Bullhorn Lady Arrested

This woman was seen with a battering ram smashing her way into the Capitol and later "directing traffic" with what appeared to be an insiders knowledge of the Capitol layout.

This little lady with a pink hat? She smashed her way in with a battering ram? Wow, I'd love to see that! Gotta picture? Any photo of her with a bullhorn?

I guess that means my 8th grade granddaughter could break into the Capitol anytime! Better get some security!

Gee you sure are a funnyfuck. :laugh2:
And hopefully we will find out who on the inside was helping.
And who shot Ashley Burbitt(?)
The last I heard police are certain that a private security man for a Congressman pulled trigger
so I can't wait to see who that was.
It was AOC.
She’ll change her story and say she wasn’t anywhere near the capitol building when it happened. She was tucked away in an office in an adjacent building being raped by Ted Cruz.
No, it's not a secret and, yes, they could've known where to go by consulting maps...
Sure would take some advanced planning though

Not a great deal...
What is the quantitative planning threshold for a conspiracy? I thought it was zero.

I don't know.

Then again, that's not what was being discussed. What was being discussed was how difficult it is to find your way around the Capitol.

It's not difficult at all...
I thought the planning was being discussed. Since it is and was part of the OP. Any planning between individuals is collusion. If it is a crime, it is conspiracy.

I was responding specifically to the issue of how difficult it is to find your way around the Capitol...
Difficult enough that someone with a bullhorn had to direct them, apparently. And they listened, i.e., conspired.

Um, okay...
Well, those are the basic facts of the matter. And while it may not be difficult for someone to have planned their actions and route within the Capitol ahead of time, we arent talking about a bunch of intelligent, thoughtful people, here. A mob is a mob. And every member of Congress that violated the rules and gave tours to the rioters the previous day should have to sit in a hearing on live TV and be examined by one of the former prosecutors sitting in Congress.

Cool! Then no complaints from you. Perfect.

So why do you suppose there isn't a monolithic outcry from Congress to get to the bottom of this? Pretty easy answer.

Why would I complain about the difficulty, or lack thereof, of finding one's way around the Capitol?
That's not the complaining i was referring to. I meant there will be no complaints if these congresspeople are grilled for any aid to the conspiracy.

Oh, okay...
For most of the year the BLM and Antifa mob has been burning looting and killing and there appears to be no punishment for any of it.
Just out of curiosity, have you spent any time whatsoever trying to determine if anyone was prosecuted?
For most of the year the BLM and Antifa mob has been burning looting and killing and there appears to be no punishment for any of it.
Just out of curiosity, have you spent any time whatsoever trying to determine if anyone was prosecuted?
Your faux-VP bailed them out.
What does that have to do with anything?
Will she be impeached for demonstrably fomenting and abetting insurrection?
Will she be impeached for demonstrably fomenting and abetting insurrection?
No. Because that is an absurd allegation.
Only if you’re a narrow-minded lefty.
Kommie the Ho’ advocated for rioting and destruction. She just used the euphemism ‘protest’ for cover. She encouraged donations to a bail fund for arrested rioters — I mean, protesters.
Impeach that imposter.

This woman was seen with a battering ram smashing her way into the Capitol and later "directing traffic" with what appeared to be an insiders knowledge of the Capitol layout.

This could get real interesting...finding out how she came by the information (Boebert?)
There is a reason certain members of Congress (Republicans) want to move past January 6th. Let bygones be bygones. Look to the future. Forget the past.

The FBI will find that reason.

For most of the year the BLM and Antifa mob has been burning looting and killing and there appears to be no punishment for any of it.

Now, all of a sudden, Democrats care about mob violence.
You trump Nazis should give up on that lie, only you loonies believe it. Everyone else knows the truth, so the trump Nazis' bullsh!t won't change any of their minds.

Will she be impeached for demonstrably fomenting and abetting insurrection?
No. Because that is an absurd allegation.
Only if you’re a narrow-minded lefty.
Kommie the Ho’ advocated for rioting and destruction. She just used the euphemism ‘protest’ for cover. She encouraged donations to a bail fund for arrested rioters — I mean, protesters.
Impeach that imposter.

Show me the person that violated any law as a result of her words.

Bail is for accused criminals. I guess maybe you don’t believe in innocent until proven guilty.
Will she be impeached for demonstrably fomenting and abetting insurrection?
No. Because that is an absurd allegation.
Only if you’re a narrow-minded lefty.
Kommie the Ho’ advocated for rioting and destruction. She just used the euphemism ‘protest’ for cover. She encouraged donations to a bail fund for arrested rioters — I mean, protesters.
Impeach that imposter.

Show me the person that violated any law as a result of her words.

Bail is for accused criminals. I guess maybe you don’t believe in innocent until proven guilty.
There were too many to count.
Why didn’t she encourage bail donations for everyone in jail?
There were too many to count.
Why didn’t she encourage bail donations for everyone in jail?
Not asking for a count. I’m asking for an example. You can’t provide one. Not a single one.

Going to make it a little harder to make a case against her.

You don’t actually know what Harris did. Your last sentence proves this.
There were too many to count.
Why didn’t she encourage bail donations for everyone in jail?
Not asking for a count. I’m asking for an example. You can’t provide one. Not a single one.

Going to make it a little harder to make a case against her.

You don’t actually know what Harris did. Your last sentence proves this.
You’re acting like Monty Python’s Black Knight.
She encouraged the entire rioting fiasco on multiple levels!
Your response: It’s only a flesh wound.

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