Budget Deficit Lowest In Six Years


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Remember when Republicans mocked Obama for claiming he would cut the deficit in half?

Obama Budget Deficit Low - Business Insider

The US budget deficit fell by nearly one-third from fiscal year 2013 through fiscal year 2014 and is now at the lowest point it's been under President Barack Obama's tenure.
The Congressional Budget Office on Wednesday said the US budget deficit plunged to $486 billion in FY2014, which was $195 billion less than the shortfall recorded in FY2013. It's the smallest deficit recorded since 2008.
FY2014 was the fifth consecutive year the deficit declined as a percentage of GDP. It is now an estimated 2.8% of GDP, a percentage that puts it below the average of the past 40 years.
The deficit has fallen sharply over the past few years, despite constant brinksmanship in Washington over raising the US debt ceiling. But concern about deficits has virtually disappeared from the campaign trail ahead of the 2014 midterm elections after being a central theme of 2010's elections.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/obama-budget-deficit-low-2014-10#ixzz3FZZv8tUh
Yesterday I went back to Feb. 2009 on the USMB. The republicans were complaining then about the Obama economy and Obama had just recently been inaugurated. Talk about true believers marching to the beat fox news and hate radio plays daily.
no one, everyone is getting auto cuts because of sequester...Urban dev and housing got a 31% decrease along with 5% for the DOD....
So what do Republicans run on now?

They can't run on repealing Obamacare
They can't run on the unemployment rate
They can't run on deficits

How about Ebola?
While Tax Receipts did go up spending went up as well?

Doesn't look like the Budget Deficit has decreased at all. Oh I see! It increased from June to July but you Obama Whorshipers wanna' say it's less than last year so that's a good thing right?

From Business Insider:



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Hey guys look! I'm smoking less!

June 2014 - 21 Cigarettes a day
July 2014 - 23 Cigarettes a day

Compare that to last year!

June 2013 - 25 Cigarettes a day
July 2013 - 27 Cigarettes a day

I'm smoking less! Thanks Obama!
The deficit is still above pre-recession levels, this despite galloping federal receipts.
Typical of the Obama knee-padders to focus on one small metric and attempt to derive something that ignores reality.
It's the spending, stupid.
Deficit down to half a trillion? Oh, goody! By the way, anybody here know how much 5% interest on a $20 trillion debt is? The Fed can't hold down rates forever...
Hey guys look! I'm smoking less!

June 2014 - 21 Cigarettes a day
July 2014 - 23 Cigarettes a day

Compare that to last year!

June 2013 - 25 Cigarettes a day
July 2013 - 27 Cigarettes a day

I'm smoking less! Thanks Obama!

Nice analogy

But to be accurate, you would be down to 9 cigarettes a day

Big cut in your smoking don't ya think?

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