Budget Deficit Lowest In Six Years

This could have happened years ago with a jobs act and without the phony crises.
Thanks for the corrupt world depression, the stupidest wars ever, the mindless obstruction, and the stupidest voters ever.
If the headline was lower debt it would be something to get excited about......this on the other hand is pure drivel. Let's see what the debt is when Ohh bummer leaves office. It will undoubtedly be noteworthy.

Almost all of this deficit is assistance for victims of the corrupt Booosh world depression, STILL about 400 billion. The mythology RW dupes believe is a disgrace. In comparison to GDP, the debt is getting smaller, and it's lower than anywhere else and our economy is healthier ditto. Hopefully the new bs GOP hasn't held us and the world back so long they put us all into another crisis. Party first a-holes and silly dupes...
Bush started two wars, expanded medicare, expanded the national government, and pushed through huge tax cuts for the wealthy.

Obama signs $2.4 trillion in spending cuts through 2022, raises taxes on the wealthy, ends (soon to be) two wars, and kept national gov spending stagnant virtually his entire time in office (excluding stimulus money).

And everyone wants to say Obama is the "big spender"

Here's a question: HOW and WHERE????????
Democrats are so stupid! They should not be allowed to vote.
Slowing the rate of increasing number of leaks in a boat is not improvement. You're still sinking faster.
That was some excellent fascism.

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I suppose the facetiousness flew over your helmet.
What are you talking about? Denying a privilege to someone who doesn't qualify is not fascism. Forcing people to acquiesce into providing privileges for those who do not qualify is fascism.
Bush started two wars, expanded medicare, expanded the national government, and pushed through huge tax cuts for the wealthy.

Obama signs $2.4 trillion in spending cuts through 2022, raises taxes on the wealthy, ends (soon to be) two wars, and kept national gov spending stagnant virtually his entire time in office (excluding stimulus money).

And everyone wants to say Obama is the "big spender"

Here's a question: HOW and WHERE????????
Pointing to a bad thing to justify a bad thing is hypocrisy. Deficit spending is increasing debt. Increase debt is irresponsible spending. That is what obama is doing that makes him a big spender.
Funny but Margaret Thatcher was right: "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." You can replace the word socialism with whatever tax and spend type of government you want and the result of her quote is still the same.

Bush started two wars, expanded medicare, expanded the national government, and pushed through huge tax cuts for the wealthy.

Obama signs $2.4 trillion in spending cuts through 2022, raises taxes on the wealthy, ends (soon to be) two wars, and kept national gov spending stagnant virtually his entire time in office (excluding stimulus money).

And everyone wants to say Obama is the "big spender"

Here's a question: HOW and WHERE????????

Facts and figures don't matter. As a political gambit the GOP is "all in" on Obama failure and have been since before his first inauguration. Facts don't matter - what matters is what they can get the other mouth-breathers to believe and repeat.

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