Zone1 Broad-brush reparations to all blacks is unconstituional

It destroys the narrative that evil white Americans were the only ones breeding slaves. You know the narrative that both you and IM2 insist upon peddling. Breeding slaves was the norm, not the exception as I showed.
Why do you think that negates any of the horror that was done here in the U.S. and done exclusively to Black people? White people weren't chattel slaves as well.
No, I have too much pride to force someone to employ me that doesn't want to.
Too much pride huh? We are two very different kinds of people. There are people who get upset just at the sight of me. The sight of me being someplace that they think I shouldn't be or don't have the right to be. That's just what it's like to be Black in a white majority country which has a history of lawful segregation, lawful segregation within living memory.

If I want something, why in the hell should I forego it because someone else unlawfully wants to keep me from it? Pride has NOTHING to do with it, it's all about right & wrong and someone discriminating against you because of your race, or nationality, gender, religion, whatever is violating the law and THEY ARE THE PERSON IN THE WRONG. THEY are the criminal if there is a criminal statute prohibiting the behavior.

You could be the person to show them that whatever it is they feared was not necessary as there is nothing to fear.
Sharecroppibg isn’t slavery. You are talking like a fool for even claiming that. A sharecropper trades labor for a share of the crop he grows on someone else’s land. My uncle liked to live in the country, so he bought a farm. He had no interest in farming, so he arranged for his neighbor to sharecrop his land. It was a win-win, my uncle got some income from the land he owned and the neighbor got to use surplus time and his farm equipment to make a larger profit than he could from his land alone. Even in the deep south during Jim Crow, sharecroppers were free to leave and either work for another farmer, or actually get a job in a factory either in the south, or in the north or west. Millions of blacks choose to do exactly that, that’s where the black population on the major cities came from. You claim to live in Kansas, it’s a certainty that your grandparents decided to leave the south unless they were among the many blacks who took advantage of all that “free” land that you are always complaining that whites got.
Lol! You ready don't know anything. Go study the company store. And whites passed laws in the south making it a crime for blacks to leave. You have no clue about how everything really happened and you want to argue in opposition because your attitude is that you think what you say is right because you are white. Black sharecroppers in the south got screwed. Some got ran off land by various white terrorist groups. It is written in the book, "White Rage," by Carol Anderson that a member of the Johnson administration visted the south after reconstruction and found dead black bodies rotting everywhere. Don't argue about history you don't know with opinion.
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Too much pride huh? We are two very different kinds of people. There are people who get upset just at the sight of me. The sight of me being someplace that they think I shouldn't be or don't have the right to be. That's just what it's like to be Black in a white majority country which has a history of lawful segregation, lawful segregation within living memory.

If I want something, why in the hell should I forego it because someone else unlawfully wants to keep me from it? Pride has NOTHING to do with it, it's all about right & wrong and someone discriminating against you because of your race, or nationality, gender, religion, whatever is violating the law and THEY ARE THE PERSON IN THE WRONG. THEY are the criminal if there is a criminal statute prohibiting the behavior.

You could be the person to show them that whatever it is they feared was not necessary as there is nothing to fear.
The problem with his comment is what do you do after 5,10, 20 places don't want to hire you? Such is the problem with our white experts on what blacks should do.. They don't face what we face.
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The problem with his comment is what do you do after 5,10, 20 places don't want to hire you? Such is the problem with our white experts on what blacks should do.. They don't face what we face.
My father and his Jewish friends couldn’t get hired after college after going to 5, 10, 20 places. That’s how strong the antisemitism was.

They all left their homes and parents, as 22-year-olds, and moved to Washington, D.C. where the government was willing to hire Jewish boys. And before you say that takes money, they all did it with a few dollars in their pocket.

They didn’t moan and grown and protest and demand antisemites hire them. They took it upon THEMSELVES to solve their own problems.
Not in the context in which she's using the term.

This is something she just made up to try to make people feel sorry for her and other white people like we're doing something "intentionally" to harm them, when whatever befalls them will also befall us and everyone else.

She's making it sound like "innocent" white people are being targeted for harm and that's not what has happened nor is it what's being proposed but it you all are so stuck on not wanting a penny of your tax dollars going to pay reparations, I suggest you stop paying your taxes now and write the IRS and let them know why you've stopped.

This is one of her quotes:
"You are not going to harm innocent white people by forcing us to pay more for everything, and struggle to pay for groceries and rent, so you can get money handed to you which you did not earn and do not deserve."

You all do it all of the time when you refer to Black people as criminals and use other derogatory terms about us and have yet to acknowledge that none of us are criminals, we're all college educated and have served society in a myriad of ways - all of society, not just Black society.
None of that is true. You made a sneering remark about “WHAT Innocent white people?” with the implication we aren't - and now you compound it with all your made-up crap attributing thlughts to me like “I want people to feel sorry for me.”

No, by innocent white people I mean that whites had nothing to do with slavery, probably half or more didn’t arrive here until after slavery was long abolished. They should not be forced to pay money to 21sr century blacks who were never slaves.

Comparisons whining that Holocaust survivors got repararions is an insult to Holocaust survivors.
Not in the context in which she's using the term.

This is something she just made up to try to make people feel sorry for her and other white people like we're doing something "intentionally" to harm them, when whatever befalls them will also befall us and everyone else.

She's making it sound like "innocent" white people are being targeted for harm and that's not what has happened nor is it what's being proposed but it you all are so stuck on not wanting a penny of your tax dollars going to pay reparations, I suggest you stop paying your taxes now and write the IRS and let them know why you've stopped.

This is one of her quotes:
"You are not going to harm innocent white people by forcing us to pay more for everything, and struggle to pay for groceries and rent, so you can get money handed to you which you did not earn and do not deserve."

You all do it all of the time when you refer to Black people as criminals and use other derogatory terms about us and have yet to acknowledge that none of us are criminals, we're all college educated and have served society in a myriad of ways - all of society, not just Black society.
Lisa is speaking the truth about your intentions, even if you are unaware of it. If you can’t see how blaming society today, for historical things you never experienced is going to unfairly impact society, then that’s your problem (probably just another problem you will blame YT pope for).

I have never referred to black people as “criminals”. I have cited actual cases, cited government statistics, but never claimed black people are criminals. Broad brush stereotypes are the tool of racists and the grievance class.
I love how IM2 is so desperate to show how racism is holding him back today, that he has to cite things like “sharecropping” and “company stores”. That is what happens when you take the “advanced” history classes like he recommends.
They don't face what we face.
Yeah but by your same logic, despite YOU not facing what WE face, you take the liberty to speak authoritatively on our experience.

That kind of intellectualism takes a lot of privilege.
Lisa is speaking the truth about your intentions, even if you are unaware of it. If you can’t see how blaming society today, for historical things you never experienced is going to unfairly impact society, then that’s your problem (probably just another problem you will blame YT pope for).

I have never referred to black people as “criminals”. I have cited actual cases, cited government statistics, but never claimed black people are criminals. Broad brush stereotypes are the tool of racists and the grievance class.
Thank you. NV, like many of her ilk, put words and thoughts in the mouths of their opponents in order to make them appear racist or unfair. It is a particularly nasty tactic common among leftists.
Yeah but by your same logic, despite YOU not facing what WE face, you take the liberty to speak authoritatively on our experience.

That kind of intellectualism takes a lot of privilege.
Also, IM2 keeps insisting that we don’t face racism so we don’t know what we’re talking about. Jews are taking down their mezzuzim, avoiding wear their Jewish star necklace, have to walk by Muslims and their enablers shouting “Death to Jews,” deal with the fact that a black activist who couldn’t even condemn calls to genocide Jews retains a $900,000 job at Harvard, get harassed looking at Chanukah decorations, and, before that..

…. had JEW keyed into our car, had JEW keyed TWICE into my school locker, be told by a developer that “so far only five Jewish families have bought, and let’s hope no more,” have to relocate away from home because the antisemitism is so pronounced you can’t get a job…

…and according to IM2, only blacks know what bigotry feels like.
Why do you think that negates any of the horror that was done here in the U.S. and done exclusively to Black people? White people weren't chattel slaves as well.
They were both in the USA, Caribbean, Australia and many other countries. Have you ever seen the classic movie Captain Blood? He and his fellows were slaves in the Caribbean. I don't usually use Hollywood as a reference and I doubt the accuracy of most of the movie, but it indicates that white slavery existed in British Colonies. I've never said slavery wasn't both wrong and horrible, but it was a world-wide practice.
Lol! You ready don't know anything. Go study the company store. And whites passed laws in the south making it a crime for blacks to leave. You have no clue about how everything really happened and you want to argue in opposition because your attitude is that you think what you say is right because you are white. Black sharecroppers in the south got screwed. Some got ran off land by various white terrorist groups. It is written in the book, "White Rage," by Carol Anderson that a member of the Johnson administration visted the south after reconstruction and found dead black bodies rotting everywhere. Don't argue about history you don't know with opinion.
Yeah, the company store, something that affected whites in textile and mining towns far more than blacks. Oddly, while I was taking down Christmas lights this morning, I heard Sixteen Tons being sung and that reminded me. Sharecroppers got a portion of the crop, miners and textile workers just got a salary set by the company designed to keep them in bondage. As usual, you go back centuries and decades for your examples of racism. You need to grow up.
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Yeah right. Reparations aren't a grift and you just choose to ignore everything you havve been hown that whites have been given that blacks could not get which has benefitted whites. So you really don't have a moral compass, or at best,, your compass is broken.

It's 100% grift, and anyone who says otherwise is lying.

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