Zone1 Broad-brush reparations to all blacks is unconstituional

Yeah I remember reading in my Aviation Safety class about that DC-10 that crashed in the Black Forest due to explosive decompression ripping out control cables that attached to the rudder in the empennage. I haven't seen that report in decades but I think they lost either a cabin or cargo door midflight which cause the decompression. I also seem to recall that there was another incident that happened shortly before that particular crash, or after.

You could have sued, you probably would have won too if you're not Black.
Why would I sue? The last thing I would ever want to do is to work for someone who doesn’t want to employ me. My life would be an endless stream of minor hassles designed to frustrate me enough to make me quit. I worked for people glad to have me because I added value to their company. Besides that was the mid seventies and reverse discrimination suits weren’t even a gleam in some shyster’s eye then
He forgets all that to cry about 30 percent of subcontracted work as if white men deserve all the subcontracting jobs as well as major contractt jobs.
No, contracting and subcontracting jobs should go to whomever bids the lowest for the best quality work regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation.
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Yeah I remember reading in my Aviation Safety class about that DC-10 that crashed in the Black Forest due to explosive decompression ripping out control cables that attached to the rudder in the empennage. I haven't seen that report in decades but I think they lost either a cabin or cargo door midflight which cause the decompression. I also seem to recall that there was another incident that happened shortly before that particular crash, or after.

You could have sued, you probably would have won too if you're not Black.
The cargo door latch design was defective. Several crashed because the door opened in flight causing the floor to buckle jamming the control cables that ran through conduits in the floor. They found out about it because one DC10’s elevator jammed in the neutral position and the pilot landed it with the trim tabs, All other commercial aircraft ran the cables in the cabin overhead.
The non-racist math?

Malcolm X would Patton slap you for selling out your fellow blacks
Malcolm X would dap me and bitch slap you for misusing his words. You know nothing about X. Keep his name out of your mouth.
They did create the slave trade. Again, look up Bartomele.
Bartomele was born in 1485. The Indian Ocean slave trade started in the 8th century. The Trans Saharan slave trade started in the 7th century. But “white people” invented the slave trade?

The Genetic Legacy of the Indian Ocean Slave Trade: Recent Admixture and Post-admixture Selection in the Makranis of Pakistan.

The trans-Saharan slave trade - clues from interpolation analyses and high-resolution characterization of mitochondrial DNA lineages - BMC Ecology and Evolution.

The very word “slave” comes from the word “Slavic” because so many Slavic people were dragged away TO Africa as slaves. You don’t get much whiter than Slavic people. But “white people” invented the slave trade?
Bartomele was born in 1485. The Indian Ocean slave trade started in the 8th century. The Trans Saharan slave trade started in the 7th century. But “white people” invented the slave trade?

The Genetic Legacy of the Indian Ocean Slave Trade: Recent Admixture and Post-admixture Selection in the Makranis of Pakistan.

The trans-Saharan slave trade - clues from interpolation analyses and high-resolution characterization of mitochondrial DNA lineages - BMC Ecology and Evolution.

The very word “slave” comes from the word “Slavic” because so many Slavic people were dragged away TO Africa as slaves. You don’t get much whiter than Slavic people. But “white people” invented the slave trade?
I can go back further than 1485. The Egyptians enslaved the Jews more than 3,000 years ago.
Malcolm X would dap me and bitch slap you for misusing his words. You know nothing about X. Keep his name out of your mouth.
Using cucked chump Will Smith as your North Star. SMH

Your support of You Ain’t Black Biden and the democrats is EXACTLY why he’d call you a chump and a traitor to your race
And that's where the Muslim's slaves came from unless you are now claiming that all the black chieftains were engaging in the slave trade.

They were engaging in it because Europeans were showing up with boatloads of goodies for them, that's the point, you twit.

The Europeans created a market, which lead to tribal wars to capture more slaves.

Denying Black people equal employment opportunities was not unlawful so how were they going to sue for something that is not actionable?

On top of that, everyone involved in the denial of opportunities as well as the system of redress was white for the most part. Do you really think that white society was going to allow a favorable ruling for a Black plaintiff, allow that case to set precedence and then every other prospective Black plaintiff could then find justice via our civil justice system? That is a rare occurrence even in the years leading up to the end of 2023.

Still doesn't justify the government spending billions on payouts. They fixed the issues with the system, that's it.
Why do you think you would personally be on the hook for the reparation payments?

We don't get a say in how the government spends "our" (their) tax dollars.

Because said payments would require a massive increase in taxes?

Who pays that?
That's a really ignorant statement, both parts of it.

Posting on U.S. Message Board doesn't generate any revenue for me. I'm not required to post anything here by my employer or clients, nor do I need to do so as in order to complete my homework/studies.

I use AI in the same manner that I would use a real assistant, to do research for me and to clarify things that I could use a deeper understanding of. If you were to go back to my original postings beginning in 2018 you would find that they are not much different than anything I've posted in the last 3 to 6 months. Hell, my browser has proof of my research into reparations long before ChatGPT was even a "thing".

So your misrepresentation of me, my knowledge and your false belief that I feel entitled to "free money" is absurd on its face because if the government determines that reparations are indeed due to certain members of the population, then it's not "free" money, it's recompense, whether you approve or agree or not.

A lot of text just to deny being lazy while being lazy.

It's free money.
Women, minorities and disabled individuals right? Like disabled veterans?

Actually only some minorities, because Southeast Asians were too good at the system they made up the concept of "Disadvantaged" businesses, so once you went over a certain market cap, you are effectively white according to the system.

Disadvantaged, not disabled.
And you don’t think the Greeks, Roman’s and Ottomans didn’t? The Ottoman even raised slave children in crèches to become slave soldiers. They called them Janissaries. Every culture that kept slaves bred them with the exception of some Native American tribes and the North African Muslims who castrated all their male black slaves so they couldn’t breed. But they had an endless supply of cheap black slaves from sub-Saharan Africa.
What does what was done in other cultures & societies have to do with the United States government(s) paying reparations? Are you saying that because others did it with no repercussions the U.S. should do the same?

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