Zone1 Broad-brush reparations to all blacks is unconstituional

Yeah I remember reading in my Aviation Safety class about that DC-10 that crashed in the Black Forest due to explosive decompression ripping out control cables that attached to the rudder in the empennage. I haven't seen that report in decades but I think they lost either a cabin or cargo door midflight which cause the decompression. I also seem to recall that there was another incident that happened shortly before that particular crash, or after.

You could have sued, you probably would have won too if you're not Black.
Looks like I misspoke regarding the location of the crash. It wasn't the Black Forest, it was a forest in France.
Why would I sue? The last thing I would ever want to do is to work for someone who doesn’t want to employ me. My life would be an endless stream of minor hassles designed to frustrate me enough to make me quit. I worked for people glad to have me because I added value to their company. Besides that was the mid seventies and reverse discrimination suits weren’t even a gleam in some shyster’s eye then
So you ARE cognizant of the hostility of a situation like that, yet you all often will chastise Black people and tell us that's what we should do/should have done.

Besides that was the mid seventies and reverse discrimination suits weren’t even a gleam in some shyster’s eye then
So you weren't willing to be the first, you wanted someone else to do it?
The cargo door latch design was defective. Several crashed because the door opened in flight causing the floor to buckle jamming the control cables that ran through conduits in the floor. They found out about it because one DC10’s elevator jammed in the neutral position and the pilot landed it with the trim tabs, All other commercial aircraft ran the cables in the cabin overhead.
This is the book I referenced:

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State University of New York Press

The DC-10 Case | State University of New York Press

Web7. Fat, Dumb, and Happy: The Failure of the FAA Paul Eddy, Elaine Potter, and Bruce Page. 8. Compliance with Service Bulletin SB 52-37. 9. Conclusions of the U. S. Senate Oversight …
Actually only some minorities, because Southeast Asians were too good at the system they made up the concept of "Disadvantaged" businesses, so once you went over a certain market cap, you are effectively white according to the system.

Disadvantaged, not disabled.
I thought statutorily women and minorities are considered "socially & economically" disadvantaged. Individuals whom are disabled are not included, like I mentioned the example of the disabled veterans?
I thought statutorily women and minorities are considered "socially & economically" disadvantaged. Individuals whom are disabled are not included, like I mentioned the example of the disabled veterans?

Separate category in NY and all they get is priority on sidewalk vending permits.
And I'm sure you are serious about being a grifter, even though you don't want to admit to it.
You all have no moral compass at all do you. You just get up in the morning and start in on your false narrative what you think a stereotypical Black person is and just make up shit as you go.

You don't have a shred of evidence that would indicate that I'm a grifter yet that doesn't keep you from lying. Why? What do you have to gain by telling lies about me on an internet message board other than to make yourself look like an ass when you're proven to be mistaken.

Scratch that, not mistaken because I'm pretty sure this is intentional, with malice aforethought.
You all have no moral compass at all do you. You just get up in the morning and start in on your false narrative what you think a stereotypical Black person is and just make up shit as you go.

You don't have a shred of evidence that would indicate that I'm a grifter yet that doesn't keep you from lying. Why? What do you have to gain by telling lies about me on an internet message board other than to make yourself look like an ass when you're proven to be mistaken.

Scratch that, not mistaken because I'm pretty sure this is intentional, with malice aforethought.

I have a very fine tuned moral compass, and I don't think about people as whole groups. If you hawk for reparations, you are a grifter in my book, and nothing posted by you, IMD or Marc has proven anything to me otherwise.
Were the indenture servants forced to "breed"?
Irrelevant. The comparison is with Jim Crowe, not slavery, and I do not believe anyone was forced to "breed" under Jim Crowe. Perhaps you have evidence of such? A female indentured servant, however, could be punished for getting pregnant, as it would interfere with her duties. I do believe one of the driving factors designed to move the goalposts beyond slavery is Crowe, so there it is...
They were engaging in it because Europeans were showing up with boatloads of goodies for them, that's the point, you twit.

The Europeans created a market, which lead to tribal wars to capture more slaves.

The market existed for hundreds of years before the first African was exported to Europe or the Americas.
What does what was done in other cultures & societies have to do with the United States government(s) paying reparations? Are you saying that because others did it with no repercussions the U.S. should do the same?
It destroys the narrative that evil white Americans were the only ones breeding slaves. You know the narrative that both you and IM2 insist upon peddling. Breeding slaves was the norm, not the exception as I showed.
So you ARE cognizant of the hostility of a situation like that, yet you all often will chastise Black people and tell us that's what we should do/should have done.

So you weren't willing to be the first, you wanted someone else to do it?
No, I have too much pride to force someone to employ me that doesn't want to.
I don't care about your sources. The Transatlantic slave trade was started by white people and was a crime against humanity.
oh, NOW it’s the “transAtlantic slave trade” not the “evil” of the slave trade that White people started. After all your belly aching about how awful white people are you are just making an example of yourself.

You are still WRONG. The slave trade existed long before that and without the help of evil white people. Your claim is basically like claiming that if you eat at McDonalds everyday, that means you invented the hamburger.

A new market for a well established industry does not “create” that industry. If I buy enough things from Amazon, does that mean I created Amazon? Obviously not unless you are a liberal bending over backwards to hate on white people.

There is a reason these slaves came from Africa and not from the Americas. It’s because there was already a culture in Africa of enslaving and exporting slaves to foreign markets that could be tapped into.

But let’s grant you the new lower-bar you set for your claim. If white people are “awful” and “need to do better” (your words) for the slave trade, then doesn’t that mean black and brown people are awful and need to do better since they did exact same thing?

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