Buh Bye Obamacare

How many are going to lose their insurance?

Carrying a card around with $5k - $6k deductible is not insurance.
The fat big shots driving their diamond luxury SUVs on tax payer funded roads should give their share so that the poor can get the treatment they need.

I'm not poor.
So? And why does the cost of health care bother you then?

Cost of healthcare??
The cost of healthcare has gone down.
Same illnesses as 10 years ago, cost less today.
It is the cost of insurance that keeps going up. And Obamacare did not address that, nor did it address big-pharma.
How many are going to lose their insurance?

Who cares? Health Insurance and Health Care in general ARE NOT Rights.
In my country they are. How many should die?

We're not in your country, so why do you care? Furthermore, you ask how many should die, yet the statistics show you have better odds of surviving a serious illness or condition in our country than in yours. We don't have to wait six months to see a doctor.
You need to provide the stats and prove I have to wait six month for a doctor. We have to improve - ban all the money making from the health care and treatment sectors. What is being earned only increases the patients´ costs. I support a single government insurance.
stay where you are then. no need to interfere in our business eh?
The other way round and its - anti-americanism.
How many are going to lose their insurance?

Carrying a card around with $5k - $6k deductible is not insurance.
The fat big shots driving their diamond luxury SUVs on tax payer funded roads should give their share so that the poor can get the treatment they need.

I'm not poor.
So? And why does the cost of health care bother you then?

Cost of healthcare??
The cost of healthcare has gone down.
Same illnesses as 10 years ago, cost less today.
It is the cost of insurance that keeps going up. And Obamacare did not address that, nor did it address big-pharma.
That´s largely the same here. Obamacare is certainly not a good solution but maybe a step towards the right direction.
Healthcare is not a right so Obamacare is unconstitutional

That isn't what they found unConstitutional. I was the individual mandate.
Socialized medicine is unconstitutional, Because it forces people that want nothing to do with it into its collective.
Why would I want to be involved in something that does not benefit me and my family in the least?

That's YOUR opinion. This thread is total lies. They found the individual mandate which has already been taken away, as unconstitutional. Why are you guys continuing to lie?
Your collective is a collection of lies

I'll say this again, maybe you'll eventually understand.

The DOJ said the individual mandate is unconstitutional.

The individual mandate was taken off the books LAST YEAR.

The individual mandate is NOT Obamacare.

Obamacare is not going Buh Bye.

This thread is a lie.
Just like socialism, if socialism was any good it would never have to be forced on anyone. It is always forced on people...
And once people get a taste of it they fucking hate it
How many people have preexisting conditions that insurance companies were made to cover under the ACA? I bet the number is in the millions. Now the DOJ says that clause of the ACA is null and void, thus they everyone that was covered due to ObamaCare can be dropped.

That's the delusion at the core of ACA. It rots the rest of the law from the inside out.
Only because the mandate was poorly implemented.
that's an understatement. it should never have been created. The dems should have sought out bipartisan support and done it right. but noooooooooooooooo all I heard was fk the repubs. and fk em slow.

The Republicans made it very clear that they were not going to work with Obama on this. Obama did talk to some moderate Republicans but pressure was brought to bear on them by the party. The mandate was created by the CONSERVATIVE Heritage Foundation.
that's total bullshit. I'm calling you on that. obammy wanted something and it was different than what the republicans wanted. that's why one negotiates. ever hear of the word before? see you leftist always want things your way only. the world doesn't work that way.

Have you ever heard of the word before. Obama talked with Republicans and they were not interested in compromise. The mandate was a CONSERVATIVE idea. You have no idea what a leftist is. Support for some form of Obamacare is over 50%. If over 50% are leftists, you are in trouble. Also waiting for the Republicans to start compromising. That is why Republicans could lose the House. To Democrats talking about reaching across the aisle.
See post 13.

Sooner or later, you rubes will catch on that Trump is, and always has been, a New York liberal.

Well, maybe YOU won't catch on...
It really doesn’t matter, he is pissing off progressives by his actions. That is always a good thing. Progressives are the original shit eaters

That is all that matters to you. You are one sick dude who needs mental help. IF that is what conservatives are about then it needs to be destroyed.
Progressive ideas and rules do not suit rural America, In fact it’s a cancer. The collective is an evil concept

Is that why so many rural states get Obamacare subsidies. Helping people has nothing to do with the collective. That is what insurance is about.
Weakness is contagious, resistance to the collective is what’s best for rural America...

We spend the most in the World, that's so good right?

No one can defend these charts, just the mentally feeble.

Carrying a card around with $5k - $6k deductible is not insurance.
The fat big shots driving their diamond luxury SUVs on tax payer funded roads should give their share so that the poor can get the treatment they need.

I'm not poor.
So? And why does the cost of health care bother you then?

Cost of healthcare??
The cost of healthcare has gone down.
Same illnesses as 10 years ago, cost less today.
It is the cost of insurance that keeps going up. And Obamacare did not address that, nor did it address big-pharma.
That´s largely the same here. Obamacare is certainly not a good solution but maybe a step towards the right direction.
Na, any type of socialized medicine is not welcome here
How many are going to lose their insurance?

Who cares? Health Insurance and Health Care in general ARE NOT Rights.
In my country they are. How many should die?

We're not in your country, so why do you care? Furthermore, you ask how many should die, yet the statistics show you have better odds of surviving a serious illness or condition in our country than in yours. We don't have to wait six months to see a doctor.

I have two friends who live in Canada and neither do they.
That isn't what they found unConstitutional. I was the individual mandate.
Socialized medicine is unconstitutional, Because it forces people that want nothing to do with it into its collective.
Why would I want to be involved in something that does not benefit me and my family in the least?

That's YOUR opinion. This thread is total lies. They found the individual mandate which has already been taken away, as unconstitutional. Why are you guys continuing to lie?
Your collective is a collection of lies

I'll say this again, maybe you'll eventually understand.

The DOJ said the individual mandate is unconstitutional.

The individual mandate was taken off the books LAST YEAR.

The individual mandate is NOT Obamacare.

Obamacare is not going Buh Bye.

This thread is a lie.
Just like socialism, if socialism was any good it would never have to be forced on anyone. It is always forced on people...
And once people get a taste of it they fucking hate it

Why can't you discuss what I am posting, and discuss the truth? At no point did I say anything about socialism.

Was Obamacare or the individual mandate found unconstitutional? It was the mandate... which was ALREADY gotten rid of LAST YEAR.
That's the delusion at the core of ACA. It rots the rest of the law from the inside out.
Only because the mandate was poorly implemented.
that's an understatement. it should never have been created. The dems should have sought out bipartisan support and done it right. but noooooooooooooooo all I heard was fk the repubs. and fk em slow.

The Republicans made it very clear that they were not going to work with Obama on this. Obama did talk to some moderate Republicans but pressure was brought to bear on them by the party. The mandate was created by the CONSERVATIVE Heritage Foundation.
that's total bullshit. I'm calling you on that. obammy wanted something and it was different than what the republicans wanted. that's why one negotiates. ever hear of the word before? see you leftist always want things your way only. the world doesn't work that way.

Have you ever heard of the word before. Obama talked with Republicans and they were not interested in compromise. The mandate was a CONSERVATIVE idea. You have no idea what a leftist is. Support for some form of Obamacare is over 50%. If over 50% are leftists, you are in trouble. Also waiting for the Republicans to start compromising. That is why Republicans could lose the House. To Democrats talking about reaching across the aisle.
Romneycare/Obamacare was never good for the individual from start to finish… I don’t care what any career politicians are telling you... you’re wrong
… And Obama is a shit eater
It really doesn’t matter, he is pissing off progressives by his actions. That is always a good thing. Progressives are the original shit eaters

That is all that matters to you. You are one sick dude who needs mental help. IF that is what conservatives are about then it needs to be destroyed.
Progressive ideas and rules do not suit rural America, In fact it’s a cancer. The collective is an evil concept

Is that why so many rural states get Obamacare subsidies. Helping people has nothing to do with the collective. That is what insurance is about.
Weakness is contagious, resistance to the collective is what’s best for rural America...

We spend the most in the World, that's so good right?

No one can defend these charts, just the mentally feeble.

Urban America does not represent America
Socialized medicine is unconstitutional, Because it forces people that want nothing to do with it into its collective.
Why would I want to be involved in something that does not benefit me and my family in the least?

That's YOUR opinion. This thread is total lies. They found the individual mandate which has already been taken away, as unconstitutional. Why are you guys continuing to lie?
Your collective is a collection of lies

I'll say this again, maybe you'll eventually understand.

The DOJ said the individual mandate is unconstitutional.

The individual mandate was taken off the books LAST YEAR.

The individual mandate is NOT Obamacare.

Obamacare is not going Buh Bye.

This thread is a lie.
Just like socialism, if socialism was any good it would never have to be forced on anyone. It is always forced on people...
And once people get a taste of it they fucking hate it

Why can't you discuss what I am posting, and discuss the truth? At no point did I say anything about socialism.

Was Obamacare or the individual mandate found unconstitutional? It was the mandate... which was ALREADY gotten rid of LAST YEAR.
So what’s your point?
That's YOUR opinion. This thread is total lies. They found the individual mandate which has already been taken away, as unconstitutional. Why are you guys continuing to lie?
Your collective is a collection of lies

I'll say this again, maybe you'll eventually understand.

The DOJ said the individual mandate is unconstitutional.

The individual mandate was taken off the books LAST YEAR.

The individual mandate is NOT Obamacare.

Obamacare is not going Buh Bye.

This thread is a lie.
Just like socialism, if socialism was any good it would never have to be forced on anyone. It is always forced on people...
And once people get a taste of it they fucking hate it

Why can't you discuss what I am posting, and discuss the truth? At no point did I say anything about socialism.

Was Obamacare or the individual mandate found unconstitutional? It was the mandate... which was ALREADY gotten rid of LAST YEAR.
So what’s your point?

You guys are celebrating something that doesn't matter... because the mandate was REMOVED LAST YEAR. And you are portraying the decision as if it is ALL of Obamacare, it isn't.
That is all that matters to you. You are one sick dude who needs mental help. IF that is what conservatives are about then it needs to be destroyed.
Progressive ideas and rules do not suit rural America, In fact it’s a cancer. The collective is an evil concept

Is that why so many rural states get Obamacare subsidies. Helping people has nothing to do with the collective. That is what insurance is about.
Weakness is contagious, resistance to the collective is what’s best for rural America...

We spend the most in the World, that's so good right?

No one can defend these charts, just the mentally feeble.

Urban America does not represent America

Americans pay a significant amount more on healthcare than any country in the World, and yet we don't live longer.

The problem is Individualists they are hardly even Human, they don't think much at all, if they do it's always about themselves only.

F*ck Individualists I care about society, obviously Individualists just care about "Me,Mine, and Now"
Progressive ideas and rules do not suit rural America, In fact it’s a cancer. The collective is an evil concept

Is that why so many rural states get Obamacare subsidies. Helping people has nothing to do with the collective. That is what insurance is about.
Weakness is contagious, resistance to the collective is what’s best for rural America...

We spend the most in the World, that's so good right?

No one can defend these charts, just the mentally feeble.

Urban America does not represent America

Americans pay a significant amount more on healthcare than any country in the World, and yet we don't live longer.

The problem is Individualists they are hardly even Human, they don't think much at all, if they do it's always about themselves only.

F*ck Individualists I care about society, obviously Individualists just care about "Me,Mine, and Now"
Keep your collective to yourself the rest of us want nothing to do with it
That´s largely the same here. Obamacare is certainly not a good solution but maybe a step towards the right direction.

Only it wasn't.
It was a step in the wrong direction.
Millions of people Blie...working people...people who had health insurance for years (I am one of them).... LOST.... insurance due to Obamacare allowing companies under so many employees to not have to provide coverage.
But.... people without jobs got insurance. You want to say that was the right direction?
SO I was on Obamacare for 7 worthless months. I paid $640/mo just for me, with a ridiculous $6500 deductible. Because I qualified for no "assistance".
Thank God I am now covered by my wife...where we pay $440 for BOTH of us with a $1500 deductible.
Yeah...Obamacare is great.
Is that why so many rural states get Obamacare subsidies. Helping people has nothing to do with the collective. That is what insurance is about.
Weakness is contagious, resistance to the collective is what’s best for rural America...

We spend the most in the World, that's so good right?

No one can defend these charts, just the mentally feeble.

Urban America does not represent America

Americans pay a significant amount more on healthcare than any country in the World, and yet we don't live longer.

The problem is Individualists they are hardly even Human, they don't think much at all, if they do it's always about themselves only.

F*ck Individualists I care about society, obviously Individualists just care about "Me,Mine, and Now"
Keep your collective to yourself the rest of us want nothing to do with it

If the majority benefit significantly, it's therefor beneficial for the society.

Only really f*cked up Individualists disagree, and think it's better for Americans to pay more for healthcare, or even die from treatable conditions.

That this is somehow part of patriotic America.

Letting your fellow Americans pay more, or die when it comes to healthcare, is outright ridiculous.

Individualists don't belong in any kind of civilized society, they are probably not even Human.
The threat of insurance loss is still a long ways off, but this is just in time for the elections.

Peoples lives will literally depend on replacing Republicans with Democrats in both the House and the Senate.
Weakness is contagious, resistance to the collective is what’s best for rural America...

We spend the most in the World, that's so good right?

No one can defend these charts, just the mentally feeble.

Urban America does not represent America

Americans pay a significant amount more on healthcare than any country in the World, and yet we don't live longer.

The problem is Individualists they are hardly even Human, they don't think much at all, if they do it's always about themselves only.

F*ck Individualists I care about society, obviously Individualists just care about "Me,Mine, and Now"
Keep your collective to yourself the rest of us want nothing to do with it

If the majority benefit significantly, it's therefor beneficial for the society.

Only really f*cked up Individualists disagree, and think it's better for Americans to pay more for healthcare, or even die from treatable conditions.

That this is somehow part of patriotic America.

Letting your fellow Americans pay more, or die when it comes to healthcare, is outright ridiculous.

Individualists don't belong in any kind of civilized society, they are probably not even Human.
Says someone who trusts the collective...
The threat of insurance loss is still a long ways off, but this is just in time for the elections.

Peoples lives will literally depend on replacing Republicans with Democrats in both the House and the Senate.
Na, Only fools trust the federal government

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