Brown University liberals DEMAND homework be cancelled bc it interferes with their social activism!?

The more stories we read about all of these fucking demented unappreciative spoiled losers, the more you realize I am right.

All of them, with out exception, are not worthy of any respect of any kind.

The simple fact is we are fucked as a country.
Read about what they're protesting. The original cause. They're fucking worthless liberals and you know it.

And these days....I'd be cautious calling a degree from most colleges an "education". An indoctrination maybe.

Citadel. VMI. Army. Navy. That's an education.

At Brown University I wouldn't look far past the football team. Those players are getting a true useful education via the grueling demands of college football and the hard life lessons they'll get from it.
Opinions, come back when you have some facts.'s a fact. People who act like that are fucking lunatic liberals.

Meanwhile....their conservative counterparts are going to The Citadel or Liberty and interning at an engineering firm instead of going to know....earning that white privilege.
Thinking about themselves instead of caring about the world. Typical right wingers. just summed up liberal lunacy in one response.

So now....getting a great degree from a military college and interning with an engineering firm instead of doing social justice activism is a BAD thing?
One could do both, engineering is going to be a thing of the past. Ironically, people will be sending their kids to art schools.

You think a prosperous future in America can be found more with an Art degree rather than an Engineering degree???

Folks....example 1A of why liberals shouldn't breed.
Why is it that you people cannot sniff out bullshit journalism when you see it?

Is it bullshit??? Did this incident at Brown happen or not?

You know you were one of those little junior dick suckers in college too. It's why you turned out to be such a fucked up adult and terrible parent.
It's bulshit journalism. Unnamed sources.....clearly biased. The website exists to malign liberal college students.

Try harder.
LoneLaugher calls it fake and no sources.

But the Brown U news reports it.

Justin Gaines, Brown Class of '16 is one source. But DO NOT refer to him as "he". Gaines prefers the pronouns xe, xm, xyr and he speaks using them. (See my last link).

You can't make this shit up. God damn these are gonna be such wonderful employable people one day!!!!
"Hello, boss? Yeah, I can't come in to work this week, I'm really shagged out from protesting all weekend"
LoneLaugher you should barbecue that crow it'll taste less like shit.
HR: "Ok...I see your degree from Wisconsin is in African American studies. Your resume includes being at the Ferguson protests, being at the Madison union rights rally, and being guardian of the Wisconsin LGBT and Black Queer Liberation Groups safe space. Were you aware that the position you applied for is Director of Global Communications for our engineering firm?.........You are?.......Oh....we OWE you this position? Hmmmm. Interesting point of view."
These students need to realize what they attend school for. Hint, it's not to be social justice assholes

Never heard of someone who fights for social justice referred to as assholes but hey.

This is a result of all those white kids being fed pills their whole life
Brown students complain homework is interfering with their activism

You liberals have really just lost your minds and become completely mentally ill whackos. Now....yet another campus full of weak minded libs are making demands of their university....this time demanding they be excused from homework because it interfered with their social activism.

They say they've done so much protesting the last few months that they are on anxiety and depression pills, some have stopped eating, many have had to see counselors because of the mental trauma of protesting.

They also have demanded "open dialogue" (free speech) but shut down on campus.

My liberals are gonna make SUCH GREAT employees. No wonder corporate America has to import so much labor....half the pool is filled with you worthless liberals.
Who said they were liberals? Oh yes, they are getting educated, do they must be liberals.

Read about what they're protesting. The original cause. They're fucking worthless liberals and you know it.

And these days....I'd be cautious calling a degree from most colleges an "education". An indoctrination maybe.

Citadel. VMI. Army. Navy. That's an education.

At Brown University I wouldn't look far past the football team. Those players are getting a true useful education via the grueling demands of college football and the hard life lessons they'll get from it.
Opinions, come back when you have some facts.

Oh liberals are everywhere dont you know...Buxs see's them in every corner of his poor life
LoneLaugher you should barbecue that crow it'll taste less like shit.

No. I read the original piece and where it was from. It is a student newspaper without an agenda. You cited the conservative asshole' take on the original piece....with an obvious agenda.

Do you see the difference?

I ask again. How many students are we talking about here?
LoneLaugher you should barbecue that crow it'll taste less like shit.

No. I read the original piece and where it was from. It is a student newspaper without an agenda. You cited the conservative asshole' take on the original piece....with an obvious agenda.

Do you see the difference?

I ask again. How many students are we talking about here?

Funny.....the one without an agenda sounds even worse!! Referring to males as xe or xyrm or whatever you freaks use as pronouns these days. The one without an agenda is actually funnier because they're trying to report it without humor or ridicule and actually validating this absurd behavior with respectable journalism....somehow makes it sound even worse!

How many students? I assume all the liberals.

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