Zone1 Broad-brush reparations to all blacks is unconstituional

Now, you are just making shit up. Most of the slaves we bought came from Central Africa.

And they also brought more misery to the rest of the world through slavery and colonialism.
And that's where the Muslim's slaves came from unless you are now claiming that all the black chieftains were engaging in the slave trade. If you actually think whites brought more misery than Islamics, you are even more delusional than usual. Islam colonized
Again, the other 70 percent goes to whites. 70 PERCENT!

Is that not enough?

Resonate this understanding:

No, the other seventy percent goes to whomever makes the lowest bid regardless of color. No one guarantees whites anything.
The question has been raised as to why reparations to all blacks is unconstitutional, and the answer of course is that the government cannot give money to an entire race of people based solely on their skin color. Cases must be decided on an individual basis.

Anyone owed true reparations would have been the slaves freed by Lincoln because the very act of freeing them was an admission of the crime. Problem is that all those folks are long dead, never sought reparations, and while there were still some civil rights violations going on in the 60's, those would, like you said, be individual cases.

More to the point is the problem of forcing people who never committed any crime in being made to pay people who were never wronged! Worse, if blacks are owed reparations just for being black, what about the American Indian? Not only were they nearly exterminated by genocide, they were farmed into slave camps called reservations, then we stole their entire country.

Blacks were sold into slavery for the most part by other blacks, and last I checked, Africa is still there.

However, any blacks today still wanting reparations, I would be good with giving them a free one-way ticked back to Botswana. I mean, if we are so terribly bad, why would they want to stay here?
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Jurisdiction? So for you, slavery was a legal matter not a moral one?
You condemn the US and suggest no whites person today is “innocent” but you disregard the larger context of slavery beyond America’s boarders.
I have never suggested that there were no white people who were innocent of being involved in the slave trade or descendants of any of the original slave traders. The question I asked was who these "innocent" white people were who were allegedly being asked to dig into their own pockets to pay reparations as opposed to them being paid by the government. Of course I never got any proof of that happening.

As far as my objecting to slavery based on legal grounds versus moral grounds, we have heard repeatedly, just within the last week "but it was LEGAL" as if that should make it better. Legalizing an immoral practice because it was "a different time" doesn't justify the actions. On the other hand though, you can't protect people from a particular act unless there is a law making said act illegal. That's how white society managed to keep people of African descent relegated to second class citizenry that was rife with violence and injustice. The very same acts that were committed against Black people were unlawful when committed against whites. That alone should tell you everything that is needed to be known about the times and practices.

Lastly, the type of slavery that was practiced in the U.S. was different than that practices in other jurisdictions around the world, that of chattel slavery. The slave holders in the U.S. created extensive "breeding" programs in order to increase their financial holdings and wealth.
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Then each person should go to said airline and sue them and prove they were denied work based on Race.
Denying Black people equal employment opportunities was not unlawful so how were they going to sue for something that is not actionable?

On top of that, everyone involved in the denial of opportunities as well as the system of redress was white for the most part. Do you really think that white society was going to allow a favorable ruling for a Black plaintiff, allow that case to set precedence and then every other prospective Black plaintiff could then find justice via our civil justice system? That is a rare occurrence even in the years leading up to the end of 2023.
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No, AI makes you not have to do any work.

Which is the crux of the reason people like you demand free money..
That's a really ignorant statement, both parts of it.

Posting on U.S. Message Board doesn't generate any revenue for me. I'm not required to post anything here by my employer or clients, nor do I need to do so as in order to complete my homework/studies.

I use AI in the same manner that I would use a real assistant, to do research for me and to clarify things that I could use a deeper understanding of. If you were to go back to my original postings beginning in 2018 you would find that they are not much different than anything I've posted in the last 3 to 6 months. Hell, my browser has proof of my research into reparations long before ChatGPT was even a "thing".

So your misrepresentation of me, my knowledge and your false belief that I feel entitled to "free money" is absurd on its face because if the government determines that reparations are indeed due to certain members of the population, then it's not "free" money, it's recompense, whether you approve or agree or not.
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If you are asking my tax money for it, which will result in my taxes increasing directly for it, you are asking me to pay for it.

An intangible benefit as best, and one that now is reversed because If i wanted to start a subcontractor company that does municipal work in NYC I wouldn't be able to because I am not a disadvantaged business owner.
Make your wife a 51% owner of your subcontracting company
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Anyone owed true reparations would have been the slaves freed by Lincoln because the very act of freeing them was an admission of the crime. Problem is that all those folks are long dead, never sought reparations, and while there were still some civil rights violations going on in the 60's, those would, like you said, be individual cases.

More to the point is the problem of forcing people who never committed any crime in being made to pay people who were never wronged! Worse, if blacks are owed reparations just for being black, what about the American Indian? Not only were they nearly exterminated by genocide, they were farmed into slave camps called reservations, then we stole their entire country.

Blacks were sold into slavery for the most part by other blacks, and last I checked, Africa is still there.

However, any blacks today still wanting reparations, I would be good with giving them a free one-way ticked back to Botswana. I mean, if we are so terribly bad, why would they want to stay here?
Annother white idioot tha purposefully iignore tthe white human rigts violations after sllavery


Tonights Lesson:

If All You Can Say About Slavery is that Blacks sold other Blacks...STFU

First off, Africans did not make slavery legal here. Second, Whites did not have to buy Africans.

The African slave trade as described by the racist white subcullture is incorrect. What they don't talk about howw whites would arm one African tribe with guns who was warring against another in return for captives. But let's not waste more space and get straight to the point.

“In fact, most American slaves were not kidnapped on another continent. Though over 12.7 million Africans were forced onto ships to the Western hemisphere, estimates only have 400,000-500,000 landing in present-day America. How then to account for the four million black slaves who were tilling fields in 1860? “The South,” the Sublettes write, “did not only produce tobacco, rice, sugar, and cotton as commodities for sale; it produced people.” Slavers called slave-breeding “natural increase,” but there was nothing natural about producing slaves; it took scientific management. Thomas Jefferson bragged to George Washington that the birth of black children was increasing Virginia’s capital stock by four percent annually.”

Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry, Chicago, Lawrence Hill Books, 2016

“According to database-backed estimates by David Eltis and David Richardson, only about 389,000 kidnapped Africans were disembarked in the ports of the present-day United States, the majority of them before independence.” “By 1860, those few hundred thousand Africans had given way to four million African Americans.”

Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave -Breeding Industry

According to this information , 389,000 slaves landed on the shores of what is now America. By 1860, there were four million slaves living here. The importation of slaves was made illegal in 1808. So from 1808 until 1860, the number of slaves increased by at least one thousand percent. If we allow for the Africans selling each other, Africans would be responsible for approximately 389 thousand slaves. What about the 3.1-4 million additional slaves? Africans did not create them.

The white controlled slave breeding "industry" IN AMERICA created 10 times more blacks than the number that came from Africans who "sold other Africans".
Listen closely. The 30% requirement is the TOTAL CONTRACT VALUE.

They are required to meet a 30% Disadvantaged business total of the TOTAL CONTRACT VALUE.

You don't make any profit off of subcontracted work, so obviously they try to sub out as little as possible.

That means only minority/women owned subs are considered. anyone else can't get in the door.
Women, minorities and disabled individuals right? Like disabled veterans?
That's a really ignorant statement, both parts of it.

Posting on U.S. Message Board doesn't generate any revenue for me. I'm not required to post anything here by my employer or clients, nor do I need to do so as in order to complete my homework/studies.

I use AI in the same manner that I would use a real assistant, to do research for me and to clarify things that I could use a deeper understanding of. If you were to go back to my original postings beginning in 2018 you would find that they are not much different than anything I've posted in the last 3 to 6 months. Hell, my browser has proof of my research into reparations long before ChatGPT was even a "thing".

So your misrepresentation of me, my knowledge and your false belief that I feel entitled to "free money" is absurd on its face because if the government determines that reparations are indeed due to certain members of the population, then it's not "free" money, it's recompense, whether you approve or agree or not.
Why do whites like him think this is free money?

I'd like for his white ---- to try living 5 years as a black person.

This iis what happens when you have never really faced any racism besides name calling.
Women, minorities and disabled individuals right? Like disabled veterans?
He forgets all that to cry about 30 percent of subcontracted work as if white men deserve all the subcontracting jobs as well as major contractt jobs.
As far as I know, the government didn't prevent black pilots from airline careers. The airlines refused to hire them. I believe that was more for public relations reasons than anything else. Women pilots had the same problems, the travelling public didn't trust their abilities. Right or wrong the travelling public's opinions have to be considered by airlines. I've always refused to fly on DC10s because I know enough about the engineering of them to consider them unsafe under some conditions. The reason I feel that way is that unlike other aircraft of that era, the control cables are routed under the floor and in the event of a cargo door latch failure, the floor buckles jamming the controls. Several DC10s crashed for exactly that reason. Douglas came up with a fix for the latches, but I refuse to trust a patch job like that when there are alternatives. That's the way some people felt about black and female pilots. That's changed now.

For a direct comparison, I applied for the California Highway Patrol back in the mid seventies, I scored in the high nineties in all the tests and interviews. After waiting for months for a call to report for training, I called to inquire about my status and was told the CHP was hiring only minorities and women for the foreseeable future. Under your "logic" I should be paid reparations for the career that was denied me.
Yeah I remember reading in my Aviation Safety class about that DC-10 that crashed in the Black Forest due to explosive decompression ripping out control cables that attached to the rudder in the empennage. I haven't seen that report in decades but I think they lost either a cabin or cargo door midflight which cause the decompression. I also seem to recall that there was another incident that happened shortly before that particular crash, or after.

You could have sued, you probably would have won too if you're not Black.
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I have never suggested that there were no white people who were innocent of being involved in the slave trade or descendants of any of the original slave traders. The question I asked was who these "innocent" white people were who were allegedly being asked to dig into their own pockets to pay reparations as opposed to them being paid by the government. Of course I never got any proof of that happening.

As far as my objecting to slavery based on legal grounds versus moral grounds, we have heard repeatedly, just within the last week "but it was LEGAL" as if that should make it better. Legalizing an immoral practice because it was "a different time" doesn't justify the actions. On the other hand though, you can't protect people from a particular act unless there is a law making said act illegal. That's how white society managed to keep people of African descent relegated to second class citizenry that was rife with violence and injustice. The very same acts that were committed against Black people were unlawful when committed against whites. That alone should tell you everything that is needed to be known about the times and practices.

Lastly, the type of slavery that was practiced in the U.S. was different than that practices in other jurisdictions around the world, that of chattel slavery. The slave holders in the U.S. created extensive "breeding" programs in order to increase their financial holdings and wealth.
And you don’t think the Greeks, Roman’s and Ottomans didn’t? The Ottoman even raised slave children in crèches to become slave soldiers. They called them Janissaries. Every culture that kept slaves bred them with the exception of some Native American tribes and the North African Muslims who castrated all their male black slaves so they couldn’t breed. But they had an endless supply of cheap black slaves from sub-Saharan Africa.

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