Buh Bye Obamacare

We spend the most in the World, that's so good right?

No one can defend these charts, just the mentally feeble.

Urban America does not represent America

Americans pay a significant amount more on healthcare than any country in the World, and yet we don't live longer.

The problem is Individualists they are hardly even Human, they don't think much at all, if they do it's always about themselves only.

F*ck Individualists I care about society, obviously Individualists just care about "Me,Mine, and Now"
Keep your collective to yourself the rest of us want nothing to do with it

If the majority benefit significantly, it's therefor beneficial for the society.

Only really f*cked up Individualists disagree, and think it's better for Americans to pay more for healthcare, or even die from treatable conditions.

That this is somehow part of patriotic America.

Letting your fellow Americans pay more, or die when it comes to healthcare, is outright ridiculous.

Individualists don't belong in any kind of civilized society, they are probably not even Human.
Says someone who trusts the collective...

Collectivists care about society, all Individualists care about is themselves.

I certainly don't want my people to be replaced by Third-World riff-raffs, or dying from lack of healthcare.

All Individualists think of is "Me, mine, and now" a totally revolting ideology.
Urban America does not represent America

Americans pay a significant amount more on healthcare than any country in the World, and yet we don't live longer.

The problem is Individualists they are hardly even Human, they don't think much at all, if they do it's always about themselves only.

F*ck Individualists I care about society, obviously Individualists just care about "Me,Mine, and Now"
Keep your collective to yourself the rest of us want nothing to do with it

If the majority benefit significantly, it's therefor beneficial for the society.

Only really f*cked up Individualists disagree, and think it's better for Americans to pay more for healthcare, or even die from treatable conditions.

That this is somehow part of patriotic America.

Letting your fellow Americans pay more, or die when it comes to healthcare, is outright ridiculous.

Individualists don't belong in any kind of civilized society, they are probably not even Human.
Says someone who trusts the collective...

Collectivists care about society, all Individualists care about is themselves.

I certainly don't want my people to be replaced by Third-World riff-raffs, or dying from lack of healthcare.

All Individualists think of is "Me, mine, and now" a totally revolting ideology.
Worse than most can imagine. The cult leadership has convinced the lower and middle classes to vote and work against themselves and give blind support to the leaders who are robbing them. They will send their mothers and fathers, grandparents and even children to their graves after living in misery and suffering because Emperor Trump told them to.
Weakness is contagious, resistance to the collective is what’s best for rural America...

We spend the most in the World, that's so good right?

No one can defend these charts, just the mentally feeble.

Urban America does not represent America

Americans pay a significant amount more on healthcare than any country in the World, and yet we don't live longer.

The problem is Individualists they are hardly even Human, they don't think much at all, if they do it's always about themselves only.

F*ck Individualists I care about society, obviously Individualists just care about "Me,Mine, and Now"
Keep your collective to yourself the rest of us want nothing to do with it

If the majority benefit significantly, it's therefor beneficial for the society.

Only really f*cked up Individualists disagree, and think it's better for Americans to pay more for healthcare, or even die from treatable conditions.

That this is somehow part of patriotic America.

Letting your fellow Americans pay more, or die when it comes to healthcare, is outright ridiculous.

Individualists don't belong in any kind of civilized society, they are probably not even Human.

Wow... I can't believe I agree with something you are saying.

Somehow the idea of a capitalist society has become, more about greed than the idea of being able to move up in class through hard work and determination.
not in our world.
Who wonders the US health care is rated worse than Mexico´s or Turkey´s? The system forces people into criminality.
Socialize medicine sucks just ask the British
Watch here for an example:
U5YMR: USA, Germay 1960 - Today
You keep your socialized medicine… We don’t want nothing to do with it
dude, they pay double gas prices for that free healthcare. wow. I fill my two cars every ten days that's about 36 times a year. So if my price for a fill up is 30 dollars for ten gallons, it is 60 dollars in germany. so 30 time 36 x 2 is $2,160 more a year I'd pay. Riding local services is also more expensive.
I bet your health insurance is more than 2160 year

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The next thing that needs to happen is all the laws forcing medical facilities and personnel to provide care and products to those who cannot pay need to be removed from the books.

Anyone that chooses not to have insurance should either pay cash or be sent away...no matter their condition

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Repeal EMTALA.
That´s largely the same here. Obamacare is certainly not a good solution but maybe a step towards the right direction.

Only it wasn't.
It was a step in the wrong direction.
Millions of people Blie...working people...people who had health insurance for years (I am one of them).... LOST.... insurance due to Obamacare allowing companies under so many employees to not have to provide coverage.
But.... people without jobs got insurance. You want to say that was the right direction?
SO I was on Obamacare for 7 worthless months. I paid $640/mo just for me, with a ridiculous $6500 deductible. Because I qualified for no "assistance".
Thank God I am now covered by my wife...where we pay $440 for BOTH of us with a $1500 deductible.
Yeah...Obamacare is great.
I have no information on that but that sounds idiotic, indeed.
The IRS, despite being told to stand down, is trying to collect individual mandates. They just spit back our tax returns over it so we have to send in the middle finger paper work - the bronze plan for me is $1,700+ a month. Meanwhile, I pay out of pocket (cash only) for my medical as needed, at about half the cost of all you morons blowing money on the health insurance scam.

You want to contribute thousands of investment dollars to insurance scammers, have at you, but don't force me and mine to be stupid just because ya'll are.
The next thing that needs to happen is all the laws forcing medical facilities and personnel to provide care and products to those who cannot pay need to be removed from the books.

Anyone that chooses not to have insurance should either pay cash or be sent away...no matter their condition

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Repeal EMTALA.

It will never happen because we don’t have the stomach to see people dying outside of a hospital for lack of the ability to pay

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The next thing that needs to happen is all the laws forcing medical facilities and personnel to provide care and products to those who cannot pay need to be removed from the books.

Anyone that chooses not to have insurance should either pay cash or be sent away...no matter their condition

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Repeal EMTALA.

It will never happen because we don’t have the stomach to see people dying outside of a hospital for lack of the ability to pay

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Not so sure about that. Peeps don't have a problem with seeing folks dead on the side of the road for DUI or texting... in fact, they'll slow down and stare then call the peeps dumbasses half the time.
Obamacare was crammed down America's throat. Total socialism and you will assimilate

F- that

You want healthcare?

Give up your Iphone, the movies and other nice to haves and pay for healthcare if you want it

If not, fine. I'm good with that

Obamacare was crammed down America's throat. Total socialism and you will assimilate

F- that

You want healthcare?

Give up your Iphone, the movies and other nice to haves and pay for healthcare if you want it

If not, fine. I'm good with that


All these people who are so pathetically dependent upon the state don't even realize that pretty much every hospital and every clinic and every emergency room in this nation has a CHARITY program (or multiples) that will facilitate treatment to anybody no matter their ability to pay.

They pretend these programs don't exist..but they do and they always have.
Obamacare was crammed down America's throat. Total socialism and you will assimilate

F- that

You want healthcare?

Give up your Iphone, the movies and other nice to haves and pay for healthcare if you want it

If not, fine. I'm good with that


All these people who are so pathetically dependent upon the state don't even realize that pretty much every hospital and every clinic and every emergency room in this nation has a CHARITY program (or multiples) that will facilitate treatment to anybody no matter their ability to pay.

They pretend these programs don't exist..but they do and they always have.

Yep,in So Cal for instance. If you had insurance you could go to a private hospital like St Johns in Oxnard. If not, you were sent the Ventura Community for treatment. Those who say they can't afford healthcare have skewed financial priorities


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