Brooklyn leaders denounce the evil guns that killed 12 year old Kade Lewin.

The distinguished and brilliant mayor of Chicago has just told us that those street thugs are doing their thing NOT because of guns, but because the little darlings are unloved.

So the liberals of all ethnicities should immediately adopt one of those thugs and show him a lot of love.

Then all these murders will come to an end.
Gee Officer Krupki..... Noting is new under the sun.
But it is much more difficult -- most murder and suicide attempts without guns are unsuccessful.
Only those which aren’t serious. Slitting the arteries on your wrists, or taking an overdose in private and almost always successful, as is jumping off a bridge or tall building. Almost all unsuccessful “suicide attempts” are devices to garner attention.
Thats quite an analogy, but we actually provide hypodermic needles to opioid users [the equivalent of handing out ammo clips or at least the gun itself] ...The analogy [while far from perfect] now has legs so go ahead and run with it
Most narcotics are either banned or are available only in controlled settings.
Most narcotics are either banned or are available only in controlled settings.
And yet we make needles available for banned substances while going after constitutionally protected rights...btw, I did not make the analogy as it was just a ruse to draw a false comparison.
Opioid drugs have not killed anyone by themselves -- yet they are strictly prohibited.
and if they were constitutionally protected it would be unconstitutional for them to be strictly prohibited

Guns are like opioids.
yes both are deadly in the wrong hands, opioids actually prove it is not the guns that kill but the person wielding them,
see bulldogs graph for undeniable proof of who it is that makes them so deadly.


Stop supporting the political culture in these cities or bear the responsibility for the results
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Second Amendment is an anachronism. It may have been needed two centuries ago, but not now.
At a "MINIMUM" its a red flag amendment, the first thing an authoritarian government is going to do is disarm the resistance, the second amendment makes it obvious who they is quite necessary...

...try the first amendment, I'm sure you will find more support for its demise.
At a "MINIMUM" its a red flag amendment, the first thing an authoritarian government is going to do is disarm the resistance, the second amendment makes it obvious who they is quite necessary...

...try the first amendment, I'm sure you will find more support for its demise.
Armed Resistance was a thing in XVIIIth and XIXth Centuries.

In this Century, guns are used for suicide and murder.
In most Nations, narcotics other then alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana are allowed only in exceptional cases.
Has nothing to do with our discussion and does not change the fact that we hand out needles allowing [as well as advocating] for the use of illegal narcotics while trying to disarm constitutionally protected citizens.
Whites must be blamed since they created these evil guns
Has nothing to do with our discussion and does not change the fact that we hand out needles allowing [as well as advocating] for the use of illegal narcotics while trying to disarm constitutionally protected citizens.
Most narcotics are available only upon doctors prescription after thorough examinations.
People use guns for murder and suicide.
People use opioids for suicide.
Both should not be widely available.

Neither are. Last I checked, you need a background check to get a gun and a doctor's prescription to get pain killers.

If we run the world to take away every possible means that a person might use to kill themselves, in the end, they'll still find a way to do it if they really want to die, and all we'd end up with is a world so restrictive and controlled that I wouldn't want to even live in it!

Life is full of risk. Quit letting fear run your life or expecting Big Brother to protect you 24/7 and you might enjoy it!
Most narcotics are available only upon doctors prescription after thorough examinations.
and the needles to put them in are made available to users for next to nothing and most times free and if drug use were constitutionally protected then it would be unconstitutional to deny them to users.

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