Brittney Griner is gay and Baptist's don't seem to care.

Temptation comes from the devil.

And the devil is God's creation and serves God's purpose.

It's all part of His plan. I think he uses Satan to temper us and make us worthy of his presence. But that's just a the creations of God, we can't know his mind entirely, or understand the big picture. Our job is to pray, and read the bible, and accept Christ, and spread the word.
So, let me re-phrase my question: Where does the temptation to sin come from?
According to Christian theology the devil sets up the temptation situation and the individual has the choice whether to engage in the sin or flee and reject it. .. :cool:

Ok, the devil. Who cast Lucifer down to earth when He could have sent him anywhere else in the universe or even destroyed him? Who made Satan the Prince of the Earth? Can Satan tempt us without God's permission?

???? How is the "Christian" version different from the Islamic version?
Temptation comes from the devil.

And the devil is God's creation and serves God's purpose.

It's all part of His plan. I think he uses Satan to temper us and make us worthy of his presence. But that's just a the creations of God, we can't know his mind entirely, or understand the big picture. Our job is to pray, and read the bible, and accept Christ, and spread the word.

Yes, Satan can tempt us, but what good is that if we're not "temptable" in the first place, so to speak?
Brittney Griner, who led the Lady Bears basketball team of Baylor University to a national title last year is openly lesbian. And, she has been since the 9th grade. Baylor, as you know, is a private Baptist university.

Every year, we Baptist's pass some kind of resolution at our annual meeting condemning homosexuality, same-sex marriage or gay rights and preachers all over the country thunder out about the homosexual agenda from their pulpits. Yet, if means an NCAA national title, we don't notice? Suddenly, it's not even something worth talking about? All that hot air about standing up for Godly values means nothing when a national title is on the line?

This is hypocrisy in action. No wonder Southern Baptist's have the reputation of being hypocritical Pharisee's.

We Baptist's should love all homosexuals, not just the ones who can bring us a title.

We do love everyone, you just do not like it if it imposes on your fun.

What is it you want the Baptist Church to do about Brittny Griner? Do you want them to demand she be removed from the team? Do you want them to protest at the games?

Obviously you think them not taking action against her is a sign of hypocrisy. So then what is it a Christian should do since you seem to be onto something?
Who knows. He's pissed that they speak out against homosexuality, and he's pissed that they allow her to play.

I think he's just pissed at the church in general. I think he also has a narrow understanding of what the church is about.
No, I think Oldguy is too concerned with how the world sees his church.
So long as you believe, and your church believes, people will come to you if they want to believe. Yeah, sometimes you get unsavory types, but all groups of people do. Atheists do especially (I've said before, I've never met an atheist in real life who wasn't an incredible douche-rocket, and I'm an atheist, so there you go), and the same goes with any church. Even when I was young, I remember those insane WBC-types who thought that everything was a result of gay people.

I'm not a member of the church, and when I was, I was a... I don't know, "regular" Baptist? I don't know how Southern Baptists work, so I won't judge how your church acts/does/etc. That's up to you and yours.
No, I think Oldguy is too concerned with how the world sees his church.

That's pretty much it. I hold no animosity toward Ms. Griner or homosexuals in general. My greatest concern is that our hypocrisy damages our Great Commission work, perhaps fatally in regards to reaching homosexuals with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
No wonder the Christian church is losing members and it's soul.

People used to join the Church as a haven and sanctuary to escape the sin and immorality of the world.

But now the Church has embraced sin and want's to incorporate it into the church.
No wonder the Christian church is losing members and it's soul.

People used to join the Church as a haven and sanctuary to escape the sin and immorality of the world.

But now the Church has embraced sin and want's to incorporate it into the church.

Churches have periods of rise and fall. Even Islam will eventually feel that eventually. Your religion will decline, restructure a bit, and bounce back.
No wonder the Christian church is losing members and it's soul.

People used to join the Church as a haven and sanctuary to escape the sin and immorality of the world.

But now the Church has embraced sin and want's to incorporate it into the church.

The church at its core is still what it has always been.

But there is no hard and fast "membership". The Church is just believers, whatever denomination. So we have a lot of different personality.

The Southern Baptist convention is not a "church" in the way the Catholic church is, or Islam....Individual churches participate but they are all a little different. There is no specific code of conduct aside from just a few basic strictures and a common mission.

And it isn't dying at all. We continue to add Christians to our ranks. While in AMERICA we are being marginalized, the truth is, worldwide, we are gaining many, many converts. And not by the sword, either.
No wonder the Christian church is losing members and it's soul.

People used to join the Church as a haven and sanctuary to escape the sin and immorality of the world.

But now the Church has embraced sin and want's to incorporate it into the church.

The Church isn't a sanctuary from sin and the immorality of the world. We all still live in the same world you do and are still beset by the same temptations, and same failures, as everybody else. The difference is that we have allowed Christ to pay our sin debt for us and trust in Him for continuing forgiveness.

The Church is the primary vehicle for Christ's relationship with mankind, His helpers in spreading the good news of forgiveness for sin and redemption. It is NOT a place to go and get away from sin and immorality. It is a place to find forgiveness for those things.
How is the "Christian" version different from the Islamic version?
Satan (shaytan in arabic), is basically the same in the Quran as in the Bible; in regards to role and function of being the enemy of mankind. .. :cool:
That's what I thought.

Now...who turned Satan loose on us? Why?
The story of Adam and Eve and the events that took place in the Garden concerning satan and the temptation and fall of mankind to Earth are the same.

Shaytan in the Quran is a rebellious angel who is allowed by God to be the enemy of mankind.

But will be defeated and cast into hell during the final End Times battle.

Like I said, the role and function of satan/shaytan and his demise is almost identical in both the Quran and the Bible. .. :cool:
People have this skewed idea that Satan and God are on equal terms.

They aren't. God calls Satan and Satan crawls to his feet. He could destroy him today if he so desired, and of course Satan and all his demons know that.

He won't destroy him until it's time, though, and the time isn't yet. His reasons are his own. Pray, read the bible, and spread the word. That's our job.
Satan (shaytan in arabic), is basically the same in the Quran as in the Bible; in regards to role and function of being the enemy of mankind. .. :cool:
That's what I thought.

Now...who turned Satan loose on us? Why?
The story of Adam and Eve and the events that took place in the Garden concerning satan and the temptation and fall of mankind to Earth are the same.

Shaytan in the Quran is a rebellious angel who is allowed by God to be the enemy of mankind.

But will be defeated and cast into hell during the final End Times battle.

Like I said, the role and function of satan/shaytan and his demise is almost identical in both the Quran and the Bible. .. :cool:

Yes, I know and it's not surprising given that Muhammad lifted it straight out of the Torah.

So..two questions for you and for Christian's or Jew's in this thread:

1. Did God know Lucifer would rebel?

2. Why is he allowed to be our enemy, our tempter?

This all has a purpose. I intend to make a point about condemning homosexuals.
People have this skewed idea that Satan and God are on equal terms.

They aren't. God calls Satan and Satan crawls to his feet.

That's right.

He could destroy him today if he so desired, and of course Satan and all his demons know that.

Why hasn't He?

He won't destroy him until it's time, though, and the time isn't yet. His reasons are his own. Pray, read the bible, and spread the word. That's our job.

We're just to pray, read the Bible and spread the word? We're not to try to understand the Scriptures and the mind of God? If not, what's the Holy Spirit for?
People have this skewed idea that Satan and God are on equal terms.

They aren't. God calls Satan and Satan crawls to his feet.

That's right.

He could destroy him today if he so desired, and of course Satan and all his demons know that.

Why hasn't He?

He won't destroy him until it's time, though, and the time isn't yet. His reasons are his own. Pray, read the bible, and spread the word. That's our job.

We're just to pray, read the Bible and spread the word? We're not to try to understand the Scriptures and the mind of God? If not, what's the Holy Spirit for?

Yeah, you're no baptist. If you are still acting as a leader, I suggest you respond to the invitation and ask your preacher and deacons to pray for you.

Where in the Bible does it tell us that the Holy Spirit is there to tell us the mind of God.

What the bible says is that the Holy Spirit KNOWS the mind of God, and will help us to comprehend the BIBLE and God's WILL for us.

But as far as actually telling us the Mind of God...nah, that's not what the Holy spirit does.

"New International Version (©2011)
For who knows a person's thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God."
1 Corinthians 2:11

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