Zone1 Broad-brush reparations to all blacks is unconstituional

There is a reason these slaves came from Africa and not from the Americas. It’s because there was already a culture in Africa of enslaving and exporting slaves to foreign markets that could be tapped into.

No, stupid, it was because the exploitive nature of colonization killed Native Americans at a near-genocidal rate. They literally ran out of people to enslave, so they had to import them.
Yes, because that was largely worse, but you want to pretend it isn't because of your racism, I get that..

Look, man, you need to be better.
How was it worse? The only difference was that white people were involved. I guess since you think white people are awful, that makes it “worse“ and you a bigot.

Good talk.
How was it worse?

Well, first, there was the ridiculously high mortality rate.
Second, there was the torture these people who had previously been free were subjected to in order to make them more docile.
Third, this went on AFTER Europeans supposedly had an "Enlightenment" and should have known better by their own principles.

You know, you can't declare "All Men Are Created Equal" and STILL have slaves.
No, stupid, it was because the exploitive nature of colonization killed Native Americans at a near-genocidal rate. They literally ran out of people to enslave, so they had to import them.
Why wouldn’t the evil YT people also enslave the last few Native Americans then? Instead they gave them sovereign land and educated their children? What sense does that make? Its like Hitler deciding to give the last few Jews their own country.

Well, first, there was the ridiculously high mortality rate.
Second, there was the torture these people who had previously been free were subjected to in order to make them more docile.
Third, this went on AFTER Europeans supposedly had an "Enlightenment" and should have known better by their own principles.

You know, you can't declare "All Men Are Created Equal" and STILL have slaves.
So, black and brown people who traded slaves weren’t as bad because they didn’t have any moral conflicts with the death, torture and enslavement?
So, black and brown people who traded slaves weren’t as bad because they didn’t have any moral conflicts with the death, torture and enslavement?

No, the problem there was that they didn't raid villages to get more slaves. They had slave castes, to be sure, but they didn't engage in the wholesale slaughter Europeans encouraged.

Why wouldn’t the evil YT people also enslave the last few Native Americans then? Instead they gave them sovereign land and educated their children? What sense does that make? Its like Hitler deciding to give the last few Jews their own country.

They did nothing of the sort. They fucking exterminated them. Hitler got the idea for concentration camps from looking at American Indian Reservations.
No, the problem there was that they didn't raid villages to get more slaves. They had slave castes, to be sure, but they didn't engage in the wholesale slaughter Europeans encouraged.

They did nothing of the sort. They fucking exterminated them. Hitler got the idea for concentration camps from looking at American Indian Reservations.
The BROWN North African Muslims raided villages all over the known world for slaves. They raided as far north as the English Channel and the fortifications to defend Italian and Spanish villages from them are still visible today. They castrated their male Black slaves and brutalized the rest in ensure docility. Their male slaves had a much shorter life expectancy than those in either South or North America.
The BROWN North African Muslims raided villages all over the known world for slaves. They raided as far north as the English Channel and the fortifications to defend Italian and Spanish villages from them are still visible today. They castrated their male Black slaves and brutalized the rest in ensure docility. Their male slaves had a much shorter life expectancy than those in either South or North America.
Whatever makes you feel better about yourself.

The point was, there were raids by North Africans... and white people put an end to that pretty quickly.
Using cucked chump Will Smith as your North Star. SMH

Your support of You Ain’t Black Biden and the democrats is EXACTLY why he’d call you a chump and a traitor to your race
Nope, that is what one of your fellow racists has done. Malcolm would have said that if you support trump, you ain't black. Again you don't know squat about Malcolm, you only know that 1 line.
I have a very fine tuned moral compass, and I don't think about people as whole groups. If you hawk for reparations, you are a grifter in my book, and nothing posted by you, IMD or Marc has proven anything to me otherwise.
Yeah right. Reparations aren't a grift and you just choose to ignore everything you havve been hown that whites have been given that blacks could not get which has benefitted whites. So you really don't have a moral compass, or at best,, your compass is broken.
Irrelevant. The comparison is with Jim Crowe, not slavery, and I do not believe anyone was forced to "breed" under Jim Crowe. Perhaps you have evidence of such? A female indentured servant, however, could be punished for getting pregnant, as it would interfere with her duties. I do believe one of the driving factors designed to move the goalposts beyond slavery is Crowe, so there it is...
The comparison includes slavery and Jim Crow. It's simply time some whites stopped looking for any excuse to argue against reparations. You don't have an agreement and opposing it based on I'm whites and Ii say so just doesn't cut it.
Actually only some minorities, because Southeast Asians were too good at the system they made up the concept of "Disadvantaged" businesses, so once you went over a certain market cap, you are effectively white according to the system.

Disadvantaged, not disabled.
BS. Asians get a government program that puts them in high paying jobs. Blacks had businesses , whites burned them, bombed them, or ran highways through black communities to end them.
A lot of text just to deny being lazy while being lazy.

It's free money.

No, it's not free money. Turn black and find out how "free" this money is. We want the same amount of money whites have been given by the government since 1776.

THAT'S equal protection.
No, the problem there was that they didn't raid villages to get more slaves. They had slave castes, to be sure, but they didn't engage in the wholesale slaughter Europeans encouraged.
All your slave castes example would do is show so how deeply ingrained the subjugation of people was in their culture. At least African slave sold into bondage by other Africans started out knowing they deserved freedom. The typical caste system is largely just accepted by those who are subjugated.

However, as was already pointed out to you, your claim is nakedly false.

“….also describe the different methods Muslim merchants would use to enslave blacks, recording that some would "steal the children of the Zanj…”

”In the late 14th century, a black king of Bornu wrote a letter to the sultan of Egypt complaining of the continual slave raids perpetrated by Arab tribesmen, which were devastating his lands and resulting in the mass enslavement of the black Muslim population of the region.[37]” Trans-Saharan slave trade,percentage went the other direction.

“These traders captured Bantu peoples (Zanj) from the interior in the present-day lands of Kenya, Mozambique and Tanzania and brought them to the coast.[10][11]”

”To meet the demand for menial labor, Bantus from southeastern Africa captured by Somali slave traders were sold in cumulatively large numbers over the centuries to customers in Somalia and other areas in Northeast Africa and Asia.[30] People captured locally during wars and raids were also sometimes enslaved by Somalis mostly of Oromo and Nilotic origin.[31][32][33] ”

Indian Ocean slave trade - Wikipedia

They did nothing of the sort. They fucking exterminated them. Hitler got the idea for concentration camps from looking at American Indian Reservations.
This is just woke liberal historical revision. There were far more advanced and contemporary examples of mass internment that Hitler would have drawn from before digging back to the relocation of the Native Americans.

Reconcentration policy - Wikipedia
Second Boer War concentration camps - Wikipedia
All your slave castes example would do is show so how deeply ingrained the subjugation of people was in their culture.

Yes, exactly. Slaves were considered part of a household, unlike the industrial level exploitation of the trans-atlantic trade, that was the point.

This is just woke liberal historical revision. There were far more advanced and contemporary examples of mass internment that Hitler would have drawn from before digging back to the relocation of the Native Americans.

Not really. Unlike let's say the Concentration camps of the Boer War that were meant to contain the Afrikaaner population during the hostilities, the US Indian Reservations were meant to crush their culture entirely, and it's done a good job.

Hitler looked at that and saw exactly what he wanted to with the Jews, except with some German efficiency.
Yes, exactly. Slaves were considered part of a household, unlike the industrial level exploitation of the trans-atlantic trade, that was the point.
Both AZrailwhale and I pointed out how false your claim that slaves from Africa, prior to the TransAtlantic slave trade, were not taken by raiding villages. I even provided citations for you. Yet, you continue to chug-right along arguing that point as if it still holds any relevance.

Not really. Unlike let's say the Concentration camps of the Boer War that were meant to contain the Afrikaaner population during the hostilities, the US Indian Reservations were meant to crush their culture entirely, and it's done a good job.
You just make stuff up. They literally called it a “scorched earth policy”.

“According to historian Thomas Pakenham, in March of 1901 Lord Kitchener initiated plans to deter guerrillas in a series of systematic drives, organised like a sporting shoot, with success defined by a weekly 'bag' of killed, captured and wounded Boers, and sweep the country bare of everything that could give sustenance to the guerrillas including women and children. Large epidemics of diseases including measles, killed thousands, affecting children the most. It was the clearance of civilians - uprooting a nation- that came to dominate the last phases of the war.[6]
As Boer farms were destroyed by the British under their "Scorched Earth" policy—including the systematic destruction of crops and the slaughtering or removal of livestock, the burning down of homesteads and farms—to prevent the Boers from resupplying themselves from a home base, many tens of thousands of men, women and children were forcibly moved into the camps.[7][8]This was not the first appearance of internment camps, as the Spanish had used internment in Cuba in the Ten Years' War, but the Boer War concentration camp system was the first time that a whole nation had been systematically targeted, and the first in which some whole regions had been depopulated.[7]”

“Under the policy, rural Cubans had eight days to relocate to designated camps in fortified towns, all who failed to obey were to be shot. Housing in camps was often decaying, food was scarce, and disease quickly spread through the camps. By 1898, a third of Cuba's population had been moved into camps and at least 170,000 civil Cubans died due to their subjected conditions, which was 10% of the population at the time. [3] The policy is remembered as the first time in history modern concentration camps were constructed.”
Nope, that is what one of your fellow racists has done. Malcolm would have said that if you support trump, you ain't black. Again you don't know squat about Malcolm, you only know that 1 line.

Fucking fool. You're as bad as the white Progressives who destroyed the black family, maybe worse, because you're telling them they can never succeed; they need you and reparations

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