Broken (or postponed) promises' fulfillment?

Nope, that's you. Trump was only slightly less a shit burger than Hillary. Take the Red Pill and wake up kid.
Naturally you choose to ignore the pending litigation against him, as well as his comments on how he loves to grab a woman pussy. Or maybe how he walks up to them and starts fondling them and kissing them?

Unlike yourself, I ignore nothing. Your bitch was/is a sociopathic lying murderous bitch. Trump may or may not have done anything, we just don't know. Until you stop projecting your inability to see the truth onto everyone else you will never heal.
Trump has lied more in one week than any perceived Hillary lies in a lifetime. Speaking of that, list some of those Hillary lies for us

Kid, you are hopelessly locked up in the right/left paradigm. Anyone with half a brain knows all of her lies, anyone who can think knows you will "blame" a "vast rightwing conspiracy" for everything she's done. You aren't my first ideologue son. I could spend an hour listing shit and all you'd say is "No sir". To you a fact is only a fact if you agree with it. To you news is "fake news" unless you agree with it.
I have no interest in trying to "convert" you into a logical, thinking person.
I'll say it again, Trump is just slightly less of a shit burger.
How many lies has Trump told in just the last 2 weeks, since his inauguration? Time to man up and tell the truth

Son, my "manhood" is not in question. You are a hyper-partisan, I am not.
LOL He has been in less that 2 weeks...or right at it?? I never expected everything to get done all at once.
I thought he said year for something else. Can't remember what ATM.

He said it would be done on day one. Of course, he's already on his first vacation, so he's full of crap from the start.
He went on a weekend getaway. Next eight years are gonna be ruff for you. He also stopped to say hello to our troops. Does that make you angry also?
LOL He has been in less that 2 weeks...or right at it?? I never expected everything to get done all at once.
I thought he said year for something else. Can't remember what ATM.

He said it would be done on day one. Of course, he's already on his first vacation, so he's full of crap from the start.

What are you retarded his first E. O. On day one was to get rid of the mandate..

Keep up will you..

So why is he saying it will take up to a year? He got caught lying again?
It took Obama over a year to get it through. He also promised to have the debates on it televised. So he lied, where was your outrage then?
Naturally you choose to ignore the pending litigation against him, as well as his comments on how he loves to grab a woman pussy. Or maybe how he walks up to them and starts fondling them and kissing them?

Unlike yourself, I ignore nothing. Your bitch was/is a sociopathic lying murderous bitch. Trump may or may not have done anything, we just don't know. Until you stop projecting your inability to see the truth onto everyone else you will never heal.
Trump has lied more in one week than any perceived Hillary lies in a lifetime. Speaking of that, list some of those Hillary lies for us

Kid, you are hopelessly locked up in the right/left paradigm. Anyone with half a brain knows all of her lies, anyone who can think knows you will "blame" a "vast rightwing conspiracy" for everything she's done. You aren't my first ideologue son. I could spend an hour listing shit and all you'd say is "No sir". To you a fact is only a fact if you agree with it. To you news is "fake news" unless you agree with it.
I have no interest in trying to "convert" you into a logical, thinking person.
I'll say it again, Trump is just slightly less of a shit burger.
How many lies has Trump told in just the last 2 weeks, since his inauguration? Time to man up and tell the truth

Son, my "manhood" is not in question. You are a hyper-partisan, I am not.
You are not a partisan? Then admit to the numerous never ending trump lies
LOL He has been in less that 2 weeks...or right at it?? I never expected everything to get done all at once.
I thought he said year for something else. Can't remember what ATM.

He said it would be done on day one. Of course, he's already on his first vacation, so he's full of crap from the start.

What are you retarded his first E. O. On day one was to get rid of the mandate..

Keep up will you..

So why is he saying it will take up to a year? He got caught lying again?
It took Obama over a year to get it through. He also promised to have the debates on it televised. So he lied, where was your outrage then?
This isn't about Obama, Einstein, its all about the bullshyte Trump keeps throwing out
He went on a weekend getaway. Next eight years are gonna be ruff for you.

Nice for you to chat like a dog.....Can you also fetch?
No, but my dog can. The next eight years will be rough for you too.
LOL He has been in less that 2 weeks...or right at it?? I never expected everything to get done all at once.
I thought he said year for something else. Can't remember what ATM.

He said it would be done on day one. Of course, he's already on his first vacation, so he's full of crap from the start.

What are you retarded his first E. O. On day one was to get rid of the mandate..

Keep up will you..

So why is he saying it will take up to a year? He got caught lying again?
It took Obama over a year to get it through. He also promised to have the debates on it televised. So he lied, where was your outrage then?
This isn't about Obama, Einstein, its all about the bullshyte Trump keeps throwing out
Oh Trump is working on it. Maybe he is seeing what the best options are. Takes time, if he just killed it you would be bitching about people dying in the streets. Obama lied to you about having the debates televised. You didn't care, so you have no credibility to criticize Trump. Now go along and let the adults talk.
This may not go over too well with Trump acolytes,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Repealing Obamacare Might Take a Year Says Trump

Actually he didn't say it would take a year to REPEAL Obamacare, he indicated it may take a year to REPLACE Obamacare, of course Paul Ryan is singing a different tune, apparently these two need to get together so they can get their bullshit straight.

This is good news, we might have at least a year before the Republicans replace the Health Care Disaster that Democrats created with a Health Care Disaster of their own.
It took Obama over a year to get it through.

Ahhhh, the "but, but, but Obama" mantra has begun......

Here, I'll make very simple for you.......

DID Trump promise repeal and replace of the ACA from his FIRST day in office? ....Yes or No?

Is he now saying that it will take at least a year?...........................................................Yes or No?
LOL He has been in less that 2 weeks...or right at it?? I never expected everything to get done all at once.
I thought he said year for something else. Can't remember what ATM.
On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country. By following free market principles and working together to create sound public policy that will broaden healthcare access, make healthcare more affordable and improve the quality of the care available to all Americans.

Healthcare Reform
Actually he didn't say it would take a year to REPEAL Obamacare, he indicated it may take a year to REPLACE Obamacare, usual a cop out form a right winger......Trump CLEARLY stated that the repeal and replace would be done SIMULTANEOUSLY ........
It took Obama over a year to get it through.

Ahhhh, the but, but, but Obama has begun......

Here, I'll make very simple for you.......

DID Trump promise repeal and replace of the ACA from his FIRST day in office? ....Yes or No?

Is he now saying that it will take at least a year?...........................................................Yes or No?

You thought "it would" literally "be fully repealed" the first day? "How" stupid are you?

Trump "did start" working on repealing Obamacare "right away." Your "ridiculous" hyperbole is "nothing but" hyperbole. If he starts this "year" and finishes "next year" fully repealing and replacing "it then that will" be fantastic "as I thought" it would "never" be repealed "in my" life
Just days before his inauguration:

President-elect Donald Trump said in a weekend interview that he is nearing completion of a plan to replace President Obama’s signature health-care law with the goal of “insurance for everybody,” while also vowing to force drug companies to negotiate directly with the government on prices in Medicare and Medicaid.

Trump vows ‘insurance for everybody’ in Obamacare replacement plan

Here is the usual bullshit that is the Trump brand:
Trump declined to reveal specifics in the telephone interview
"For that" you have to have "the actual" plan, "brainiac"

Hey, moron.......Right wingers in congress have had SEVEN years to come up with a replacement....Is now the time to get their fingers out of their asses and work on that famous replacement???.............LOL
Trump's "beautiful" plan was to steal the GOP ObamaCare replacement plan and take credit for it.

Except...the GOP has no plan.

SEVEN YEARS since ObamaCare was enacted in 2010, and they have no replacement for ObamaCare.

Biggest. Hoax. Ever.

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