Zone1 Broad-brush reparations to all blacks is unconstituional

According to USMB's most racist poster, pointing out the damage Born in Kenya Barack has done to race relations makes me a "racist"

And by "damage" this racist palooka means "make racist whites even more racist because a Black man was President."

#LOLQOP #TooFunny #CLASSIC #RepublicansAreAJoke
100% there wasn’t the racial animosity before Obama in the country that exists now. Before Obama white people were not brow-beat for “whiteness”, “privilege” and “racism” like they are today.

I don’t blame Obama for all of it but his presidency certainly marks a turning point.
And by "damage" this racist palooka means "make racist whites even more racist because a Black man was President."

#LOLQOP #TooFunny #CLASSIC #RepublicansAreAJoke
Pre-Obama: "A mind is a terrible thing to waste" -- United Negro College Fund

Post-Obama: Math is racist.

Also Post-Obama: When an Illegal votes, they become a citizen
100% there wasn’t the racial animosity before Obama in the country that exists now. Before Obama white people were not brow-beat for “whiteness”, “privilege” and “racism” like they are today.

I don’t blame Obama for all of it but his presidency certainly marks a turning point.
What "racial animosity?"
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Yes, your Italian grandfather benefitted from Jim Crow.

Obama did no damage to race relations. You can't do more damage something that was never fixed.

Yoiur last 3 lines are lies and you have shoown that you're a racist.
You are just wrong. You are ignorant of history. I guess it’s not that you choose to over simplify the issue, you just don’t know what you are talking about.

I have a degree in history. The transatlantic slave trade was a crime against humanity on par with the Holocaust. Full Stop.

Your liberal hatred for white people is an embarrassment. White people did not “create” the problem. Slavery in Africa dates back before recorded history. And your claim that only evil white people made it a “profitable business” demonstrates how ignorant about the issue you are.

Yes, Europeans DID create the problem. After they literally depopulated the New World through genocidal practices, they brought over millions of black people who were brutalized for generations.

Slavery has ALWAYS been profitable in Africa. Both the importing and exporting of slaves is well documented dating back thousands of years before “white people” ever became involved in trading African slaves. Before the trans Atlantic slave trade ever existed there was the Trans-Saharan slave trade and the Indian Ocean slave trade. Both were very profitable, involved millions of slaves and involved zero evil white people.

Not really. In fact, India was a wealthy country until the British looted it.

The US takes in more legal immigrants than any other country in the world. Illegal Immigration subverts that system of legal immigration. Liberal open boarder policies disadvantage people in other parts of the world who cannot just walk across the boarder.

Yeah, I just had to submit 200+ pages of documents to get my wife a marriage sponsorship, even though she's lived here for seven years.

Our system is broken and has been for decades.
What "racial animosity?"
What kind would you like?

Everyday I see people calling for the murder of “yt“ people. Everyday I see videos of “yt” people getting beaten by groups of blacks. Everyday I hear liberal academics arguing that “yt” people are the root of all the world‘s problems.
What kind would you like?

Everyday I see people calling for the murder of “yt“ people. Everyday I see videos of “yt” people getting beaten by groups of blacks. Everyday I hear liberal academics arguing that “yt” people are the root of all the world‘s problems.
Pardon my for asking

But what is a “yt?”
What kind would you like?

Everyday I see people calling for the murder of “yt“ people. Everyday I see videos of “yt” people getting beaten by groups of blacks. Everyday I hear liberal academics arguing that “yt” people are the root of all the world‘s problems.
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According to USMB's most racist poster, pointing out the damage Born in Kenya Barack has done to race relations makes me a "racist"

You are that poster and Obama did no damage to race relations.

Unless being black and deciding that you can run for president and win is a race relation problem.
100% there wasn’t the racial animosity before Obama in the country that exists now. Before Obama white people were not brow-beat for “whiteness”, “privilege” and “racism” like they are today.

I don’t blame Obama for all of it but his presidency certainly marks a turning point.
White people have never been browbeat for being white. Holding whites accountable to end racism is not browbeating. And I guess you only count whites as people because non whites have had animosity because of what whites keep doing for as long as I have been alive.

There was no turning point.
What kind would you like?

Everyday I see people calling for the murder of “yt“ people. Everyday I see videos of “yt” people getting beaten by groups of blacks. Everyday I hear liberal academics arguing that “yt” people are the root of all the world‘s problems.
Every day at least 600 blacks die of hypertension caused by white racism. Every day you're watching racists posting blacks beating whites while whites are beating blacks but it doesn't get shown to you. Whites have been world leaders with policies that have created global problems. We hear and read whites telling everybody else to take responsibility for their poor choices while whites like you whine about how whites are being persecuted because of theirs.
Yes, Europeans DID create the problem. After they literally depopulated the New World through genocidal practices, they brought over millions of black people who were brutalized for generations.
They vast majority of the Native population were wiped out by diseases brought by the early explorers. By the time the pilgrims landed in Plymouth they found entire Native settlements that had been wiped out by diseases. This is mainstream history.

The Native Americans that weren’t wiped out by diseases got conquered. They were a Stone Age people that time ran out on. Civilization came knocking and they acted like bitches and got their asses handed to them.

Again, Native Americans had a long history of slaughtering Native Americans. If no one ever found the new world, one Native culture would have eventually been able to wipe the rest of them out and would have. If the Europeans never found the new world, the Asians would have and would have wiped the Natives out. If the Native Americans hadn’t been xenophobic, immigrant-hating savages, there would have only been a fraction of the conflict that there was. They played a game, that they were well versed in and good at, but they got bested.

I like how you seamlessly shifted away from the false claim that YT people created the slave trade to YT people genocided the peace-loving Indians.

White people did not create the problem. The problem is well documented in mainstream history to have existed prior to the Trans Atlantic slave trade.

Not really. In fact, India was a wealthy country until the British looted it.
That doesn’t even address the point. You are just stuttering anti YT rhetoric now. Never mind the Indian Ocean slave trade, YT people bad.

Yeah, I just had to submit 200+ pages of documents to get my wife a marriage sponsorship, even though she's lived here for seven years.

Our system is broken and has been for decades.

It’s not broken, it successful.

People from all over the world want to come here. There is nowhere else that attracts the amount of immigrants that we do. We unfortunately just can’t take in all the people who want to come. It’s just not sustainable. We do welcome more legal immigrants than any other country in the world. That’s why it’s a successful system. However, due to the shear amount of people who want to come here, the process is admittedly difficult and requires a great commitment of both time and money.

Congratulations to you and your wife.
Every day at least 600 blacks die of hypertension caused by white racism.
Stop terrorizing your kids with BS stories about YT people being out to get them. You have more value than intersectionality-theory credits you with. You have to power to take control of your life and not live in fear of your brother. Stop drinking the liberal kool-aid. In the words of George Clinton, “free your mind, and your ass will follow”.
White people have never been browbeat for being white. Holding whites accountable to end racism is not browbeating.
If anyone said the abstract things about black people that they say about white people, you would be the first to call them racist.

They vast majority of the Native population were wiped out by diseases brought by the early explorers. By the time the pilgrims landed in Plymouth they found entire Native settlements that had been wiped out by diseases. This is mainstream history.

Yes, diseases were part of the problem, so where the fact that Natives were being worked to death digging for gold. This is why Bartomele de las Casas recommended bringing slaves from Africa to start with, because the enslavement by Spain was so devastating.

The Native Americans that weren’t wiped out by diseases got conquered. They were a Stone Age people that time ran out on. Civilization came knocking and they acted like bitches and got their asses handed to them.

Wow, seriously? Hey, the 19th century called, they want their Social Darwinism back.

I like how you seamlessly shifted away from the false claim that YT people created the slave trade to YT people genocided the peace-loving Indians.

They did create the slave trade. Again, look up Bartomele.

One persistent point of criticism has been Las Casas's repeated suggestions of replacing Indian with African slave labor. Even though he regretted that position later in his life and included an apology in his History of the Indies,[110] some later criticism held him responsible for the institution of the transatlantic slave trade. One detractor, the abolitionist David Walker, called Las Casas a "wretch... stimulated by sordid avarice only," holding him responsible for the enslavement of thousands of Africans.[111] Other historians, such as John Fiske writing in 1900, denied that Las Casas's suggestions affected the development of the slave trade. Benjamin Keen likewise did not consider Las Casas to have had any substantial impact on the slave trade, which was well in place before he began writing.[112] That view is contradicted by Sylvia Wynter, who argued that Las Casas's 1516 Memorial was the direct cause of Charles V granting permission in 1518 to transport the first 4,000 African slaves to Jamaica.[113]

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