British Man Beheaded

If you crush ISIS today, a new version will pop up somewhere else. You argument is akin to using a lawnmower to mow down the weeds growing on your lawn. When the mower chops up the weed, the seeds scatter to other places on your lawn, the mowed weed grows back and new weeds sprout.
The moral of the story is for the U.S. to quit going around the world and mowing other people's lawns.

Just let them mow their own lawns.

That way everyone will be happy.......... :cool:

You're a brain washed Allah monkey.
This many sound like a novel idea.

But we might try leaving the Middle East countries alone.

And let them chart their own destiny and live how they want to live.

Just a suggestion......... :cool:

That sounds lovely...until one realizes that their Destiny and How They Want To Live is by killing everyone who isn't a Muslim.
How does the Saudi treatment of their women affect you here in the US?

I'm not speaking of that. I'm referring to the genocide being committed against Christians, the Sharia law that is poisoning communities in Europe, and the killing of Americans to threaten us. If you think this is trivial threat, you are sorely mistaken.

I asked Econchick to what end does our intervention serve? What is the end game you envision?

The end game is the same one as in any war: to destroy the enemy so that it is no longer a threat to national security. Unless we are willing to do that, then lobbing drones is pointless.

Who do you believe the enemy is?

ISIS/ISIL and whatever terrorist elements are engaged in war against us. They now have a state, and will do what they can to expand it.

I think we should bomb them back into the stone age.

They're not the enemy, they're part of the enemy. Look at what happens when America comes in and gives the people, on a sliver plate no less, the opportunity to follow the Western path. They don't want to take that route. They use free elections to elect Hamas. The bring the Muslim Brotherhood to power in Egypt.

If you crush ISIS today, a new version will pop up somewhere else. You argument is akin to using a lawnmower to mow down the weeds growing on your lawn. When the mower chops up the weed, the seeds scatter to other places on your lawn, the mowed weed grows back and new weeds sprout.

The enemy is Islam. Time to face that fact.

It must be only a certain brand of Islam because ISIS is being confronted by other Muslims. Obama's coalition is full of Muslims.

Perhaps the legendary and elusive "moderate Muslims" are finally taking a stand against the Jihad faction.
If you crush ISIS today, a new version will pop up somewhere else. You argument is akin to using a lawnmower to mow down the weeds growing on your lawn. When the mower chops up the weed, the seeds scatter to other places on your lawn, the mowed weed grows back and new weeds sprout.
The moral of the story is for the U.S. to quit going around the world and mowing other people's lawns.

Just let them mow their own lawns.

That way everyone will be happy.......... :cool:

I'd be fine with that, as long as they stayed in their yard and out of ours. Can you guarantee the adherents of this diseased, sickening rot that is islam would restrict themselves to their part of the world?
This is a f'ing mess now.

Kenan developed a good strategy for Communism - Containment. We need to contain the Middle Eastern world. We can trade, but all movement of people stops. We had businessmen who had to get visas to enter the USSR and the same can apply here - where trade requires a Westerner to travel to the ME, they can, but with some effort.
If you crush ISIS today, a new version will pop up somewhere else. You argument is akin to using a lawnmower to mow down the weeds growing on your lawn. When the mower chops up the weed, the seeds scatter to other places on your lawn, the mowed weed grows back and new weeds sprout.
The moral of the story is for the U.S. to quit going around the world and mowing other people's lawns.

Just let them mow their own lawns.

That way everyone will be happy.......... :cool:

You realize that this means you're packing your bags and being asked to leave, don't you?
This many sound like a novel idea.

But we might try leaving the Middle East countries alone.

And let them chart their own destiny and live how they want to live.

Just a suggestion......... :cool:

That sounds lovely...until one realizes that their Destiny and How They Want To Live is by killing everyone who isn't a Muslim.
How does the Saudi treatment of their women affect you here in the US?

I'm not speaking of that. I'm referring to the genocide being committed against Christians, the Sharia law that is poisoning communities in Europe, and the killing of Americans to threaten us. If you think this is trivial threat, you are sorely mistaken.

I asked Econchick to what end does our intervention serve? What is the end game you envision?

The end game is the same one as in any war: to destroy the enemy so that it is no longer a threat to national security. Unless we are willing to do that, then lobbing drones is pointless.

Who do you believe the enemy is?

ISIS/ISIL and whatever terrorist elements are engaged in war against us. They now have a state, and will do what they can to expand it.

I think we should bomb them back into the stone age.

They're not the enemy, they're part of the enemy. Look at what happens when America comes in and gives the people, on a sliver plate no less, the opportunity to follow the Western path. They don't want to take that route. They use free elections to elect Hamas. The bring the Muslim Brotherhood to power in Egypt.

If you crush ISIS today, a new version will pop up somewhere else. You argument is akin to using a lawnmower to mow down the weeds growing on your lawn. When the mower chops up the weed, the seeds scatter to other places on your lawn, the mowed weed grows back and new weeds sprout.

The enemy is Islam. Time to face that fact.

It must be only a certain brand of Islam because ISIS is being confronted by other Muslims. Obama's coalition is full of Muslims.

Perhaps the legendary and elusive "moderate Muslims" are finally taking a stand against the Jihad faction.

This many sound like a novel idea.

But we might try leaving the Middle East countries alone.

And let them chart their own destiny and live how they want to live.

Just a suggestion......... :cool:

That sounds lovely...until one realizes that their Destiny and How They Want To Live is by killing everyone who isn't a Muslim.
How does the Saudi treatment of their women affect you here in the US?

I'm not speaking of that. I'm referring to the genocide being committed against Christians, the Sharia law that is poisoning communities in Europe, and the killing of Americans to threaten us. If you think this is trivial threat, you are sorely mistaken.

I asked Econchick to what end does our intervention serve? What is the end game you envision?

The end game is the same one as in any war: to destroy the enemy so that it is no longer a threat to national security. Unless we are willing to do that, then lobbing drones is pointless.

Who do you believe the enemy is?

ISIS/ISIL and whatever terrorist elements are engaged in war against us. They now have a state, and will do what they can to expand it.

I think we should bomb them back into the stone age.

They're not the enemy, they're part of the enemy. Look at what happens when America comes in and gives the people, on a sliver plate no less, the opportunity to follow the Western path. They don't want to take that route. They use free elections to elect Hamas. The bring the Muslim Brotherhood to power in Egypt.

If you crush ISIS today, a new version will pop up somewhere else. You argument is akin to using a lawnmower to mow down the weeds growing on your lawn. When the mower chops up the weed, the seeds scatter to other places on your lawn, the mowed weed grows back and new weeds sprout.

The enemy is Islam. Time to face that fact.

It must be only a certain brand of Islam because ISIS is being confronted by other Muslims. Obama's coalition is full of Muslims.

Perhaps the legendary and elusive "moderate Muslims" are finally taking a stand against the Jihad faction.

Not if the so called moderates have aligned themselves with ISIS already. I guess we will see what everything looks like after Assad is deposed.
This many sound like a novel idea.

But we might try leaving the Middle East countries alone.

And let them chart their own destiny and live how they want to live.

Just a suggestion......... :cool:

That sounds lovely...until one realizes that their Destiny and How They Want To Live is by killing everyone who isn't a Muslim.
How does the Saudi treatment of their women affect you here in the US?

I'm not speaking of that. I'm referring to the genocide being committed against Christians, the Sharia law that is poisoning communities in Europe, and the killing of Americans to threaten us. If you think this is trivial threat, you are sorely mistaken.

I asked Econchick to what end does our intervention serve? What is the end game you envision?

The end game is the same one as in any war: to destroy the enemy so that it is no longer a threat to national security. Unless we are willing to do that, then lobbing drones is pointless.

Who do you believe the enemy is?

ISIS/ISIL and whatever terrorist elements are engaged in war against us. They now have a state, and will do what they can to expand it.

I think we should bomb them back into the stone age.

They're not the enemy, they're part of the enemy. Look at what happens when America comes in and gives the people, on a sliver plate no less, the opportunity to follow the Western path. They don't want to take that route. They use free elections to elect Hamas. The bring the Muslim Brotherhood to power in Egypt.

If you crush ISIS today, a new version will pop up somewhere else. You argument is akin to using a lawnmower to mow down the weeds growing on your lawn. When the mower chops up the weed, the seeds scatter to other places on your lawn, the mowed weed grows back and new weeds sprout.

The enemy is Islam. Time to face that fact.

I absolutely agree with that statement. By the same token, I watched Muslims be very much part of the solution. A number of them kept my ass safe time after time. It's complex.
and the thing I keep hearing said is that boots on the ground are needed for the enemy to be defeated .
If you crush ISIS today, a new version will pop up somewhere else. You argument is akin to using a lawnmower to mow down the weeds growing on your lawn. When the mower chops up the weed, the seeds scatter to other places on your lawn, the mowed weed grows back and new weeds sprout.
The moral of the story is for the U.S. to quit going around the world and mowing other people's lawns.

Just let them mow their own lawns.

That way everyone will be happy.......... :cool:

You realize that this means you're packing your bags and being asked to leave, don't you?
Nope........I'm an American citizen born and raised in the USA. ..... :eusa_angel:
Our military will kill ISIS, not Obama........When ordered they will destroy them.

Shit or get off the pot............That is my position.........No politics.........Get it done or Shut the Hell up.
I absolutely agree with that statement. By the same token, I watched Muslims be very much part of the solution. A number of them kept my ass safe time after time. It's complex.

An effective strategy in many aspects of life is to give people the rope that they're asking for and then watch them hang themselves with the rope. This works with kids. Take the little ones out to dinner and they sulk about eating off the kid menu. They want an adult meal. Let them have the adult meal and then force them to eat it all. Next time they'll stay with the kid's menu.

The majority of Muslims want to live in Islamic States. The longer we deny them the opportunity to do so the longer they're going to think that their alternative vision of how a society can be created is still viable. Who is around today who advocates that the USSR needs to be reconstituted because it was a better way to structure a society? Only bitter-enders. Communism has been discredited because it was given a chance and it failed. The same needs to happen with the Caliphate. They need to try it and then your friends, the dissenters, can work from within to help bring about the end. The mass of people need to realize that the Islamic way keeps them trapped in a social/religious system which is barbaric and they need to have internal reforms and revolts.

They needs to change, we can't change them. Best for us to wall them off and let them develop their own civilization without any interference from us.
If you crush ISIS today, a new version will pop up somewhere else. You argument is akin to using a lawnmower to mow down the weeds growing on your lawn. When the mower chops up the weed, the seeds scatter to other places on your lawn, the mowed weed grows back and new weeds sprout.
The moral of the story is for the U.S. to quit going around the world and mowing other people's lawns.

Just let them mow their own lawns.

That way everyone will be happy.......... :cool:

You realize that this means you're packing your bags and being asked to leave, don't you?
Nope........I'm an American citizen born and raised in the USA. ..... :eusa_angel:

Nope, the terms and conditions have changed. You're an infection to American society. You need to go be with your own people. You're not one of us.
We're in a holy war. We have been for many years. The only way to fight them it to do it seriously.

Diplomacy, pandering, begging's not working folks. Folks need to understand this is serious shit.

War on terror.

War on poverty.

War on drugs.

War on women

War on cancer

War on......and on and on.....all to grow the size and power of the state.

Sorry, I think by your conflating all of these, it shows how little you understand about the topic of this discussion.

I want limited government. That doesn't mean bad shit will stop happening. The very top of our priority list of federal spending should be national defense. Everything else can be debated.
ISIS hasn't interfered with any shipping lanes that I'm aware of. Neither has Syria. Now which part of America's economy is Obama protecting ?

Not yet but they have started to interfere with the oil. IT may sound like small amounts no but they have stated they want to take over the oil in Saudi. That's enough to make global oil prices go sky high.

People keep forgetting we're not energy independent, and even if we were, we are still impacted by GLOBAL PRICING of oil.
I wonder if what they ask for could also mean they would be willing to give up the ways of the western world- no cars, no technology, no electricity, no modern medicine, etc., etc., etc. We will be more than happy to comply, when the middle east is willing to forego all its modern amenities we have given it.

These cavemen living in the stone ages are hypocrites when it comes to modern technology. Big time hypos!
still waiting to see that action Eagle .

Whatever..........we are bombing them now.....air power will bust them up...........if we are going to fight them then do so.......even if it means troops to finish it...............even if it means killing them in Syria............

But I didn't just fall off a turnip truck. Obama may find an excuse to hit Assad as he wants him gone.......That is pandora's box because of the Russian Naval Base there.

I don't like Assad. He's a dictator and has supported terrorist groups, but he's better than having the terrorists rule that country. Better to have one Tyrant than a group of Tyrants..........
still waiting to see that action Eagle .

Whatever..........we are bombing them now.....air power will bust them up...........if we are going to fight them then do so.......even if it means troops to finish it...............even if it means killing them in Syria............

But I didn't just fall off a turnip truck. Obama may find an excuse to hit Assad as he wants him gone.......That is pandora's box because of the Russian Naval Base there.

I don't like Assad. He's a dictator and has supported terrorist groups, but he's better than having the terrorists rule that country. Better to have one Tyrant than a group of Tyrants..........
Wish Bush had listened to you.

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