Brittney Griner is gay and Baptist's don't seem to care.

Accepting homos into the church is just another sign that christianity is becoming more secular by the day.

The church used to be a place for sinners to go when they were tired of sin and wanted to change.

But today the church looks for ways to accomodate the sinner and not require them to change their sinful ways.

I agree Sunni....but many people, even though the Bible tells us exactly what God thinks of it, they will twist the words to suit their needs. Many Church's now I think are doing just that also. I don't go to Church any more mainly because of this. I study on my own or with a few friends, but i haven't found a church in my area that aren't hypocrites.
I know I'm a sinner and need God in my help me stop the sinning! Gay's aren't going to Church to try to change their lifestyle, they think it's A-OK with God! And the Church's that now perform gay marriage i think one day will be very sorry for their decision!

The day any congregation or denomination closes the door to sinners is the day you might as well hang a padlock on it. They're done.
Oldguy and Koshergrl:

What if a practicing homosexual came to your Church and said he wanted to "accept Jesus as his Lord and savior" and be baptized next Sunday during regular church service.

But said he was still going to continue to live with his boyfriend after the service.

Would you still let him get "saved" and baptized in your Church in front of the congregation?

In the first place, we don't "allow" anyone to be saved. That's between them and Christ and we will NEVER prevent someone from professing Christ and Him risen. Never!

What they do after that is between them and God, or a matter of church discipline as I've explained.
What if after the homosexual man ask Jesus to be his "Lord and savior".

He was so happy that he kissed his boy friend on the mouth and then stated in front of the congregation that he wanted to be baptized right now as a "newly saved gay christian".

Would your Church baptize him? .. :cool:

Now you're just trolling for an argument. You can ask the same question a thousand different ways and you'll still get the same answer. Jesus Christ welcomes anybody who believes in Him and so do we.
In the first place, we don't "allow" anyone to be saved. That's between them and Christ and we will NEVER prevent someone from professing Christ and Him risen. Never!

What they do after that is between them and God, or a matter of church discipline as I've explained.
What if after the homosexual man ask Jesus to be his "Lord and savior".

He was so happy that he kissed his boy friend on the mouth and then stated in front of the congregation that he wanted to be baptized right now as a "newly saved gay christian".

Would your Church baptize him? .. :cool:

Now you're just trolling for an argument. You can ask the same question a thousand different ways and you'll still get the same answer. Jesus Christ welcomes anybody who believes in Him and so do we.
I understand that part but you are still avoiding the second part of the question.

Would your Church baptize a newly saved practicing homosexual in front of the congregation? .. :cool:
What if after the homosexual man ask Jesus to be his "Lord and savior".

He was so happy that he kissed his boy friend on the mouth and then stated in front of the congregation that he wanted to be baptized right now as a "newly saved gay christian".

Would your Church baptize him? .. :cool:

Now you're just trolling for an argument. You can ask the same question a thousand different ways and you'll still get the same answer. Jesus Christ welcomes anybody who believes in Him and so do we.
I understand that part but you are still avoiding the second part of the question.

Would your Church baptize a newly saved practicing homosexual in front of the congregation? .. :cool:

Why wouldn't we? We've baptized a whole lot of other practicing sinners! In fact, ALL of us were there once!
Now you're just trolling for an argument. You can ask the same question a thousand different ways and you'll still get the same answer. Jesus Christ welcomes anybody who believes in Him and so do we.
I understand that part but you are still avoiding the second part of the question.

Would your Church baptize a newly saved practicing homosexual in front of the congregation? .. :cool:

Why wouldn't we? We've baptized a whole lot of other practicing sinners! In fact, ALL of us were there once!
I am taking about a homosexual who states he is not going to quit being a practicing gay even after he is baptized?
I understand that part but you are still avoiding the second part of the question.

Would your Church baptize a newly saved practicing homosexual in front of the congregation? .. :cool:

Why wouldn't we? We've baptized a whole lot of other practicing sinners! In fact, ALL of us were there once!
I am taking about a homosexual who states he is not going to quit being a practicing gay even after he is baptized?

That wouldn't be up to me, but I think I'd first counsel him to "tempt not the Lord thy God." True salvation requires repentance as a first step and somebody who says that isn't demonstrating repentance, is he? By the way, the word translated into English from the New Testament Greek as "repentance," or "repent," means a change of mind, a change of heart, a change of attitude, not necessarily a change of behavior. One would expect a change of behavior to flow from a change of heart, though.

But, in the end, that would be between him and God. If it were up to me, I'd baptize him and let God sort out his intent.
Before converting to Islam, I was a member of a Southern Baptist church for several years so I am well aware of what they are about and what they believe. .. :cool:

Did Baptists send you screaming to Islam, or was it the teaching of Islam seemed more sensible in comparison to Baptist teachings of the Bible?
Why wouldn't we? We've baptized a whole lot of other practicing sinners! In fact, ALL of us were there once!
I am taking about a homosexual who states he is not going to quit being a practicing gay even after he is baptized?

That wouldn't be up to me, but I think I'd first counsel him to "tempt not the Lord thy God." True salvation requires repentance as a first step and somebody who says that isn't demonstrating repentance, is he? By the way, the word translated into English from the New Testament Greek as "repentance," or "repent," means a change of mind, a change of heart, a change of attitude, not necessarily a change of behavior. One would expect a change of behavior to flow from a change of heart, though.

But, in the end, that would be between him and God. If it were up to me, I'd baptize him and let God sort out his intent.

Absolutely baptize anyone who wants to be baptized.

Christ healed the woman with the issuance who was living with someone not her husband at the time she touched him...he told her her faith had healed her, and told her to sin no more.

Did she sin no more? We don't know, that's between her and God. Presumably she did, since we all do. Did she leave the man she was living with?

Again, between her and God. But I imagine she's in heaven now. But unless she repented and changed her lifestyle, she probably didn't get to teach Sunday school.
I understand that part but you are still avoiding the second part of the question.

Would your Church baptize a newly saved practicing homosexual in front of the congregation? .. :cool:

Why wouldn't we? We've baptized a whole lot of other practicing sinners! In fact, ALL of us were there once!
I am taking about a homosexual who states he is not going to quit being a practicing gay even after he is baptized?

God, if God is great, is capable of forgiving anything. Some things require no forgiveness, like being left handed or color blind.

God might even, if really, really great, be capable of forgiving idiotic little twerps so incapable of adult discussion that they are habitual 'neggers', not that this is directed specifically to any Silly'Man' we might find here.
Perverts? Look who's talking! Anyone who thinks she/he knows God's intentions and 'thoughts' perverts the very concept of Deity. Anyone who crucifies brothers and sisters because of their sexuality is perverted.
And here we have the ideal example.
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Thanks anyway for coming out to play, Twerp. It is mildly entertaining to publicly humiliate you.
God did create people who are left handed or color blind.

But God did Not create people to be fudge packers and perverts.

They chose to be homos and defy God. .. :doubt:

Does God create us susceptible to being enticed by sin, or is temptation something we sort of developed on our own?
God did create people who are left handed or color blind.

But God did Not create people to be fudge packers and perverts.

They chose to be homos and defy God. .. :doubt:

Does God create us susceptible to being enticed by sin, or is temptation something we sort of developed on our own?

To be God, God has to have given humans free will. Nothing makes sense otherwise, it's all just a silly game by a very small minded creator.
God did create people who are left handed or color blind.

But God did Not create people to be fudge packers and perverts.

They chose to be homos and defy God. .. :doubt:

"I'm Muslim (sic), and I hate..."
God did create people who are left handed or color blind.

But God did Not create people to be fudge packers and perverts.

They chose to be homos and defy God. .. :doubt:

Does God create us susceptible to being enticed by sin, or is temptation something we sort of developed on our own?
The N.T. portion of the Bible says to be tempted is not a sin.

But that it's a sin if you act upon the the temptation and pursue it. .. :cool:
God did create people who are left handed or color blind.

But God did Not create people to be fudge packers and perverts.

They chose to be homos and defy God. .. :doubt:

Does God create us susceptible to being enticed by sin, or is temptation something we sort of developed on our own?
The N.T. portion of the Bible says to be tempted is not a sin.

But that it's a sin if you act upon the the temptation and pursue it. .. :cool:

Sin begins in the heart. Jesus said that a man who looks upon another woman with lust is already guilty of adultery, whether he physically follows through or not.

But, that's another question. So, let me re-phrase my question: Where does the temptation to sin come from?
God did create people who are left handed or color blind.

But God did Not create people to be fudge packers and perverts.

They chose to be homos and defy God. .. :doubt:

Does God create us susceptible to being enticed by sin, or is temptation something we sort of developed on our own?

To be God, God has to have given humans free will. Nothing makes sense otherwise, it's all just a silly game by a very small minded creator.

In order for us to truly have free will, don't we have to have the ability to be enticed? For instance, what was the point of the serpent enticing Eve if she wasn't susceptible to enticement? In other words, didn't she have to be created to fail?

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