

“He is right constitutionally to say that if she is unable to form a government, it is his duty as leader of the opposition to attempt to form an alternative government,” Baroness Chakrabarti added.

Author and journalist Isabel Oakeshott then stepped in with one final decisive dig at the Labour politician.

“Well we are all very grateful, but it doesn’t mean anything does it,” she said.

Here's the full article which includes the video of nutty Labour MP getting booed by the audience.

Shami Chakrabarti booed by Question Time audience after claiming Corbyn won the election

In case by some freak chance the media highlights the supposed failures of the Conservatives and don't cover the facts about Corbyn. The Brits have a lot more faith in their media than the yanks I think; I don't. Mindful would be better placed to say whether I'm right or wrong about that.

The media is almost totally Tory. They threw everything at Corbyn and made up stuff when they could.

They are owned by billionaire tax Dodgers so it is to be expected.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
The BBC is Tory? Dunno really how it'll pan out. May could be gone tomorrow but remember that no one expected Corbyn to win. He didn't, but if there is a possibility that he is in a winning position then the media will indeed be on his case. And the only scenario for that to happen is if the Conservatives implode. There may be some blood on the floor but they have Government AND they have shown that they can work WITH a junior partner. I think the next twelve months will be more interesting than the following four years.


This crowd should be doing stand up comedy, this is funny stuff, they are all mentally deranged it's hilarious.

Labour's Emily Thornberry: 'I've been a gay icon'


"Labour’s shadow foreign secretary has revealed she believes she is a gay icon.

Frontbencher Emily Thornberry, who is standing for re-election in Islington, said she has a “big lesbian following too” when compared to Ruth Davidson, the openly gay leader of the Scottish Tories.

After the Evening Standard’s election hustings on Tuesday, she told the Londoner’s Diary: “I was told by my brother, who has a large restaurant, that a big group of lesbians were sitting at a big table and they said to him ‘Oh, so you’re gay: is Emily?’”

Ms Thornberry, who has three children and is married to barrister Sir Christopher Nugee, said: “I’ve been a gay icon a number of times, especially when I spun the decks at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern.”

She then added that she believed to become a gay icon “you’ve got to be bolshie”.

Labour's Emily Thornberry reveals 'I've been a gay icon'
Lol. Not only have they never met a terrorist they don't support, but so many of them are really genuinely unhinged.

Their Dear Leader :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Diane Abott :cuckoo: :scared1:
John McDonnall :cuckoo: :eusa_shifty:
Emily 'Gay Icon' Thornburyb:cuckoo::wtf:

To name but a few :)

All of this demented behaviour from Labour is going to help the Conservatives, so it's good if the delusional Labour MPs publicly keep saying that they "won" an election that sane and normal people know they lost and lost badly. People who are this mentally deranged and delusional are NOT FIT to lead ANY nation, especially during these ominous times that all Western nations face from Islamic Terrorism.

This to the mental Leftists means they won, 262 seats is MORE than 318 seats in Leftist LaLaLand :rolleyes-41:

View attachment 132306

Here's another mentally deranged weirdo saying that Jeremy Corbyn won and she's booed by a very angry audience for saying it.

Let these crazed people keep digging, they have lost three British elections in a row and they'll lose a fourth, people in Western nations know that Leftists are mentally ill, the British Leftists are the latest to illustrate this.

Shami Chakrabarti booed by Question Time audience after claiming Corbyn won the election

"THE QUESTION TIME quickly audience turned on Shami Chakrabarti after she suggested that Labour were the winners of the election.

The Labour politician suggested that Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party were winners in the election.

Theresa May failed to win a majority after calling a snap election in an attempt to strengthen her hand before key Brexit negotiations with Brussels.

Speaking on BBC’s Question Time, Baroness Chakrabarti faced an angry backlash from the audience after she suggested Labour were the winners of the election.

The Shadow Attorney General said: “We are quite clear on the constitutional position which is that Theresa May has the most seats and she is the incumbent Prime Minister.

“It is up to her to have the first attempt at forming this government.

“But [Mr Corbyn] is also right as the leader of the opposition on the ascendance, who effectively won.

“If anybody won that election it was him.”

The Labour politician was quickly met with groans and boo’s from the angry BBC audience.

Conservative MP Chris Grayling quickly criticised Baroness Chakrabarti for her point as he demanded to know how Mr Corbyn won.

“He gained 29 seats,” he raged.

The audience laughed and then applauded at the remark from the Transport Secretary before Baroness Chakrabarti conceded defeat by saying: “fine”.

“He is right constitutionally to say that if she is unable to form a government, it is his duty as leader of the opposition to attempt to form an alternative government,” Baroness Chakrabarti added.

Author and journalist Isabel Oakeshott then stepped in with one final decisive dig at the Labour politician.

“Well we are all very grateful, but it doesn’t mean anything does it,” she said.

Here's the full article which includes the video of nutty Labour MP getting booed by the audience.

Shami Chakrabarti booed by Question Time audience after claiming Corbyn won the election

Yes, I watched Chakrabarti being booed and laughed at as it happened on QT. It was great lol. As much as I am astonished at them airing their delusions so publically (no doubt they are hoping to agitate their young commie base into 'protesting' and more), I agree that it's in everyone but Labours best interest that they continue to demonstrate that they are loonies and that their disdain for the democratic process is alive and well.
The media is almost totally Tory. They threw everything at Corbyn and made up stuff when they could.

They are owned by billionaire tax Dodgers so it is to be expected.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
The BBC is Tory? Dunno really how it'll pan out. May could be gone tomorrow but remember that no one expected Corbyn to win. He didn't, but if there is a possibility that he is in a winning position then the media will indeed be on his case. And the only scenario for that to happen is if the Conservatives implode. There may be some blood on the floor but they have Government AND they have shown that they can work WITH a junior partner. I think the next twelve months will be more interesting than the following four years.


This crowd should be doing stand up comedy, this is funny stuff, they are all mentally deranged it's hilarious.

Labour's Emily Thornberry: 'I've been a gay icon'


"Labour’s shadow foreign secretary has revealed she believes she is a gay icon.

Frontbencher Emily Thornberry, who is standing for re-election in Islington, said she has a “big lesbian following too” when compared to Ruth Davidson, the openly gay leader of the Scottish Tories.

After the Evening Standard’s election hustings on Tuesday, she told the Londoner’s Diary: “I was told by my brother, who has a large restaurant, that a big group of lesbians were sitting at a big table and they said to him ‘Oh, so you’re gay: is Emily?’”

Ms Thornberry, who has three children and is married to barrister Sir Christopher Nugee, said: “I’ve been a gay icon a number of times, especially when I spun the decks at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern.”

She then added that she believed to become a gay icon “you’ve got to be bolshie”.

Labour's Emily Thornberry reveals 'I've been a gay icon'
Lol. Not only have they never met a terrorist they don't support, but so many of them are really genuinely unhinged.

Their Dear Leader :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Diane Abott :cuckoo: :scared1:
John McDonnall :cuckoo: :eusa_shifty:
Emily 'Gay Icon' Thornburyb:cuckoo::wtf:

To name but a few :)

All of this demented behaviour from Labour is going to help the Conservatives, so it's good if the delusional Labour MPs publicly keep saying that they "won" an election that sane and normal people know they lost and lost badly. People who are this mentally deranged and delusional are NOT FIT to lead ANY nation, especially during these ominous times that all Western nations face from Islamic Terrorism.

This to the mental Leftists means they won, 262 seats is MORE than 318 seats in Leftist LaLaLand :rolleyes-41:

View attachment 132306

Here's another mentally deranged weirdo saying that Jeremy Corbyn won and she's booed by a very angry audience for saying it.

Let these crazed people keep digging, they have lost three British elections in a row and they'll lose a fourth, people in Western nations know that Leftists are mentally ill, the British Leftists are the latest to illustrate this.

Shami Chakrabarti booed by Question Time audience after claiming Corbyn won the election

"THE QUESTION TIME quickly audience turned on Shami Chakrabarti after she suggested that Labour were the winners of the election.

The Labour politician suggested that Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party were winners in the election.

Theresa May failed to win a majority after calling a snap election in an attempt to strengthen her hand before key Brexit negotiations with Brussels.

Speaking on BBC’s Question Time, Baroness Chakrabarti faced an angry backlash from the audience after she suggested Labour were the winners of the election.

The Shadow Attorney General said: “We are quite clear on the constitutional position which is that Theresa May has the most seats and she is the incumbent Prime Minister.

“It is up to her to have the first attempt at forming this government.

“But [Mr Corbyn] is also right as the leader of the opposition on the ascendance, who effectively won.

“If anybody won that election it was him.”

The Labour politician was quickly met with groans and boo’s from the angry BBC audience.

Conservative MP Chris Grayling quickly criticised Baroness Chakrabarti for her point as he demanded to know how Mr Corbyn won.

“He gained 29 seats,” he raged.

The audience laughed and then applauded at the remark from the Transport Secretary before Baroness Chakrabarti conceded defeat by saying: “fine”.

“He is right constitutionally to say that if she is unable to form a government, it is his duty as leader of the opposition to attempt to form an alternative government,” Baroness Chakrabarti added.

Author and journalist Isabel Oakeshott then stepped in with one final decisive dig at the Labour politician.

“Well we are all very grateful, but it doesn’t mean anything does it,” she said.

Here's the full article which includes the video of nutty Labour MP getting booed by the audience.

Shami Chakrabarti booed by Question Time audience after claiming Corbyn won the election

Yes, I watched Chakrabarti being booed and laughed at as it happened on QT. It was great lol. As much as I am astonished at them airing their delusions so publically (no doubt they are hoping to agitate their young commie base into 'protesting' and more), I agree that it's in everyone but Labours best interest that they continue to demonstrate that they are loonies and that their disdain for the democratic process is alive and well.

That's it their hope is to agitate and incite their Far Left base to start protesting and rioting, hopefully they do and the British police can just round them all up and throw them into the nearest lunatic house.

They will get onto the streets screaming and banging pots and pans.


They hopefully will be met literally head on by the riot police batons and also the police dogs.



Typical Leftist supporter: Adult-Baby.


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