What Percentage of the Population is Acceptable to Discriminate Against?

We know too much about psychology for this kind of thing to be taking up so much attention and energy.
Like all sciences, after being taken over by the left, psychology isnt a "science" we should blindly accept. I dont. These folks are mentally I'll and need to be treated as such
It's not a percentage thing.

A dude in a dress should NOT be allowed in the little girls bathroom...period...end of sentence!

I don't care if perverts are the 99%...they still shouldn't be allowed in there!
plain and simple--thank you ..no men in the little girls rooms
A dude in a dress should NOT be allowed in the little girls bathroom...period...end of sentence!
Any lib with a penis, whether he is dressed like a woman or not should not be allowed in the womens restroom
What if they are in charge of cleaning it?

Just like every other place. They set a sign outside saying that the restroom is being cleaned. Problem solved. Next?
We know too much about psychology for this kind of thing to be taking up so much attention and energy.
Like all sciences, after being taken over by the left, psychology isnt a "science" we should blindly accept. I dont. These folks are mentally I'll and need to be treated as such
Glad for you that 's off your chest. What it has to do with the quoted post is unclear.
When 0.6% of the population is wagging anything, someone somewhere has a lack of understanding.
People who have this "gender" fixation need compassion, not submission.
I don't understand what all the hoopla is about, all humans have the same body parts associated with either sex. We all function in the same manner as far as waste disposal. We have all seen nude people of the opposite sex. Why do we still continue to act like it is something we should be ashamed of and hide it?

Has to be one of the most desperate, ignorant statements ever made on this message board. You must be proud!
Spending hundreds of billions of tax dollars on defense of a nation that can't afford healthcare as good as that of France.
I looked up the percentage of the population that is Transgender
and found this:

A different survey in 2016, from the Williams Institute, estimated that 0.6% of U.S. adults identify as transgender. Studies from several nations, including the U.S., conducted at varying time periods, have produced a statistical range of 1.2 to 6.8 percent of the adult population identifying as LGBT.
LGBT demographics of the United States - Wikipedia


Now lets' compare with the results of just one sample primary,
from the Democratic Party primary in NY. See below.
Of the candidates that aren't "oriented" toward Biden,
I'm counting 7 candidates where over .6% of those voting "identify" with them.

If it isn't acceptable to exclude and discriminate against Transgender people
making up only .6% of the population, why is it okay to discriminate against
people identifying with these other candidates? By imposing the MAJORITY
of 67% as representing all the other groups, ranging from 19% on down.

My point is not to discredit the Transgender people, who have the right
to defend their freedom of choice, identity and affiliation, beliefs and expressions
as much as anyone else, regardless what % they make of the population.

My point is why aren't we arguing for ALL people of ALL beliefs and creeds
to demand the same protections against discrimination that LGBT are establishing as policy?

View attachment 355244
Actually ,these Trannys are just sick perverts. It is just like saying "I am a Werewolf". Being gay just happens. But a MAN claiming to be a Woman needs SERIOUS Psyhciatric help and some hormone therapy.
I recall a case not long ago in which a high school caved in to "one" student that insisted that he was in "transition" and had to be in the girls bathroom. The only discernible thing he did was grow his hair long. In the short interview with him, he maintained a smug smile on his face. The girls on the other hand objected to the school's decision.
I think in a case like that, the student should be brought before the principle and sign a document that requires him to not be in any state of undress in the open area of the bathroom and only be in any state of undress in a closed stall and that if any female student reports that he displayed his penis to them, he be arrested for sexual lewdness and be registered as a sex offender.
Forcibly cut their dick off.
Here's the thing though. Know who the target really is? Yep. White Conservative Christians, especially males who will be discriminated against with impunity. And Evangelical churches who DARE to preach the Word of God will also be targeted.
Spending hundreds of billions of tax dollars on defense of a nation that can't afford healthcare as good as that of France.

As you know, and know well, the United States has the best healthcare in the world. Why are you bringing that into a discussion about discrimination?
As some know, there are countries where the health care available is at least as good as the U.S. As some know, health care is not properly available in the U.S., whereas it is so in countries like France. As some know, this is done in France at nearly half the cost per person as is presently the case in the U.S.
As is clear, pharmaceuticals and other lobbyists are whom the Congress represents. This is "discrimination" against the general population, and the general welfare.
It's not a percentage thing.

A dude in a dress should NOT be allowed in the little girls bathroom...period...end of sentence!

I don't care if perverts are the 99%...they still shouldn't be allowed in there!
I don't get it. No one beats on fags anymore. They are scared of getting something that will kill them. Now days to show you hate fags you need a 10 foot pole.

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