Buffalo= racial proxy war


Platinum Member
Apr 18, 2022
It's no different than how USA funds radicals in middle eastern countries to meet political goals. Instead of guns and cash, White American Conservatives fund and wage war on non whites and other opposition through white identity politics, and are directly responsible for racial grievances across the country, including Buffalo. The police are also an arm of this ideology. It's so seductive because they need not lift a gun let alone a finger, to push their agenda. And while most white Conservatives wouldn't do the dirty work themselves (at least for now), they relish and enjoy the terror to keep their political adversaries in line.

Blacks must realize they are in a war and have been for the last 500 years, and start fighting back. All black people must practice their second amendment, buy tons of guns, and learn how to use them. Some white guy tried to shoot up a grocery store, the entire facility mag dumps on em. Go towards the gunfire.
No one is denying you the right to own a firearm or stop a shooter unless it is the State you live in passing laws to suppress that right or you have committed a felony that will deny you that right.

You do not have the right to down the street and start a race war as you have suggested many times before but I will defend your right to kill someone that is threatening to end your life if you are the true victim…
It's no different than how USA funds radicals in middle eastern countries to meet political goals. Instead of guns and cash, White American Conservatives fund and wage war on non whites and other opposition through white identity politics, and are directly responsible for racial grievances across the country, including Buffalo. The police are also an arm of this ideology. It's so seductive because they need not lift a gun let alone a finger, to push their agenda. And while most white Conservatives wouldn't do the dirty work themselves (at least for now), they relish and enjoy the terror to keep their political adversaries in line.

Blacks must realize they are in a war and have been for the last 500 years, and start fighting back. All black people must practice their second amendment, buy tons of guns, and learn how to use them. Some white guy tried to shoot up a grocery store, the entire facility mag dumps on em. Go towards the gunfire.
Blacks must start fighting back?
12.6% of the population but commit over 60% of the violent crimes!!

Seems you xxxxxx have been fighting back for decades.
The only racial attack I've ever seen in person is blacks attacking a white person.
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Instead of guns and cash, White American Conservatives fund and wage war on non whites and other opposition through white identity politics, and are directly responsible for racial grievances across the country, including Buffalo.

Where is the proof behind your statement? Give people something based on facts to show that this is true. Until you can do that, this thread is nothing more than your opinion.

You do know that violence is not the solution to problems, right? When someone resorts to that path, they draw in negativity and reject anything positive, therefore only seeing what they want to see and believe, which is never the reality of the situation.
Where is the proof behind your statement? Give people something based on facts to show that this is true. Until you can do that, this thread is nothing more than your opinion.

You do know that violence is not the solution to problems, right? When someone resorts to that path, they draw in negativity and reject anything positive, therefore only seeing what they want to see and believe, which is never the reality of the situation.
It's self evident. Conservatives push division and hate, vote for and support people he push division and hate, like Tucker, Crowder, Peterson, Douglas Murray, etc.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with self defense. So to characterize what I'm saying as "violence" just reinforces my OP. But to your point, violence is absolutely a solution employed by society. You as a white only exist in this hemisphere because of violence perpetrated by your white ancestors. You and the white collective preserve that predominance through violence and the threat of violence. So you yourself are complicit despite what you say. Every policy, law, etc is backed up by the threat of violence. Even the smallest of things. If I disagree with sleeping in public, goons show up to either kill me or throw me in jail. Might does in fact make right.
Evidence was requested and opinion was offered as evidence as usual.

Let look deeper into the close minded view of the individual that is writing about using violence to justify their hate and ask ourselves are they the majority voice, the minority voice or just the voice of those that want to kill based on hate?

I suggest the Op reflect on how they write and also reflect on community leaders like Louis Farrakhan who has stated he wanted to Genocide White and Jewish societies and ask are they that naive to think they would win a Race War?

Black Society population is a small percentage of America and Hispanic and Asian communities will not side with the Op in a open race war, so what the Op will bring is Genocide against him and his community and fail to achieve change.

As I have stated many times in many threads racism is reality and human nature, so that is never changing but delving deeper into the mindset of radicals tell me they are not sane enough to hold a honest and civil discussion.

You can not demand the Majority to comply to the minority demands when you are so small in numbers and have nothing to force the issue.

Hate consumes all of us and we have our own prejudices and racist views but never do I condone acts of violence against any group but let me be clear if it knocks at my door I will not turn the other cheek.

The OP need to learn they are no better than the racists the bemoan about and in fact in my personal opinion after the many threads created by this person they are more of a danger and could be a threat to the public.

Personal opinion is what I wrote.

In the end there is no changing the minds of close minded individuals and I am not going to attempt to do it on a message board that is not even on DuckDuckGo search engine any longer…

That is all I have to say…
*looks at NY subway shooter*

*looks at Wisc driver attack*

*looks at black churches*


What no one wants to admit is if you started shutting down white nationalist movements you'd have to shut down black nationalist movements....
*looks at NY subway shooter*

*looks at Wisc driver attack*

*looks at black churches*


What no one wants to admit is if you started shutting down white nationalist movements you'd have to shut down black nationalist movements....
Look at what?

That we have individuals that have mental issues and shouldn’t be allow to walk freely in society?

Sure, but let also look at the many that do not live that way and just a peaceful life…
Look at what?

That we have individuals that have mental issues and shouldn’t be allow to walk freely in society?

Sure, but let also look at the many that do not live that way and just a peaceful life…

You are vastly underestimating the prevalence of black nationalist ideology in black America

And they are very very open about it, unlike the whites.

You can find these mother fuckers in urban centers going to church in massive buildings. You've got to go to the boonies to find that shit in white America. And it's rarely faith based.

Walk around NY and you will literally hear them spewing their shit

Edited to Zone1 standards -- refrain from all profanity. Juicin
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Blacks must start fighting back?
12.6% of the population but commit over 60% of the violent crimes!!

Seems you idiots have been fighting back for decades.
The only racial attack I've ever seen in person is blacks attacking a white person.
Blacks don''t commit over 60 percent of any crime. As for violent crimes whites are over 60 percent of the arrests.

Your post is a lie.
Blacks don''t commit over 60 percent of any crime. As for violent crimes whites are over 60 percent of the arrests.

Your post is a lie.
Provide the data the two of you…

Blacks must start fighting back?
12.6% of the population but commit over 60% of the violent crimes!!

Seems you idiots have been fighting back for decades.
The only racial attack I've ever seen in person is blacks attacking a white person.
You are vastly underestimating the prevalence of black nationalist ideology in black America

And they are very very open about it, unlike the whites.

You can find these mother fuckers in urban centers going to church in massive buildings. You've got to go to the boonies to find that shit in white America. And it's rarely faith based.

Walk around NY and you will literally hear them spewing their shit
Black nationalists are a very small number. I'm not going to argue with a person who has no serious contact with blacks and is a person who is classified as a sellout. I am telling you what's what. You have white nationalists running states.
Black nationalists are a very small number. I'm not going to argue with a person who has no serious contact with blacks and is a person who is classified as a sellout. I am telling you what's what. You have white nationalists running states.
Yeah, but their voting base want that, so your issue is?
Provide the data the two of you…
***MOD EDIT - ZONE 1 - Posts must be civil.***

The claim was made by one of you. Tell him to provide the data.
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Yeah, but their voting base want that, so your issue is?
And so thats why juicin was wrong. And in elections people also vote against white nationalists win or lose.
I did and said the two of you and not just you, so please note that when you write your next angry response…
And I said what I did directly to you.
And so thats why juicin was wrong. And in elections people also vote against white nationalists win or lose.
They do but if the majority want one, well that is their choice..

Does it bother you those people live amongst those like you?
And I said what I did directly to you.
And I posted to both of you seeing both of you are throwing out figures, so provide a link to support your argument and prove the other poster incorrect…

I mean what is the issue?

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