Browncoats vs. Brownshirts at UW-Stout


<--- Pic is not me
Jan 23, 2010
FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education)
UW-Stout Chancellor Doubles Down on Censorship of 'Firefly' and Anti-Fascism Posters - FIRE

A professor has been censored twice, reported to the “threat assessment team,” and threatened with criminal charges because of satirical postings on his office door.

Campus police at the University of Wisconsin–Stout (UWS) censored theater professor James Miller’s poster depicting a quotation from actor Nathan Fillion’s character in the television series Firefly, and the police chief threatened Miller with criminal charges for disorderly conduct. After UWS censored his second poster, which stated, “Warning: Fascism,” Miller came to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) for help.

“Colleges and universities are supposed to foster brave and bold environments of freewheeling intellectual inquiry and expression. If a quote from a network science fiction show is a bridge too far, something has gone seriously wrong,” FIRE President Greg Lukianoff said. “As both president of FIRE and a huge Firefly fan, I call on the chancellor of UW–Stout to rein in his overreaching administration and to restore both free speech and basic common sense.”

On September 12, 2011, Professor Miller posted on his office door an image of Nathan Fillion in Firefly and a line from an episode: “You don’t know me, son, so let me explain this to you once: If I ever kill you, you’ll be awake. You’ll be facing me. And you’ll be armed.” On September 16, UWS Chief of Police Lisa A. Walter emailed Miller, notifying him that she had removed the poster and that “it is unacceptable to have postings such as this that refer to killing.”

Well, okay, that is kind of a weird thing to put up on your office door. And it’s probably not the best line of dialogue in that particular episode, let alone the series. But is it really worth bringing criminal charges against the guy? Over a Nathan Fillion poster? Sure, he’s dangerously handsome, but just looking at him has never killed anybody. Presumably.

Firefly was all about pursuing liberty and refusing to bend to overweening authority. No wonder the Wisconsin university system doesn’t like it.

Read more: When Firefly posters are outlawed, only outlaws will have Firefly posters | The Daily Caller

Follow up:

Browncoats vs. Brownshirts at UW-Stout | The Daily Caller

The offending posters...

Nathan Fillion Picture Posted by University of Wisconsin-Stout Professor James Miller - FIRE
Fascism Picture Posted by University of Wisconsin-Stout Professor James Miller - FIRE

Another day, another crazy power hungry Libtard goes apeshit over a completely benign aspect of daily life. Well Hell. If Liberals didn't have daily hysterical overreactions to trivial BS would they be any fun at all?
To long? Didn't read? :lol:

Browncoats 1, Brownshirts 0 fwiw...

University of Wisconsin retreats from censorship « Hot Air

Under pressure from the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), national media, and actors Nathan Fillion and Adam Baldwin, the University of Wisconsin-Stout (Stout) has reversed its censorship of theater professor James Miller’s poster featuring a line from Fillion’s character in Joss Whedon’s television series Firefly. Campus police had threatened Miller with criminal disorderly conduct charges, and he was reported to the “threat assessment team.” After Stout censored his second poster, which stated, “Warning: Fascism,” Miller came to FIRE for help.

“FIRE is pleased that UW-Stout has decided to abandon its previous position and reopen the door to free speech and common sense on its campus,” FIRE President Greg Lukianoff said. “This victory would not have been possible without the outpouring of support from people across the country on news sites, blogs, and social media. FIRE would especially like to thank Nathan Fillion, Adam Baldwin, Neil Gaiman, and my fellow Firefly fans.”

See Hot Air link for quotes from Nathan Fillion and Adam Baldwin.

Also, USMB needs more Firefly fans. Seriously.

[ame=]Firefly - Serenity - "Kill me in my sleep?" - YouTube[/ame]

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