Brittney Griner is gay and Baptist's don't seem to care.

Yes, I know and it's not surprising given that Muhammad lifted it straight out of the Torah.
Actually, Muhammad just reaffirmed the Torah's story about Adam and Eve and their fall to earth to be authentic.

Because so much of the Torah has been changed and corrupted over the centuries.

It's difficult to know which parts are true and which parts are a fabrication. .. :cool:
People have this skewed idea that Satan and God are on equal terms.

They aren't. God calls Satan and Satan crawls to his feet.

That's right.

Why hasn't He?

He won't destroy him until it's time, though, and the time isn't yet. His reasons are his own. Pray, read the bible, and spread the word. That's our job.

We're just to pray, read the Bible and spread the word? We're not to try to understand the Scriptures and the mind of God? If not, what's the Holy Spirit for?

Yeah, you're no baptist. If you are still acting as a leader, I suggest you respond to the invitation and ask your preacher and deacons to pray for you.

Where in the Bible does it tell us that the Holy Spirit is there to tell us the mind of God.

What the bible says is that the Holy Spirit KNOWS the mind of God, and will help us to comprehend the BIBLE and God's WILL for us.

But as far as actually telling us the Mind of God...nah, that's not what the Holy spirit does.

"New International Version (©2011)
For who knows a person's thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God."
1 Corinthians 2:11

The entire Bible is God's revelation of Himself to mankind. He WANTS us to know Him as completely as we're able to understand and He gave us the Spirit to guide our understanding of the mind of God.
Yes, I know and it's not surprising given that Muhammad lifted it straight out of the Torah.
Actually, Muhammad just reaffirmed the Torah's story about Adam and Eve and their fall to earth to be authentic.

Because so much of the Torah has been changed and corrupted over the centuries.

It's difficult to know which parts are true and which parts are a fabrication. .. :cool:

What about the two questions I asked?
The knowledge of good and evil entails temptation. Man introduced it through dividing the universe.
That's right.

Why hasn't He?

We're just to pray, read the Bible and spread the word? We're not to try to understand the Scriptures and the mind of God? If not, what's the Holy Spirit for?

Yeah, you're no baptist. If you are still acting as a leader, I suggest you respond to the invitation and ask your preacher and deacons to pray for you.

Where in the Bible does it tell us that the Holy Spirit is there to tell us the mind of God.

What the bible says is that the Holy Spirit KNOWS the mind of God, and will help us to comprehend the BIBLE and God's WILL for us.

But as far as actually telling us the Mind of God...nah, that's not what the Holy spirit does.

"New International Version (©2011)
For who knows a person's thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God."
1 Corinthians 2:11

The entire Bible is God's revelation of Himself to mankind. He WANTS us to know Him as completely as we're able to understand and He gave us the Spirit to guide our understanding of the mind of God.

However, he expects us not to question his word. No one knows the thoughts of God, and no one will, except the Holy Spirit.

But by all means pray on it. Just don't pray on it with a critical or demanding spirit. The idea of watering down the word, and "accepting" sinful behavior in the church...well, Paul had plenty to say about it. As did Christ himself.

As to why God hasn't called Satan to heel yet...he tells us in the Bible what the plan is, and he tells us that he will call Satan to heel when what needs to come to pass comes to pass. He knows when, apparently he doesn't think you need to...which is stated quite clearly in the Bible. He doesn't answer to you, or to me, and he states quite adamantly that no one will know the time....Does it make a difference to you? Because if it does, then you are doubting God, his Word, and his truthfulness, and you shouldn't be in a position of leadership within the church. Take some time off and ground yourself.
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Of course, Oldguy, if one believes in God, of course all and everything comes from God.
Questioning the word of God has always been one of the most successful ways Satan undermines Christians.

I ran across this..I have no idea who wrote it, but it is succinct and I like it:

Way back in the Garden of Eden, we see that Satan’s tactic to mankind was to put question
in their mind concerning the Word of God. Satan said to Eve in Genesis 3:1,​
“…Yea hath God
From that time to now, that is all that Satan has tried to do; he has tried to put question
in your mind whether or not the Word of God is true. Why would he do such a thing? Because
he knows that if we have a question in our mind whether God’s Word really says something,

then he can get us to make ourselves the authority and not God."
However, he expects us not to question his word. No one knows the thoughts of God, and no one will, except the Holy Spirit.

But by all means pray on it. Just don't pray on it with a critical or demanding spirit. The idea of watering down the word, and "accepting" sinful behavior in the church...well, Paul had plenty to say about it. As did Christ himself.

As to why God hasn't called Satan to heel yet...he tells us in the Bible what the plan is, and he tells us that he will call Satan to heel when what needs to come to pass comes to pass. He knows when, apparently he doesn't think you need to...which is stated quite clearly in the Bible. He doesn't answer to you, or to me, and he states quite adamantly that no one will know the time....Does it make a difference to you? Because if it does, then you are doubting God, his Word, and his truthfulness, and you shouldn't be in a position of leadership within the church. Take some time off and ground yourself.

To be fair, crises of faith are fairly common, no matter who you are. Even leaders in a church have these moments, and in those cases, usually briefly step down until they sort their thoughts out. (Firsthand account from my boss, who's also a pastor.)
And when one has them, one needs to acknowledge that that is, in fact, what is happening, and ask for help from God and from your church in the form of prayer.

One who is questioning the "why" of God, and challenging the church because they identify homosexuality as a sin has no business leading a baptist bible study.
However, he expects us not to question his word. No one knows the thoughts of God, and no one will, except the Holy Spirit.

If you don't have questions, how else can you learn? If you just stop with what you already know, you're still just a baby, feeding on spiritual milk.

But by all means pray on it. Just don't pray on it with a critical or demanding spirit. The idea of watering down the word, and "accepting" sinful behavior in the church...well, Paul had plenty to say about it. As did Christ himself.

That's right. WITHIN the church, a blatantly sinful lifestyle is not acceptable. However, sinners ARE accepted in the church....right?

As to why God hasn't called Satan to heel yet...he tells us in the Bible what the plan is, and he tells us that he will call Satan to heel when what needs to come to pass comes to pass. He knows when, apparently he doesn't think you need to...which is stated quite clearly in the Bible. He doesn't answer to you, or to me, and he states quite adamantly that no one will know the time....Does it make a difference to you? Because if it does, then you are doubting God, his Word, and his truthfulness, and you shouldn't be in a position of leadership within the church. Take some time off and ground yourself.

That too is right. He'll put an end to Satan when He's ready and we don't know when that will be, though we have signs which point to it coming fairly soon.

But, the point isn't that Satan is limited in power, authority and time, but why he is here in the first place and why he's allowed to continue tempting us.

Do you know why?
And when one has them, one needs to acknowledge that that is, in fact, what is happening, and ask for help from God and from your church in the form of prayer.

One who is questioning the "why" of God, and challenging the church because they identify homosexuality as a sin has no business leading a baptist bible study.

Nobody is questioning whether or not homosexuality is sin, least of all me. It is, clearly.

What I'm questioning is our response not to the sin, but to the sinners.

And, by the way, I ask God "Why?" pretty regularly because I'm not content knowing what little I already know. I want to know MORE about Christ. Don't you? If you thirst after Him, you will be filled. (John 7:37)
I don't ask God "why" when it comes to things that the scripture tells us are not ours to know at this point.

And it isn't ours to know when he will destroy Satan. He specifically says it isn't ours to know, not only when Satan will be destroyed...but the mind of God except as it has been revealed. So I don't flail around criticizing the church and other Christians demanding 'WHY, GOD, WHY???"

So you still haven't provided any specifics on how the church is responding negatively to homosexuals. Would you, please?
I don't ask God "why" when it comes to things that the scripture tells us are not ours to know at this point.

And it isn't ours to know when he will destroy Satan. He specifically says it isn't ours to know, not only when Satan will be destroyed...but the mind of God except as it has been revealed. So I don't flail around criticizing the church and other Christians demanding 'WHY, GOD, WHY???"

So you still haven't provided any specifics on how the church is responding negatively to homosexuals. Would you, please?

You don't consider the resolution the Southern Baptist Convention passed last year, which I posted in post #22, as negative?

You don't consider organized religion's opposition to same-sex marriage as a negative?

You don't consider organized opposition to full civil rights for homosexuals a negative?

See? Those go beyond just calling homosexuality a sin. They are actions in opposition to homosexuals themselves, which reveals the "hate the sin, love the sinner" facade the church hides behind.

How can we as Christian's claim to love them as Jesus loves us, then turn around and try to deny them the very same Constitutional rights we enjoy ourselves?
Actually, they are signs that the church is standing steadfast and true to the word of God, in the face of great opposition. The bible defines marriage specifically.

And is adamant that homosexuality is a sin. So naturally, they are not going to support legislation that promotes it.

We haven't denied them anything. Like I said, I suggest you respond to the invitation, and discuss this with your pastor and deacons, because you're voicing criticism of some of the most basic tenets of the church. If you want to leave the church and become a spokesperson for sin, go for it. But don't demand that the church join you, and don't be a hypocrite yourself, remaining a member, while bashing the church for not softening the message regarding sin.
Actually, they are signs that the church is standing steadfast and true to the word of God, in the face of great opposition. The bible defines marriage specifically.

And is adamant that homosexuality is a sin. So naturally, they are not going to support legislation that promotes it.

We are? Then why aren't we raising a ruckus about divorced people being married again? Why aren't we denying church membership to unwed mothers? Why do we allow people who divorced their previous spouses for reasons other than adultery to remain in leadership positions? Why do we allow un-married couples living together without benefit of marriage to remain members of the church? Why aren't we organizing to deny them full civil rights?

All those things are sin too, are they not? Can you see the hypocrisy yet?
I see the hypocrisy in you.

Salvation and repentance for sin are the two things most churches look for in new members.

Single mothers can be church members...but the church may deny membership to a woman who is openly living with someone not her husband. It depends upon the church and the circumstance.

But a homosexual who wants to continue to openly embrace his homosexuality as if there's nothing wrong with it, and who seeks to force the church to likewise acknowledge that homosexual partnerships are the same as the sacrament of MARRIAGE...that person isn't fit to be in the church. He doesn't understand obedience, and he doesn't understand the need to repent one's sin. He can be baptized, he can attend church services and bible study and he'll be welcomed and loved.

But to be a member in good standing? Why?
I see the hypocrisy in you.

Salvation and repentance for sin are the two things most churches look for in new members.

Single mothers can be church members...but the church may deny membership to a woman who is openly living with someone not her husband. It depends upon the church and the circumstance.

But a homosexual who wants to continue to openly embrace his homosexuality as if there's nothing wrong with it, and who seeks to force the church to likewise acknowledge that homosexual partnerships are the same as the sacrament of MARRIAGE...that person isn't fit to be in the church. He doesn't understand obedience, and he doesn't understand the need to repent one's sin. He can be baptized, he can attend church services and bible study and he'll be welcomed and loved.

But to be a member in good standing? Why?

So, we get to differentiate between which sins we'll be outraged about and which sinners we'll accept?

What about civil marriage? Why is a civil marriage between two adults of the same sex worse than a civil marriage between two adults who were previously married to someone else and divorced for a reason other than adultery? Why can they be legally married and not the homosexual couple?

Here's the whole point of my thread, in case it escaped notice: When we single out homosexuals, to the exclusion of other sinners in our midst, we make a mockery of both the Scriptures and ourselves. When we take public positions to deny homosexuals basic, civil rights, yet say nothing about other people living openly in sin too, our hypocrisy is revealed.

And, that hypocrisy makes our ability to reach the homosexual with the Gospel of Jesus Christ almost impossible. If you don't think so, try it some time and see how they react to you.

The question for the Church is this: Which is more important? Our "standing up for God," or their eternal souls? The answer to that question will pretty much determine whether the Church of Jesus Christ survives in this country for another 100 years or not.

What do you think? Is "standing up for God" worth them spending an eternity in hell?

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