Budget compromise will cut education and science research, but not defense

Budget compromise will cut education and science research, but not defense - National Political Buzz | Examiner.com

Congressional leaders from the Democratic and Republican parties are still attempting to negotiate a compromise on the federal budget that would avert a government shutdown this Friday. According to various reports, the current compromise cuts about $33 billion from the federal budget, though the Republicans claim that they are demanding even more. The current cuts will come from a large number of federal programs, including the National Institute for Health and Department of Education. However, there is one massive federal program that will actually receive a funding increase. Despite an agreement by the Pentagon to accept defense cuts, Republicans are actually planning on giving $6 billion more the Department of Defense.

In their defense the Republicans are not the only ones proposing an increase in defense spending. Last year the United States spent $508 billion on defense. In their proposed budget, the Obama administration proposed increasing funding by $5 billion to $513 billion. When Republican demanded cuts be made to the federal budget Senate Democrats came forward with a package that included $10 billion in cuts to defense spending. That proposal was “immediately” rejected according to Sam Stein of The Huffington Post. Now Republicans are demanding that $514 billion be spent on defense, a $1 billion raise over the Obama budget proposal, even while the GOP demands more cuts to other programs.

I said it before and I'll say it again. Those who want to have a discussion about the budget but are unwilling to cut the defense budget cannot be taken seriously.

The Defense Budget is the ONLY thing the Government has a mandate to provide for of those three areas.
Neither are the EPA, the USDoE, the FDA, Czars..

Actually, the USAF was a branch of the U.S. Army (U.S. Army Air Force) and an Army is specifically covered under the U.S. Constitution. Basically, all branches of the service are considered covered as the Marines fall under the Navy which is also, specifically covered in Article 1 Sec 8 as well.

Nope, I've heard you guys argue that since it doesn't EXPLICITLY state something in the constitution then it can't be constitutional. Since the air force is explicitly mentioned it is therefor unconstitutional. That's how this works, right? I guess that would also must mean we must abandon our nuclear weapons at once.


I don't think retarded posters are mentioned either.

If you're going to try and insult someone, at least make a better attempt at it. Ouch, I'm not mentioned in the constitution. Good one. LOL.
Budget compromise will cut education and science research, but not defense - National Political Buzz | Examiner.com

Congressional leaders from the Democratic and Republican parties are still attempting to negotiate a compromise on the federal budget that would avert a government shutdown this Friday. According to various reports, the current compromise cuts about $33 billion from the federal budget, though the Republicans claim that they are demanding even more. The current cuts will come from a large number of federal programs, including the National Institute for Health and Department of Education. However, there is one massive federal program that will actually receive a funding increase. Despite an agreement by the Pentagon to accept defense cuts, Republicans are actually planning on giving $6 billion more the Department of Defense.

In their defense the Republicans are not the only ones proposing an increase in defense spending. Last year the United States spent $508 billion on defense. In their proposed budget, the Obama administration proposed increasing funding by $5 billion to $513 billion. When Republican demanded cuts be made to the federal budget Senate Democrats came forward with a package that included $10 billion in cuts to defense spending. That proposal was “immediately” rejected according to Sam Stein of The Huffington Post. Now Republicans are demanding that $514 billion be spent on defense, a $1 billion raise over the Obama budget proposal, even while the GOP demands more cuts to other programs.

I said it before and I'll say it again. Those who want to have a discussion about the budget but are unwilling to cut the defense budget cannot be taken seriously.

The Defense Budget is the ONLY thing the Government has a mandate to provide for of those three areas.

Grossly incorrect, but it's you we're talking about so is anyone really surprised?
Budget compromise will cut education and science research, but not defense - National Political Buzz | Examiner.com

I said it before and I'll say it again. Those who want to have a discussion about the budget but are unwilling to cut the defense budget cannot be taken seriously.

The Defense Budget is the ONLY thing the Government has a mandate to provide for of those three areas.

Grossly incorrect, but it's you we're talking about so is anyone really surprised?

Go ahead post for us the reference from the Constitution on Education. Science is mentioned but not in the manner it is run today.
Budget compromise will cut education and science research, but not defense - National Political Buzz | Examiner.com

Congressional leaders from the Democratic and Republican parties are still attempting to negotiate a compromise on the federal budget that would avert a government shutdown this Friday. According to various reports, the current compromise cuts about $33 billion from the federal budget, though the Republicans claim that they are demanding even more. The current cuts will come from a large number of federal programs, including the National Institute for Health and Department of Education. However, there is one massive federal program that will actually receive a funding increase. Despite an agreement by the Pentagon to accept defense cuts, Republicans are actually planning on giving $6 billion more the Department of Defense.
In their defense the Republicans are not the only ones proposing an increase in defense spending. Last year the United States spent $508 billion on defense. In their proposed budget, the Obama administration proposed increasing funding by $5 billion to $513 billion. When Republican demanded cuts be made to the federal budget Senate Democrats came forward with a package that included $10 billion in cuts to defense spending. That proposal was “immediately” rejected according to Sam Stein of The Huffington Post. Now Republicans are demanding that $514 billion be spent on defense, a $1 billion raise over the Obama budget proposal, even while the GOP demands more cuts to other programs.
I said it before and I'll say it again. Those who want to have a discussion about the budget but are unwilling to cut the defense budget cannot be taken seriously.

Providing for defense is in the Constitution, education and science research isn't. Simple

Somehow I don't think the writers of the Constitution intended for us to be the policeman of the world. The Cold War is over. Yes, we have other threats now, but we have created many of those threats by sticking our nose where it doesn't belong most of the time.
Nope, I've heard you guys argue that since it doesn't EXPLICITLY state something in the constitution then it can't be constitutional. Since the air force is explicitly mentioned it is therefor unconstitutional. That's how this works, right? I guess that would also must mean we must abandon our nuclear weapons at once.


I don't think retarded posters are mentioned either.

If you're going to try and insult someone, at least make a better attempt at it. Ouch, I'm not mentioned in the constitution. Good one. LOL.

Um.....I never said YOU were retarded: But good assumption.
Budget compromise will cut education and science research, but not defense - National Political Buzz | Examiner.com

I said it before and I'll say it again. Those who want to have a discussion about the budget but are unwilling to cut the defense budget cannot be taken seriously.

Providing for defense is in the Constitution, education and science research isn't. Simple

So let's abolish the air force since it's not in the constitution.

You just made yourself look like "whoa stupid" lolz.
Why is the left so hell bent on cutting defense? You want us to be vulnerable? What's the end game in that? doyathink?

Because there's probably more waste in defense than anything..

Wasn't it Gates that also said something about cutting defense?.. I think Paul and his followers supported it somewhere along the line too.. :eusa_whistle:. Hardly flaming leftists.

While it seems I agree with you what gets me is the moron hack OP does not make a thread when the Dems put up a budget that does not touch defence... LOLZ.
Why is the left so hell bent on cutting defense? You want us to be vulnerable? What's the end game in that? doyathink?

Because there's probably more waste in defense than anything..

Wasn't it Gates that also said something about cutting defense?.. I think Paul and his followers supported it somewhere along the line too.. :eusa_whistle:. Hardly flaming leftists.

While it seems I agree with you what gets me is the moron hack OP does not make a thread when the Dems put up a budget that does not touch defence... LOLZ.

hell mon,, the dimwits haven't done a budget for two years, what the hell izzz you talkin bout???
While it seems I agree with you what gets me is the moron hack OP does not make a thread when the Dems put up a budget that does not touch defence... LOLZ.

What? From the article:

When Republican demanded cuts be made to the federal budget Senate Democrats came forward with a package that included $10 billion in cuts to defense spending. That proposal was “immediately” rejected according to Sam Stein of The Huffington Post. Now Republicans are demanding that $514 billion be spent on defense, a $1 billion raise over the Obama budget proposal, even while the GOP demands more cuts to other programs.

I criticize both parties equally for letting the defense budget getting bloated as it is. I think the only one who has a problem with partisanship is yourself.
Our Secretary of Defense and Pentagon state there is massive waste in the defense department. The latest was the fighter engine that was an inferior engine and they wanted it funded, the DAMN REPUBLICANS as well as DEMOCRATS wanted it funded and we didn't need it.
Times thousands.
Try closing a damn obsolete for 40 years military base. See if that will get you re-elected.
Damn, you folks need to wake the hell up. This HAS NEVER been a Democrat/Republican thing since the 1700s.

First of all you folks need to know that is POLITICIANS, NOT MILITARY FOLKS, that are the problem in wanting too much $$ spent and wasted on the military.
There is no bigger pork barrel than defense spending and I AM PRO DEFENSE.
Wake up America.
Eliminate education department and that is what, 100 billion in cuts?
Do it NOW.
Eliminate education department and that is what, 100 billion in cuts?
Do it NOW.

You're off by 30%.

U.S. Department of Education Budget Office

Of course, the Department of Education budget also applies to money for giving out loans to students who are trying to go to college and pell grants.

ED currently administers a budget of $69.9 billion in discretionary appropriations (including discretionary Pell Grant funding) under the FY 2011 Continuing Resolution annualized level and operates programs that touch on every area and level of education. The Department's elementary and secondary programs annually serve nearly 14,000 school districts and approximately 56 million students attending some 99,000 public schools and 34,000 private schools. Department programs also provide grant, loan, and work-study assistance to more than 15 million postsecondary students.
While it seems I agree with you what gets me is the moron hack OP does not make a thread when the Dems put up a budget that does not touch defence... LOLZ.

What? From the article:

When Republican demanded cuts be made to the federal budget Senate Democrats came forward with a package that included $10 billion in cuts to defense spending. That proposal was “immediately” rejected according to Sam Stein of The Huffington Post. Now Republicans are demanding that $514 billion be spent on defense, a $1 billion raise over the Obama budget proposal, even while the GOP demands more cuts to other programs.

I criticize both parties equally for letting the defense budget getting bloated as it is. I think the only one who has a problem with partisanship is yourself.

Can we get a the vote on who "immediately" rejected that budget?

Then let’s see how many of the Dems are against Iraq/Afghanistan and the Libya wars...

You push almost every policy made by dems, you're a hack...
Eliminate education department and that is what, 100 billion in cuts?
Do it NOW.

You're off by 30%.

U.S. Department of Education Budget Office

Of course, the Department of Education budget also applies to money for giving out loans to students who are trying to go to college and pell grants.

ED currently administers a budget of $69.9 billion in discretionary appropriations (including discretionary Pell Grant funding) under the FY 2011 Continuing Resolution annualized level and operates programs that touch on every area and level of education. The Department's elementary and secondary programs annually serve nearly 14,000 school districts and approximately 56 million students attending some 99,000 public schools and 34,000 private schools. Department programs also provide grant, loan, and work-study assistance to more than 15 million postsecondary students.

You mean The Education Department is borrowing $$$ from the Chinks to "loan" to our students to take whatever courses they want, while they educate theirs 20 to 1 over ours in science and math, that leaves our grandkids having to pay back the Chinks.
You do know WE HAVE NO $$$ TO LOAN ANYONE.
Can we get a the vote on who "immediately" rejected that budget?

Then let’s see how many of the Dems are against Iraq/Afghanistan and the Libya wars...

You push almost every policy made by dems, you're a hack...

What? Senate Democrats are the ones who put up the budget decreases. Who do you think rejected it? The Liberal Democrats in the House? :cuckoo:

I push almost every policy made by Democrats? Since when? Matter of the fact is I disagree with the Democrats and President Obama on various issues. Ranging from Gun Control to the War on Drugs to the Death Penalty and other issues.

I think instead of trying to say what my position supposedly is, probably should be educating yourself. It would be better instead of trying to play the "Mommy, they did it too!" card when trying to defend the GOP in such a piss poor manner.
You mean The Education Department is borrowing $$$ from the Chinks to "loan" to our students to take whatever courses they want, while they educate theirs 20 to 1 over ours in science and math, that leaves our grandkids having to pay back the Chinks.
You do know WE HAVE NO $$$ TO LOAN ANYONE.

What's the deal with the racist remarks? Do you believe that colleges should only teach science and math classes?

There is a difference between reasonable solutions and ones that are without merit.
Can we get a the vote on who "immediately" rejected that budget?

Then let’s see how many of the Dems are against Iraq/Afghanistan and the Libya wars...

You push almost every policy made by dems, you're a hack...

What? Senate Democrats are the ones who put up the budget decreases. Who do you think rejected it? The Liberal Democrats in the House? :cuckoo:

I push almost every policy made by Democrats? Since when? Matter of the fact is I disagree with the Democrats and President Obama on various issues. Ranging from Gun Control to the War on Drugs to the Death Penalty and other issues.

I think instead of trying to say what my position supposedly is, probably should be educating yourself. It would be better instead of trying to play the "Mommy, they did it too!" card when trying to defend the GOP in such a piss poor manner.

I'm about to own you...

So... Modbert. What do you think the Dems reason for not trying to cut military spending over the last 2 years when they had the Senate/House and President all Dem?

Maybe it's because noobs like you make fucking retarded threads trying to make it out as if it's Republicans that don't wana cut defense.

The cool part about the "camp" that I'm in is that I can see all you partisan crazy hack fuckers out there so clearly... The sad part about being in my camp is knowing just how many of you hypocrites are out there pretending to care.

Next up, Gay rights! Oh wait, they did that one... And we know they are gonna avoid Illegal immigration because the 2 parties actually agree on that 1 and better to have the problem than actually fix anything!
Eliminate education department and that is what, 100 billion in cuts?
Do it NOW.

You're off by 30%.

U.S. Department of Education Budget Office

Of course, the Department of Education budget also applies to money for giving out loans to students who are trying to go to college and pell grants.

ED currently administers a budget of $69.9 billion in discretionary appropriations (including discretionary Pell Grant funding) under the FY 2011 Continuing Resolution annualized level and operates programs that touch on every area and level of education. The Department's elementary and secondary programs annually serve nearly 14,000 school districts and approximately 56 million students attending some 99,000 public schools and 34,000 private schools. Department programs also provide grant, loan, and work-study assistance to more than 15 million postsecondary students.

Essentially, the DOE reimburses school districts forced to feed free and reduced meals to kids whose parents cannot put together a PB&J sammich.

Hey, how about this idea: Let parents keep $70 B, save for their own kid's college, and learn how to make a sandwich.
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