Buh Bye Obamacare

Buh Bye Obamacare



Rural people are not going to change their vote, They always have been and always will be against anything that resembles Obama care/single payer
No one’s gonna want to pay for other peoples shit, that’s the problem with paying into a pool it’s a bad concept all the way around

Do you pay for roads you never drive on?

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The vast majority of roads in Rural areas are state funded… 90% of the roadside Drive on are gravel.
And taxpayers pay for them not the federal government, and local companies build them not the federal government

So it is not the paying for things that is a problem, it is the Feds because the state governments never waste any money

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That is the governments job, is to waste money. But keep it at a minimum
there is a solution to his rant, but he'd never listen.

There is a solution, remove the laws and rules forcing doctors and hospitals to treat people who cannot pay for their treatments.

What are the chances of that happening?

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I would not feel fine having less to pay but having to watch my neighbor dying.

Nothing is stopping you from paying for your neighbor so he doesn't die, so what's the problem? The truth is you want everyone else to pay for your neighbor while you pretend to be some good Samaritan.
Nonsense. We are talking about absolute essentials. If people cannot afford health care while others swim in money, something goes wrong.
not in our world.
Who wonders the US health care is rated worse than Mexico´s or Turkey´s? The system forces people into criminality.
Socialize medicine sucks just ask the British
Watch here for an example:
U5YMR: USA, Germay 1960 - Today
Do you pay for roads you never drive on?

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The vast majority of roads in Rural areas are state funded… 90% of the roadside Drive on are gravel.
And taxpayers pay for them not the federal government, and local companies build them not the federal government

So it is not the paying for things that is a problem, it is the Feds because the state governments never waste any money

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That is the governments job, is to waste money. But keep it at a minimum
there is a solution to his rant, but he'd never listen.

There is a solution, remove the laws and rules forcing doctors and hospitals to treat people who cannot pay for their treatments.

What are the chances of that happening?

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no, it's making affordable doctors who charge accurate prices for service. post the prices in the offices. visit is $25, shot $5, prescriptions, $5. not sure how that bankrupts someone.
Nothing is stopping you from paying for your neighbor so he doesn't die, so what's the problem? The truth is you want everyone else to pay for your neighbor while you pretend to be some good Samaritan.
Nonsense. We are talking about absolute essentials. If people cannot afford health care while others swim in money, something goes wrong.
not in our world.
Who wonders the US health care is rated worse than Mexico´s or Turkey´s? The system forces people into criminality.
Socialize medicine sucks just ask the British
Watch here for an example:
U5YMR: USA, Germay 1960 - Today
You keep your socialized medicine… We don’t want nothing to do with it
Nonsense. We are talking about absolute essentials. If people cannot afford health care while others swim in money, something goes wrong.
not in our world.
Who wonders the US health care is rated worse than Mexico´s or Turkey´s? The system forces people into criminality.
Socialize medicine sucks just ask the British
Watch here for an example:
U5YMR: USA, Germay 1960 - Today
You keep your socialized medicine… We don’t want nothing to do with it
dude, they pay double gas prices for that free healthcare. wow. I fill my two cars every ten days that's about 36 times a year. So if my price for a fill up is 30 dollars for ten gallons, it is 60 dollars in germany. so 30 time 36 x 2 is $2,160 more a year I'd pay. Riding local services is also more expensive.
not in our world.
Who wonders the US health care is rated worse than Mexico´s or Turkey´s? The system forces people into criminality.
Socialize medicine sucks just ask the British
Watch here for an example:
U5YMR: USA, Germay 1960 - Today
You keep your socialized medicine… We don’t want nothing to do with it
dude, they pay double gas prices for that free healthcare. wow.
Actually, our gas is heavily subsidized.

You know...socialism!
I thought it said the mandate was unConstitutional, not Obamacare... and what difference does the mandate mean now? I thought they got rid of it last year?
Healthcare is not a right so Obamacare is unconstitutional

That isn't what they found unConstitutional. I was the individual mandate.
Socialized medicine is unconstitutional, Because it forces people that want nothing to do with it into its collective.
Why would I want to be involved in something that does not benefit me and my family in the least?
How many are going to lose their insurance?
The good thing is, no one is going to have to pay for other peoples shit, because they couldn’t afford it anyways...

Come on now, you are not this dumb.

People without the means to pay will still be treated by medical facilities and personnel and those cost will still be paid by those that do pay.

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Socialized medicine does not work… That’s just a fact

Can you explain why it doesn't work in more that in a sentence that says it's a fact by Rustic?
Because Socialism has been tried countless times and has a 100% failure rate long-term

That's one hell of an explanation, thank you it clears everything up for me and all in one sentence. You surely were the head of your class.
As of October 2017, Oil Change International estimates United States fossil fuel exploration and production subsidies at $20.5 billion annually. Other credible estimates of annual United States fossil fuel subsidies range from $10 billion to $52 billion annually – yet none of these include costs borne by taxpayers related to the climate, local environmental, and health impacts of the fossil fuel industry.

Fossil Fuel Subsidies & Finance - Oil Change International
How many are going to lose their insurance?

Carrying a card around with $5k - $6k deductible is not insurance.

A $5000 or $6000 deductible is giving you personal responsibility before any insurance kicks in. Isn't that what the right believes PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY?
Except for with Obama care in its original form, forces people that want nothing to do with it to pay for other people they cannot afford it, in turn them themselves cannot afford it...
It’s a 100% fucked up concept
Buh Bye Obamacare

I'll have to come back to this thread in around 5-6 weeks after I have completed my ACA certification for 2019.
Who wonders the US health care is rated worse than Mexico´s or Turkey´s? The system forces people into criminality.
Socialize medicine sucks just ask the British
Watch here for an example:
U5YMR: USA, Germay 1960 - Today
You keep your socialized medicine… We don’t want nothing to do with it
dude, they pay double gas prices for that free healthcare. wow.
Actually, our gas is heavily subsidized.

You know...socialism!
That’s why it should be stopped, any form of socialism sucks
As of October 2017, Oil Change International estimates United States fossil fuel exploration and production subsidies at $20.5 billion annually. Other credible estimates of annual United States fossil fuel subsidies range from $10 billion to $52 billion annually – yet none of these include costs borne by taxpayers related to the climate, local environmental, and health impacts of the fossil fuel industry.

Fossil Fuel Subsidies & Finance - Oil Change International
Any form of energy should not be subsidized… But then again the federal government should be starved of taxes, then they would not have to be subsidized...
Buh Bye Obamacare

I'll have to come back to this thread in around 5-6 weeks after I have completed my ACA certification for 2019.
You urbanites can keep that shit to yourselves, The rest of us want nothing to do with it

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