Zone1 Broad-brush reparations to all blacks is unconstituional

Well, first, there was the ridiculously high mortality rate.
Second, there was the torture these people who had previously been free were subjected to in order to make them more docile.
Third, this went on AFTER Europeans supposedly had an "Enlightenment" and should have known better by their own principles.

You know, you can't declare "All Men Are Created Equal" and STILL have slaves.

China still has slaves to this day.
Fucking fool. You're as bad as the white Progressives who destroyed the black family, maybe worse, because you're telling them they can never succeed; they need you and reparations
White progressives have not destroyed anything. Don't try arguing with me about this white boy, I'm black and grew up in a neighborhood of black families. And whites have recieved the equivalent of a quantillion dollars in government help since the country began. So don't say anything about telling somebody how they can't suceed without something because whites would never have suceeded had they not excluded everybody else for nearly 200 of the 247 and one half years America has been a country.
White progressives have not destroyed anything. Don't try arguing with me about this white boy, I'm black and grew up in a neighborhood of black families. And whites have recieved the equivalent of a quantillion dollars in government help since the country began. So don't say anything about telling somebody how they can't suceed without something because whites would never have suceeded had they not excluded everybody else for nearly 200 of the 247 and one half years America has been a country.

Have you considered maybe reading a self-help book, talking to a preacher?
Exactly! No slaves for a very long time here
Convict leasing was slavery, Sharecropping was slavery, both these things occurred after slavery was supposed to end. Jim Crow lasted on paper until 1964, but it's still practiced now. These are things you run from.
I have to suggest not taking any history classes. Woke liberal ideology has saturated higher ed completely. Why waste hundreds of dollars to hear the same anti-white drool that you can get for free on the internet?
Convict leasing was slavery, Sharecropping was slavery, both these things occurred after slavery was supposed to end. Jim Crow lasted on paper until 1964, but it's still practiced now. These are things you run from.

I'm not running from the fact that democrats owned slaves
You are running from facts. Slavery existed long before there was a democratic party and Republicans were down with Jim Crow.

Slavery existed for thousands of years. America corrected its ways. Hell, we even had a Black President -- and he wasn't even born in America! He told everyone that he was "Born in Kenya"
Slavery existed for thousands of years. America corrected its ways. Hell, we even had a Black President -- and he wasn't even born in America! He told everyone that he was "Born in Kenya"
America has not corrected anything and yoir slavery existed for a thousand years excuse gets no play here. Obama was born in America, and a black president didn't correct your racism.
America has not corrected anything and yoir slavery existed for a thousand years excuse gets no play here. Obama was born in America, and a black president didn't correct your racism.
my racism? 😂
I have a very fine tuned moral compass, and I don't think about people as whole groups. If you hawk for reparations, you are a grifter in my book, and nothing posted by you, IMD or Marc has proven anything to me otherwise.
People doing research, attending city council meetings and legislative sessions in order to bring about a desired result in society is not "hawking".

Marc, IM2, nor anyone else in our group is required to prove anything to you or anyone else on this board particularly since we know how all you receive information that is contrary to your prejudiced and misguided belief systems.

Calling me lazy was a real big tell regarding your own insecurities and fears - that a Black person could somehow be "better" or "better off" than you, or be considered a "better person", or have something that you don't but covet, etc. That's what's really driving all the angst, the fear that Black people will get something, especially money, that you don't believe should come to us, for all of the stupid and inane reasons you all list, none of which are valid.
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Convict leasing was slavery, Sharecropping was slavery, both these things occurred after slavery was supposed to end. Jim Crow lasted on paper until 1964, but it's still practiced now. These are things you run from.
Sharecroppibg isn’t slavery. You are talking like a fool for even claiming that. A sharecropper trades labor for a share of the crop he grows on someone else’s land. My uncle liked to live in the country, so he bought a farm. He had no interest in farming, so he arranged for his neighbor to sharecrop his land. It was a win-win, my uncle got some income from the land he owned and the neighbor got to use surplus time and his farm equipment to make a larger profit than he could from his land alone. Even in the deep south during Jim Crow, sharecroppers were free to leave and either work for another farmer, or actually get a job in a factory either in the south, or in the north or west. Millions of blacks choose to do exactly that, that’s where the black population on the major cities came from. You claim to live in Kansas, it’s a certainty that your grandparents decided to leave the south unless they were among the many blacks who took advantage of all that “free” land that you are always complaining that whites got.
Irrelevant. The comparison is with Jim Crowe, not slavery, and I do not believe anyone was forced to "breed" under Jim Crowe. Perhaps you have evidence of such? A female indentured servant, however, could be punished for getting pregnant, as it would interfere with her duties. I do believe one of the driving factors designed to move the goalposts beyond slavery is Crowe, so there it is...
Okay my mistake but not by much if you think that having the ability to work your way out of servitude was better than being returned to captivity under the Jim Crow creation of "convict leasing".

And just FYI, convict leasing was in direct reaction to slavery being abolished and for the first time in history Black citizens held in state prisons surpassed those of white prisoners

Oh and just because I've been accused of being lazy by using ChatGPT instead of doing my own research here is a link to one of my previous posts on convict leasing:
Zone1 - Video: Slavery By Another Name
indentured servants versus convict leasing​
Indentured servants and convict leasing are two historical labor systems that involved individuals providing labor under different circumstances. While both systems have similarities, they also have significant differences:​
  1. Indentured Servants:
    • Voluntary Agreement: Indentured servants willingly entered into a contract, known as an indenture, typically for a specified number of years (usually 4 to 7 years) in exchange for passage to a new country, room, board, and eventual freedom.
    • Origin and Purpose: This system was prevalent in the 17th and 18th centuries and was commonly used in the American colonies. It served as a means for individuals to escape poverty, gain passage to the New World, or fulfill a debt obligation.
    • Conditions: While indentured servants had certain legal protections, their conditions varied widely. Some had humane arrangements with good masters, while others faced exploitation and mistreatment.
  2. Convict Leasing:
    • Involuntary Servitude: Convict leasing involved the forced labor of individuals who had been convicted of crimes. Instead of serving their sentences in traditional prisons, these individuals were leased to private companies or individuals for labor.
    • Origin and Purpose: Convict leasing became more prevalent in the Southern United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It was often used as a way to replace slave labor after the Civil War and maintain a cheap workforce.
    • Conditions: Conditions in convict leasing were often harsh and abusive. Inmates were subjected to dangerous and grueling work, and their treatment was at the mercy of the leaseholders.
Key Differences:
  • Voluntariness: Indentured servants entered into their contracts voluntarily, seeking better opportunities or fulfilling debts. Convict leasing involved involuntary servitude, with individuals forced into labor as part of their criminal punishment.
  • Legal Status: Indentured servants had legal rights and protections under their contracts, though enforcement varied. In contrast, convicts leased for labor often faced harsh and exploitative conditions, with little legal protection.
  • Time Period: Indentured servitude was more prevalent in the 17th and 18th centuries, while convict leasing gained prominence in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Both systems represent historical instances where individuals were compelled to provide labor under different circumstances, but the voluntariness, legal status, and time periods involved distinguish the two practices.​
  • Brilliant
Reactions: IM2
So, you can’t imagine an innocent white person?

What would you think if you reference innocent black people and I asked you who they were?
Not in the context in which she's using the term.

This is something she just made up to try to make people feel sorry for her and other white people like we're doing something "intentionally" to harm them, when whatever befalls them will also befall us and everyone else.

She's making it sound like "innocent" white people are being targeted for harm and that's not what has happened nor is it what's being proposed but it you all are so stuck on not wanting a penny of your tax dollars going to pay reparations, I suggest you stop paying your taxes now and write the IRS and let them know why you've stopped.

This is one of her quotes:
"You are not going to harm innocent white people by forcing us to pay more for everything, and struggle to pay for groceries and rent, so you can get money handed to you which you did not earn and do not deserve."

What would you think if you reference innocent black people and I asked you who they were?
You all do it all of the time when you refer to Black people as criminals and use other derogatory terms about us and have yet to acknowledge that none of us are criminals, we're all college educated and have served society in a myriad of ways - all of society, not just Black society.

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