British Man Beheaded

I am so ready for boots on the ground to take out the savage murderers, taunting us to bring it. I am not sure of the strength of ISIS but heard over a couple of weeks ago they were 15 to 20 thousand strong but now over 30 thousand as those with nothing to lose, are joining in high numbers. Soldiers in our military are itching to do this. :thup:

When they started sawing off Americans head with a knife, they opened pandora's box to a can of whoop ass............

If you want to teach them a lesson, then you do it all out or not at all...........even if it means boots on the ground with massive number advantages................but it also means that if you don't want the house to house fighting that you will have to bomb civilians............That is War..........

That is how you win one.........You can't beat an ideology but you can send them to hell in a hand basket.
Why should we go to war over two idiot journalists who decided to wander around in the middle of a civil war and got killed? ....... :cool:
I am so ready for boots on the ground to take out the savage murderers, taunting us to bring it. I am not sure of the strength of ISIS but heard over a couple of weeks ago they were 15 to 20 thousand strong but now over 30 thousand as those with nothing to lose, are joining in high numbers. Soldiers in our military are itching to do this. :thup:

When they started sawing off Americans head with a knife, they opened pandora's box to a can of whoop ass............

If you want to teach them a lesson, then you do it all out or not at all...........even if it means boots on the ground with massive number advantages................but it also means that if you don't want the house to house fighting that you will have to bomb civilians............That is War..........

That is how you win one.........You can't beat an ideology but you can send them to hell in a hand basket.

Beheading two of our journalists, was a declaration of war on the United States. Let us send in special ops troops and wipe them out and leave some over there to hold the fort down, so to speak. Peace through strength.
We should demand the Saudis use their air force and ground troops immediately. This veil of Islam needs to be removed.
If you crush ISIS today, a new version will pop up somewhere else. You argument is akin to using a lawnmower to mow down the weeds growing on your lawn. When the mower chops up the weed, the seeds scatter to other places on your lawn, the mowed weed grows back and new weeds sprout.
The moral of the story is for the U.S. to quit going around the world and mowing other people's lawns.

Just let them mow their own lawns.

That way everyone will be happy.......... :cool:

You realize that this means you're packing your bags and being asked to leave, don't you?
Nope........I'm an American citizen born and raised in the USA. ..... :eusa_angel:

Nope, the terms and conditions have changed. You're an infection to American society. You need to go be with your own people. You're not one of us.
Incorrect Poindexter.

I have every Constitutional right the same as you.

Bet that just burns your ass........ :lol: :lol:

We're talking about a radical reordering of the world, remember. You were advocating the following:

Post #18:

So you want muslims to condemn other muslims for not wanting unwelcome westerners polluting their country? ..... :cool:

Post #26:

They are policing their own neighborhood.

They only want muslims to live there.

Would you agree to that my friend? ...... :cool:

You're part of the problem over here. Better you go over there and be with those who you identify with. Westerners are not welcome in Muslims lands, as you argue, and you're not welcome in Western lands as all of the anit-Muslim sentiment is clearly saying.
The silence from the Muslim community is deafening.
What do you expect them to say?? ..... :cool:

What? what do you think!

For starters, to condemn with the loudest voice possible, this barbaric, demonic, Islamist agenda !!!
So you want muslims to condemn other muslims for not wanting unwelcome westerners polluting their country? ..... :cool:
I don't....I want Muslims to police their own neighborhood...and if they refuse...they face annihilation, extermination. Would you agree to that my Sunni friend?
If Muslims refuse to police their own, then they stand with those who are committing the beheadings. People still fail to realize, we are at war, only when it hits home will they notice.

That's crazy talk.
NO OTHER RELIGION is demanded to "police their own"...None. As if people a continent away or in other nations can influence things.

Fucking bigots.

No other religion is chopping people's heads off.....except the Allah monkeys of Islam.
I absolutely agree with that statement. By the same token, I watched Muslims be very much part of the solution. A number of them kept my ass safe time after time. It's complex.

An effective strategy in many aspects of life is to give people the rope that they're asking for and then watch them hang themselves with the rope. This works with kids. Take the little ones out to dinner and they sulk about eating off the kid menu. They want an adult meal. Let them have the adult meal and then force them to eat it all. Next time they'll stay with the kid's menu.

The majority of Muslims want to live in Islamic States. The longer we deny them the opportunity to do so the longer they're going to think that their alternative vision of how a society can be created is still viable. Who is around today who advocates that the USSR needs to be reconstituted because it was a better way to structure a society? Only bitter-enders. Communism has been discredited because it was given a chance and it failed. The same needs to happen with the Caliphate. They need to try it and then your friends, the dissenters, can work from within to help bring about the end. The mass of people need to realize that the Islamic way keeps them trapped in a social/religious system which is barbaric and they need to have internal reforms and revolts.

They needs to change, we can't change them. Best for us to wall them off and let them develop their own civilization without any interference from us.

Rik, I agree with some of what you're saying and disagree with some as well. I agree Obama's approach of bending sooooooooo far over backward to moderate Muslims here in the US and elsewhere hasn't worked. It's a long discussion. On the military front, it's a global war and the right leader (not Obama) would know how to mobilize the world.

Again, to what end?

Obama is a Idiot.........Nothing more needs to be said.........

Our military isn't made up of idiots. Let loose the dog of War and our forces will end it. And Obama can play golf again.

Make Americans feel comfortable about the decision making. Get the Army, Marines and Air Force to decide what to do. Let Obama take a vacation and golf.
I am so ready for boots on the ground to take out the savage murderers, taunting us to bring it. I am not sure of the strength of ISIS but heard over a couple of weeks ago they were 15 to 20 thousand strong but now over 30 thousand as those with nothing to lose, are joining in high numbers. Soldiers in our military are itching to do this. :thup:

When they started sawing off Americans head with a knife, they opened pandora's box to a can of whoop ass............

If you want to teach them a lesson, then you do it all out or not at all...........even if it means boots on the ground with massive number advantages................but it also means that if you don't want the house to house fighting that you will have to bomb civilians............That is War..........

That is how you win one.........You can't beat an ideology but you can send them to hell in a hand basket.
Why should we go to war over two idiot journalists who decided to wander around in the middle of a civil war and got killed? ....... :cool:

I posted the site with graphic images of What ISIS and ISIL are doing in the region.........They are barbarian scum who deserve no mercy or quarter on the battle field........At the onset of any battle the order should be given to take no prisoners and make them understand that their BS is OVER............

aka..........send your Sunni scum brothers to hell.
I am so ready for boots on the ground to take out the savage murderers, taunting us to bring it. I am not sure of the strength of ISIS but heard over a couple of weeks ago they were 15 to 20 thousand strong but now over 30 thousand as those with nothing to lose, are joining in high numbers. Soldiers in our military are itching to do this. :thup:

When they started sawing off Americans head with a knife, they opened pandora's box to a can of whoop ass............

If you want to teach them a lesson, then you do it all out or not at all...........even if it means boots on the ground with massive number advantages................but it also means that if you don't want the house to house fighting that you will have to bomb civilians............That is War..........

That is how you win one.........You can't beat an ideology but you can send them to hell in a hand basket.

Beheading two of our journalists, was a declaration of war on the United States. Let us send in special ops troops and wipe them out and leave some over there to hold the fort down, so to speak. Peace through strength.

If we are going to do this...........I believe in ALL THE WAY.........even if it means 100k troops and carpet bombing ISIL and ISIS strongholds...........

Fight it like a War and stop the they are hiding behind civilians...........

War is hell...........And hell is where ISIS and ISIL need to go.
The silence from the Muslim community is deafening.
What do you expect them to say?? ..... :cool:

What? what do you think!

For starters, to condemn with the loudest voice possible, this barbaric, demonic, Islamist agenda !!!
So you want muslims to condemn other muslims for not wanting unwelcome westerners polluting their country? ..... :cool:
I don't....I want Muslims to police their own neighborhood...and if they refuse...they face annihilation, extermination. Would you agree to that my Sunni friend?
If Muslims refuse to police their own, then they stand with those who are committing the beheadings. People still fail to realize, we are at war, only when it hits home will they notice.

That's crazy talk.
NO OTHER RELIGION is demanded to "police their own"...None. As if people a continent away or in other nations can influence things.

Fucking bigots.

No other religion is chopping people's heads off.....except the Allah monkeys of Islam.

Which is being done by a minority of extremists. Yet, somehow, the entire religion *unlike any other* MUST vocally and publically and endlessly apologize for it.
can't have a coup , mr. Obama is CIC until he leaves office .
Last edited:
The silence from the Muslim community is deafening.
What do you expect them to say?? ..... :cool:

What? what do you think!

For starters, to condemn with the loudest voice possible, this barbaric, demonic, Islamist agenda !!!
So you want muslims to condemn other muslims for not wanting unwelcome westerners polluting their country? ..... :cool:
I don't....I want Muslims to police their own neighborhood...and if they refuse...they face annihilation, extermination. Would you agree to that my Sunni friend?
If Muslims refuse to police their own, then they stand with those who are committing the beheadings. People still fail to realize, we are at war, only when it hits home will they notice.

That's crazy talk.
NO OTHER RELIGION is demanded to "police their own"...None. As if people a continent away or in other nations can influence things.

Fucking bigots.

No other religion is chopping people's heads off.....except the Allah monkeys of Islam.

Which is being done by a minority of extremists. Yet, somehow, the entire religion *unlike any other* MUST vocally and publically and endlessly apologize for it.

How about the rest of the Muslims GROW A SET and deal with their own problems instead of us having to fight their damned battles for them...........

Again, they MASSIVELY OUTNUMBER ISIL..........What's the dang problem.........
I absolutely agree with that statement. By the same token, I watched Muslims be very much part of the solution. A number of them kept my ass safe time after time. It's complex.

An effective strategy in many aspects of life is to give people the rope that they're asking for and then watch them hang themselves with the rope. This works with kids. Take the little ones out to dinner and they sulk about eating off the kid menu. They want an adult meal. Let them have the adult meal and then force them to eat it all. Next time they'll stay with the kid's menu.

The majority of Muslims want to live in Islamic States. The longer we deny them the opportunity to do so the longer they're going to think that their alternative vision of how a society can be created is still viable. Who is around today who advocates that the USSR needs to be reconstituted because it was a better way to structure a society? Only bitter-enders. Communism has been discredited because it was given a chance and it failed. The same needs to happen with the Caliphate. They need to try it and then your friends, the dissenters, can work from within to help bring about the end. The mass of people need to realize that the Islamic way keeps them trapped in a social/religious system which is barbaric and they need to have internal reforms and revolts.

They needs to change, we can't change them. Best for us to wall them off and let them develop their own civilization without any interference from us.

Rik, I agree with some of what you're saying and disagree with some as well. I agree Obama's approach of bending sooooooooo far over backward to moderate Muslims here in the US and elsewhere hasn't worked. It's a long discussion. On the military front, it's a global war and the right leader (not Obama) would know how to mobilize the world.

Again, to what end?

The end would be to eradicate Muslim terrorists.
The silence from the Muslim community is deafening.
What do you expect them to say?? ..... :cool:

What? what do you think!

For starters, to condemn with the loudest voice possible, this barbaric, demonic, Islamist agenda !!!
So you want muslims to condemn other muslims for not wanting unwelcome westerners polluting their country? ..... :cool:
I don't....I want Muslims to police their own neighborhood...and if they refuse...they face annihilation, extermination. Would you agree to that my Sunni friend?
If Muslims refuse to police their own, then they stand with those who are committing the beheadings. People still fail to realize, we are at war, only when it hits home will they notice.

That's crazy talk.
NO OTHER RELIGION is demanded to "police their own"...None. As if people a continent away or in other nations can influence things.

Fucking bigots.

No other religion is chopping people's heads off.....except the Allah monkeys of Islam.

Exactly! :clap:
I absolutely agree with that statement. By the same token, I watched Muslims be very much part of the solution. A number of them kept my ass safe time after time. It's complex.

An effective strategy in many aspects of life is to give people the rope that they're asking for and then watch them hang themselves with the rope. This works with kids. Take the little ones out to dinner and they sulk about eating off the kid menu. They want an adult meal. Let them have the adult meal and then force them to eat it all. Next time they'll stay with the kid's menu.

The majority of Muslims want to live in Islamic States. The longer we deny them the opportunity to do so the longer they're going to think that their alternative vision of how a society can be created is still viable. Who is around today who advocates that the USSR needs to be reconstituted because it was a better way to structure a society? Only bitter-enders. Communism has been discredited because it was given a chance and it failed. The same needs to happen with the Caliphate. They need to try it and then your friends, the dissenters, can work from within to help bring about the end. The mass of people need to realize that the Islamic way keeps them trapped in a social/religious system which is barbaric and they need to have internal reforms and revolts.

They needs to change, we can't change them. Best for us to wall them off and let them develop their own civilization without any interference from us.

Rik, I agree with some of what you're saying and disagree with some as well. I agree Obama's approach of bending sooooooooo far over backward to moderate Muslims here in the US and elsewhere hasn't worked. It's a long discussion. On the military front, it's a global war and the right leader (not Obama) would know how to mobilize the world.

Again, to what end?

The end would be to eradicate Muslim terrorists.

I thought we did that back in Lebanon, and then when Reagan bombed Quadaffi and then when Bush order the invasion of Afghanistan. That strategy doesn't seem to work very well.
I absolutely agree with that statement. By the same token, I watched Muslims be very much part of the solution. A number of them kept my ass safe time after time. It's complex.

An effective strategy in many aspects of life is to give people the rope that they're asking for and then watch them hang themselves with the rope. This works with kids. Take the little ones out to dinner and they sulk about eating off the kid menu. They want an adult meal. Let them have the adult meal and then force them to eat it all. Next time they'll stay with the kid's menu.

The majority of Muslims want to live in Islamic States. The longer we deny them the opportunity to do so the longer they're going to think that their alternative vision of how a society can be created is still viable. Who is around today who advocates that the USSR needs to be reconstituted because it was a better way to structure a society? Only bitter-enders. Communism has been discredited because it was given a chance and it failed. The same needs to happen with the Caliphate. They need to try it and then your friends, the dissenters, can work from within to help bring about the end. The mass of people need to realize that the Islamic way keeps them trapped in a social/religious system which is barbaric and they need to have internal reforms and revolts.

They needs to change, we can't change them. Best for us to wall them off and let them develop their own civilization without any interference from us.

Rik, I agree with some of what you're saying and disagree with some as well. I agree Obama's approach of bending sooooooooo far over backward to moderate Muslims here in the US and elsewhere hasn't worked. It's a long discussion. On the military front, it's a global war and the right leader (not Obama) would know how to mobilize the world.

Again, to what end?

The end would be to eradicate Muslim terrorists.

I thought we did that back in Lebanon, and then when Reagan bombed Quadaffi and then when Bush order the invasion of Afghanistan. That strategy doesn't seem to work very well.

You cannot defeat an Ideology.............

You can only exterminate it when it rears it's ugly head.......understanding that the cancer will return........

Fire ants.........If you don't control them in your yard, they will take over your yard........even as you use the pesticides to wipe them know they will be back............

You can only control them, not irradicate them.............Israel understands this better than anyone.
can't have a coup , mr. Obama is CIC until he leaves office .

Can't we tie him up and put him in a locked closet until after we have taken care of the problem? We'll just tell Valerie Jarrett, the boss says the Cabinet can handle it, he's practicing his sand shots.

Come to think of it, give him a hotel, a camera and pretend he is doing fundraising commercials for a few weeks and let him golf... could be a winner...
The silence from the Muslim community is deafening.
What do you expect them to say?? ..... :cool:

They should be outraged! The should be telling how that is not what peaceful ISLAM is all about and see if anyone believes than anymore. Damn right their silence is deafening!

America is no place for Islam. I'm pissed, just as most of us should be! Where in the hell are they? Busy enjoying our freedoms.

Good thing it's not up to you to determine who has a right to be in America.

We might be a little safer if it was.

Only if "we" were the "right" sort of people in the eyes of folks like "you".

right. I'm really picky. Prefer people in America that do not behead people.

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