Broken (or postponed) promises' fulfillment?

LOL He has been in less that 2 weeks...or right at it?? I never expected everything to get done all at once.
I thought he said year for something else. Can't remember what ATM.

He never said a year. In his speaking about it he always implied quick repeal because what a "total disaster!!" and "fraud!" it is.

Well if it is a total disaster and fraud then why the fuck could Republicans not have come up with anything better in 7 full years and 50 REPEALS they kept voting on?

Because they and Trump are fucking liars playing politics with American healthcare , that's why. And now that they are in power they are having a tough time putting up a real solution. Never mind putting something in place, they can't even articulate wtf they want to do at this point.

After 8 years, I'm still waiting for Obama to:

Close Guantanamo Bay

Repeal the Patriot Act

Bring the Troops home from Iraq

And what ever happened to that Civilian National Security Force? :lol:

What? That mutherfuckers gone? What did he get done?

He "got done" delivering on ~280 promises, including historic healthcare reform.

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept | PolitiFact
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How long did it take Obama to close GITMO?

Hey moron....Who blocked the closing of GITMO????

The "fiscal conservative idiots" in congress blocked it at every turn.....Here, ponder this and ask a grown up to explain it to you.....

In GITMO detainees' cost worked out to about $2.7 million per detainee. For comparison, inmates at high-security federal prisons cost about $34,000 per year on average.

BUT.......lets not go too far afield and change topics......What do you think of Trump's broken promise about the ACA?????......................LOL
Broken promise?

just like anything else, it will take as long as it takes.

He inherited Obamas (broken) magic wand, and is finding out he can't snap his fingers and make it happen.

Just like Obama
He inherited Obamas (broken) magic wand, and is finding out he can't snap his fingers and make it happen.

So, Trump LIED throughout his ridiculous campaign that he would repeal and replace on day one?
When will you assholes come to term with Trump's demagoguery...if ever?
He inherited Obamas (broken) magic wand, and is finding out he can't snap his fingers and make it happen.

So, Trump LIED throughout his ridiculous campaign that he would repeal and replace on day one?
When will you assholes come to term with Trump's demagoguery...if ever?
Just like Clinton, both Bushs, Obama, Reagan, Carter, etc lied.

campaign rhetoric, moron.

If you're as old as you say you are, you should be used to it.
Just like Clinton, both Bushs, Obama, Reagan, Carter, etc lied.

campaign rhetoric, moron.

If you're as old as you say you are, you should be used to it.

The difference, idiot, is that I vehemently bitch when some elected asshole lies.....You and your ilk, just keep on bending over.......Where IS your outrage for Trump lying to you???
Just like Clinton, both Bushs, Obama, Reagan, Carter, etc lied.

campaign rhetoric, moron.

If you're as old as you say you are, you should be used to it.

The difference, idiot, is that I vehemently bitch when some elected asshole lies.....You and your ilk, just keep on bending over.......Where IS your outrage for Trump lying to you???

You'll have to bare with us, we just spent 24 years being lied to, the ACA isn't really going anywhere. We both know that.
Look, right wingers, your hatred of Hillary COUPLED with your inability to admit that the orange clown is the worst thing to have happened to this country since president Grant, makes you the assholes that we'll deride throughout Trump's 2 year term.....Pence is campaigning for the spot as we type..............LOL
You'll have to bare with us, we just spent 24 years being lied to, the ACA isn't really going anywhere. We both know that.

Thanks for the admission........

Perhaps when the wall is not getting built and the coal miners' jobs don't come back, your ilk will realize that you've been had....big time by a charlatan.
I would add that watching you melt down like this every day is very entertaining.

Melt down????? I'm having a great time....I was tired of "defending"....its much more fun attacking!!! LOL
You'll have to bare with us, we just spent 24 years being lied to, the ACA isn't really going anywhere. We both know that.

Thanks for the admission........

Perhaps when the wall is not getting built and the coal miners' jobs don't come back, your ilk will realize that you've been had....big time by a charlatan.

Regardless, we no longer have to listen to your mediocre negro, or your sociopathic murderous bitch , or her serial sexual predator what's your point? I feel especially bad for people like you who simply cannot see the very truth that keeps biting them in the ass. The electoral process is all an illusion.
Look, right wingers, your hatred of Hillary COUPLED with your inability to admit that the orange clown is the worst thing to have happened to this country since president Grant, makes you the assholes that we'll deride throughout Trump's 2 year term.....Pence is campaigning for the spot as we type..............LOL

Having a meltdown really isn't helping your case here.
From the time it passed with zero Republican support, GOP politicians have promised to repeal Obamacare. There were numerous House votes to repeal Obamacare while President Obama was still in office, almost all of which were symbolic. No way would President Obama sign off on a bill repealing his hallmark legislation.

President Trump also promised repeal and replacement of Obamacare, and that it would be done quickly. But quickly is relative.

In a pre-Super Bowl interview with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly Sunday, President Trump said it could take a year to repeal Obamacare.

"The" butt hurt "is" strong "in this one." As long as "he does it" before the midterms he "will be fine." If Obamacare "is still in place" then it would "be a" disaster "for him"
Look, right wingers, your hatred of Hillary COUPLED with your inability to admit that the orange clown is the worst thing to have happened to this country since president Grant, makes you the assholes that we'll deride throughout Trump's 2 year term.....Pence is campaigning for the spot as we type..............LOL
electing EITHER of those idiots was the worse thing to happen to this country.
Well is Trump supposed to do it all immediately? I don't think any Trump supporters expected him to repeal it in the firsr 3 weeks of his Presidency.

I think what matters is if he actually does it. Not how long it's going to take.

From Trump's website throughout the campaign:

...........But none of these positive reforms can be accomplished without Obamacare repeal. On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

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