BUH-BAM! NY Times: FBI Retaliated Against Trump For Comey Firing

It wasn't just the firing of Comey that caused the investigation... He was already under investigation.


We have a Russian puppet for President who was elected with the help of the Russian government. I'd be more worried if the FBI DIDN'T investigate it.

False stupid , Trump was NOT under investigation before firing Comey. Comey himself told both Trump and Congress the exact same thing

Damn, why don't yall either A) stop lying or B) educate yourselves? Seriously.

The FBI was running a counter intelligence investigation up into that point to discover what the Russians did and it had NOTHING to do with Trump. Again Comey himself told Trump and Congress exactly that. It's a matter of public record. The invetigation into Trump himself was not started until after Comey was fired, and that is what investigation we are discussing here and what the NYT is uncovering.
"First, Trump never called on Russia to hack Clinton"
Uh. Yeah he did....

You skipped right over this part in your rush to spin the sh!t out of this point in order to protect your reality-denying bubble you live in:

"Trump was highlighting that tons of hackers could have already accessed her insecure server when it still existed and, if they had, those emails should be released so that Americans would know what foreign governments undoubtedly already did.

It was a way to highlight her reckless handling of classified information and the global security concerns of that."

ALSO, Try to use some common sense for a minute, snowflake. IF Trump was 'in league' with the Russians' would he really call on Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails (which she had already destroyed) on live TV in front of the world?

Comey declared HILLARY was too stupid to know she was breaking laws...and even Hillary, being as stupid as Comey claimed, would not have done so.

You said Drumpf never called on Russia to hack Clinton. You were wrong no matter what long winded deflection you want to post in response to the fact that he did and he is on video doing it. :rolleyes:

The next thing youre going to claim is Drumpf never said Mexico will pay for the wall.
It wasn't just the firing of Comey that caused the investigation... He was already under investigation.


We have a Russian puppet for President who was elected with the help of the Russian government. I'd be more worried if the FBI DIDN'T investigate it.
No! Remember he asked Comey if he was being investigated. Comey said “NO.”
Man....you sure love you some opinion "journalism". And you love making misleading thread titles too.
most "journalism" these says *IS* opinion. when you see things that are written to get you to love or hate someone, that's NOT journalism, those are opinions.

you want journalism, then go watch sharyl attkisson and some of the last remaining old school journalists out there.
The FBI was running a counter intelligence investigation up into that point to discover what the Russians did and it had NOTHING to do with Trump.
There was NEVER any serious investigation into 'Russian Interference'. This is easily and obviously proven by looking at several proven / documented facts.

1) Evidence shows Obama learned in 2014 the Russians were attempting to hack our power grid, was trying to hack US Senior officials, were running a counter-intelligence operation using social media to successfully con easily emotionally manipulated snowflakes into organizing and marching for them, and was paying WILLING Liberal groups (Antifa, The Black Fist, and BLM) to spread racial violence and division. Obama allowed them to continue to do so without trying to stop them for 2 years. The FBI never questioned Obama or any of his old Cabinet about when the Russian Interference really began.

The FBI opened up a counter-intel op on Trump, as the article / evidence shows.

2) Considering the above, Mueller never once investigated Obama or anyone in his administration, either, despite that the evidence showed, again, it began under Obama in 2014, Obama knew about it, and he never did anything to stop it.
First, Trump never called on Russia to hack Clinton, despite repeated media claims to the contrary.

Clinton had already destroyed her server, along with 30,000 emails she claimed were about yoga, while she was under investigation for mishandling classified information.

Trump was highlighting that tons of hackers could have already accessed her insecure server when it still existed and, if they had, those emails should be released so that Americans would know what foreign governments undoubtedly already did.

It was a way to highlight her reckless handling of classified information and the global security concerns of that.
"First, Trump never called on Russia to hack Clinton"

Uh. Yeah he did....

no he did not. he did not say to HACK her, but *if* russia could find hillarys deleted e-mails, show 'em.

you're fucked in the head if you think this means RUSSIA HACK HER!!!!


The New York Times revealed the FBI’s surprisingly flimsy justification for launching a retaliatory investigation into President Donald Trump, their chief adversary during their recent troubled era.

Admitting there is no actual evidence for their probe into whether Trump “worked for the Russians,” FBI officials instead cited their foreign policy differences with him, his lawful firing of bungling FBI Director James Comey, and alarm that he accurately revealed to the American public that he was told he wasn’t under investigation by the FBI, when they preferred to hide that fact.

Criminalizing Foreign Policy Differences

Using leaked information and testimony from various former governmental officials, we learn that the FBI opened its aggressive, norm-breaking, and
unconstitutional investigation, supposedly into whether Trump “worked for the Russians,” after he fired Comey and revealed how the agency was playing games with their spurious “Russia” probe.

NYT Reveals FBI Retaliated Against Trump For Lawfully Firing Comey

BUH-BAM! The Federalist spin on the NYT article is hilarious!
First, Trump never called on Russia to hack Clinton, despite repeated media claims to the contrary.

Clinton had already destroyed her server, along with 30,000 emails she claimed were about yoga, while she was under investigation for mishandling classified information.

Trump was highlighting that tons of hackers could have already accessed her insecure server when it still existed and, if they had, those emails should be released so that Americans would know what foreign governments undoubtedly already did.

It was a way to highlight her reckless handling of classified information and the global security concerns of that.
"First, Trump never called on Russia to hack Clinton"

Uh. Yeah he did....

no he did not. he did not say to HACK her, but *if* russia could find hillarys deleted e-mails, show 'em.

you're fucked in the head if you think this means RUSSIA HACK HER!!!!

So how were they going to find her deleted emails without hacking? :rolleyes:
"First, Trump never called on Russia to hack Clinton"
Uh. Yeah he did....

You skipped right over this part in your rush to spin the sh!t out of this point in order to protect your reality-denying bubble you live in:

"Trump was highlighting that tons of hackers could have already accessed her insecure server when it still existed and, if they had, those emails should be released so that Americans would know what foreign governments undoubtedly already did.

It was a way to highlight her reckless handling of classified information and the global security concerns of that."

ALSO, Try to use some common sense for a minute, snowflake. IF Trump was 'in league' with the Russians' would he really call on Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails (which she had already destroyed) on live TV in front of the world?

Comey declared HILLARY was too stupid to know she was breaking laws...and even Hillary, being as stupid as Comey claimed, would not have done so.

You said Drumpf never called on Russia to hack Clinton. You were wrong no matter what long winded deflection you want to post in response to the fact that he did and he is on video doing it. :rolleyes:

The next thing youre going to claim is Drumpf never said Mexico will pay for the wall.

How the hell did Trump ask ANYONE to hack a server that was already offline and had been for months and everyone in the world knew it?

At MOST you could say "Trump asked Russia to turn over emails that they had hacked in the past" but of course that doesn't sound as nefarious, so you dumb shits have to do what you dumb shits do best, be dishonest.
You said Drumpf never called on Russia to hack Clinton. You were wrong no matter what long winded deflection you want to post in response to the fact that he did and he is on video doing it.
Sorry, the evidence provided surpasses your emotional attempt to spin...and your ignorance.

"Trump was highlighting that tons of hackers could have already accessed her insecure server when it still existed and, if they had, those emails should be released so that Americans would know what foreign governments undoubtedly already did.

It was a way to highlight her reckless handling of classified information and the global security concerns of that."

ALSO, Try to use some common sense for a minute, snowflake. IF Trump was 'in league' with the Russians' would he really call on Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails (which she had already destroyed) on live TV in front of the world?

Comey declared HILLARY was too stupid to know she was breaking laws...and even Hillary, being as stupid as Comey claimed, would not have done so.

You are in what they call 'the last throes of desperation', like the gasping and twitching of someone whose oxygen - or hope, ability to spin, spew BS - has been cut off...by all of the cumulative existing evidence that has finally exposed the entire Conspiracy from the very start. :p
"First, Trump never called on Russia to hack Clinton"
Uh. Yeah he did....

You skipped right over this part in your rush to spin the sh!t out of this point in order to protect your reality-denying bubble you live in:

"Trump was highlighting that tons of hackers could have already accessed her insecure server when it still existed and, if they had, those emails should be released so that Americans would know what foreign governments undoubtedly already did.

It was a way to highlight her reckless handling of classified information and the global security concerns of that."

ALSO, Try to use some common sense for a minute, snowflake. IF Trump was 'in league' with the Russians' would he really call on Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails (which she had already destroyed) on live TV in front of the world?

Comey declared HILLARY was too stupid to know she was breaking laws...and even Hillary, being as stupid as Comey claimed, would not have done so.

You said Drumpf never called on Russia to hack Clinton. You were wrong no matter what long winded deflection you want to post in response to the fact that he did and he is on video doing it. :rolleyes:

The next thing youre going to claim is Drumpf never said Mexico will pay for the wall.

How the hell did Trump ask ANYONE to hack a server that was already offline and had been for months and everyone in the world knew it?

At MOST you could say "Trump asked Russia to turn over emails that they had hacked in the past" but of course that doesn't sound as nefarious, so you dumb shits have to do what you dumb shits do best, be dishonest.
A server doesnt have to be online in order to be hacked dummy. :rolleyes:
"First, Trump never called on Russia to hack Clinton"
Uh. Yeah he did....

You skipped right over this part in your rush to spin the sh!t out of this point in order to protect your reality-denying bubble you live in:

"Trump was highlighting that tons of hackers could have already accessed her insecure server when it still existed and, if they had, those emails should be released so that Americans would know what foreign governments undoubtedly already did.

It was a way to highlight her reckless handling of classified information and the global security concerns of that."

ALSO, Try to use some common sense for a minute, snowflake. IF Trump was 'in league' with the Russians' would he really call on Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails (which she had already destroyed) on live TV in front of the world?

Comey declared HILLARY was too stupid to know she was breaking laws...and even Hillary, being as stupid as Comey claimed, would not have done so.

You said Drumpf never called on Russia to hack Clinton. You were wrong no matter what long winded deflection you want to post in response to the fact that he did and he is on video doing it. :rolleyes:

The next thing youre going to claim is Drumpf never said Mexico will pay for the wall.

How the hell did Trump ask ANYONE to hack a server that was already offline and had been for months and everyone in the world knew it?

At MOST you could say "Trump asked Russia to turn over emails that they had hacked in the past" but of course that doesn't sound as nefarious, so you dumb shits have to do what you dumb shits do best, be dishonest.

Seriously, what were they supposed to hack?
"First, Trump never called on Russia to hack Clinton"
Uh. Yeah he did....

You skipped right over this part in your rush to spin the sh!t out of this point in order to protect your reality-denying bubble you live in:

"Trump was highlighting that tons of hackers could have already accessed her insecure server when it still existed and, if they had, those emails should be released so that Americans would know what foreign governments undoubtedly already did.

It was a way to highlight her reckless handling of classified information and the global security concerns of that."

ALSO, Try to use some common sense for a minute, snowflake. IF Trump was 'in league' with the Russians' would he really call on Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails (which she had already destroyed) on live TV in front of the world?

Comey declared HILLARY was too stupid to know she was breaking laws...and even Hillary, being as stupid as Comey claimed, would not have done so.

You said Drumpf never called on Russia to hack Clinton. You were wrong no matter what long winded deflection you want to post in response to the fact that he did and he is on video doing it. :rolleyes:

The next thing youre going to claim is Drumpf never said Mexico will pay for the wall.

How the hell did Trump ask ANYONE to hack a server that was already offline and had been for months and everyone in the world knew it?

At MOST you could say "Trump asked Russia to turn over emails that they had hacked in the past" but of course that doesn't sound as nefarious, so you dumb shits have to do what you dumb shits do best, be dishonest.
A server doesnt have to be online in order to be hacked dummy. :rolleyes:

Of course it does not have to be, if the RUssians had physical posession of said server, but they did not. That server was sitting in an FBI property room for months when Trump made his comments and everyone knew that as well.

Just man up and admit your error. No harm, no foul..
"First, Trump never called on Russia to hack Clinton"
Uh. Yeah he did....

You skipped right over this part in your rush to spin the sh!t out of this point in order to protect your reality-denying bubble you live in:

"Trump was highlighting that tons of hackers could have already accessed her insecure server when it still existed and, if they had, those emails should be released so that Americans would know what foreign governments undoubtedly already did.

It was a way to highlight her reckless handling of classified information and the global security concerns of that."

ALSO, Try to use some common sense for a minute, snowflake. IF Trump was 'in league' with the Russians' would he really call on Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails (which she had already destroyed) on live TV in front of the world?

Comey declared HILLARY was too stupid to know she was breaking laws...and even Hillary, being as stupid as Comey claimed, would not have done so.

You said Drumpf never called on Russia to hack Clinton. You were wrong no matter what long winded deflection you want to post in response to the fact that he did and he is on video doing it. :rolleyes:

The next thing youre going to claim is Drumpf never said Mexico will pay for the wall.

How the hell did Trump ask ANYONE to hack a server that was already offline and had been for months and everyone in the world knew it?

At MOST you could say "Trump asked Russia to turn over emails that they had hacked in the past" but of course that doesn't sound as nefarious, so you dumb shits have to do what you dumb shits do best, be dishonest.

RUSSIAN ^^^^^^^^
"First, Trump never called on Russia to hack Clinton"
Uh. Yeah he did....

You skipped right over this part in your rush to spin the sh!t out of this point in order to protect your reality-denying bubble you live in:

"Trump was highlighting that tons of hackers could have already accessed her insecure server when it still existed and, if they had, those emails should be released so that Americans would know what foreign governments undoubtedly already did.

It was a way to highlight her reckless handling of classified information and the global security concerns of that."

ALSO, Try to use some common sense for a minute, snowflake. IF Trump was 'in league' with the Russians' would he really call on Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails (which she had already destroyed) on live TV in front of the world?

Comey declared HILLARY was too stupid to know she was breaking laws...and even Hillary, being as stupid as Comey claimed, would not have done so.

You said Drumpf never called on Russia to hack Clinton. You were wrong no matter what long winded deflection you want to post in response to the fact that he did and he is on video doing it. :rolleyes:

The next thing youre going to claim is Drumpf never said Mexico will pay for the wall.

How the hell did Trump ask ANYONE to hack a server that was already offline and had been for months and everyone in the world knew it?

At MOST you could say "Trump asked Russia to turn over emails that they had hacked in the past" but of course that doesn't sound as nefarious, so you dumb shits have to do what you dumb shits do best, be dishonest.
A server doesnt have to be online in order to be hacked dummy. :rolleyes:

Of course it does not have to be, if the RUssians had physical posession of said server, but they did not. That server was sitting in an FBI property room for months when Trump made his comments and everyone knew that as well.

Just man up and admit your error. No harm, no foul..
You should man up and admit Drumpf asked the Russians to hack the server. :rolleyes:
You skipped right over this part in your rush to spin the sh!t out of this point in order to protect your reality-denying bubble you live in:

"Trump was highlighting that tons of hackers could have already accessed her insecure server when it still existed and, if they had, those emails should be released so that Americans would know what foreign governments undoubtedly already did.

It was a way to highlight her reckless handling of classified information and the global security concerns of that."

ALSO, Try to use some common sense for a minute, snowflake. IF Trump was 'in league' with the Russians' would he really call on Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails (which she had already destroyed) on live TV in front of the world?

Comey declared HILLARY was too stupid to know she was breaking laws...and even Hillary, being as stupid as Comey claimed, would not have done so.

You said Drumpf never called on Russia to hack Clinton. You were wrong no matter what long winded deflection you want to post in response to the fact that he did and he is on video doing it. :rolleyes:

The next thing youre going to claim is Drumpf never said Mexico will pay for the wall.

How the hell did Trump ask ANYONE to hack a server that was already offline and had been for months and everyone in the world knew it?

At MOST you could say "Trump asked Russia to turn over emails that they had hacked in the past" but of course that doesn't sound as nefarious, so you dumb shits have to do what you dumb shits do best, be dishonest.
A server doesnt have to be online in order to be hacked dummy. :rolleyes:

Of course it does not have to be, if the RUssians had physical posession of said server, but they did not. That server was sitting in an FBI property room for months when Trump made his comments and everyone knew that as well.

Just man up and admit your error. No harm, no foul..
You should man up and admit Drumpf asked the Russians to hack the server. :rolleyes:

So you're a half man, got it.......... Moving on.
How the hell did Trump ask ANYONE to hack a server that was already offline and had been for months and everyone in the world knew it?

When her e-mails / files had been deleted, her server 'Bleach Bit' wiped, her multiple devices illegally destroyed, etc...


Snowflakes desperately grasping for anything left they can use to spin, lie, deny, justify, distract, etc... be like:

You said Drumpf never called on Russia to hack Clinton. You were wrong no matter what long winded deflection you want to post in response to the fact that he did and he is on video doing it. :rolleyes:

The next thing youre going to claim is Drumpf never said Mexico will pay for the wall.

How the hell did Trump ask ANYONE to hack a server that was already offline and had been for months and everyone in the world knew it?

At MOST you could say "Trump asked Russia to turn over emails that they had hacked in the past" but of course that doesn't sound as nefarious, so you dumb shits have to do what you dumb shits do best, be dishonest.
A server doesnt have to be online in order to be hacked dummy. :rolleyes:

Of course it does not have to be, if the RUssians had physical posession of said server, but they did not. That server was sitting in an FBI property room for months when Trump made his comments and everyone knew that as well.

Just man up and admit your error. No harm, no foul..
You should man up and admit Drumpf asked the Russians to hack the server. :rolleyes:

So you're a half man, got it.......... Moving on.
Your claim is half fantasy, half bullshit. You better keep it movin. :rolleyes:

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