Bruce Willis asked to leave Los Angeles pharmacy for refusing to wear a mask...Die Hard: With A Ventilator

please leave the premises...YOU'RE OUT!
I would hate to see him get sick Hopefully he grows a brain. I had a short conversation with him at a spice Girls concert I took my daughters to years ago. I thought he was a fairly pleasant guy. Seemed down to earth. Strange days we live in today.
Down here in Florida, it is optional to wear a mask, because we believe that people should be responsible for their actions, instead of having a tyrannical government forcing us to do things without science behind it. So far, i still cant catch that elusive Chinese virus, as my immune system must be 1000x more powerful than the Kung Flu.

please leave the premises...YOU'RE OUT!
I would hate to see him get sick Hopefully he grows a brain. I had a short conversation with him at a spice Girls concert I took my daughters to years ago. I thought he was a fairly pleasant guy. Seemed down to earth. Strange days we live in today.
Down here in Florida, it is optional to wear a mask, because we believe that people should be responsible for their actions, instead of having a tyrannical government forcing us to do things without science behind it. So far, i still cant catch that elusive Chinese virus, as my immune system must be 1000x more powerful than the Kung Flu.
Yep, till it isn't. Smokers think cancer is what happens to other people too.
Since this man wasn't stopped, and wasn't id'ed, how can you be sure he was the celebrity he was identified as ?

Is Willis known for hanging around in drug stores, and pray tell for what reason? The real Bruce Willis is uber wealthy and can send any number of flunkies to pick up a scrip or a pack of pell mells.

please leave the premises...YOU'RE OUT!
I would hate to see him get sick Hopefully he grows a brain. I had a short conversation with him at a spice Girls concert I took my daughters to years ago. I thought he was a fairly pleasant guy. Seemed down to earth. Strange days we live in today.
Down here in Florida, it is optional to wear a mask, because we believe that people should be responsible for their actions, instead of having a tyrannical government forcing us to do things without science behind it. So far, i still cant catch that elusive Chinese virus, as my immune system must be 1000x more powerful than the Kung Flu.
Yep, till it isn't. Smokers think cancer is what happens to other people too.
Yet, they should have a choice to smoke, right?

please leave the premises...YOU'RE OUT!
I would hate to see him get sick Hopefully he grows a brain. I had a short conversation with him at a spice Girls concert I took my daughters to years ago. I thought he was a fairly pleasant guy. Seemed down to earth. Strange days we live in today.
Down here in Florida, it is optional to wear a mask, because we believe that people should be responsible for their actions, instead of having a tyrannical government forcing us to do things without science behind it. So far, i still cant catch that elusive Chinese virus, as my immune system must be 1000x more powerful than the Kung Flu.

It went through my brothers family in Miami. Started with the 4 year old girl and 7 year old boy. They had the sniffles for like 2 days. My brother and his wife were sick for 3-4 days. Light fever, fatigue. They are all fine now.

Its an utter disgrace we shit down the planet for the flu.
Hans Gruber works at a drug store now? I though he died?

Some people just prefer to LIVE FREE or die. Gee, now I hope someone doesn't come back to this pharmacy with a gun all pissed off at the institutionalized fascism going around and go all "Capitol" on them!

When you treat people like shit and try to enslave their minds and bodies, don't blame them when they go postal back on you.

please leave the premises...YOU'RE OUT!
I would hate to see him get sick Hopefully he grows a brain. I had a short conversation with him at a spice Girls concert I took my daughters to years ago. I thought he was a fairly pleasant guy. Seemed down to earth. Strange days we live in today.
Down here in Florida, it is optional to wear a mask, because we believe that people should be responsible for their actions, instead of having a tyrannical government forcing us to do things without science behind it. So far, i still cant catch that elusive Chinese virus, as my immune system must be 1000x more powerful than the Kung Flu.
Yep, till it isn't. Smokers think cancer is what happens to other people too.
Yet, they should have a choice to smoke, right?
Sure but their rights stop at my personal space. If their smoke does not end up in my lungs they do what they want. Light up in my house you ain't gotta worry about cancer I just became a much larger threat to your health.

please leave the premises...YOU'RE OUT!
I would hate to see him get sick Hopefully he grows a brain. I had a short conversation with him at a spice Girls concert I took my daughters to years ago. I thought he was a fairly pleasant guy. Seemed down to earth. Strange days we live in today.
Down here in Florida, it is optional to wear a mask, because we believe that people should be responsible for their actions, instead of having a tyrannical government forcing us to do things without science behind it. So far, i still cant catch that elusive Chinese virus, as my immune system must be 1000x more powerful than the Kung Flu.

It went through my brothers family in Miami. Started with the 4 year old girl and 7 year old boy. They had the sniffles for like 2 days. My brother and his wife were sick for 3-4 days. Light fever, fatigue. They are all fine now.

Its an utter disgrace we shit down the planet for the flu.
I am healthy not a great deal of threat to me. However I interact with alot of senior citizens it is a risk to them. I get it you don't give a shit about any one but yourself. I am not fond of the mask either but if you can not put up with slight discomfort for a few minutes while in a store to protect the ones that are susceptible your just a selfish little dick.

please leave the premises...YOU'RE OUT!
I would hate to see him get sick Hopefully he grows a brain. I had a short conversation with him at a spice Girls concert I took my daughters to years ago. I thought he was a fairly pleasant guy. Seemed down to earth. Strange days we live in today.
Down here in Florida, it is optional to wear a mask, because we believe that people should be responsible for their actions, instead of having a tyrannical government forcing us to do things without science behind it. So far, i still cant catch that elusive Chinese virus, as my immune system must be 1000x more powerful than the Kung Flu.

It went through my brothers family in Miami. Started with the 4 year old girl and 7 year old boy. They had the sniffles for like 2 days. My brother and his wife were sick for 3-4 days. Light fever, fatigue. They are all fine now.

Its an utter disgrace we shit down the planet for the flu.
I am healthy not a great deal of threat to me. However I interact with alot of senior citizens it is a risk to them. I get it you don't give a shit about any one but yourself. I am not fond of the mask either but if you can not put up with slight discomfort for a few minutes while in a store to protect the ones that are susceptible your just a selfish little dick.

Fauci said they dont work. Put him on blast. Pearl Jam sucks.

please leave the premises...YOU'RE OUT!
I would hate to see him get sick Hopefully he grows a brain. I had a short conversation with him at a spice Girls concert I took my daughters to years ago. I thought he was a fairly pleasant guy. Seemed down to earth. Strange days we live in today.
Down here in Florida, it is optional to wear a mask, because we believe that people should be responsible for their actions, instead of having a tyrannical government forcing us to do things without science behind it. So far, i still cant catch that elusive Chinese virus, as my immune system must be 1000x more powerful than the Kung Flu.
Yep, till it isn't. Smokers think cancer is what happens to other people too.
No, they make their own choice to smoke without anyone telling them whether or not they should. You know, America.

please leave the premises...YOU'RE OUT!
I would hate to see him get sick Hopefully he grows a brain. I had a short conversation with him at a spice Girls concert I took my daughters to years ago. I thought he was a fairly pleasant guy. Seemed down to earth. Strange days we live in today.
Down here in Florida, it is optional to wear a mask, because we believe that people should be responsible for their actions, instead of having a tyrannical government forcing us to do things without science behind it. So far, i still cant catch that elusive Chinese virus, as my immune system must be 1000x more powerful than the Kung Flu.

It went through my brothers family in Miami. Started with the 4 year old girl and 7 year old boy. They had the sniffles for like 2 days. My brother and his wife were sick for 3-4 days. Light fever, fatigue. They are all fine now.

Its an utter disgrace we shit down the planet for the flu.
I am healthy not a great deal of threat to me. However I interact with alot of senior citizens it is a risk to them. I get it you don't give a shit about any one but yourself. I am not fond of the mask either but if you can not put up with slight discomfort for a few minutes while in a store to protect the ones that are susceptible your just a selfish little dick.
If only wearing a mask actually made any difference......

please leave the premises...YOU'RE OUT!
I would hate to see him get sick Hopefully he grows a brain. I had a short conversation with him at a spice Girls concert I took my daughters to years ago. I thought he was a fairly pleasant guy. Seemed down to earth. Strange days we live in today.
Down here in Florida, it is optional to wear a mask, because we believe that people should be responsible for their actions, instead of having a tyrannical government forcing us to do things without science behind it. So far, i still cant catch that elusive Chinese virus, as my immune system must be 1000x more powerful than the Kung Flu.

It went through my brothers family in Miami. Started with the 4 year old girl and 7 year old boy. They had the sniffles for like 2 days. My brother and his wife were sick for 3-4 days. Light fever, fatigue. They are all fine now.

Its an utter disgrace we shit down the planet for the flu.
I am healthy not a great deal of threat to me. However I interact with alot of senior citizens it is a risk to them. I get it you don't give a shit about any one but yourself. I am not fond of the mask either but if you can not put up with slight discomfort for a few minutes while in a store to protect the ones that are susceptible your just a selfish little dick.

Fauci said they dont work. Put him on blast. Pearl Jam sucks.
Link please. Sorry not everyone wants to listen to the spice Girls or rap. Dont worry hang out with me I won't make you listen to them. Its called manners. Try them some time.

please leave the premises...YOU'RE OUT!
I would hate to see him get sick Hopefully he grows a brain. I had a short conversation with him at a spice Girls concert I took my daughters to years ago. I thought he was a fairly pleasant guy. Seemed down to earth. Strange days we live in today.
Down here in Florida, it is optional to wear a mask, because we believe that people should be responsible for their actions, instead of having a tyrannical government forcing us to do things without science behind it. So far, i still cant catch that elusive Chinese virus, as my immune system must be 1000x more powerful than the Kung Flu.
Yep, till it isn't. Smokers think cancer is what happens to other people too.
Yet, they should have a choice to smoke, right?
Sure but their rights stop at my personal space. If their smoke does not end up in my lungs they do what they want. Light up in my house you ain't gotta worry about cancer I just became a much larger threat to your health.
What if they occupy a space where they are smoking before you arrive??

please leave the premises...YOU'RE OUT!
I would hate to see him get sick Hopefully he grows a brain. I had a short conversation with him at a spice Girls concert I took my daughters to years ago. I thought he was a fairly pleasant guy. Seemed down to earth. Strange days we live in today.
Down here in Florida, it is optional to wear a mask, because we believe that people should be responsible for their actions, instead of having a tyrannical government forcing us to do things without science behind it. So far, i still cant catch that elusive Chinese virus, as my immune system must be 1000x more powerful than the Kung Flu.

It went through my brothers family in Miami. Started with the 4 year old girl and 7 year old boy. They had the sniffles for like 2 days. My brother and his wife were sick for 3-4 days. Light fever, fatigue. They are all fine now.

Its an utter disgrace we shit down the planet for the flu.
I am healthy not a great deal of threat to me. However I interact with alot of senior citizens it is a risk to them. I get it you don't give a shit about any one but yourself. I am not fond of the mask either but if you can not put up with slight discomfort for a few minutes while in a store to protect the ones that are susceptible your just a selfish little dick.
If only wearing a mask actually made any difference......

Fauci is the expert. Here he is saying that masks dont work


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