British Man Beheaded

I absolutely agree with that statement. By the same token, I watched Muslims be very much part of the solution. A number of them kept my ass safe time after time. It's complex.

An effective strategy in many aspects of life is to give people the rope that they're asking for and then watch them hang themselves with the rope. This works with kids. Take the little ones out to dinner and they sulk about eating off the kid menu. They want an adult meal. Let them have the adult meal and then force them to eat it all. Next time they'll stay with the kid's menu.

The majority of Muslims want to live in Islamic States. The longer we deny them the opportunity to do so the longer they're going to think that their alternative vision of how a society can be created is still viable. Who is around today who advocates that the USSR needs to be reconstituted because it was a better way to structure a society? Only bitter-enders. Communism has been discredited because it was given a chance and it failed. The same needs to happen with the Caliphate. They need to try it and then your friends, the dissenters, can work from within to help bring about the end. The mass of people need to realize that the Islamic way keeps them trapped in a social/religious system which is barbaric and they need to have internal reforms and revolts.

They needs to change, we can't change them. Best for us to wall them off and let them develop their own civilization without any interference from us.

Rik, I agree with some of what you're saying and disagree with some as well. I agree Obama's approach of bending sooooooooo far over backward to moderate Muslims here in the US and elsewhere hasn't worked. It's a long discussion. On the military front, it's a global war and the right leader (not Obama) would know how to mobilize the world.

Again, to what end?

The end would be to eradicate Muslim terrorists.

I thought we did that back in Lebanon, and then when Reagan bombed Quadaffi and then when Bush order the invasion of Afghanistan. That strategy doesn't seem to work very well.

Now, I may be a little overboard, but I was all for taking out Afghanistan. That is, Heavy bombing at each training site. None of this surgical strike crap. If a country is going to open themselves to terrorists, then suffer the consequences. I don't know if there is such a thing as a "baby nuke" but that is what I was looking for when we started on Afghanistan. It may have obliterated a fourth of the country, but the world would know where we stood, the terrorist training camps would be gone and we would not have lost the thousands of men we did over the years we did. And it was a helluva lot cheaper. As for rebuilding.. look somewhere else.

If you are going to mess with sure you know what you are doing.
I am so ready for boots on the ground to take out the savage murderers, taunting us to bring it. I am not sure of the strength of ISIS but heard over a couple of weeks ago they were 15 to 20 thousand strong but now over 30 thousand as those with nothing to lose, are joining in high numbers. Soldiers in our military are itching to do this. :thup:

When they started sawing off Americans head with a knife, they opened pandora's box to a can of whoop ass............

If you want to teach them a lesson, then you do it all out or not at all...........even if it means boots on the ground with massive number advantages................but it also means that if you don't want the house to house fighting that you will have to bomb civilians............That is War..........

That is how you win one.........You can't beat an ideology but you can send them to hell in a hand basket.

Beheading two of our journalists, was a declaration of war on the United States. Let us send in special ops troops and wipe them out and leave some over there to hold the fort down, so to speak. Peace through strength.
Beheading two of our journalists was a declaration of "stupid" that had to be answered by heavy bombing on every ISIS camp site we know about. And Obama doesn't have to to sit there with his thumb up his ass and tell the press about it before hand.

Just quietly, meet with Congressional Security Committees and leaders and tell them what the Army, and Air Force are prepared to do within hours. And then do it. No one would call him an empty suit again.
This ISIS thing is going to be a long drawn out mess just like Iraq and Afghanistan. The numbers of ISIS members are swelling dramatically if we believe what we hear on the news.

Right now, we have a meandering president who isn't sure of his own coalition, talks too much and doesn't act.He should be meeting with these "coalition members" to determine just how determined they are to commit resources and what type of resources.

The world has not seen a demonstrably strong leader in Obama so this is going to be hard to pull off. He should have a Air Force General meeting with leaders of the countries and letting them know of the kind of commitment the US is prepared to make. And it should be forceful one. Big Bomb, Many Sorties. But they must be met with the same from other countries.

And not of this "A Muslim Country cannot Bomb another Muslim Country" Crap. They have to define it in terms of infidels going against the peace of the Koran. There are experts in Washington that can use the right terminology, but no sandbagging the operation and just be a "humanitarian" coalition member. Either you're in to destroy evil or you're not.

Then the countries go together to carpet bomb wherever ISIS is. Collateral damage is acceptable. ISIS is a killing machine and they are massacring wherever they are anyway. The action has to be swift. Once Most of ISIS is dead, ground troops can go with overwhelming strength and take out the stragglers. War, bombing and killing is not Politically Correct. It isn't meant to be. But neither his beheadings and massacres.
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In fairness, Britain has a "moderately" conservative prime minister who is only a shade or two away from Obama's cowering and groveling. But UKIP is growing and the world may be but one election away from seeing a Britain whose lion does more than whimper.
The silence from the Muslim community is deafening.
What do you expect them to say?? ..... :cool:

What? what do you think!

For starters, to condemn with the loudest voice possible, this barbaric, demonic, Islamist agenda !!!
So you want muslims to condemn other muslims for not wanting unwelcome westerners polluting their country? ..... :cool:
I don't....I want Muslims to police their own neighborhood...and if they refuse...they face annihilation, extermination. Would you agree to that my Sunni friend?
If Muslims refuse to police their own, then they stand with those who are committing the beheadings. People still fail to realize, we are at war, only when it hits home will they notice.

That's crazy talk.
NO OTHER RELIGION is demanded to "police their own"...None. As if people a continent away or in other nations can influence things.

Fucking bigots.
Wrong! Damned Idiot!

1 Corinthians 5:12 After all, do I have any business judging those who are outside [the Christian faith]? Isn't it your business to judge those who are inside?

That says Christians are supposed to police those that claim to be Christians.

I also believe Jews have an elder group which can add or remove people from their faith, though, @Delta4Embassy would know that better than I.
We have the most powerful airforce and navy on earth. Why do we need a coalition to blow ISIS to hell?
Maybe Obama wants a big coalition so the necessary boots on the ground can be from other countries. He knows damn well the boots are going to have to be there.

Do we really have the most powerful Air Force on earth? We used to, before Obama became president.
Obama has reduced the USAF by about 25%...It is still the best equipped.

Sunni Man said:
skye said:
The silence from the Muslim community is deafening.
What do you expect them to say?? ..... :cool:
That the terrorists are wrong and are no longer a part of Islam.
Then Obama would be right? Actually, then they would be lying...ISIS (ISIL) is Islamic....RADICALLY Islamic. They worship allah and adhere to every detail of the teachings of the demented pedophile "prophet", Mohammed..including the duty to kill "infidels"

Radical Islam is still Islam. Moderate Muslims saying that radical Muslims are no longer Muslims would be like Orthodox Jews saying that Hasidic Jews are no longer Jews.

What Is the Difference Between Haredi Hasidic and Orthodox Judaism
Read ^^^^ and learn from it.

Radical Islam is a subset of Islam.
The silence from the Muslim community is deafening.
What do you expect them to say?? ..... :cool:

What? what do you think!

For starters, to condemn with the loudest voice possible, this barbaric, demonic, Islamist agenda !!!
So you want muslims to condemn other muslims for not wanting unwelcome westerners polluting their country? ..... :cool:
I don't....I want Muslims to police their own neighborhood...and if they refuse...they face annihilation, extermination. Would you agree to that my Sunni friend?
If Muslims refuse to police their own, then they stand with those who are committing the beheadings. People still fail to realize, we are at war, only when it hits home will they notice.

That's crazy talk.
NO OTHER RELIGION is demanded to "police their own"...None. As if people a continent away or in other nations can influence things.

Fucking bigots.

No other religion is chopping people's heads off.....except the Allah monkeys of Islam.

Which is being done by a minority of extremists. Yet, somehow, the entire religion *unlike any other* MUST vocally and publically and endlessly apologize for it.
I have not heard them say shit!

If a country that claimed to be 'Christian' was executing innocent people. I would be in DC petitioning the government to stop it, or let Christian volunteers go over and put a stop to it.
the story that I heard was that isis shoulda been destroyed when they were in the desert Caroljo . Now I hear that the enemy is in the cities amongst the people that live in the city so bombing won't work unless you disregard civilian casualties like was done during ww2 [Dresden Germany as example] . Just what I heard , I'm no expert but it makes sense to me Caroljo . ' isis ' supposedly gained recruits and now numbers about 30,000 fighters . Boots on the ground are needed for taking back the cities I suppose and for occupation .

Obama waited to long to address the usual. I heard that he'd known for about a year that this situation was going to happen. I agree we'll need boots on the ground, I just wish we didn't have to.
If Pres. Obama would have followed thru with his threat when Assad crossed the red line in the sand.

And unleashed U.S. air power to help the FSA topple Assad.

Assad would be gone and the Syrian civil war would have ended a long time ago.
The silence from the Muslim community is deafening.
What do you expect them to say?? ..... :cool:

What? what do you think!

For starters, to condemn with the loudest voice possible, this barbaric, demonic, Islamist agenda !!!
So you want muslims to condemn other muslims for not wanting unwelcome westerners polluting their country? ..... :cool:
I don't....I want Muslims to police their own neighborhood...and if they refuse...they face annihilation, extermination. Would you agree to that my Sunni friend?
If Muslims refuse to police their own, then they stand with those who are committing the beheadings. People still fail to realize, we are at war, only when it hits home will they notice.

That's crazy talk.
NO OTHER RELIGION is demanded to "police their own"...None. As if people a continent away or in other nations can influence things.

Fucking bigots.

No other religion is chopping people's heads off.....except the Allah monkeys of Islam.

Which is being done by a minority of extremists. Yet, somehow, the entire religion *unlike any other* MUST vocally and publically and endlessly apologize for it.
I have not heard them say shit!

If a country that claimed to be 'Christian' was executing innocent people. I would be in DC petitioning the government to stop it, or let Christian volunteers go over and put a stop to it.

Of course not, you don't want to hear it so you ignore it. Examples have been posted over and over and duly minimized and ignored..

Where were you when Christian Lords Resistance Arny in the Congo were busy baby raping and murdering?
The silence from the Muslim community is deafening.
What do you expect them to say?? ..... :cool:

What? what do you think!

For starters, to condemn with the loudest voice possible, this barbaric, demonic, Islamist agenda !!!
So you want muslims to condemn other muslims for not wanting unwelcome westerners polluting their country? ..... :cool:
I don't....I want Muslims to police their own neighborhood...and if they refuse...they face annihilation, extermination. Would you agree to that my Sunni friend?
If Muslims refuse to police their own, then they stand with those who are committing the beheadings. People still fail to realize, we are at war, only when it hits home will they notice.

That's crazy talk.
NO OTHER RELIGION is demanded to "police their own"...None. As if people a continent away or in other nations can influence things.

Fucking bigots.
Wrong! Damned Idiot!

1 Corinthians 5:12 After all, do I have any business judging those who are outside [the Christian faith]? Isn't it your business to judge those who are inside?

That says Christians are supposed to police those that claim to be Christians.

I also believe Jews have an elder group which can add or remove people from their faith, though, @Delta4Embassy would know that better than I.

What you are saying is they have the mechanism for it - not that they have done so.

I don't recall ever hearing demands that the Christians should as an entirety condemn the actions of their extremists.
The silence from the Muslim community is deafening.
What do you expect them to say?? ..... :cool:

What? what do you think!

For starters, to condemn with the loudest voice possible, this barbaric, demonic, Islamist agenda !!!
So you want muslims to condemn other muslims for not wanting unwelcome westerners polluting their country? ..... :cool:
I don't....I want Muslims to police their own neighborhood...and if they refuse...they face annihilation, extermination. Would you agree to that my Sunni friend?
If Muslims refuse to police their own, then they stand with those who are committing the beheadings. People still fail to realize, we are at war, only when it hits home will they notice.

That's crazy talk.
NO OTHER RELIGION is demanded to "police their own"...None. As if people a continent away or in other nations can influence things.

Fucking bigots.

No other religion is chopping people's heads off.....except the Allah monkeys of Islam.

Which is being done by a minority of extremists. Yet, somehow, the entire religion *unlike any other* MUST vocally and publically and endlessly apologize for it.
I have not heard them say shit!

If a country that claimed to be 'Christian' was executing innocent people. I would be in DC petitioning the government to stop it, or let Christian volunteers go over and put a stop to it.

Of course not, you don't want to hear it so you ignore it. Examples have been posted over and over and duly minimized and ignored..

Where were you when Christian Lords Resistance Arny in the Congo were busy baby raping and murdering?

I was not aware of the LRA........and in my book they are simply more terrorist. They are a fraction of the terrorist sects in comparison to Radical Islam.............

If they are scum bags, then they are scum bags..........Now back to the OP. As it was ISIS who are Islamic Terrorist who beheaded the British Reporter.
We don't want condemnation of religious fanatics...we want governmental control over terrorists in their midst...elimination of that criminal element. Is that asking too much?
The silence from the Muslim community is deafening.
What do you expect them to say?? ..... :cool:

What? what do you think!

For starters, to condemn with the loudest voice possible, this barbaric, demonic, Islamist agenda !!!
So you want muslims to condemn other muslims for not wanting unwelcome westerners polluting their country? ..... :cool:
I don't....I want Muslims to police their own neighborhood...and if they refuse...they face annihilation, extermination. Would you agree to that my Sunni friend?
If Muslims refuse to police their own, then they stand with those who are committing the beheadings. People still fail to realize, we are at war, only when it hits home will they notice.

That's crazy talk.
NO OTHER RELIGION is demanded to "police their own"...None. As if people a continent away or in other nations can influence things.

Fucking bigots.
Wrong! Damned Idiot!

1 Corinthians 5:12 After all, do I have any business judging those who are outside [the Christian faith]? Isn't it your business to judge those who are inside?

That says Christians are supposed to police those that claim to be Christians.

I also believe Jews have an elder group which can add or remove people from their faith, though, @Delta4Embassy would know that better than I.

What you are saying is they have the mechanism for it - not that they have done so.

I don't recall ever hearing demands that the Christians should as an entirety condemn the actions of their extremists.

Christian extremists blow up abortion clinics, they kill abortion doctors, and I would have no problem putting an end to those so called 'Christians' life. I would turn the electricity, to the electric chair, on myself, to execute them. Would you do the same for these Islamic extremists?

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