Buffett to Taxpayers: Get Over Your Anger

Mad Scientist

Feels Good!
Sep 15, 2008
The gall of this asshole! :evil:
Buffett to taxpayers: Get over your anger - Omaha.com

Taxpayer anger against President Barack Obama and Congress is counterproductive because policy makers took measures including deficit spending to stimulate the economy, billionaire investor Warren Buffett told CNBC.

“Sentiment has turned very sour in the last three or four or five months,” the chairman and CEO of Omaha-based Berkshire Hathaway Inc. said in an interview broadcast Thursday.

“I hope we get over it pretty soon, because it’s not productive,’’ Buffett said. “We will come back regardless of how people feel about Washington, but it is not helpful to have people as unhappy as they are about what’s going on in Washington.”
Mr. Buffet conveniently omits the fact that Stimulus didn't work. And actually, we are gonna' get over a little bit of our anger in November, he just doesn't realize it yet.
Either Buffet doesn't understand that Washington IS the problem or he sees that his willing accomplices in D.C. are gonna' be out on their asses in November and is in panic mode.
He's right. Negativity is counter productive, though of course it is the Republicans stock in trade.

The stimulus saved jobs and created jobs...the road construction in my area is proof of that.

I understand the Republicans have introduced a plan to "fix" the country...it includes laying off government employees and stopping all stimulus projects (thus putting people out of work and leaving road work projects as eye sores and dangers to the public).

Buffett also said that the economy remains in a recession, by his definition, because most people and businesses still aren’t doing as well as they were before the financial crisis.

Buffett’s assessment of the economy contradicts the view of experts who announced this week that the recession officially ended in June 2009.

Buffett said he uses a common sense standard to evaluate the economy. Buffett gets insight into the health of the economy through the performance of Berkshire’s many subsidiaries.

too funny!
Funny? His ability to judge what will create wealth has made him the second wealthiest man in the world.
I really Buffett. The quotes make him seem arrogant or foolish, but that doesn't seem like him. Mebbe they were taken out of context.
I really Buffett. The quotes make him seem arrogant or foolish, but that doesn't seem like him. Mebbe they were taken out of context.
Not likely. His partner Charlie Munger has come out with similar comments. Berkshire Hathaway has highly significant liabilities in the areas of investment banking, bond ratings and derivatives. Any investigations of the bailout or financial reforms is going to ruin his profitable franchise.
Funny? His ability to judge what will create wealth has made him the second wealthiest man in the world.

You missed the joke. He discounts the formal definitions and the NBER only to appraise the economy exclusively thru the prism of his own bottom line.

Pricelessly funny if you think about it.
Not likely. His partner Charlie Munger has come out with similar comments. Berkshire Hathaway has highly significant liabilities in the areas of investment banking, bond ratings and derivatives. Any investigations of the bailout or financial reforms is going to ruin his profitable franchise.

Buffet is changing. He once swore off derivatives calling them economic weapons of mass destruction. Then he jumped into them knee deep and lost a bundle. Now they are one of the most profitable parts of his portfolio.

And he has increased his holdings of bank stocks because they were bargains after the collapse. And of course he defends Moodys since he owns a big share of them.

Now he is divesting his Moodys shares ( Berkshire Cuts Moody’s Stake, Continuing Stock Sales - BusinessWeek ) and may likely change his tune.

It is always his own bottom line with Buffet.
Buffet is second only to Soros as a deep pocket for the Dems so he may also be saying STFU to his hired hands.
Taxpayers to Buffet: GO F*CK YOURSELF! It's so easy for Billionaire a*sholes like Buffet to preach such Bull Chit. It's time for Buffet to STFU and i say the same thing to Alan Greenspan. Just go away you decrepit a*sholes.

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