Bud Light Marketing VP taking “leave of absence”

Yup. Companies LOVE Marketing Di rectors that cause a 30% slump in sales.
LMAO, that 30% number comes from ONE BAR, Case and Bucks in Barnhart MO. The owner was interviewed on FOX news. You numbnuts have taken the anecdotal musing of one bar owner in one small town and turned it into a nationwide FACT. It is sad, honestly. Just damn sad.
LMAO, that 30% number comes from ONE BAR, Case and Bucks in Barnhart MO. The owner was interviewed on FOX news. You numbnuts have taken the anecdotal musing of one bar owner in one small town and turned it into a nationwide FACT. It is sad, honestly. Just damn sad.
Fake news.
You spewed bullshit like all media fed leftist scum.
Project much? I mean you guys are the ones being fed bullshit by the Media. Didn't FOX news just settle a court case for doing just that? And now we have another one of you rightwing nutcases screaming Bud Light sales are down 30%. And here is their website,

First image you see,


You can't make this shit up.
Fake news.
The Fox story made clear that the figures it quoted were specific to Case & Bucks, a restaurant and sports bar in Barnhart, Missouri, whose owner, Jeff Fitter, it had interviewed.

LMAO, that 30% number comes from ONE BAR, Case and Bucks in Barnhart MO. The owner was interviewed on FOX news. You numbnuts have taken the anecdotal musing of one bar owner in one small town and turned it into a nationwide FACT. It is sad, honestly. Just damn sad.
Lisa558 will put her fingers in her ears and stamp and pout and scream "not true" Yes, it is true. One bar, in "Hickville", MO.
Bud Light is going to be just fine. Yeah, alienate a few Homophobes and transphobes. Pick up a new generation.
Young, full of $$, dedicated, committed, the NEW GENERATION. People like Lisa558 and miketx are literally being kicked to the curb.
Literally "America" is being yanked out from under their feet, and there is not a damn thing they can do about it. :smoochEE:
LMAO. I believe I gave a concise, and well articulated argument, as to how this whole claim of a seven billion loss in market cap is complete and total bullshit. No one has even so much as attempted a rebuttal, probably because most of you Trumpnuts don't even know what market cap is.

And I got other news for you. BUD is up, month over month. and year over year. And I would be happy to go over the initial sales numbers coming in, looking at about a 5% drop, which is not surprising considering those numbers are during the week of Easter and afterwards. And that is what is so funny, it's year over year numbers, and Easter was a week later last year. The week following Easter is always soft in sales.
Sounds to me like you are trying to explain Biden's record number of votes, in which IMO was bull shite too... ROTFLMBO 🤣

Is there anything y'all won't spin ?
Lisa558 will put her fingers in her ears and stamp and pout and scream "not true" Yes, it is true. One bar, in "Hickville", MO.
Bud Light is going to be just fine. Yeah, alienate a few Homophobes and transphobes. Pick up a new generation.
Young, full of $$, dedicated, committed, the NEW GENERATION. People like Lisa558 and miketx are literally being kicked to the curb.
Literally "America" is being yanked out from under their feet, and there is not a damn thing they can do about it. :smoochEE:
Yeah there is...... All anyone has to do is sit back and watch leftist world implode. Happens everytime.
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So easily people give in and forget. We have let the gestapo put their boots on our necks metaphorically, and threaten us, cancel us, attempt to transform us, kill us, destroy us, and we just capitulate immediately when the predator's cry out wanting relief from their faked crocodile tears after we catch them on it... 😭..

The pendulum is swinging.

I wonder if they did any marketing / polling to see how people would react before they began this campaign.

You can bet the answer is no.

The leftist vermin are so sure in their stupid arrogance that they crash through every endeavor like the proverbial bull in the china shop. They are suicidal this way, proven by the AB marketing whore. She killed her job for her SJ masturbatory fantasy of utopia. Their blindness will eventually kill them but they won't even know they're dead until three days later.

Project much? I mean you guys are the ones being fed bullshit by the Media. Didn't FOX news just settle a court case for doing just that? And now we have another one of you rightwing nutcases screaming Bud Light sales are down 30%. And here is their website,

First image you see,


You can't make this shit up.
These people are spoon fed misinformation by FOX all day long. They are psychotic. These people do not understand, they are no longer "America".
They are dying off daily and a new generation is stepping up. America is changing. Homophobes and Transphobes you have a choice. Either accept it and live in peace or else.
I see signs of it as well, as I see it with the response A-B has taken. They quickly put together a beautiful commercial with a Clydesdale (or perhaps replayed an older one).
50 year old commercials. Ohh boy. You people don't get it do you. The bus has left the station, and you are not on it. This is 2023, not 1993.
America and the world is in transition.

From Wikipedia:
Cancel culture is a phrase contemporary to the late 2010s and early 2020s used to refer to a culture in which those who are deemed to have acted or spoken in an unacceptable manner are ostracized, boycotted or shunned.

Sounds like Bud Iite, where they called for boycotts.
Soundslike Disney.
Sounds the authors of books from a Black perspective.
Sounds like authors of books featuring lgbtq characters.
Sounds like transgender people.
Sounds like Drag Queens.
LMAO, that 30% number comes from ONE BAR, Case and Bucks in Barnhart MO. The owner was interviewed on FOX news. You numbnuts have taken the anecdotal musing of one bar owner in one small town and turned it into a nationwide FACT. It is sad, honestly. Just damn sad.

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