Brownback Makes It Okay to Discriminate Against LGBT in Kansas

Gov. Brownback rescinded an executive order by former Gov. Kathleen Sibelius that made it illegal to discriminate against state employees who are LGBT.

Kansas governor rescinds protections for gay state workers - Yahoo News

What is it with bigots and their desire to discriminate against gay people? It's as if they always have to have someone to shit on. If it isn't black thugs and welfare queens, it's diseased children from South of the border, immoral atheists, or violent evil Muslims forcing us to live under Sharia law. Anybody different than they are deserving of discrimination, oppression, persecution, and/or death.

But gays, now that's where they can get away with it. Cause it's a "lifestyle" choice, right? Isn't religion a lifestyle choice?

Don't worry, bigots, your days as oppressors are numbered.
From what I saw in the article Brownback removed "Protected Class" status that nobody else had. Being a member of a protected class means you receive special rights, privileges, and protections no other class can get.

I'm sure a bigot like you will say if we don't treat gays differently from straights we're all evil homophobes.

Brownback said he was rescinding a 2007 order signed by former Governor Kathleen Sebelius that established a "protected class of rights" for state employees specifically for sexual orientation and gender identity.

In its place, Brownback said he was issuing an executive order that would boost state employment-related aid for veterans and disabled people, while reaffirming the state's "commitment" to employment practices that do not discriminate based on "race, color, gender, religion, national origin, ancestry or age."

Kansas governor rescinds protections for gay state workers - Yahoo News

What special rights? Not to be discriminated against by the government?

Notice how "sexual orientation" was not included in his statement?

Exactly how is the government discriminating?

If a person is fired from their state job because he or she is gay, then the government is discriminating against that person.

Seems pretty obvious.


Do you have proof this has or is happening?

Maybe the queer got fired and it had nothing to do with his being a faggot. Most companies won't hire gays or blacks in the first place because you can't fire them without being accused of being a racist or a homophobe and being sued for wrongful termination. I personally would never hire one.
Gov. Brownback rescinded an executive order by former Gov. Kathleen Sibelius that made it illegal to discriminate against state employees who are LGBT.

Kansas governor rescinds protections for gay state workers - Yahoo News

What is it with bigots and their desire to discriminate against gay people? It's as if they always have to have someone to shit on. If it isn't black thugs and welfare queens, it's diseased children from South of the border, immoral atheists, or violent evil Muslims forcing us to live under Sharia law. Anybody different than they are deserving of discrimination, oppression, persecution, and/or death.

But gays, now that's where they can get away with it. Cause it's a "lifestyle" choice, right? Isn't religion a lifestyle choice?

Don't worry, bigots, your days as oppressors are numbered.

No one cares if you're gay.

I'm not gay. Just a correction for your misunderstanding.

But I am anti-bigot. I'm a bigot to bigots. Get ready for gay marriage nation-wide, bigots. Even Scalia thinks it's coming. Your kind will be left as a footnote in history, like those against interracial marriage, civil rights, and slavery.

You sure sound gay.
You have gaydar?

I have no idea what gaydar is. I do believe that when people defend a lifestyle, their defending it because they are living it.

So, if the government were to put conservatives in FEMA camps, and I were to defend conservatives against such a wrong, would that make me a conservative?

Your simplistic way of thinking illustrates one of the things conservatives tend to do poorly: thinking.
[QUOTE="Lonestar_logic, post: 10733156, member: 19381"]I do believe that when people defend a lifestyle, their defending it because they are living it.[/QUOTE]

Yea, but you have shown yourself to believe a lot of strange things. Just add this latest to the list.
Gov. Brownback rescinded an executive order by former Gov. Kathleen Sibelius that made it illegal to discriminate against state employees who are LGBT.

Kansas governor rescinds protections for gay state workers - Yahoo News

What is it with bigots and their desire to discriminate against gay people? It's as if they always have to have someone to shit on. If it isn't black thugs and welfare queens, it's diseased children from South of the border, immoral atheists, or violent evil Muslims forcing us to live under Sharia law. Anybody different than they are deserving of discrimination, oppression, persecution, and/or death.

But gays, now that's where they can get away with it. Cause it's a "lifestyle" choice, right? Isn't religion a lifestyle choice?

Don't worry, bigots, your days as oppressors are numbered.

And yet your bigotry against religious people is A-OK?


To be fair, considering this is government we are talking about, his rescinding of the order is both unfair and kind of mean-spirited, as well as just plain dumb. However when your side goes around forcing bakers and photographers to work at gay weddings or face government sanction, don't be surprised when you get blow back like this.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Have you noticed how many amendments to our Constitution were needed to fight back against people like Brownback (funny how his name is mindful of Brownshirt).

Tweeeet!!!! Illogical Nazi reference, on the Defense, 10 yard penalty, automatic first down.
Gov. Brownback rescinded an executive order by former Gov. Kathleen Sibelius that made it illegal to discriminate against state employees who are LGBT.

Kansas governor rescinds protections for gay state workers - Yahoo News

What is it with bigots and their desire to discriminate against gay people? It's as if they always have to have someone to shit on. If it isn't black thugs and welfare queens, it's diseased children from South of the border, immoral atheists, or violent evil Muslims forcing us to live under Sharia law. Anybody different than they are deserving of discrimination, oppression, persecution, and/or death.

But gays, now that's where they can get away with it. Cause it's a "lifestyle" choice, right? Isn't religion a lifestyle choice?

Don't worry, bigots, your days as oppressors are numbered.

No one cares if you're gay.

I'm not gay. Just a correction for your misunderstanding.

But I am anti-bigot. I'm a bigot to bigots. Get ready for gay marriage nation-wide, bigots. Even Scalia thinks it's coming. Your kind will be left as a footnote in history, like those against interracial marriage, civil rights, and slavery.

That still makes you a bigot, bigot.

Do you tolerate pedophiles? How about people on welfare, do you tolerate them? How about government employees, liberals, progressives, Democrats, gays, lesbians?

Pedophilia is an actual crime. Are you comparing homosexuals to pedophiles, or religious people to pedophiles? Either way makes you an asshat.
Gov. Brownback rescinded an executive order by former Gov. Kathleen Sibelius that made it illegal to discriminate against state employees who are LGBT.

Kansas governor rescinds protections for gay state workers - Yahoo News

What is it with bigots and their desire to discriminate against gay people? It's as if they always have to have someone to shit on. If it isn't black thugs and welfare queens, it's diseased children from South of the border, immoral atheists, or violent evil Muslims forcing us to live under Sharia law. Anybody different than they are deserving of discrimination, oppression, persecution, and/or death.

But gays, now that's where they can get away with it. Cause it's a "lifestyle" choice, right? Isn't religion a lifestyle choice?

Don't worry, bigots, your days as oppressors are numbered.

No one cares if you're gay.

I'm not gay. Just a correction for your misunderstanding.

But I am anti-bigot. I'm a bigot to bigots. Get ready for gay marriage nation-wide, bigots. Even Scalia thinks it's coming. Your kind will be left as a footnote in history, like those against interracial marriage, civil rights, and slavery.

That still makes you a bigot, bigot.

Do you tolerate pedophiles? How about people on welfare, do you tolerate them? How about government employees, liberals, progressives, Democrats, gays, lesbians?

Pedophilia is an actual crime. Are you comparing homosexuals to pedophiles, or religious people to pedophiles? Either way makes you an asshat.
Only if they are Catholic priests or Protestant ministers......
Gov. Brownback rescinded an executive order by former Gov. Kathleen Sibelius that made it illegal to discriminate against state employees who are LGBT.

Kansas governor rescinds protections for gay state workers - Yahoo News

What is it with bigots and their desire to discriminate against gay people? It's as if they always have to have someone to shit on. If it isn't black thugs and welfare queens, it's diseased children from South of the border, immoral atheists, or violent evil Muslims forcing us to live under Sharia law. Anybody different than they are deserving of discrimination, oppression, persecution, and/or death.

But gays, now that's where they can get away with it. Cause it's a "lifestyle" choice, right? Isn't religion a lifestyle choice?

Don't worry, bigots, your days as oppressors are numbered.

No one cares if you're gay.

I'm not gay. Just a correction for your misunderstanding.

But I am anti-bigot. I'm a bigot to bigots. Get ready for gay marriage nation-wide, bigots. Even Scalia thinks it's coming. Your kind will be left as a footnote in history, like those against interracial marriage, civil rights, and slavery.

You sure sound gay.
You have gaydar?

I have no idea what gaydar is. I do believe that when people defend a lifestyle, their defending it because they are living it.
Well, of course you do. You have a very strong sense of gaydar as indicated by your posts in this thread. Acknowledgment of such is the first step towards self-acceptance. Congratulations.
Like ANY employer is going to put down the reason they were fired, is because they are homosexual.

SERIOUSLY get real. this all smoke up our asses and show favoritism towards one group of people in the country. this isn't helping your cause of wanting to be accepted
No one cares if you're gay.

I'm not gay. Just a correction for your misunderstanding.

But I am anti-bigot. I'm a bigot to bigots. Get ready for gay marriage nation-wide, bigots. Even Scalia thinks it's coming. Your kind will be left as a footnote in history, like those against interracial marriage, civil rights, and slavery.

That still makes you a bigot, bigot.

Not tolerating intolerance isn't bigotry. It's morality.

As long as its not government doing the intolerance, tolerating it is called freedom, and the price we pay for a free society.

You really think it is moral to force a private person to accept or even condone a behavior they find sinful?

No one has to personally accept homosexuality or gay marriage or condone it. You can still be a racist in this country. You just can't do it through the government or as a business.

I agree on government not being able to do it. However when you say a business cannot do it, and more importantly, when GOVERNMENT says a business cannot do it, you are actually saying PEOPLE cannot do it. It is an end run via government proxy, and nothing more. It is government punishing people for having an opinion and acting on said opinion.
No one cares if you're gay.

I'm not gay. Just a correction for your misunderstanding.

But I am anti-bigot. I'm a bigot to bigots. Get ready for gay marriage nation-wide, bigots. Even Scalia thinks it's coming. Your kind will be left as a footnote in history, like those against interracial marriage, civil rights, and slavery.

That still makes you a bigot, bigot.

Do you tolerate pedophiles? How about people on welfare, do you tolerate them? How about government employees, liberals, progressives, Democrats, gays, lesbians?

Pedophilia is an actual crime. Are you comparing homosexuals to pedophiles, or religious people to pedophiles? Either way makes you an asshat.
Only if they are Catholic priests or Protestant ministers......

Or public school teachers. Or Harry Hay. In fairness he supported pederasty though.
Good! queers keep assaulting Americans with their bullshit so its bout time someone pushed back.
It wasn't a law or a referendum. It was an executive order issued by a liberal governor giving "special" protection (and bathroom privileges?) to a certain segment of society above and beyond the protection afforded to ordinary state employees. Is that fair? Thanks to Brownback (real) women don't have to be afraid to go to the bathroom risk PTSD by confronting a hairy man in a dress displaying his (temporary?) manhood.
Most companies won't hire gays or blacks in the first place

You really think that YOU speak for MOST companies? LMAO. Sure you do dude.

But I could imagine you in the interview for a new employee.

You to the prospective new hire; hey Mr. Soandso, would you mind dropping trou so I can inspect your asshole.

Prospective new hire to you; say do what?

You; I need to check your asshole to see if you are gay.

Prospective new hire; but I am not gay, I am black.

You; same difference.

I personally would never hire one.

The lawsuit would be so cool. And expensive.

If I understand what you are saying, IF you had an open critical position in your company and the most qualified person you had ever spoke with interviewed for the position, seemed to be the perfect fit but happened to mention they had a "domestic partner" and your figured they were gay, would your stupidity and hatred for gays keep you from hiring a extremely well qualified person for a critical position in your company? Just curious.
Gov. Brownback rescinded an executive order by former Gov. Kathleen Sibelius that made it illegal to discriminate against state employees who are LGBT.

Kansas governor rescinds protections for gay state workers - Yahoo News

What is it with bigots and their desire to discriminate against gay people? It's as if they always have to have someone to shit on. If it isn't black thugs and welfare queens, it's diseased children from South of the border, immoral atheists, or violent evil Muslims forcing us to live under Sharia law. Anybody different than they are deserving of discrimination, oppression, persecution, and/or death.

But gays, now that's where they can get away with it. Cause it's a "lifestyle" choice, right? Isn't religion a lifestyle choice?

Don't worry, bigots, your days as oppressors are numbered.

No one cares if you're gay.

I'm not gay. Just a correction for your misunderstanding.

But I am anti-bigot. I'm a bigot to bigots. Get ready for gay marriage nation-wide, bigots. Even Scalia thinks it's coming. Your kind will be left as a footnote in history, like those against interracial marriage, civil rights, and slavery.

That still makes you a bigot, bigot.

Do you tolerate pedophiles? How about people on welfare, do you tolerate them? How about government employees, liberals, progressives, Democrats, gays, lesbians?

Pedophilia is an actual crime. Are you comparing homosexuals to pedophiles, or religious people to pedophiles? Either way makes you an asshat.

Either example makes you an idiot. I did not make such comparisons, and only an asshole would argue that I did. What I pointed out, clearly and concisely is people who don't tolerate pedophiles, people on welfare, government employees, libeals, progressives, Democrats, gays, lesbians are bigots too.

"That makes you a bigot, does it not? I sure as hell can't stand callous conservatives, and yes, I have admitted that is a form of bigotry. Bigotry not based on race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation or age, but limited to the fact that inherent in their posts are hate, fear, greed and a total lack of empathy.
No one cares if you're gay.

I'm not gay. Just a correction for your misunderstanding.

But I am anti-bigot. I'm a bigot to bigots. Get ready for gay marriage nation-wide, bigots. Even Scalia thinks it's coming. Your kind will be left as a footnote in history, like those against interracial marriage, civil rights, and slavery.

That still makes you a bigot, bigot.

Do you tolerate pedophiles? How about people on welfare, do you tolerate them? How about government employees, liberals, progressives, Democrats, gays, lesbians?

Pedophilia is an actual crime. Are you comparing homosexuals to pedophiles, or religious people to pedophiles? Either way makes you an asshat.

Either example makes you an idiot. I did not make such comparisons, and only an asshole would argue that I did. What I pointed out, clearly and concisely is people who don't tolerate pedophiles, people on welfare, government employees, libeals, progressives, Democrats, gays, lesbians are bigots too.

"That makes you a bigot, does it not? I sure as hell can't stand callous conservatives, and yes, I have admitted that is a form of bigotry. Bigotry not based on race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation or age, but limited to the fact that inherent in their posts are hate, fear, greed and a total lack of empathy.

You made the comparison, and are now trying to scurry away from it.

Brave Sir WryCatcher ran away.
Bravely ran away away.
("I didn't!")
When danger reared it's ugly head,
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes, brave Sir WryCatcher turned about
("I didn't!")
And gallantly he chickened out.

****Bravely**** taking ("I never did!") to his feet,
He beat a very brave retreat.
("all lies!")

Read more: Monty Python - Brave Sir Robin Ran Away Lyrics | MetroLyrics
No one cares if you're gay.

I'm not gay. Just a correction for your misunderstanding.

But I am anti-bigot. I'm a bigot to bigots. Get ready for gay marriage nation-wide, bigots. Even Scalia thinks it's coming. Your kind will be left as a footnote in history, like those against interracial marriage, civil rights, and slavery.

You sure sound gay.
You have gaydar?

I have no idea what gaydar is. I do believe that when people defend a lifestyle, their defending it because they are living it.

So, if the government were to put conservatives in FEMA camps, and I were to defend conservatives against such a wrong, would that make me a conservative?

Your simplistic way of thinking illustrates one of the things conservatives tend to do poorly: thinking.

Try being a little more realistic.
No one cares if you're gay.

I'm not gay. Just a correction for your misunderstanding.

But I am anti-bigot. I'm a bigot to bigots. Get ready for gay marriage nation-wide, bigots. Even Scalia thinks it's coming. Your kind will be left as a footnote in history, like those against interracial marriage, civil rights, and slavery.

You sure sound gay.
You have gaydar?

I have no idea what gaydar is. I do believe that when people defend a lifestyle, their defending it because they are living it.
Well, of course you do. You have a very strong sense of gaydar as indicated by your posts in this thread. Acknowledgment of such is the first step towards self-acceptance. Congratulations.

I have no idea what you're rambling about. The dude is gay and he's defending gays. What's so odd about that?

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