Bud Light boycott by the numbers (new poll)

Communists and Marxists both believe in dictatorships And that's a long way from me. You are misinformed as always

Yet everything you want requires a dictatorship to enforce.

1. There is no alternative to NFL. There are literally thousands of beer brands. And no, college football isn't the same thing. People will get used to the new beer and never look back.

2. Grow a spine. Lots of beers besides Shock Top (good beer btw)

3. Fuck those money hungry faggots
1. Grow a spine, stick to principles, don't watch it. the alternative? Watch hockey, soccer, or get off your ass and do something constructive.

2. I like a lot of other beers, I'm a big fan of Guiness. Being disappointed that have to stop drinking Shock Top does not meant I don't have a spine. I'm still not going to drink it. Being spineless would mean I'm drinking it rather than sticking to my principles.

3. THEY are the spineless ones.
1. Grow a spine, stick to principles, don't watch it. the alternative? Watch hockey, soccer, or get off your ass and do something constructive.

2. I like a lot of other beers, I'm a big fan of Guiness. Being disappointed that have to stop drinking Shock Top does not meant I don't have a spine. I'm still not going to drink it. Being spineless would mean I'm drinking it rather than sticking to my principles.

3. THEY are the spineless ones.
I watch and goto my Chiefs games. Always have, likely always will. I'm literally 15 minutes from the stadium and our gamedays are like religion here. They don't get into the woke shit here. One national anthem. Everyone stands. Massive military presence and flyovers from Whiteman AFB.

Fuck blm
I watch and goto my Chiefs games. Always have, likely always will. I'm literally 15 minutes from the stadium and our gamedays are like religion here. They don't get into the woke shit here. One national anthem. Everyone stands. Massive military presence and flyovers from Whiteman AFB.

Fuck blm

You understand though, that you aren't just supporting the Chiefs right?

I hear they are doing well, that would make it hard to boycott. Fortunately for me I was a Dolphin fan so it was easy for me to stop watching. :)

Occasionally I hear about the Dolphins doing well but it's about principles for me and I've been away from the game so long now that I no longer have an interest in returning. I suppose that I could go back if the NFL apologized and returned to un-woke sanity but I don't see that happening. I suspect that the same will happen with AB and after a while, people will go back to drinking it.

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