Budweiser is changing it's name to....

I have never had a craft beer that I liked, and I call it crap beer. Everyone to their own tastes. Some people love Budweiser.

Then you haven't tried very many.
Beer is far more variable in taste than wine. It is basically impossible not to find a beer you like, even for people who hate beer altogether. American's (myself included) were brought up believing that beer should be damn near frozen-cold (otherwise you can taste it, and we wouldn't want that) and when it is that cold, it basically taste like cold water with a beer aftertaste.
A lot of BMC drinkers (Bud Miller Coors etc) tried an IPA and their face exploded. IPA is very bitter, and for someone not use to it - it taste like pine sap. The first time everyone drank coffee - it was awful. The first time everyone tasted wine - it was awful.
Instead, there are a lot of "Transitional" beers out there...beers that are real (craft) that is mild.

I prefer not to drink a beer that I know the brewer adds non beer ingredients (called adjuncts) for the sole purpose to reduce flavor and make a beer that taste the most like water they possibly can - and then market the shit out of it, or put it in cool blue bottles so Americans will buy it up.
I still have not tasted a craft beer that I liked. Saying I should have does not make it so. I used to drink Guiness, so bitter does not really bother me. Although , prefer a lager on the sweet side. My favorite is Tigerr beer from Thailand.

Sorry, but if you liked Guiness - then you would like a plethora of craft stouts or porters.
There are coffee stouts that literally taste like a frapicino, there are milk stouts that taste almost like chocolate milk. So if you like sweeter beers...they are made as sweet as you want and all in between.
Sam Adams makes several sweet lagers also.
Of course you can drink whatever you like...all I am saying is craft beer is WILDLY varied...so if you had someone who knows beer, they can absolutely find you beer you would love.
I imagine because they have lost market share. They have tried to do away with some of the traditions of Budweiser that made it an American iconic beer. Changing its name will only worsen its image under the new owners. They don't understand Americans.
Why do they need to inspire drinkers? I know of many that need to be UNinspired! :D

The craft beer "movement" is awesome. I LOVE it.
It is opposite of what is happening all across America...small local brewers are taking market share away from the giants. Craft brewers only make up 7% of the sales, but employ over 97% of people in the beer industry...and most are well paid.
Since profits are up only due to slash, burn, and price increases, but beer volume is dropping, I feel sure they realize they might run downhill. They recently hired Wrigley's marketing guy...
I know it's a marketing gimmick, but I'm not sure what the point of it is. Budweiser is one of the most famous brands in the world. Do they really need marketing gimmicks at this point?
This is a good way to capitalize on a market that may not exist yet.
Actually this is a good business move by Budweiser. Collector cans tend to increase sales. Beer can collectors will want every can in the series.
Budweiser renames itself 'America' to inspire drinkers

....no, not to "piss" which is probably should do, but to "America".

And guess what? Budweiser is a BELGIAN OWNED BEER......

Or as Joe put it in the comments section:

"Great, America tastes like #$%$."

So, apparently Belgium owns American now.... sure beats owning the Congo, I guess.
Yes, owned by Belgium and Brazil is involved too, They are calling it America to pander to jingoistic right wing types. It still tastes like horse piss.
What could be more appropriate than horse piss for a nation that's written history is pure horseshit ?

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