British Man Beheaded

The innocence you attribute to the Chinese is stunning. The Chinese and Russians have a lot to do with stunting progress in the Middle East just to thwart US interests.
What else do you expect?

They are our business competition........and are eating our lunch.

While we are busy killing people and making enemies.

They are signing contracts and making business partners. ..... :cool:

LOL, they're very happy to be doing things that thwart our progress against extremists....that has nothing to do with just being happy little businessmen and women.

I don't have time to go into it this minute but let me summarize by suggesting you take your rose colored glasses off about the Chinese. They too are an ideological competitor to the US and would love world domination themselves. Aren't you watching their aggression in the pacific, btw???
ISIS knows it has the upper hand. They can do anything they want secure in the knowledge that Americans will do their part by removing bibles wherever they are found.
Correction...American Atheists will do their part....

Americans care more about removing bibles from hotels than radical islam. It's something radical islam counts on.
Correction .....American Atheists care more.....

So you want muslims to condemn other muslims for not wanting unwelcome westerners polluting their country? ..... :cool:
No. We want peaceful Muslims to tell their radical, goat fucking, terrorist brethren to cease and desist in their sworn quest to kill others for not worshiping the pedophile, Mohammed!

sunni man

^^^^^^ that means you are an ass**** sunni man
That would be:


...and you're absolutely correct in your ASSessment
Op, You're right.

I hope Obama blows the living hell out of ISIS....
One ISIS at a time...and only if women and children are not injured, and only if we have a coalition of the willing and only if Jordan is on board, and only if Soros approves....

Has the president ( I use the term loosely) come out and said just who is in this coalition?

If the coalition doesn't fight with us then they are useless.............
ISIS Beheads Another hostage. Please Americans, don't become desensitized about these beheadings. Be outraged!

The Pope announced we are in the middle of WWWIII. I'm not sure if I would go that far, but we can sit idly by while terrorists have their way that affect countries all over the globe.

If I was a president of a free world with nukes, I would tell the people where ISIS is strong. Warning: Get out of the cities! Get far, far away!
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How cruel of you not to just let Obama eat his waffle...and play golf.
I understand that bombing is necessary and for now we are stuck with Asad. However, keep our heavy units out of the sand box.
Op, You're right.

I hope Obama blows the living hell out of ISIS....
One ISIS at a time...and only if women and children are not injured, and only if we have a coalition of the willing and only if Jordan is on board, and only if Soros approves....

Has the president ( I use the term loosely) come out and said just who is in this coalition?

If the coalition doesn't fight with us then they are useless.............

We have the most powerful airforce and navy on earth. Why do we need a coalition to blow ISIS to hell?
Op, You're right.

I hope Obama blows the living hell out of ISIS....
One ISIS at a time...and only if women and children are not injured, and only if we have a coalition of the willing and only if Jordan is on board, and only if Soros approves....

Has the president ( I use the term loosely) come out and said just who is in this coalition?

If the coalition doesn't fight with us then they are useless.............

We have the most powerful airforce and navy on earth. Why do we need a coalition to blow ISIS to hell?

Do we really have the most powerful Air Force on earth? We used to, before Obama became president.
AF and USN are great as a shield and a striking force, yet in the end it takes boots on the ground to hold the ground. And it took our troops a year to find Saddam, because he was hiding in the ground.
Op, You're right.

I hope Obama blows the living hell out of ISIS....
One ISIS at a time...and only if women and children are not injured, and only if we have a coalition of the willing and only if Jordan is on board, and only if Soros approves....

Has the president ( I use the term loosely) come out and said just who is in this coalition?

If the coalition doesn't fight with us then they are useless.............

We have the most powerful airforce and navy on earth. Why do we need a coalition to blow ISIS to hell?

We don't.........but don't play the look we have allies in this political BS with me.........If they are a coalition that doesn't pitch in, then they are USELESS.
The silence from the Muslim community is deafening.
What do you expect them to say?? ..... :cool:

They should be outraged! The should be telling how that is not what peaceful ISLAM is all about and see if anyone believes than anymore. Damn right their silence is deafening!

America is no place for Islam. I'm pissed, just as most of us should be! Where in the hell are they? Busy enjoying our freedoms.
The silence from the Muslim community is deafening.

This might be the appropriate time for you to start digging the wax out of your ears.

Please go on with this topic...........Because the Arab countries including Iraq have far more forces than ISIS and ISIL..............Are they Cowards or inept because in places like Iraq they outnumber ISIL by at least 10 to 1..........

Perhaps they need to grow a spine and fight........perhaps.............
The silence from the Muslim community is deafening.
What do you expect them to say?? ..... :cool:

What? what do you think!

For starters, to condemn with the loudest voice possible, this barbaric, demonic, Islamist agenda !!!
So you want muslims to condemn other muslims for not wanting unwelcome westerners polluting their country? ..... :cool:
I don't....I want Muslims to police their own neighborhood...and if they refuse...they face annihilation, extermination. Would you agree to that my Sunni friend?
If Muslims refuse to police their own, then they stand with those who are committing the beheadings. People still fail to realize, we are at war, only when it hits home will they notice.

That's crazy talk.
NO OTHER RELIGION is demanded to "police their own"...None. As if people a continent away or in other nations can influence things.

Fucking bigots.

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