Brittney Griner is gay and Baptist's don't seem to care.

It's not even about them being accepted...oldman or whatever his name is pissed that the baptist church is accepting of a homosexual ball player...because he maintains that they really are REJECTING homosexual members. So it's like, he has in his mind what he THINKS the Baptist church does...but it is at odds with what really happens, so he calls them hypocrites.

Good grief! You haven't understood anything I've said in this thread, have you?
'girl is essentially quite right. Denominations are based upon precepts and if one does not accept those, one should go elsewhere. This is why R.C.s who disagree with the Pope are kidding themselves. The Pope is the authority upon which that sect of Christianity is based. They may be Christians, but they are not Roman Catholics. It is for this very reason that so-called ecumenism cannot succeed; Protestants will never be able to maintain their identity and accept the Pope.
Islam demands total acceptance of the Koran. There are no half measures.

But, if those who think they see a problem within their chosen denomination just simply leave, nothing will ever change.

Think of Martin Luther. He didn't "leave" the Catholic church; he was expelled because of his beliefs. His intent was not to create a whole new denomination, but to work from within to reform the church he loved.

Was he wrong for doing so? Why?

'Problems' are not all fundamental. Of course they should be intelligently vetted by responsible adults in civilized debate. Details of dogma don't apply to what I stated. When the Church of Yellow confronts someone who claims to adhere but proclaims Purple, it's time to separate.

And let's not get started with Luther. The resultant schism was necessitated by the R.C., but that individual had, what shall we call it, some personality peculiarities?
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'Problems' are not all fundamental. Of course they should be intelligently vetted by responsible adults in civilized debate. Details of dogma don't apply to what I stated. When the Church of Yellow confronts someone who claims to adhere but proclaims Purple, it's time to separate.

I suppose that might be true in any top-down denomination adhering to a fixed dogma. For the Southern Baptist's, that's not so. We have no fixed dogma beyond a simple statement called the Baptist Faith and Message, a simple list of what we AGREE to believe. And, the national organization is composed of the voluntary membership of the local congregations. It exists to support the local church, not to dictate do them. Each congregation, and each member, are free to believe, practice or preach whatever they want, whenever they want.

Here's the current version of the BF&M:

The Baptist Faith & Message

Please note that the provisions in Art. XV concerning sexual sin were only added to the BF&M in 2000. Previous versions did not mention it. It's a curious addition which previous generations of Baptist's felt no need to comment on. Why?

My contention is that by 2000, the Southern Baptist Convention had fallen under the sway of the Evangelical-Republican quasi-religious political movement and it was added simply to provide a framework for supporting Republican party platform items in the name of Christ. So far as I'm concerned, political activism in the name of Jesus is among the false teachings Paul warned Timothy to watch for in the latter days and it is THIS which I oppose and will continue to oppose from within the denomination until they kick me out.

The duplicity exposed when we issue anti-homosexual proclamations while saying nothing at all about an openly gay member of our basketball team, is what this thread is about. And, please note that I said "anti-homosexual," not "anti-homosexuality." There is a difference.

And let's not get started with Luther. The resultant schism was necessitated by the R.C., but that individual had, what shall we call it, some personality peculiarities?

What revolutionary didn't have "personality peculiarities?" For that matter, who among us doesn't?

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