BUH-BAM! NY Times: FBI Retaliated Against Trump For Comey Firing

"First, Trump never called on Russia to hack Clinton"

Uh. Yeah he did....
You are not this obtuse. You know good and damn well he didn't say "go hack the DNC and get their emails." He said "I hope you are able to find the 30,000 missing emails."

It was a stupid thing to say as The President, even though, in any other situation, it would have been a solid, sick burn.

It was indeed a great burn by Trump exposing the criminality of Hillary. And they felt the burn deeply and cried like babies.
And then they lost:)
Had they enforced the law, and kept their sacred oaths, there is no burn. Instead, they engaged in TREASON
He called on Russia for help. Certainly not something a patriot would do.
The fact that you think ANYONE who would / could potentially BE working / colluding with the Russians would seriously call on them to Hack Hillary IN THE MIDDLE OF A WORLD-WIDE TELEVISED DEBATE makes you look as stupid as Comey declared Hillary to be.

If Trump had been working with the Russians, which evidence shows he was / is NOT, he would have had - like Hillary did - multiple connections. multiple ways to contact them and work with them.

For example, Bill Clinton met directly with Putin. Hillary had the Trump-hating foreign spy (who was working for the FBI), had (DOJ) Ohr's wife who was working for Fusion GPS and with Steele....

Suggesting Trump communicated with the Russians through open televised debates is just about the dumbest thing I have ever heard a snowflake say....JUST ABOUT.


Oh that's not the only dumb shit thing Dorko Donnie said that was un-patriotic. Proving beyond a shadow of a doubt he is not even a Nationalist. Well not an American Nationalist.
'One danger in the what the FBI apparently did is that it implies that the unelected domestic intelligence bureaucracy holds itself as the ultimate arbiter—over and above the elected president who is the constitutional face of U.S. intelligence and national security authority—about what actions do and don’t serve the national security interests of the United States.'

Three Words




All should hang or get life in prison.
Mueller then based on this, is nothing but a Cover Up Operation to sweep Treason, Sedition and a Failed COUP under the rug
no he did not. he did not say to HACK her, but *if* russia could find hillarys deleted e-mails, show 'em.

you're fucked in the head if you think this means RUSSIA HACK HER!!!!
So how were they going to find her deleted emails without hacking? :rolleyes:

Going through the old email pile at the dump I suppose.........

He called on Russia for help. Certainly not something a patriot would do.

He is un-American.

Republican scum have embrace it.
please give me the quote where he asked for help.

i don't want your biased interpretation, i want the line he said that in your mind says RUSSIA HELP! he does say if they find 'em, share.

the lengths some people will go to is astounding to me.

Hey I understand you want to run cover for that unpatriotic son of a bitch for reaching out to his Russian pals for help. It's what Republikaans do these days.
so, attack and insult but not answer the question.

this is what fools do these days. can't back up what they say so attack those who bother to ask.

His quote has already been provide. You're just being obtuse because the he didn't use the word "help' when he reached out to Russia to find and provide those emails.
So how were they going to find her deleted emails without hacking? :rolleyes:

Going through the old email pile at the dump I suppose.........

He called on Russia for help. Certainly not something a patriot would do.

He is un-American.

Republican scum have embrace it.
please give me the quote where he asked for help.

i don't want your biased interpretation, i want the line he said that in your mind says RUSSIA HELP! he does say if they find 'em, share.

the lengths some people will go to is astounding to me.

Hey I understand you want to run cover for that unpatriotic son of a bitch for reaching out to his Russian pals for help. It's what Republikaans do these days.
so, attack and insult but not answer the question.

this is what fools do these days. can't back up what they say so attack those who bother to ask.

His quote has already been provide. You're just being obtuse because the he didn't use the word "help' when he reached out to Russia to find and provide those emails.
so he didn't ask for help, but he asked for help.

lord i hope you wear signs to remind you to breathe cause you're being pretty fucking stupid right now.
So how were they going to find her deleted emails without hacking? :rolleyes:

Going through the old email pile at the dump I suppose.........

He called on Russia for help. Certainly not something a patriot would do.

He is un-American.

Republican scum have embrace it.
please give me the quote where he asked for help.

i don't want your biased interpretation, i want the line he said that in your mind says RUSSIA HELP! he does say if they find 'em, share.

the lengths some people will go to is astounding to me.

Hey I understand you want to run cover for that unpatriotic son of a bitch for reaching out to his Russian pals for help. It's what Republikaans do these days.
so, attack and insult but not answer the question.

this is what fools do these days. can't back up what they say so attack those who bother to ask.

His quote has already been provide. You're just being obtuse because the he didn't use the word "help' when he reached out to Russia to find and provide those emails.
He made a joke on the campaign trail publicly. How in the FUCK do Jokes and Russian Propaganda in a country like this become "Substantiated Evidence" worthy of a far reaching and endless investigations in to one's Political Rivals?

Get your lips off of Putin's Pole.

It wasn't like President Trump paid $14 Million Dollars to have The Kremlin whip up a Dirty Dossier, signed off on by Putin, had it delivered to Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama, which had John Kerry and John McCain deliver to James Comey and Sally Yates, and then those two Russian Moles took that "Salacious and False" Propaganda that they knew for a fact was false, knew that Clinton Obama and The DNC Paid for it, and Knew it came from Russia with Love and used it to file False Affidavits in a Unconstitutional FISA Court set up to prosecute Terrorists and Illegally used that to mount a COUP to undermine our Democracy.
Going through the old email pile at the dump I suppose.........

He called on Russia for help. Certainly not something a patriot would do.

He is un-American.

Republican scum have embrace it.
please give me the quote where he asked for help.

i don't want your biased interpretation, i want the line he said that in your mind says RUSSIA HELP! he does say if they find 'em, share.

the lengths some people will go to is astounding to me.

Hey I understand you want to run cover for that unpatriotic son of a bitch for reaching out to his Russian pals for help. It's what Republikaans do these days.
so, attack and insult but not answer the question.

this is what fools do these days. can't back up what they say so attack those who bother to ask.

His quote has already been provide. You're just being obtuse because the he didn't use the word "help' when he reached out to Russia to find and provide those emails.
so he didn't ask for help, but he asked for help.

lord i hope you wear signs to remind you to breathe cause you're being pretty fucking stupid right now.

So in order to ask for aid or assistance, one must use a particular word or it is not a valid request for assistance?
You skipped right over this part in your rush to spin the sh!t out of this point in order to protect your reality-denying bubble you live in:

"Trump was highlighting that tons of hackers could have already accessed her insecure server when it still existed and, if they had, those emails should be released so that Americans would know what foreign governments undoubtedly already did.

It was a way to highlight her reckless handling of classified information and the global security concerns of that."

ALSO, Try to use some common sense for a minute, snowflake. IF Trump was 'in league' with the Russians' would he really call on Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails (which she had already destroyed) on live TV in front of the world?

Comey declared HILLARY was too stupid to know she was breaking laws...and even Hillary, being as stupid as Comey claimed, would not have done so.

You said Drumpf never called on Russia to hack Clinton. You were wrong no matter what long winded deflection you want to post in response to the fact that he did and he is on video doing it. :rolleyes:

The next thing youre going to claim is Drumpf never said Mexico will pay for the wall.

How the hell did Trump ask ANYONE to hack a server that was already offline and had been for months and everyone in the world knew it?

At MOST you could say "Trump asked Russia to turn over emails that they had hacked in the past" but of course that doesn't sound as nefarious, so you dumb shits have to do what you dumb shits do best, be dishonest.
A server doesnt have to be online in order to be hacked dummy. :rolleyes:

Of course it does not have to be, if the RUssians had physical posession of said server, but they did not. That server was sitting in an FBI property room for months when Trump made his comments and everyone knew that as well.

Just man up and admit your error. No harm, no foul..
You should man up and admit Drumpf asked the Russians to hack the server. :rolleyes:

Which was not in a hackable state at the time. He said, "I hope you'll be able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing", nothing about hacking her server. Since the server was not in a state that could be hacked, what exactly were they supposed to hack? You make it sound like the server was still in the unprotected state that it was when Hillary was piping Sec State stuff through it.
Man....you sure love you some opinion "journalism". And you love making misleading thread titles too.
most "journalism" these says *IS* opinion. when you see things that are written to get you to love or hate someone, that's NOT journalism, those are opinions.

you want journalism, then go watch sharyl attkisson and some of the last remaining old school journalists out there.

please give me the quote where he asked for help.

i don't want your biased interpretation, i want the line he said that in your mind says RUSSIA HELP! he does say if they find 'em, share.

the lengths some people will go to is astounding to me.

Hey I understand you want to run cover for that unpatriotic son of a bitch for reaching out to his Russian pals for help. It's what Republikaans do these days.
so, attack and insult but not answer the question.

this is what fools do these days. can't back up what they say so attack those who bother to ask.

His quote has already been provide. You're just being obtuse because the he didn't use the word "help' when he reached out to Russia to find and provide those emails.
so he didn't ask for help, but he asked for help.

lord i hope you wear signs to remind you to breathe cause you're being pretty fucking stupid right now.

So in order to ask for aid or assistance, one must use a particular word or it is not a valid request for assistance?
you say he's asking for help but yet can't define what he said into a HELP request.

it was a smartass comment, nothing more, nothing less. you have a hate-on for trump, so this must be made evil so you can justify your hate.

i'm not that insecure in how i feel that i have to make up reasons to feel this way.
"First, Trump never called on Russia to hack Clinton"

Uh. Yeah he did....
You are not this obtuse. You know good and damn well he didn't say "go hack the DNC and get their emails." He said "I hope you are able to find the 30,000 missing emails."

It was a stupid thing to say as The President, even though, in any other situation, it would have been a solid, sick burn.

To add insult to injury, the "30,000 missing emails" were the ones Hillary had deleted, claiming they were personal only and not work related.
Man....you sure love you some opinion "journalism". And you love making misleading thread titles too.
most "journalism" these says *IS* opinion. when you see things that are written to get you to love or hate someone, that's NOT journalism, those are opinions.

you want journalism, then go watch sharyl attkisson and some of the last remaining old school journalists out there.

whatever dude. it was my minor in college and how i worked my way through college. but if you want to emo shit up, feel free.

but stating your opinion or "reporting" on other peoples opinions is not news. while some news stories may make you feel a certain way, NO DECENT REPORTER will tell you how to feel about something under the guise of news.
You said Drumpf never called on Russia to hack Clinton. You were wrong no matter what long winded deflection you want to post in response to the fact that he did and he is on video doing it. :rolleyes:

The next thing youre going to claim is Drumpf never said Mexico will pay for the wall.

How the hell did Trump ask ANYONE to hack a server that was already offline and had been for months and everyone in the world knew it?

At MOST you could say "Trump asked Russia to turn over emails that they had hacked in the past" but of course that doesn't sound as nefarious, so you dumb shits have to do what you dumb shits do best, be dishonest.
A server doesnt have to be online in order to be hacked dummy. :rolleyes:

Of course it does not have to be, if the RUssians had physical posession of said server, but they did not. That server was sitting in an FBI property room for months when Trump made his comments and everyone knew that as well.

Just man up and admit your error. No harm, no foul..
You should man up and admit Drumpf asked the Russians to hack the server. :rolleyes:

Which was not in a hackable state at the time. He said, "I hope you'll be able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing", nothing about hacking her server. Since the server was not in a state that could be hacked, what exactly were they supposed to hack? You make it sound like the server was still in the unprotected state that it was when Hillary was piping Sec State stuff through it.

You think Dumbshit Donnie knew that?
How the hell did Trump ask ANYONE to hack a server that was already offline and had been for months and everyone in the world knew it?

At MOST you could say "Trump asked Russia to turn over emails that they had hacked in the past" but of course that doesn't sound as nefarious, so you dumb shits have to do what you dumb shits do best, be dishonest.
A server doesnt have to be online in order to be hacked dummy. :rolleyes:

Of course it does not have to be, if the RUssians had physical posession of said server, but they did not. That server was sitting in an FBI property room for months when Trump made his comments and everyone knew that as well.

Just man up and admit your error. No harm, no foul..
You should man up and admit Drumpf asked the Russians to hack the server. :rolleyes:

Which was not in a hackable state at the time. He said, "I hope you'll be able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing", nothing about hacking her server. Since the server was not in a state that could be hacked, what exactly were they supposed to hack? You make it sound like the server was still in the unprotected state that it was when Hillary was piping Sec State stuff through it.

You think Dumbshit Donnie knew that?

He was certainly more well briefed on the subject at that point than you were. I know that much.
Man....you sure love you some opinion "journalism". And you love making misleading thread titles too.
most "journalism" these says *IS* opinion. when you see things that are written to get you to love or hate someone, that's NOT journalism, those are opinions.

you want journalism, then go watch sharyl attkisson and some of the last remaining old school journalists out there.

whatever dude. it was my minor in college and how i worked my way through college. but if you want to emo shit up, feel free.

but stating your opinion or "reporting" on other peoples opinions is not news. while some news stories may make you feel a certain way, NO DECENT REPORTER will tell you how to feel about something under the guise of news.

How many "non opinion" journalists could you name right now if you had to?
How the hell did Trump ask ANYONE to hack a server that was already offline and had been for months and everyone in the world knew it?

At MOST you could say "Trump asked Russia to turn over emails that they had hacked in the past" but of course that doesn't sound as nefarious, so you dumb shits have to do what you dumb shits do best, be dishonest.
A server doesnt have to be online in order to be hacked dummy. :rolleyes:

Of course it does not have to be, if the RUssians had physical posession of said server, but they did not. That server was sitting in an FBI property room for months when Trump made his comments and everyone knew that as well.

Just man up and admit your error. No harm, no foul..
You should man up and admit Drumpf asked the Russians to hack the server. :rolleyes:

Which was not in a hackable state at the time. He said, "I hope you'll be able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing", nothing about hacking her server. Since the server was not in a state that could be hacked, what exactly were they supposed to hack? You make it sound like the server was still in the unprotected state that it was when Hillary was piping Sec State stuff through it.

You think Dumbshit Donnie knew that?

EVERYONE knew that you dumbshit because the fucking FBI had already been leaking like a sieve about the investigation and hence EVERYONE knew that the FBI had that server and that there were approximately 30K emails that they knew had gone through that server that were longer there. If the FBI hadn't been leaking like the Titanic , Trump wouldn't even have known about the server, let alone known that the FBI had it and had determined that 30K emails were missing.

Damn some yall just dishonest right to the bone.
Hey I understand you want to run cover for that unpatriotic son of a bitch for reaching out to his Russian pals for help. It's what Republikaans do these days.
so, attack and insult but not answer the question.

this is what fools do these days. can't back up what they say so attack those who bother to ask.

His quote has already been provide. You're just being obtuse because the he didn't use the word "help' when he reached out to Russia to find and provide those emails.
so he didn't ask for help, but he asked for help.

lord i hope you wear signs to remind you to breathe cause you're being pretty fucking stupid right now.

So in order to ask for aid or assistance, one must use a particular word or it is not a valid request for assistance?
you say he's asking for help but yet can't define what he said into a HELP request.

it was a smartass comment, nothing more, nothing less. you have a hate-on for trump, so this must be made evil so you can justify your hate.

i'm not that insecure in how i feel that i have to make up reasons to feel this way.

"Russian spies began trying to hack Hillary Clinton’s personal email server on the very day Donald Trump urged the Russian government to find emails Clinton had erased, prosecutors said on Friday.

An indictment filed by Robert Mueller, the special counsel, said Russian hackers attempted “for the first time” to break into email accounts used by Clinton’s personal office “after hours” on 27 July 2016.

That day, at an event in Florida, Trump invited the Russian state to search for the approximately 30,000 emails that Clinton was found to have deleted from her private server on the grounds that they were not related to government work.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Russians tried to hack Clinton server on day Trump urged email search
Man....you sure love you some opinion "journalism". And you love making misleading thread titles too.
most "journalism" these says *IS* opinion. when you see things that are written to get you to love or hate someone, that's NOT journalism, those are opinions.

you want journalism, then go watch sharyl attkisson and some of the last remaining old school journalists out there.

whatever dude. it was my minor in college and how i worked my way through college. but if you want to emo shit up, feel free.

but stating your opinion or "reporting" on other peoples opinions is not news. while some news stories may make you feel a certain way, NO DECENT REPORTER will tell you how to feel about something under the guise of news.

How many "non opinion" journalists could you name right now if you had to?
not many - which proves my point about there not being many REAL journalists out there.

if you want to know who i respect, sharyl attkisson. i think she's an old school rock star who does her homework and reports on what she finds, not what she "feels".

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